

Drekx statement:
Hi Tally I would suggest that a good example for what PR mentions, could be the Billy Meier ET contacts photos, of Asket.

On a planet of 8 billion surface humans and 1 billion inner earth, not only are the mathematical odds high, that we each have a doppleganger somewhere, but also, that even visiting ETs of the humanoid type, have terrestrial counterparts...albeit, sometimes differences can be highlighted in faces, that are not genetically identical, as would be identical twins at birth....


Tally asked:
"Interesting Drekx... So by saying a 'double', does he mean a clone?... or what? Do you think it's possible for the same soul to have multiple physical bodies here at the same time... or just 'look-a-likes'? Blessings All Around..."


Drekx reply:
Hi friend.....Well no, he does not mean clone, which would be much more than a double....Rather a clone would be a genetic duplicate....What he describes is an attempt to link a real ET with her double, when in fact there were subtle, if not obvious differences, as highlighted...Indeed, we all have a double, somewhere on this vast world of 8 billion surface humans...So the odds are that we may very likely look like someone, out there, closely, or superficially, also...Though I speak of a double, not a duplicate-clone...
Souls enjoy diverse experiences and are not inclined to have identical bodily expressions, though...This is the norm, that each soul will want as much variety in life experiences, as humanly possible....It is not common for a soul to express itself through several identical bodies, at the same time...Well, as a rule I'd say... ;-)
So a double out there in the world, will be a totally different soul and, probably, a different ray structure, entirely....


Tally said:
"Thanks for that considerate clarification Om... Yeah, those two ladies in the images clearly show very different 'soul expressions'/'ray structures' to my eye. What about the possibility of a 'soul' incarnating in different looking physical bodies at the same time?... like a different race or sex, for example?... You seem to elude to this potential. And where are you getting your 'info' from my friend? Peace..."


Drekx reply:
Well, if we view time as it truly is, that is spherical, rather than linear, we can each participate in the process of expressing ourselves within physicality, over the aeons, in a great variety of bodies, simultaneously...all races and both sexes...That variety is key to enfoldment and the gleaning of needed experiences, for soul growth, namely raising light quotient, within each "dip in the pool" of life....Now, from a linear time perspective, the process takes millennia and many lives....But as I understand that process, souls operate in triad formations, so one is incarnated, while the other two are "out" and they swap around, life to life.....A soul has enough energy "tailor made" from a designed life plan, to generate the alchemical gold for soul growth....It is simultaneous in a way, but not in a perceived linear way...only a higher perception can map it out, thus....


There are soul groups, based on ashrams of the rays, working together in different bodies....As I said, triads operate this way...

The concept of a twin flame is a valid one, yet usually they are operating outside of linear time, as explained......Very unlikely to meet a twin flame here on earth...Maybe a soul mate, but that is different...


My info is from within and within I recognise myself as connected within my ashram, which is taught, guided and honed, by Master Rakoczi....Some call him Saint Germain....So a disciple of that particular ascended master and also a contactee, as Sirian starseed...In fact, no earth human may contact beings off world, without going through the spiritual hierarchy first, as that net must be energized to make the contact work...


Hope this explains, as some of this extends beyond the lower concrete mind of we human beings on earth....It is truly within the planer scheme of the higher manasic, where the intuition truly thrives...The technique is to glean data from such levels and step it down, to logical concrete mind use....That way it can be shared......So techniques are combined...They are mental impressioning, as described, telepathy with beings upon the aethers and physical discourses made with higher consciousness beings, in the flesh.....the role of all true contactees and initiates of the Light...the raising of consciousness, until we each become self-realised...Then "self" is much wider as a concept and truism, than we thought, initially...We realise our scope as part of a collective, but a benign and happy one, not a forced collective in any way...We must be free in willing it and working for and in it...So a free individual expressed within a higher ashramic scheme. Once connected, it is joyful and wonderous. Consciousness energy is revealed as cosmic in scope, not earthbound...Peace friend..

Tally said:
"Excellent 'rundown' there Drekx... Makes sense to me, mostly. So if all times actually exist at once, then we would have maybe thousands of different 'physical bodies' operating simultaneously... then why would it be so odd to think that we could have several bodies 'going' in any one particular 'time-slot'? You appear to be saying that this is not normal... but seem a bit unsure about how 'possible' it may be. Perhaps you can get a more 'complete' explanation from your inner 'contacts'... if you and they would be so inclined. If not, that's cool too... You've already offered plenty of 'food for thought' for the time being. : )Blessings..."


