Posted By: Patriotlad [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 5-Feb-2012 15:24:46

Super Bowl XLVI
February 5, 2012
By: G. Richard Simmons

New York GIANTS vs. New England PATRIOTS

DISCLAIMER: The views represented in this post are meant solely to help awaken Humanity to the fact that there is SYMBOLISM associated with any kind of Grand Event occurring on the World Stage.

Super Bowl XLVI is such an event ... a modern-day Battle of Gladiators between the GIANTS & PATRIOTS.

Any event of such great magnitude on the World Stage contains a story and that is what I shall attempt to describe in this posting. Once again, these are purely and totally my viewpoints on the symbolism contained in this years Super Bowl.

The GIANTS: Genesis 6:4

Viewing the 1769 King James Version.

There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare [children] to them, the same [became] mighty men which [were] of old, men of reknown.

One might ask..."Where did these GIANTS come from"?...Some called them the Nephilim.

If you have read Zecharia Sitchin's books regarding the planet NIBIRU, then you might find out where these GIANTS of Old came from.

So the story goes, they came to Earth looking for Gold in order to fix the atmosphere around their planet. They found the work very hot and exhausting and thus genetically created a slave race to do the work of mining the gold which took place in Africa.

The people from NIBIRU were called The Annunaki and they were giant-like in structure when compared to humans back then and now. They were 10-12 feet tall and humans looked upon them as gods. So, in other words, humanity became their slaves and under their influence and this continues thru today but is due to end very shortly.

I encourage all to read The 12th Planet by Zecharia Sitchin and enlighten yourselves.


A Patriot is defined as One who loves, supports, and defends one's country and it foundational values such as the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, etc.

The PATRIOTS are if you will ...... "Freedom Fighters".

In this Super Bowl, they represent/symbolize HUMANITY ... a species that has been in Bondage for many Ages of time.

They are fighting for the GOD-given rights of every individual .... Freedom, Liberty, Justice, Peace, Equality, etc. They are fighting for victory against the GIANTS of old ... for Lady FREEDOM who stands atop the dome of the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.

If you are not familiar with Lady Freedom, then I encourage you to watch the following youtube video about this statue and what she stands for.

As you will note, the base of the statue has the encryption "E PLURIBUS UNUM" .. .meaning --

"Out of many come ONE". This is referred to in the Bible as Atonement ... AT-ONE-MENT.

Also you will recognize this slogan on the back of the U.S. dollar bill on the right side and on all U.S. coins.

It seemingly means a time when all of us reach the point when we understand that WE all were created by GOD/CREATOR of all things. Thus We are ONE and and then ask why are we fighting wars, letting people starve, letting people go homeless, etc.


This symbolically is what today's Super Bowl XLVI is about.

Ladies & Gentlemen, guys & gals, boys & girls ...

Super Bowl XLVI symbolically is about a change in Paradigms ....

A Shift of the AGES from Pisces to AQUARIUS.

I believe with all the symbology associated that the NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS will win the Super Bowl and a victory will be indicative of GOOD TIMES AHEAD.

Of course, it is always possible that the GIANTS win but I just don't think this will happen. To add to all the hype, the GIANTS shot themselves in the foot yesterday by posting the following the day before the Super Bowl:



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  • great read..............................thanks.

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