The following article by Ian Robinson was transcribed verbatim from:



Suppressed All-Natural Aid for Cancer Revealed!



The FDA is considering revoking the world’s best-selling anti-cancer drug… because evidence suggests the bad outweighs the good. The review – happening now – questions whether the high-priced cancer drug offers any real benefits at all. It further poses the question: why was it approved in the first place? Only one study showed even minimal benefits at that time.

In sharp contrast, an ancient Native American herbal tea has been shown to have incredible cancer-fighting benefits… and has almost 100 years of medical research to back it up. But chances are you’ve never even heard about it. That’s because Canadian authorities did everything they could to suppress the all-natural formula… going so far as to threaten the “inventor” with imprisonment and virtually banning the herbal tea!


Anti-Cancer Drug in Doubt

The drug in doubt is Avastin. Avastin enjoys about $5.8 billion in global sales each year and is the number one anti-cancer drug. The drug costs about $8,000 each month and treats several forms of cancer.

The FDA approved Avastin two years ago as a treatment for breast cancer. It’s since been prescribed to about 1,700 women with breast cancer. Sales generated from breast cancer alone equal about $855 million in the US each year. Now, a scientific committee is advising that Avastin – as a treatment for breast cancer – be removed from the market.

However there were plenty of doubts about whether it would be effective even when it was first approved. In fact, just one study showed any benefits. Those findings suggested that the drug delayed the growth of an advanced breast tumor by about five months. The same study showed no evidence that patients lived longer or enjoyed any improvement in quality of life.

On that basis, the FDA pushed Avastin through under a special program to get new treatments out as quickly as possible. As part of the deal, the drug makers would conduct follow-up studies supporting the drug’s effectiveness.

The committee has now reviewed two of those new studies… and both show that the drug fails to extend life. Worse, the results indicate the drug only slows tumor growth for less than a month.

Wyndham Wilson, of the National Cancer Institute, chaired the committee.

"The drug is not doing very much,” he says. “What it is doing is more than offset by the negatives."

Those negatives include:

  • blood clots
  • bleeding and
  • heart failure.

After reviewing the facts, the committee has recommended that the FDA pull the plug on Avastin.

"The FDA should never have approved Avastin for breast cancer to begin with," said Fran Visco of the National Breast Cancer Coalition. "We don’t see evidence of benefit, but we do see evidence of harm."

The FDA is currently reviewing the committee’s recommendation. Its decision is expected in the next six weeks.

While the FDA is quick to approve risky drugs with little evidence to back them up, it’s refused to recognize the benefits of a simple herbal tea that’s been used by Native Americans for centuries… and has almost a century of documented research to support it.


An Ancient Solution

In 1922, Canadian nurse Rene Caisse noticed scarring on the breast of an elderly woman she was attending. When she asked her about it, the woman told her that it was because of the breast cancer she’d been diagnosed with 30 years earlier.

She’d been told she needed breast cancer treatment but she simply couldn’t afford it. She met an old Native American medicine man. And he told her he could aid her cancer with herbal tea. She tried the tea and her cancer went into remission for over 30 years.

Nurse Caisse was amazed… and she studied the list of herbs that the old lady passed onto her.

One year later, she was chatting with a retired doctor friend of hers. He happened to mention that if people used the herb sheep sorrel, there’d be a lot less cancer in the world.

She was intrigued: the same herb was on the Native American healer’s list…

But it was six months later before she had chance to test out her theory. Her aunt was diagnosed with stomach cancer and given just six months to live.

Nurse Caisse started treating her aunt with the tea. Her aunt went on to live another 21 years, cancer free.

She tested the treatment a second time on her mother after she too was diagnosed with inoperable cancer. She was given just weeks to live. So Nurse Caisse tried the tea again, and her mother went on to live a cancer-free life for the next 18 years.

Seeing the results first-hand, she began running herbal combinations on mice and human cancer patients. It was the beginning of 30 years of research and discovery.

