I had a dream just last night that I was teaching an African man who came from an uneducated impoverished part of the world that white and black people have much the same in common.
He thought all white people were negatively orientated, because that's all he knew, saw and was taught. He lived in poverty and the white men running the 3rd world aid programs were keeping all the charity money for themselves, so this was his experience.
I showed him videos of dancing and culture for my own and other western societies, and he even began to dance to them and enjoyed himself. I also showed him some bad things in our own society like how most of our basic human rights are being ignored by companies. There were also what seemed to be his tribe behind us.
I just thought it was a little odd, since today we receive a new African housemate st the shelter i'm staying at.
Are there any hidden meanings or messages in this?
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this is an excellent & very clear point. sometimes, just to understand that there is usually a historic reason for our racial views & those of others can help us accept & (more importantly) be OK with our differences... and this can lead to the real "love" (vibes) that can translate through during our sometimes reluctant transition from that inevitable innocent ignorance (that we all have at some point) to the manifestation of our larger awareness & more well rounded world view. ~ :0) ~
it can be difficult, but humbling & peace can be found in the humility of learning... ;0)
i know, you were only sharing your dream, and thoughts in regards to it.. so i won't launch into a litany here, but i do believe that there is still sooo much misunderstanding & almost desperate desire to want to "make everything all right", clarify, with other races/cultures (& inside ourselves)... that it's very intense... maybe your dream indicates that you have, or will have a very important opportunity to share something with (& be shared with) this guy.
thanks for sharing, & enjoy your adventure! ~loves~ :0)