Technology As Analogy

Not only is it helpfull to use how artificial things works to try understand how a natural phenomenon works, it is helpfull even in understanding how supernatural things can work! Many here knows of holograms model of universe. But we can even use stereograms, radio signal transmition, computers, movies, magnetic tape memory, stroboscobes, time multiplexing, lenticular printing etc. How all these works has deep insights as to how multidimensional reality can be!There is a tendency to contrast man made things with nature. However, when we close exermine most of them, man merely imitates nature. While man invented air crafts last centuary, animals were flying in the dynauser age in a far more efficient way that any aircrafts! Let us just see a few examples to establish a corespondence.Eye=cameraRetina=Tv screenDragon fly=HelicopterHeart=PumbSun=bulbBrain=CPUFeather=ZipperBat wings=UmbrellaHologram=?Stroboscobe=?Time multiplexer=?It isn't a surprise because human brain is part of nature. So it outputs nature! Don't underestimate your brain! Don't despice your thoughts. Your opinion about electricity is the opinion of the electricity itself that is moving your CPU. Pay attention to it!

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  • In an eternal and infinite universe, it is difficult for there to be anything new. Every invention has already been done infinite times.
  • Yeah, this listing was a fan that we used to enjoy in schools. I think a good example of a realy crude copy of nature is our cars. To see it well, lets make comparison.

    Exhaust pipe=nose
    Fuel tank=stomach etc

    Infact cars do respiration but a very dirty one. It breaths in clean air and breaths out a smock and soot. Cars are like a bunch of smockers in the roads but with no cigarets that are being smocked in! As their joints mesh, and as they breath, they make deafening noise. What a poor copy of an animal!
  • One other thing worth learning is that his geneus, God never puts patents to his inventions nor charge you for using it! We know that God invented an high tech camera that is still way ahead of any digital camera eons before man invented a grude, clumsy one by merely copying narture!!
    • very true....I see most technology as a bad copy of the nature.  But then again, perhaps we would not be able to make these things unless they already existed somehow...they say that there is nothing new in the universe..


      I used to make lists of things like these...could think of lots of them.  Been busy with medical things today and the list has sunk down to the bottom of my memory for a while.  Got all the memory cells with medical info working today.

  • Yes I can see it now, Wings. Thanks alot.:)
  • can you see the reply now..??

    phone...telepathy and claireaudience

    TV.....clairevoyance or remote viewing



                x-ray, blood tests...medical empathy

  • Wings, as usual, you get me.:)

    I donnot know what had happen to your reply. It was no appearing in the thread at all for the last 6 hrs or so!

    Ok, lets go deeper little bit. When we close exermine how crystals are arranged, we find that it closely recemble how men are fond of arranging things. Secently, quasicrystals are even far more fantastic. But why is this so? To get my point, lets consider a transformer. A transformer must be build in a toroidal shape as the electromagnetic field itself is toroidal. So since every technology is ultimately driven by nature, the technology must be in good harmony with narture for it to function. So when we riverse the argument, we can often use technology to attempt to unlock a secreat of nature! Most of Einstein's work stemed from contemplating what happens when in a train or a lift. Without our experiences in moving vehicles, we may not fully appreciate relativistic ideas.

    When we go to magic, we even find that there is no much difference between a very advance technology with magics! If you take internet technology to stonage, it is just as amazing as telepathy. Talking instantly from a forest to someone in Austria??

  • phone...telepathy and claireaudience




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