Drekx reply:
It is possible, depending upon one's point in evolution, or light quotient....The only constraining factors upon your soul expression having several "yous" dotted around the globe, are the benefit it offers, under planetary karma and the energy needed for it to manifest, under the law of energy pertaining to spiritual rules (there are many) that govern the right use of energies....In other words, the service benefits are weighed against the energies at hand, for a given soul, at a given light quotient...The law of cyclical return also determines which rays may be expressed in physicality in an era....and there are many others who are "waiting in the wings," to come in, as it were....The genetics and the karmic connections gleaned over many millennia, will determine the most appropriate families to be born into, for particular lessons to be learned...and as a rule of thumb, the less the light quotient, the less "stretched" a growing soul can be.....Life and it's psychological traumas and experiences, are demanding...We rest when out of incarnation, actually...when physically dead...You do have multiple forms of you,  spanning the illusion of time, over millennia, BUT, from a linear perception, there can only effectively be one you on earth, at present......Now karma will determine where you incarnate and why; planetary karma...That is why you do not incarnate outside of earth, unless you are actually experienced already and serve as a "walk in." Which is rare..


Now in contrast to this, beings who possess much higher light quotients, such as the Ascended Masters, or specifically, those who have achieved the 5th degree, or "ascension" and are now on the path of earth service, and thus present here, and not on Sirius, or serving as a kumara, etc...Such ones do have the power needed and the balance achieved, to project themselves into multiple bodies (the term used is "mayavirupa") which may be scattered at a variety of locations, all connected to the central manasic body (light body.)


Note that a being should and needs to have completed planetary karmic lessons to project this way...His/her service capacity and energies, will determine the nature of said projection...Namely, is it of use, it must serve the plan...So, in essence, in order to project multiple form expressions, in this way, one must have a consciousness which exceeds the ascension level, namely one must be navigating the cosmic degrees and there are four above planetary ascension...Thus such a being has freed himself from planetary karma and is actually of a cosmic consciousness and resultant light quotient...That is why NDErs see themselves and relatives of a particular brightness, upon manasic (mental) planes and there are some (Masters of self) who shine brighter still....


Hope this makes sense...Some of it is very complex and there are many spiritual laws and rules that need to be applied, that govern each incarnation...So some food for higher thought for you, hopefully...


Spirit does not generate what is called "red tape" here. But it creates laws that allow the most efficient use of evolutionary energies, in service to the Divine Plan, of which we are all component parts....


Zauda zagon vin ja-ta e selamat majon, meladrin hi zabarin sa..........!!😊(Sirian for: "We come as one in the light of heavenly joy and a state of rejoicing, because yes, we are all one......!")



Col. Drekx Omega

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  • I was thinking about this remembering a quantum rule termed no clone theorem. According to QM, though you may clone Ben upto molecular level, you won't clone him particle per particle.

    It is all because quantum particle seems to be nothing but information in the quantum field. For instance when a quantum system is not being observed, what realy might it be said to exist if not just the 'there should be particle' kinda information? So the conservation of quantum particles turns out to be a conservation of quantum information. Copying tantamounts to creation.

    It is more accurate to say that a perfect copy of Ben all the way upto quantum level would be nothing but Ben himself somehow existing at two places all at once! This is for instance the explanation in Hugh Everet's many worlds interpratation of QM.
    Ironically, people often think that we differ in how our molecules are arranged but we are the same in quantum level. But you have seen that it is realy in quantum world that we truely differ!
    This domain may be for sale!
    • Thanks...a quantum realm....

  • Dear friends, what great discussions we have here.....Now I have been asked by my Master, to elaborate upon the factors anent what a soul actually is and more importantly, does.......It is not simple to describe, using the limiting earth language of English...Actually, telepathy, or German language,  would be better.....The Lyrans have left a marvellous linguistic aptitude for students of the arcane, within the German language...More so than the English....Though English is secondary and powerful, on the global list of suitable conveyors, for consciousness raising data.....Well, in the absence of telepathic contacts, that most earth humans do not enjoy.....I will now state that a SOUL is a focal point of evolution....It is who we are, as reflected into materiality, by spirit.............So a powerful force of self......A vortex...a sponge  for absorption....a constant ray, over is the very focal point with which we garner lessons, the receiving "crystal," the receptive focal point of focus....Thus, a Soul cannot be fragmented, as some may claim, in error...That is not so...The soul is a constant energy vibration, upon the 4th manasic cosmic aether, which gleans all life experiences, into one aspect of consciousness, on behalf of SPIRIT......It is a reflected aspect which SPIRIT uses to learn life experiences, of self-realisation. To become self-realised...

