Dear friends, what is your feeling about this?


Tell the “Lords” of Karma That You Are Sovereign – No Longer a Lightworker Part 2

It has been a while since I published a long article, and I have been working for many hours on this follow-up to the August article, Why I Am No Longer a LightworkerThat piece generated a lot of positive responses, as well as tremendous resistance and scorn from those within the New (c)Age movement who are heavily invested in the illusions of the false light. 

I know that much of what I revealed in that article was difficult to accept, but I am committed to Truth, wherever it leads.

This article is going to pick up where the last one left off, so if you haven't already read the first part, please go read that first because the terms defined in Why I Am No Longer a Lightworker will be used here without any definitions.

The "Lords" of Karma

The false-light demiurgic parasites known as the "Lords" of Karma are perhaps the worst violators of free-will that I have encountered, second only to the corrupt demiurge itself.   They are the primary gatekeepers that allow or deny beings access into and out of the demiurgic system, and as such, they must be exposed.

Their perversion of the natural law of karma is so staggering in scope that I will only be able to cover a small portion of it in this article.  To begin with, they are responsible for forcing beings to reincarnate over, and over, and over (and over) again, in clear violation of Universal Law. 

In the "Free Universe" outside of the corrupt demiurgic enslavement system, a being is free to incarnate onto any planet that they choose. 

When a being's physical life comes to an end (after hundreds, perhaps thousands of years), they return to Infinite Source for a rest, and then decide what they want to do next in order to continue to learn and grow.  Nowhere in this process is a hierarchical group of controlling, manipulative beings like the "lords" of karma present.

As you can see by my use of quotes around the word "lords," I despise calling them that at all.  So in my usual style, I have given these beings a new, somewhat sarcastic name:  The Turds of Karma.  I started calling them this after an encounter several months ago when I was removing deep layers of imposed agreements that they were trying to hold in place.  At one point in the process I forcefully told them, "You are the biggest pieces of sh** that I have ever seen.  I don't owe you ANYTHING.  YOU owe every single being that you have manipulated a debt that you will never be able to repay!"  At that point, they left very quickly.

After that, the name Turds of Karma just kind of stuck.  Although it is somewhat juvenile, I think it fits, and I hope that you will think of them in this same way, so that you won't be fooled by their con-artistry now, or later when you depart from the physical realm.  With that bit of renaming out of the way, let's explore some of the ways the Turds of Karma (ToK) manipulate beings.

The Light Review Scam

The primary tool that the ToK use to manipulate a being into accepting nearly endless reincarnation is the (false) "Light Review."  When a person's body dies, they move out into the astral realms and begin to shed most of their previously held identity. 

If this process were allowed to occur without interruption, the True Light of that being would emerge from within them and they would release layer upon layer of limiting beliefs generated in that incarnation.

However, within the realms of the demiurgic control system, what happens is that the ToK intercept that being just as their light is starting to emerge from within and surround them in a dazzling display of colorful external light.  (This is why most of the people with near-death experiences report going through a tunnel of light.)  The dazzling outer display distracts the being from the light emerging from within them and hypnotizes them through frequency entrainment and activation of any and all religious programming that being had been exposed to during their incarnation.

The ToK and other members of the Spiritual Liararchy such as arch(on) "angels" and "ascended masters" will often be present in the background during this process.  As the individual is filled with a feeling of universal love and connectedness, they are told that this feeling is coming into them from the external "beings of light" that are surrounding them.

However, this feeling of universal oneness and love is actually emerging from INSIDE of the being, and it is being reflected back to them by the ToK and the liararchy.  The individual doesn't have any time to reflect on what is happening, because they are quickly moved into the "review" phase of the process.  They are shown a little movie of their life which focuses on the disappointments, unfulfilled desires, painful experiences and hurtful actions the person experienced during their life.

Through this biased and manipulated "life review," the being is made to feel bad about their life, which is exactly what the ToK want. 

