Ashtar: To the people of Earth: There is a gathering of clouds on the horizon portending a storm of revelations about how the human race has been enslaved. The Time is Now for the Healing of Humanity and this is why societies are falling apart.The people are awakening to their enslavement. The temptations of the outer for More of everything has kept you from even seeing your enslavement by the few who control the world's currencies. Their Game is Over! Your awakening is at hand!As chaos erupts around the world, it is the young who are sending a cry to heaven so that they can live a life of dignity and honor. They want a chance to express themselves as the free and Sovereign Beings that they are and who are beloved by the Creator. When the young see no future for themselves it is a wake up call to the Elders that life on Earth has deteriorated beyond endurance for so many!As you awaken and Feel the injustice to your very core, you sense that this is The Time That Has Been Foretold! You ALL came to the Earth Mother at this time of the Ascension of the Earth and all upon her, so that you could contribute your knowledge, Skills, Love, Compassion and true Humanity to All Lifeforms on the Earth Mother.We ask that you stay in Peace and in Courage for the days ahead will challenge all of you. We, of the Galactic Federation of Light are your Brothers and Sisters. We will be increasing our appearances in your skies, night and day as your societies awaken to the Truth of your millennia-old enslavement by the few who have created the chaos that now reigns on Earth Mother.Rest well, for you will need all of your Courage, Strength, Will, and Love, for this next phase of humanity's upliftment! We, of the Galactic Federation of Light Salute you All for your Courage, Compassion and Love for your fellow Beings on Earth! We Walk With You Always! Commander Ashtar of the Ashtar Command

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    plus check this out in london


    a ufo flying over their airways,

  • Hi jason, yes i must admit that i did call upon them to show themselves if they wished, those of the highest light.

    Apparently this method works, though the smaller high flying objects were not too close, though I think some lower altitude ones were disguised as clouds if you ask me.

    A perfectly clear blue sky day and these odd shape clouds cross the sky one at time as if in line and then dissolve very quickly.

    Also, another day when kite flying, a large cloud right next to the sun, though this cloud was shaped with perfect symmetry exactly like your typical flying saucer shape, it was rather impressive.

    Sadly though, most people i see are too busy with cell phones in their ears or keeping there eyes to the ground, though occasionally, there are some that watch my kites with child like wonder and so I'm sure they look up at flying saucers and such.

    peace love light

  • violet have you tried to ask them out of the blue to show before they appear and if they do play around with some ideas.


    if they show up then when you do this exercise for awhile, then help inspire others out that they too can call these beings to show up in front of them.


    always call upon the christed beings, and they will respond.

  • Hi folks, Hi jason, yes they sure are increasing their appearances in the sky.

    Today while flying my kite, I saw a couple objects way up high and were not planes, they aligned themselves perfectly with my kite in the sky, probably so i wouldn't miss them.

    Then a few seconds later, a dragonfly hovers a couple feet away for a few seconds, as if to say hello. And the other day also when flying my kites, a small bird landed on my kite string for a second then flew off.

    They must like my homemade kites, hehe.

    peace love light

  • Hi Jason...

    I tray to wake up The Elders as you said...i even speak with them..or i left a message to them...

    I think some from the Brotherhood it will understand...and some do not because they working with the N.W.O...

    But i will tray again matter how long it will take me like them to see the reason and wisdom..

    Lord Enlil

  • The intensity of signs from above has increased for me too, God and my guardian angels really want to encourage me on my path, Im glad things are moving along, sometimes not as fast as we want them to but changes are  still occuring inside and outside of self :-)
  • no i just see ufo's i ask people if they are opened to it if they like to watch them fly in the sky, and if they agree i ask the ufo people if they could show a sighting in the sky and when they show up it changes peoples ideas of their own perception of weather ufo's exists and changes their whole outlook on things.


    I always start off with a prayer to god and then i ask the christed beings to show their crafts and from time to time i hear people say when they look up in the night sky they too see them where before they dare not to say anything before hand to any other outside their circle of friends or families.


    i think that is all i am suppose to say and do for the meantime.


    Yes but the changes in humanity is what i am yearning to see and prayers is the only way that can be arranged.

    • I see them everynight also. I feel they are definitely connected to us, and we will meet them soon down the track. I feel the presence near me all day now. I am so happy now, I do not think I can lose this feeling anymore. Let us be the true souls we are, let us never lie to ourselves by conforming to common way of being. We are on the right track Jason! =) We are in the final labour pains, we are just around the corner, the most magnificent time in our many, many missions here is at hand, we will honour our higher self and continue with the path we chose, to see out the final end days, and spread our energies throughout the Earth, for Earth Mother and ALL.
  • =) I feel it Jason! Do you? I have seen some amazing things so far! Have you been experiencing this too? With Love, Soulz ~ Andy ~ Oweng
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