    Now I dearly hope that these meagre English words suffice to convey what is truly higher than most thoughts can scale....The reason why the Soul is a sponge-like constant and  collection point, rather than a fragment of self, over disparate aeons of expression.....Let us just use the English term of ANCHOR, to describe the solar constant....

    • But isn't there a soul group aka soul family that all broke down from one soul?

      • Yes a soul group, which derives from a spiritual energy upon the monadic plane.....Yet a SOUL is a unique expression of self realisation.....Spirit uses SOULS to garner such lessons in physicality.....Spirit being a higher energy plane than the Soul, of course....

  • Family of Light, on high dimensional light vids, YouTube....Always feel free to use my material...Most welcome...

  • Now please don't think me stupid but my brain works so much differently than others.... so my thoughts are as a soul what if that soul becomes fragmented so you have all these lil fragments of one soul floating around the cosmos and perhaps two fragments made their way to earth -to experience earth at different points in time or at the same time while the other fragments are elsewhere on different planes realms dimensions planets but all these fragments are of one soul one spirit but experiencing different things at the same time.  Not only could they look like twins but feel and experience all that the other fragments  experience... hence doppelganger hence dreaming of places and people we have never seen of things never done and as we live out these separate lives and learn our lessons the fragments begin merging together slowly as one completernity soul because each fragment went and learned what the complete soul needed.  

    So my theory is we could have these doppelgangers because two fragments of one soul just happened to end up on the same plane of existence together. Just my mind thinking in circles but thought I'd lay it out there.

    Told you I think differently than the norm .... lol

    • Oh my I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this..... don't ask me how I knew it I just got these pictures of a soul going into pie especially floating around and this came out..... hmm great topic and conversation going on here, love it.... drekx 143

      • Thanks dear...143 backatchya..........!!!  Well in answer I would suggest that the "fragments" you speak of are the soul's life experiences incarnated over aeons, rather than the soul itself....Namely the projection of the spiritual being, into the manasic....where it resides as a Light Being in a Light Body...It is that being that is becoming self realised, through it's various experiences in physical life becoming whole....And the experiences will be as varied and diverse as possible.....In spherical time it is all happening now, in linear perceived time, it happens over many millennia....So I suppose it is semantics, really....Yes fragments of our personalities over time, all coming together and forging the whole experience...A Master is one who has gone through the process and mastered self....So all those fragments are moulded into the whole and he/she can remember all previous lives as a human being.....Including life before he/she came to earth...

        We can undoubtedly suggest that the SPIRIT, or Divine Monad, is a fragment of the Prime Creator....

        Let us see the whole you as MONAD------SOUL------PERSON

        Note the corresponding planes of Monadic-------Manasic-------Aetheric

        The seven cosmic planes being: Logoic, Monadic, Atmic, Buddhic, Manasic, Astral, a septenary...

        When ascended, the Soul, or Solar Angel, actually becomes completed as a Spirit, with an anchored light body, able to energise matter (the physical aethers) completely....And in such a configuration, able to create mayavirupa forms, at will....not needing to be born into an earth family of 2-strand DNA, again....

        Under these circumstances, projecting a certain iconic form image, around the world, such as well-known and loved religious icons, does have a purpose....Thus we hear of religious congregations being visited by Christ, or Buddha...XO--143

  • In one of my blogs, I have explained in details the process of body dublication in the 'quantum sea'. Only that I called this 'light body' a soul. To those who may not like the idea of an explicable soul, you can take this new light body as yet another 'soul carrier' enabling you to experience life is some other unseen realm that is 'interlaced' together with this one in the same space.

    So I do beleive and can even explain some incesant dublication of body into the quantum field and a possible vice. The only phenomenon I can't explain is consciousness teleportation that might happen between such bodies. This is what you may term it as reincarnation to a similar body or the walk in process.
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