They tell the person that even though they failed at so many things in their life, that they will be given a chance to go back one more time and "get things right" in a new incarnation.  The being is then grateful at this chance for redemption and accepts the agreements that the ToK present them with to incarnate again. 

If that being was raised with a Christian type of indoctrination, they will encounter "Jesus and the angels" but be told that they are "not yet worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven." 

Of course, the fear of being sent to hell is so strong in their belief system that they JUMP at the chance to reincarnate and become "worthy" to enter "God's kingdom," which is actually the demiurge's kingdom.

After agreeing to reincarnate, the being is then sent to a "heavenly realm" in the middle to upper astral realms to await reincarnation.  This realm is nicely decorated with simulations of nature, lovely views and a staff of "guardian angels" who make sure those beings go back to earth when their time comes.  Of course, those "guardians" are actually parasitic sheep-herders tending to their flock, and there is NO allowance for the beings held in this realm to go elsewhere.

Karmic Transference

If the content of an individual's life, unhealed wounds and unfulfilled desires isn't enough to convince them that they need to reincarnate, they are presented with an even more brazen deception.  They are shown what they are told is their own past life where they committed horrible crimes, and they are told that they need to continue incarnating into adverse conditions in order to "work off" that bad karma. 

In reality, the life they are shown is NOT theirs, but rather the actions of some being closely aligned with the liararchy who made pacts with them to avoid taking energetic responsibility for their actions. 

Some of that criminal being's malicious energy is then projected onto the individual who is being tricked into believing that they were once that horrible criminal. 

That being then takes on agreements to "discharge" the "bad karma" that they have (supposedly) earned for themselves, never realizing that it was all a lie designed to keep them subjugated and enslaved.  This is done to coerce the being's agreement to reincarnate and take responsibility for crimes that they did not commit, ensuring that the person's next life is going to be filled with undue hardship. 

This karmic transference also allows those dark sorcerers who have aligned with the liararchy to avoid the repercussions of their own actions.  This transference is also used on a large-scale upon the populace of the planet through forms of mass mind-control and media manipulation.  To properly explain that will require a separate article, but the basic mechanism for how this is done is through subconscious agreements embedded throughout the media, corporate logos (sigils), financial contracts, admiralty law and other "matrix institutions."

Coerced Demiurgic Entry Agreements

One more very important aspect of the agreements that are put upon beings by the ToK are the original "entry agreements" that the beings coming into the corrupt demiurgic realm are forced to make in order to even gain entry into this system.  Many of us came here from what I call "The Free Universe" to help dismantle the demiurgic system from within, and the liararchy imposed an extensive list of coerced agreements upon these "Free Souls" in order to limit their effectiveness.

These entry agreements also contain clauses that allow for unspecified hardships to be leveled against a being during their incarnation, including but not limited to:  Birth bump to bad parents, physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychic attacks, etheric implantation, dream-manipulation, recruitment into the false-light's "lightworker corps," relationship issues, health problems, money problems, physical abduction and implantation, lack of self-worth and much more.

Most of the Free Universe beings coming in were pretty confident they could overcome those limitations, so they signed up. 

There really was not much option, but some of us negotiated more fiercely than others and were saddled with fewer of these pernicious agreements, but no one came in "unscathed."  Regardless of how many coerced entry agreements we have, it is important to remove all of these agreements in order to get clear and proceed with our chosen tasks of healing and waking up others, as well as pulling apart the demiurgic construct from the inside.

Revoking Agreements

This is the process that I use and have been sharing with others in clearing out agreements.  The liararchy hides copies of these agreements in various realms, so specificity is important in this process.  It is also important that you engage this process from your Sovereign Inner Self (Higher Self, Divine Inner Self, etc) and that you make this process your own.  Just reading revocation statements will not get the job done.  We need to be consciously engaging this process using the force of our will to effect the changes we desire.

