Hi all.

This insane World is controlled by jewbanksters  , and they have a common goal - NWO.

Libya were one example of a flourishing country with a state controlled bank.

Do you folks understand at all what interest made from fictional "Money" do to us Citizens?


These JEWbanksters , with Rothshields as their masters , want to take over Syria , like they did to Libya and several other countries , to take over their stateowned bank as Another step into NWO.


North Korea , Iran and Cuba have their own bankingsystem.

Do you see the pattern here? 






the Syrian  banking system, Central and Commercial, belong to the government and  (theoretically) the people of Syria. These institutions are independent  of the Rothschild international banking cartel. Thus, one may add yet  another reason Syria has come under the fiery eye of the Empire... the presence of a government-owned central bank may stand as a  significant deciding factor for invasion. Cuba, North Korea, and,  notably, Iran all maintain such government banking systems... Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Sudan have all fallen victim to  NATO-backed invasions, and/or destabilization campaigns... “Coincidentally,” these nations all held government-owned central banks prior to the intervention. After the conflict had ended, or at least subsided, all of these nations  were presented with a new banking system which was privately owned;  another “strange coincidence” for those unwilling to acknowledge the  existence of a pattern. Thus it now appears that “Democracy” and “private central banking” stand as the only thing the West is capable of exporting. - Brandon Turbeville


Next Phase of Syrian Invasion Begins -- The Central Bank Connection         By Brandon Turbeville with comments by Ron         Jun 21, 2013 - 5:13:29 AM
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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Next Phase of Syrian Invasion Begins -- The Central Bank Connection

Freda Art

Brandon Turbeville Activist Post
As the secular Syrian government continues to mop up the mobs of death  squads made up of mercenaries, religious fanatics, and the criminally  insane (as well as cannibals), the second phase of destabilization is  quickly taking shape - that is, the establishment of “no-fly zones” and the arming of the death squads by the West with even heavier  weapons than they have previously been given. The destruction of Syria  is thus apparently scheduled to take exactly the same form as that of Libya.

It is important to remember that, in the case of the latter country,  the Anglo-Americans also funded terrorist death squads to cause a civil  war inside the country, engaged in a propaganda campaign against  Ghaddaffi’s government, and established “no-fly zones” inside Libya.

The rest, as they say, is history. After the establishment of a “no-fly  zone,” air strikes began against Libyan military, governmental, and  civilian targets. Death squads were simultaneously empowered further and  assisted by the presence of Western intelligence, special forces, and  military boots on the ground inside Libya.

Although Assad has proven more capable than  Ghaddaffi of withstanding the initial onslaught set in motion by the  Anglo-Americans than Ghaddaffi  and has demonstrated better political  connections with other powerful nations, the fate of Libya awaits Syria  if something is not done to derail this war machine.

