Decades worth of secrets may finally see the light of day. Video down below in the comments section. These months and years ahead are going to be amazing :)

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  • Diving more into what was seen in the JFK files and the corruption of the Deep State and the CIA.
  • Since weather modification was mentioned briefly in the JFK files that were released this recent video talks about chemtrails and weather control. What chemtrails are what weather control is and the harm they cause to us and the other life forms on this planet will be talked about here. Also mentioned here will be those who orchestrate this weather control and why they do this.
  • Quite a bit in those JFK files that were released. Spoiler alert the conspiracy theorists were right yet again. These files expose tons of CIA corruption which include weather control, bio weapons, the overthrow of governments, global media control, and conflicts the CIA tried to use to get WW3 going. The files mention the CIA knew in advance about Lee Harvey Oswald and they let him carry out the assassination. JFK knew about the corruption in the CIA so the CIA had to get rid of him. The files also report that the FBI was working on a report that made sure conspiracy theories did not spread regarding whether Oswald acted alone. That means Oswald did not act alone. Also mentioned in the files is that the CIA was assisting Israel in the development of nuclear weapons. One needs to ask if the CIA did all this corruption back then then what have they been up to since then up until today? Definitely more info coming soon.
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