I have found that once a person starts revoking agreements, it becomes easier over time to dig deeper to find more of them.  Be aware that agreements often are splintered off into various fragments in order to make them harder to find.  For example, there may be agreements to have difficult romantic relationships, difficult relationships with parents, with siblings, with friends, etc.  These are all different "agreement clusters" that need to be specified and removed in separate processes.

So don't worry about getting rid of every agreement all at once.  Take your time, and work through them on a daily basis as you sense them affecting you.  The process outlined below is based on the Self-Clearing System Level 1 and Level 2, which form the foundation for the energy clearing work that I do.

  • Stand in the power of your Divine Inner Self's Sovereignty. Expand the light of your Divine Inner / Higher Self from your heart, surrounding your body in a Heart Sphere of Sovereign energy.

  • Connect to Earth's Core, Galactic Core, Infinite Source and the Forces of Divine Source Light.

  • Ask for a Galactic Vacuum to be ready to remove everything into the Galactic Core. (This is a funnel cloud of galactic core energy that vacuums up everything needing to be removed and transmuted.)

  • Call up all agreements related to "feeling like a victim" (or anything else) on this timeline and all other timelines in the past, present and future, and within all dimensions, densities, levels, realms and realities.

  • Call forth all reinstatement clauses, copies, back-ups, mirrors, counter-party copies, etc of the agreements.

  • State, "From the Inner Authority of my Sovereign Self, I declare ALL of these agreements null and void.  I revoke ALL of these agreements as well as all counterparty copies, reinstatement clauses, duplicates, back-ups, mirrors, etc of everything previously named."

  • Proclaim, "I reclaim ALL of my energy that has gone into these agreements."  As your energies, essences, soul fragments, etc come back to you, reintegrate them through your heart center.

  • Command, "I send all of these agreements and all facets previously named into the Galactic Vacuum to be transmuted in the Galactic Core."

  • Call forward all "counter party copies" of these agreements and send them into the galactic vacuum for transmutation.  These are copies of the agreements held by parasitic beings who drain small amounts of your energy via those agreements.  Some of those beings might claim to be "lords" of karma in order to exert authority over you.  Don't believe any of their lies.

  • Tell those demiurge beings : "I am Sovereign.  All of you parasitic 'counterparty' beings are hereby notified that you are FORBIDDEN from EVER affecting my energy again.  If you do attempt to violate my sovereign energy sphere, I will FORCEFULLY send you to the Galactic core to be transmuted.  While transmuting will be the best thing that has ever happened to you, it's possible that you will not emerge if there is nothing left within you to salvage and transmute.  You have been warned."

  • Next, offer those demiurgic counterparty beings an opportunity to step into the Galactic Vacuum to be taken to the Galactic core and transmuted.  Some of them will take this opportunity so that they can be free from the Demiurge's control and hierarchical enslavement.

  • Declare, "I remove ALL imprinting, implants, overlays, beliefs, perceptions, attitudes,  identities, frozen emotions, etc related to these agreements."  Ask your Divine Inner Self to direct a Galactic Vacuum throughout your unconscious mind, subconscious mind, and all throughout your sphere of consciousness to remove all of these components, and anything else related to these agreements.  

  • Next, expand the light of your True Sovereign Inner Self to fill in all the areas that you have cleared.   This allows the Truth of who you really are to replace the false constructs that have been removed.

  • Call forward and Restore the original agreement that you made with Infinite Source to incarnate into this troubled realm and to carry Source Light in your incarnation.  Let the loving power contained within that original agreement dissolve any remaining constructs related to those old, artificially imposed agreements.

  • The most important part of all of this is your WILL to make this happen.  Get a little angry if you need to, harness any righteous indignation you have and use the FORCE of your WILL.

  • Affirm often: "I am sovereign and no one is allowed to take my energy."
    "I am sovereign and no being or non-being is allowed to infringe on my sovereign space."