Yet, while many have become aware of the fundamentalist and fanatical nature of the death squads which have run rampant in Syria over the last two years -- and some are even aware of the nature of their funding -- a very common question that confronts these observers is, simply, “why?”
When one analyzes past acts of conquest and aggression as well as  current and future imperialist moves, it becomes clear that there is  rarely only one reason for the implementation of any aspect of an agenda  on any level.
Although Anglo-American imperialism, by no means, began on September 11,  2001, overt acts of aggression, destabilization, and invasion have  increased both in frequency and intensity since that time. Ever since  9/11, however, the people of the Western world and the American public  in particular have been provided with “reasons” for these military  adventures and, thanks to the alternative media and a small minority of  courageous researchers, activists, etc., they have also been provided  with the “real” reasons.
Taking several of the targets into consideration, these reasons include vast oil reserves, oil pipelines,[1] opium fields, strategic positioning, no-bid contracts for the defense industry and military-industrial complex, and mineral deposits. [Ron: Actually the main reason is that the governments of nations that are targetted by the US and ZATO have NOT accepted total enslavement to the Rothschilds Central Banking system and the Talmudic corporate enslavement of their citizens. Also, the US stole Iraq's gold reserves and the US and its allies stole Libya's gold reserves and now controlles Libya's huge water reserves and its "Man Made River" system that hasbeen said to be the Eight Wonder of the World.].
In the proper context of the specific nations being discussed, each and  every one of the above-listed justifications are both valid and  accurate.
Still, in the context of Syria, it is important to understand the  impetus of invasion specific to the imperialist quest against the Middle  Eastern nation.
While  fuel for the military-industrial complex and no-bid contracts doled out  to multi-billion dollar military defense firms to rebuild what was  destroyed in the conflict is no doubt on the list of reasons for the  destruction of Syria, it is well known that Syria represents a strategic  stronghold for Russia in terms of influence in the region. Because a  confrontation with both Russia and China appear to be in the cards of  the Anglo-Americans, the weakening of a strategic position of Russia in  the Middle East (with Iran to be the next target) would not only be  considered quite the geopolitical coup, it is a virtual necessity if one  is determined to engage a nation as powerful as Russia in the long run.
Yet there is one more underlying reason for Western military intervention in Syria that is rarely discussed publicly, even among many alternative  media outlets - the goal of total domination by the private central  banking system. [Ron: YES!!!].
It is true that both debt and the control of currency is one of the most  effective means of enslaving an entire population without their  knowledge. Continually chasing financial freedom with no ability to pay  off debt and save for the future ensures that a sizable majority of the  population will not have the means, time, or energy to resist the  totalitarian methods imposed upon them. Likewise, it is true that by controlling a nation’s currency, one  essentially controls the nation. Governments who are beholden to third  parties and private banks for their money are not governments at all –  they are receiverships existing solely at the pleasure of the  controlling oligarchy. As Mayer Amschel Rothschild once stated, “Give me control of a nation’s money supply and I care not who makes its laws.”
Thus, when one takes a look at the worldwide banking system and, in  particular, the amount of countries with government-owned,  non-Rothschild affiliated central banks, one easily sees a monopolistic  system coming into view. In addition, when one takes a closer look at  those countries with government-owned central banks, independent of  Rothschild and major financier control, it becomes even clearer that  maintaining a government-mandated structure of currency and central  banking places a nation on a very dangerous list.
Enter Syria.
Existing as one of the last nations on the face of the earth that has  not allowed itself to become subservient to a privately-owned central  bank, Syria now finds that national financial independence does not come  without the price of presenting oneself as a preferred target for the  banking cartels and the nations they control.
All in all, the Syrian banking system largely consists of four state-owned banks and fourteen private banks, mostly foreign banks providing services to the private sector inside Syria. For at least forty years,  the state itself has maintained a total monopoly on the Syrian banking  system. Even when that total monopoly was broken, it was not in the form  of the privatization of the central bank, it was merely allowing  private banks to operate commercially inside the country at all.
As CountryStudies.Us writes ,
The primary legislation establishing a central  bank and control of the banking system was passed in 1953, but the  Central Bank was not formed until 1956. Its functions included issuing  notes, controlling the money supply, acting as fiscal agent for the  government, and controlling credit and commercial banks. It was also to  act as the country's development bank until specialized banks were  established for various sectors. The Central Bank had considerable  discretionary powers over the banking system but was itself responsible  to and under the control of the Council on Money and Credit, a policy  group of high-ranking officials.
Country Studies continues  by stating that “The general philosophy was that the banking system  should be an agent of government economic policy.” No doubt such a  concept is a novel idea in 2013, perhaps even more so than it was in  1953.
Nevertheless,  the process of government control over banks began in 1958 when the  Syrian government began to “Arabize the commercial banking system.” In  1961, that process morphed into “limited nationalization.”
By 1966, the Syrian government completed its nationalization of the bank  by merging all of the existing commercial banks into one entity which  came to be known as the Commercial Bank of Syria. The government then  created subsidiary banks of the Commercial Bank of Syria for the  purposes of economic development such as the Agricultural Cooperative  Bank, Industrial Bank, the Real Estate Bank, and the Popular Credit  Bank.