The original formula mixed eight different herbs including:

  • Blessed thistle
  • Burdock root
  • Indian rhubarb root
  • Kelp
  • Sheep sorrel
  • Slippery elm inner bark
  • Red clover
  • Watercress

After much experimentation, she refined her formula to just four herbs: burdock root, Indian rhubarb, sheep sorrel, and slippery elm. And she called her formula Essiac (Caisse spelled backwards).


Promise Backed by Proof

Nurse Caisse opened a cancer clinic and – under the observation of several doctors – she tested her formulas by injecting patients with individual herbs to see which proved most effective.

Nurse Caisse went on to treat thousands of cancer patients. All of her treatments were free and the results were so good that 55,000 people signed a petition in 1938. The petition requested the Ontario legislation recognize Essiac.

The bill failed to pass by just three votes. Within a week of filing the petition, a new "Cancer Commission" was introduced. This commission had the power to control and suppress all future cancer treatments.

The Commission suppressed her research. They threatened to imprison her and forced her to close down her Bracebridge Cancer Clinic in the summer of 1938.

She closed her clinic and partnered with Dr. Charles Brusch. They treated patients with the same eight-herb tea, just as the Native Americans had originally done. Dr. Brusch eventually used Essiac in his own fight against cancer.

In a notarized letter, he noted that Essiac “reduces pain and causes a recession in tumor growth. Patients gained weight and showed great improvement in health.”

The results he found back in the 40s have been borne out by recent research.

Two recent studies have shown that Essiac does combat cancer effectively.

The first study, in 2004, showed that Essiac inhibits tumor cell growth – and enhances immune response. The second study, in 2006, further backed this up. It revealed that Essiac increases cytotoxicity towards prostate cancer cells and has huge antioxidant properties.

And there are plenty of modern doctors who also support it.

“I’ve seen the effects of Essiac first hand,” says Allen Spreen, MD.

Dr. Spreen describes how he treated a father with a 13-year-old son. The son had cancer so bad that the only option was experimental chemotherapy. Even with treatment, he was likely to lose the leg that had the cancer.

Dr. Spreen told him about Essiac and all the studies and research he’d read on it. Desperate for his boy, the father left the US and went to Canada to seek a cure.

Three years later, Dr. Spreen was shocked to find a healthy, 16-year-old man in his office. It was the boy, returning briefly from Canada where he now lived with his father. He’d returned to say thanks to Dr. Spreen and to tell him that Essiac alone had saved his leg – and likely his life.


Formula Fights Cancer

Nurse Caisse’s formula used four herbs to fight cancer. These included:

Burdock Root: Hungarian researchers showed that Burdock Root had anti-tumor activity due to inulin. The researchers found that it attached to white blood cells and enhanced immune function. They showed it also contains benzaledhyde which has significant anti-cancer effects in humans.

Sheep Sorrel: This was used in cancer treatment as early as the 1740s. It contains chlorophyll, which carries oxygen to cells.

Slippery Elm: Studies have shown this herb offers anti-tumor activity and is an anti-inflammatory agent.

Indian Rhubarb Root: Rich in iron, this herb purges the liver and body of waste. It contains aloe emodin which studies show inhibit tumors.


Suppressed Formula Revealed At Last

Nurse Caisse and Dr. Brusch spent decades refining the Essiac recipe. They created the formula through years of experimentation on real cancer patients. And this is the suppressed formula they came up with.

  • Six-and-a-half cups of burdock root
  • One pound of sheep sorrel, powdered
  • One-quarter pound of slippery elm bark, powdered
  • One ounce of Turkish rhubarb root, powdered

Mix the ingredients and store in a glass jar in a dark cupboard. Use one ounce of herb mixture per 32 ounces of water. Boil rapidly for 10 minutes (covered). Turn off heat and leave overnight (covered).

In the morning, heat until steaming hot and let settle for three minutes. Strain through a fine strainer into hot sterilized bottles and let cool. Store in a dark, cool cupboard.

Tea must be refrigerated after opening.

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  • This makes me so angry. One weird thing I have also noticed though, is that when I go through a whole day eating healthy - I get headaches and if I eat some "bad food" (chips, fries, pizza..) it goes away. Scary!
  • Yes! Thank you!!