The Galactic Vacuum

This is a tool that I use on a daily basis in removing limiting energies, defending my Sovereign energy boundaries, as well as helping clients to do the same.  Any thought-form, etheric implant or soulless being put into the vacuum is taken to the Galactic Core to be transmuted back into pure energy.  Any beings with a soul sent to the Galactic Core are either transmuted, cleansed of their darkness and rehabilitated or dissolved back into basic energy (destroyed). 

Either outcome is fine with me, although I am always rooting for them to emerge as healed, sane beings who can become productive members of the universe once again.  Whether or not a being is healed and restored or it is destroyed is between them and Source.  I do not make that decision, I am simply serving as a galactic conduit to send that being to look in the Galactic Mirror, take responsibility for its actions and hopefully heal and regain sanity.

I do warn these beings one time that they are NOT permitted to infringe on my Sovereign energy and that they need to back off or I will use defensive force in order to send them to the Galactic core.  Most of them will make a show of standing down, but will try to send in an energetic probe or "feeler" later in order to continue their agenda.  When I sense this, I go to the source of the incursion along with multiple Galactic vacuums and "clean house." 

About half of these parasitic, demiurgic beings can be redeemed and transmuted back into sane, productive members of the free Universe.  That is actually a pretty good ratio, considering how far into fear, insanity, control, enslavement, abuse, manipulation, destruction and hierarchy these beings have gone.

Universal Law & Defensive Force

In most New (c)Age doctrines, it is considered "unspiritual" or "unevolved" to even consider the use of defensive force.  A good little new-ager is apparently supposed to let people and parasitic beings walk all over them, steal from them, drain their energy, manipulate / implant them, and harm them in any manner they choose.  Not only that, but they should also suppress any "negative emotions" so that they will be basically "happy victims" of such abuses.  This manipulative, deceptive "teaching" comes from the false-light, and nothing could be further from the real truth.

The Prime Universal Law is very simple:  All beings are Sovereign and have free will to express their creative urges in any way they choose, but no being has the right to violate and harm others.

The corollary to that law is also very simple:  Because all beings are Sovereign, they have the right to defend themselves from harm, using whatever level of force is necessary to stop the violation from occurring, even if it results in the destruction of the one inflicting the harm.

The enslavers and deceivers of the Spiritual Liararchy are in clear, total violation of Universal law.  They avoid the Natural "Law of attraction," which reflects a being's actions back to them, by coercing and manipulating other beings into agreeing to be victimized and enslaved, as well as convincing other beings to take on responsibility for their crimes through karmic transference.

The demiurgic being's many layers of deception are predicated on the BIG LIE that we are separate from Infinite Source.  The false-light beings then build upon this lie by convincing beings that Universal Law doesn't exist, that individuals have no inherent right to self-defense, that they must submit to the will of the Turds of Karma's "authority," and that people must worship the psychopathic demiurge and his "angelic" beings in order to be granted entry into "God's kingdom" one day.

The real truth is that we have NEVER been separate from Infinite Source, as that is a metaphysical impossibility.  A being can choose to ignore their connection, believe it is not there, and even believe that they have severed that connection, but belief in a lie does not make it true, because Truth (capital T) is not relative. 

As a metaphoric example, imagine if a group of human beings decided to sever themselves from the atmosphere by only breathing air from a SCUBA tank.  Are they really separate from the atmosphere?  No.  They still exist within the atmosphere, even if they are breathing a seemingly separate source of air. 

Nevertheless, the demiurgic beings have fully committed to their own illusion of separation from Source, and therefore must find an alternative source of energy, which they derive from humanity in the form of worship, adoration, beliefs, counterparty contracts, distorted sexuality, deception, confusion, apathy, struggle, pain, suffering, hate, death, etc.  (Going on a spectrum of energetic "gourmet food" to "junk food" for the parasitic beings in that example.) 

