Must have a talk with you two AAJophiel and Hatonn ! I am calling on you !
Following my very own road through the plains of the desert towards the huge light rising on the horizon above the far-away mountains …. fading in the mist of light ….. plodding onward – never be discouraged but still so very curious and wanting to know more and more as I go on and on …..
My true and wonderful guides besides my Higher Self – are you here at my side?
Hallo – of course we are – and what sort of questions are ailing you today?
As I read from the messages of the Archangels Michael and Raphael together with our Father – the Time of Now presents us with the opening of the Ascension Portals and we are being called for our final decision whether to pass through these huge Portals or not … we have been waiting for them to appear before us since a long long time on our long long way through the desert of our decreasing old 3-D-Realm.
Please, tell me – as I have read that Marc my Brother in Light with whom I have been working so spendidly all these previous months – he will have to stay on here until being one of the last ones before the call for ascending humans will fade out and finalized – when shall I may go and pass through these portals ?
Have I to stand by him and persevere as long as he has to do or may I go before him to my particular home again?
My heart is yearning to go but I also do not want to leave Marc and assist him with all my enlightened thoughts and knowledge of my inner heart.
Listen to the very melody of your heart – singing here still with the one of Marc’s heart – almost up to the end of all this process of ascension and how and why do you think I, AAJophiel, are already with you and living in your inner heart?
It is me who once sealed off the Great Portal after driving the first humans out of Eden (according to the Genesis of your Old Testament of your Holy Bible).
I then had to play my part as the Guardian of your former Paradise – The Garden of Eden – being the Angel in fullfillment of all our Father’s Orders and Command at the closure of the very Portal crossing it with my inflammable sword!
And this I shall have to do a 2nd time now when I am closing again the Great Portal of Ascension for ever in the realm of Duality !
You and Marc and just a few others like Steve B. you will be the last ones passing through and locking after yourselves the Great Portal from the other side.
So this will be our task: You are the last few passing through – closing and locking the Great Portal while I shall resume my post on the outside of it being the invincible ArchAngel barring off all what still carries negative and lower vibrating energies of the foregone matrix.
And for all who have passed on with you being the last ones – a completely new life will start for ALL OF YOU AS FULLY CONSCIOUS HUMAN BEINGS HAVING ASCENDED TO YOUR FORMER CELESTIAL SELVES !
Why do I have all this written down in Caps?
Time is running out on all of you and it is imperative that your final decisions will be made by you in a most conscious way of your hearts !
And as it is such a great case of importance I have resorted to it written down in capitalized letters !
There is only such a short span of time left for all of you – let’s say just within some blink of an eye and not much more !
Evasions and talking your ways out – it is not possible and done any longer! This is the very point of no return – the huge turning point of this incarnation to avail yourselves of the given return home offered by Divine Decree of Our-All-Father !
This is the plain and straight-forward truth which I may tell you here on behalf of all your celestial assisting Angelic Forces.
We do love you so much – and because of it – we have been attempting for quite some time to repeatedly stress the severity of our messages to you.
To cut it short again: “No more rambling – rattling – squabbling – babbling and asking for more time etc. We have – up to now – always given in to your argumentation and enough is enough !
We also have arrived at our wits’ end ! The Creator has made his very decision and has pressed the conspicuous button for Green Light and now it is your very turn … to create what your future live-mode will be like !
My dearest Earth-Angel – this all had to be pronounced in the most serious way – and we both – Hatonn and I – we are your very last escort before all have passed through the Great Portals and still afterwards when you being the last ones will have to switch out the light and leave the negative and lower frequencies to themselves here on old 3-D-Earth or at least what remains here.
I am AAJophiel and for the rest of time-line-of Now-and-Here we shall be working closely together according to all of our contracts once concluded.
OMG, this message was so powerful, my dear AAJophiel and my dear Hatonn, I filled with so much light and high vibrations of yours – thank you very much for entrusting me with your sage words.
Here, is Hatonn, my dearest Soulpartner.
I have refrained from adding any comments hereto since AAJophiel really opened up – what appears to me like flood-doors – and I could not have said it more eloquently than him!
We shall deal with our private topics very soon when we shall not be accompanied by such a great spiritual being like AAJophiel.
I am here bidding you farewell and thanking AA Jophiel for his impressive eloquence and speech !
With all my love to all of you here still on earth – do not overlook the ever-faster passing of your Time-line !
Yours with impassionate and compassionate love Hatonn.
Thank you for listening to me here and please make this today’s message viral – spread it far and wide !
Yours loving AAJophiel
Thank you both for sparing such a highly vibrational message to me !
Eva Maria