  • The following was transcribed verbatim from:

    What is "whole herb" Essiac tea?

    Sheila Snow, who knew Rene Caisse and Mary McPherson personally, uncovered evidence that Rene Caisse used the whole sheep sorrel plant, not just the leaves. Rene Caisse considered sheep sorrel roots to be an essential part of the Essiac formula and that the tea would not be nearly as effective without the roots. Also, Mary McPherson specified "sheep sorrel herb" (not just the leaves) in her 1994 affidavit which revealed the correct Essiac formula. Therefore, Essiac tea without sheep sorrel roots is not authentic Essiac tea and, according to Rene, may not even be effective enough to regress cancer.

    One of the reasons why people no longer get the phenomenal results that Rene Caisse did in her Bracebridge, Ontario Cancer Clinic is because "Most people don't include Sheep sorrel root in the remedy." [See THE ESSIAC BOOK by Mali Klein, p. 93.]

    From a nutritional approach it is often better to use the whole herb—e.g., leaves, roots, stems, flowers and seeds. Different parts of plants contain different substances in varying amounts. The whole herb concept offers more vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, enzymes and other substances that modern science has yet to recognize or discover. For example, the seeds of many herbs contain a substance called laetrile, which has been reported to be most helpful in the treatment and prevention of cancer. Some suppliers of Essiac herbs and formulas use only sheep sorrel leaves and lots of stems as well. Harvesting sheep sorrel roots, for example, requires more time, expense and processing, plus it kills the plant. Consequently, whole herb Essiac usually costs more to produce.

    Where can people get authentic Essiac tea with sheep sorrel roots included?

    The three sources listed below do provide Essiac tea with sheep sorrel roots included. (This website,, no longer provides herbs for Essiac tea.)

    US & CANADA: The North American source for authentic Essiac tea with sheep sorrel roots is They also ship internationally.

    UNITED KINGDOM: In the UK authentic Essiac tea with sheep sorrel roots can be obtained from Clouds Trust was founded by author/researcher Mali Klein [THE ESSIAC BOOK, ESSIAC ESSENTIALS & ESSIAC: THE SECRETS OF RENE CAISSE'S HERBAL PHARMACY].

    UNITED KINGDOM: Tilly Chirobokow is an experienced Essiac Therapist at the Wind Spirit Natural Health Centre at Llandovery, Dyfed, SA20 OHG; E-mail: Tel: 01550 721 615. Tilly studied under Mali Klein and specialises in treating people with cancer and degenerative diseases using natural organic herbs.

    AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND: Unfortunately, Australian customs sometimes does not allow Essiac tea herbs into the country. Morlife, an Australian company, sells a similar product called EZZIAC. It has the correct four herbs and the proportions of each herb are correct. However, they do not specifically add sheep sorrel roots to their product. The product information that they emailed to me only states: "mostly sheep sorrel leaves and stems." For more information visit
  • Hi James, I have ordered the Flor-Essence, which they call the 'Tea'.

    I chose this because it has all the 8 herbs, which the native American gave to the lady they spoke about in the story. I looked at the herbs and liked that combination, as well as I cannot always be bothered to bru the 'Tea' myself from the dry herbs...
    I have now taken it for a few days and find I have more energy and feel somewhat more balanced...I am not aware I have anything sinister...
    Early days yet and it is a nice little ritual in the morning and evening and tastes OK.. I have brued the Chinese teas before...:(..

    An interesting note.. when I was looking for it (Essiac) on the net, the first site opened was the Cancer Research site...:)... There they said it had terrible side effects...check it out... and they said no research had been done about it... then how do they know it has such bad side effects.....???
    But research was done by the nurse under the supervisions of proper physicians... In the testimonies no one speaks of side effects.. (of course I have not taken Essiac )
    I am using the 'tea, and have not had or felt anything at all and I am very clued into my body...:)..
    Hope it helps!