Not surprisingly, international bankers have been vocal enough among  their own circles regarding their disdain for Syria’s government-owned  central bank. In fact, in 2006, the IMF actually published its annual Article IV Consultation Report regarding  Syria’s economic developments. Among the recommendations made by the  IMF in the report were suggestions of changes to the Syrian banking  system. The report reads:
Progress  toward this medium-term goal should start by having the central bank  gain full control of existing direct instruments. The central bank  should have the right to decide on credit ceilings and credit policies  of banks with a view to ensuring a pace of credit and monetary expansion  consistent with maintaining price stability while fostering economic  activity and employment. Banks have to abide by all prudential  regulations. Beyond this, the role and responsibilities of the central  bank and the ministry of finance in exercising oversight on the banks  should be clearly defined. While the government could play a lead role  in choosing the board and the management of public banks, the CBS should  have the authority to evaluate and approve banks' policies, and  procedures related to the credit and investment.
Clearly, if  these are the responsibilities the IMF believes the Syrian Central Bank  should have, then it logically follows that they are responsibilities  it does not have currently. Thus, the Central Bank is at least kept in  check by the refusal to allow it unbridled control over monetary policy  as a private “independent” institution.
Thus, the Article IV Consultation Report and the suggestions contained  therein provide a blueprint for turning Syria’s central bank from that  of a government-owned entity which serves the government (and  theoretically the people) into an entity which directs it.
If the CBS (Central Bank of Syria) is allowed to “have the authority to  evaluate and approve banks' policies, and procedures related to the  credit and investment,” even if the government is able to choose the  board and management, the CBS then becomes the sole independent force  responsible for the extension (or refusal) of credit,  inflation/deflation, bailouts, and the inevitable implementation of  austerity measures. In other words, if the CBS is privatized from its  current state, it will become the equivalent of the Syrian version of  the U.S. Federal Reserve, a fate no nation should ever willingly inflict  upon itself.
Nevertheless, Syria has not existed free and clear of economic distress  simply because of the existence of a government-owned central bank. Over  the years, the Middle Eastern nation has had to battle with inflation  and high unemployment. However, dependency on imports, rationing  systems, political unrest, rebellions, natural disasters, and war have  all contributed greatly to Syria’s economic difficulties.
Most notably, the ridiculous sanctions imposed upon Syria by the Western  world have acted as a major obstacle to true economic growth. These  sanctions, while imposed recently, have been levied against Syria for some time with the United States sanctioning the Central Bank as far back as 2001 under the liberty-shredding  PATRIOT ACT which ironically turned America into nothing more than a  paranoid police state, even as it criticizes other nations for their  human rights records.
Although  a more stable environment would have produced a much greater  possibility of successful implementation of economic programs and better  management of the central banking system would have undoubtedly  produced better economic results, the fact remains that the Syrian  banking system, Central and Commercial, belong to the government and  (theoretically) the people of Syria. These institutions are independent  of the Rothschild international banking cartel. Thus, one may add yet  another reason Syria has come under the fiery eye of the Empire.
Although currently facing the brunt of Anglo-American operations, Syria  is not the only country to find itself in the crosshairs of  destabilization and direct military confrontation with Western powers  where the presence of a government-owned central bank may stand as a  significant deciding factor for invasion. Cuba, North Korea, and,  notably, Iran all maintain such government banking systems. Coincidentally, all three of these nations, particularly Iran, have  become major targets of Western imperialism as of late. [Ron: Also, Libya had a government controlled Central Banking system FREE of Rothschilds' control.].
While one may be tempted to ignore the presence of government-owned  central banks as a contributing factor toward the decision to  destabilize and/or invade sovereign nations, it is interesting to note  that Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Sudan have all fallen victim to  NATO-backed invasions, and/or destabilization campaigns ever since the  push for the New American Century took off in 2001. “Coincidentally,” these nations all held government-owned central banks prior to the intervention.
After the conflict had ended, or at least subsided, all of these nations  were presented with a new banking system which was privately owned;  another “strange coincidence” for those unwilling to acknowledge the  existence of a pattern.
Thus it now appears that “Democracy” and “private central banking” stand as the only thing the West is capable of exporting.
[1] Griffin, David Ray. The New Pearl Harbor. Interlink Publishing Group. 2004.
[Colour fonts, bolding and comments in square brackets added.].

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  • Ahh some real truth for a change!! Although it's bad news it's still refreshing to hear the "Real" truth of the goings on.

  • We have Russia who hold the torch of light in this World.

    Russia has help from Starfleet to end this zionist war , a war that is planned years ago.


    We must recognize who is behind all these wars to be able to change.


    A small Group of people who falsely call themselves jews are running the show on this planet.

    Why don't you speak out?

    How can you accept the holohoax lie?

    How can you accept being runned over?


    I love you guys , but I don't understand your silence.



    This Group of Khazarjews hate the Goyim , if they follow the Talmud , and most of them do.


    Do you accept an Orwellian soceity with a NWO?


    Then speak out!! 


  • Yes, wars are not fought for the reasons that people believe them to be.

    • David Icke is proving just how seriouslly mentally ill the U.S. government and its military globalists are, along with the teleprompter-reading mainstream media presstitutes that sleep with them. I am convinced that these D.C. prostitutes would lick the balls of goats if the London financial district monet-addicts told them to do so (or be else fired). I'll also bet that these criminals would not only enjoy such action, but come up for air and say "yes sir, may I have another?"

      • Malcolm:  You are correct, Sir!

This reply was deleted.

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