  • Hi James my teacher..:)..still doing my compassion exercise and still failing daily at work but becoming more aware of my frustration/s and judgements..( not being cynical...:)..

    The name of the company is Bodykind; tel: 0800 043 5566.
    Hope this help, it arrived in 3 days...

    Blessings to you James!
  • Good lord, James! of course you are in the UK; and I'm in Australia :o)
    Perhaps the best way is to make your own essiac tea. I presume the ingredients are all available locally where you are. Hopefully Marion ordered hers from there.
  • Dear James,
    May I mention to you an online source in the US (I'm not getting any commission for this, though!):
    I found it when I searched for more info on essiac tea. I posted the info here (previous page).
  • The following article by Dr. Allan Spreen was transcribed verbatim from:

    Green vegetable "starves" out cancer

    By Dr. Allan Spreen on 10/12/2010

    If you're a breast cancer survivor, make sure you eat watercress as often as you can. It may just protect you against the cancer ever making a comeback. In fact, according to a new study, this tart leafy green starves out breast cancer cells and interferes with a major cancer pathway.

    Leafy green superfood protects DNA

    Watercress is a delicate leafy green that grows in spring water. It looks a lot like lettuce, but it actually belongs to the cabbage family. It's plentiful in iron, calcium, vitamin A and C and for thousands of years people have eaten it to stay healthy.

    In fact, ancient Persians, Greeks, and Romans enjoyed watercress with their meals. I've even read that Hippocrates -- the father of medicine -- built his first hospital next to a spring so that he'd have easy access to fresh watercress.

    A few years back, scientists found that watercress has a lot of anti-cancer potential. In fact, in one study, men and women who ate a serving of watercress each day for eight weeks increased antioxidant levels in their blood. This is important because antioxidants remove cancer-causing free radicals from the body.

    Plus, these folks decreased the DNA damage to their white blood cells by almost 25 percent. And why is that significant? Well, according to Professor Ian Rowland, the study's lead researcher, "Blood cell DNA damage is an indicator of whole body cancer risk." So, the more DNA damage there is to your white blood cells, the higher your cancer risk. But eating watercress seems to lower your overall risk.

    And, apparently, this is especially beneficial for women...

    Watercress "shuts down" breast cancer delivery system

    The latest study looked specifically at how breast cancer cells respond to watercress.

    As you probably know, breast cancer tumors (like most malignant tumors) survive on nutrients delivered by your blood vessels. And as the tumor grows bigger, it needs access to more and more blood vessels.

    To solve this dilemma, the tumor sends a signal for your body to release a protein called HIF. This protein tells normal tissue to redirect their blood vessels into the hungry tumor. As a result, the tumor grows and spreads with nutrients delivered by the "stolen" blood vessels.

    But there's a plant compound proven to block the release of HIF and put a stop to all the frantic blood vessel growth...and that plant compound is found in abundance in watercress!

    Breast cancer survivors load up on watercress

    For the study, UK scientists recruited a small group of breast cancer survivors. The women agreed to eat 80 grams of watercress (a cereal bowl full) and then give blood samples over a period of 24 hours.

    The research team discovered two things by analyzing the participants' blood samples. First, remember that helpful plant compound that blocks new blood vessel group? Well, after eating watercress, the women had lots of that compound in their blood.

    And that's not all...

    Remember that harmful protein -- called HIF -- that signals the body to send healthy blood vessels into malignant tumors? Well, the scientists found that HIF levels significantly dropped after the women ate the watercress. This means that any tumors trying to regain toe-hold in the body had another thing comin' after the women ate watercress.

    So, without a doubt, if you're a breast cancer survivor, make watercress a part of your weekly (if not daily) regimen. I hear that in Britain that's their favorite type of green vegetable.

    Look for it in the refrigerated aisle of the produce section, near the lettuce. It's got a small, delicate leaf that almost looks like a flower. Put it on sandwiches. Use it in salads. Or add it to soups, quiches, omelets, sauces and dips. You can find tons of recipes on
    • Thanks!
      • Thanks for posting, I have now received my order and will report anything interesting here...:)...
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