The LAST thing the liararchy wants is humanity coming to an understanding of Universal Law and how thoroughly we have been enslaved through deceit.  The INSTANT we declare "I am Sovereign and NO being has ANY right to take my energy from me" the game changes radically.  From that space of knowing that we are Sovereign Individuations of Source, we can exercise our Sovereign Rights, including righteous use of defensive force.

Right & Wrong

Another false-light teaching that infects the New (c)Age movement is that there is no such thing as right and wrong, that everything is just an experience that is there to teach us a lesson.  While it is true that we can learn valuable lessons from adverse circumstances, this does not mean that it is necessary or desirable to be continually oppressed, manipulated, implanted, deceived, enslaved and drained of energy.  Those are experiences the human race has had far too much of already.

With an understanding of Universal Law, we can observe that it is inherently wrong to harm another being who has done nothing to harm us.  We can also understand that working together and cooperating with others is often the right thing to do.  These simple concepts should be adhered to in order for us to free our minds from the twisted "logic" presented in New (c)Age teachings that would have us believe that the incredible amount of suffering inflicted upon humanity is entirely its own doing, as well as a wonderful learning experience, so we should not take any action to help others to alleviate their own suffering.

Were African-American slaves having wonderful learning experiences?  How about the Irish and Scottish indentured servants before them?  How about the medieval serfs who could be executed at the whim of the king or one of his minions?  No, these people were clearly being enslaved, which is easily recognized as something that is wrong to do.

Similarly, humanity is not having a wonderful learning experience by being enslaved to the corrupt demiurge's spiritual liararchy.  We are learning one thing for sure though, which is how to declare our Sovereignty and stop being slaves!  Well, many of us are.  :-)


One of the major roots of these worldly and metaphysical problems is the concept of hierarchy.  Everywhere we look in the world, we have (usually male-dominated) hierarchical systems of organization.  Hierarchy is an insidious, disempowering system of authority, obedience and enslavement that we MUST transcend in order to begin to heal ourselves and our world.

Likewise, we must also transcend "spiritual" hierarchies that foster enslavement, subservience and blind obedience.  The corrupt demiurge and its minions of archon-angels, fake ascended masters, ETs, demons, etc are the ultimate representation of degenerate hierarchy that consumes life-force and leaves only destruction in its wake. 

Transcending metaphysical hierarchy is a process of self-liberation / clearing, gaining self-knowledge, gaining knowledge of Universal and Earthly Natural Law, and exercising our Sovereign Will.  First, we have to KNOW through and through that we are fully connected extensions of the Divine Infinite Source of all creation.  When we know that, not just think it on an intellectual level, we realize that there is NO legitimate authority outside of ourselves.  There is only inner authority and self-governance, which when guided by understanding of Universal Law prohibits us from instigating actions that would harm another. 

Enlightened Self-Governance and adherence to Universal Law is the foundation for a free society.  Only with this foundation in place will we be able to avoid the ego trap of exerting "authority" over others to control and regulate their behaviors which do not harm anyone else. 

Only through Enlightened Self-Governance will we be able to build an entirely new type of society that is self-organized to solve problems and see to the needs of the many as a genuine expression of the desire to cooperate and make a world that benefits everyone.  This has to be an ever-evolving, co-creative process that we will continually discover as we engage it. 

Every idea needs to be tested and applied where it is willing to be accepted in an open-source manner through voluntary participation of all individuals involved in a non-hierarchical, uni-level, self-organizing process.  This requires an entirely new way of thinking, organizing and taking action, and all old models of centralized, top-down authority need to be abandoned, because as we have already seen, any attempts to impose a single "best system" onto the world will always result in oppression and will ultimately fail. 

We have within us the potential to FREE every single human being from the shackles of enslaving systems of hierarchy and external authority, to work together and create solutions to provide the basic needs of food, water, power, shelter, clothing, transportation and knowledge to EVERYONE on the planet.  Creating self-generating systems to support all of these needs is totally achievable, but only if we can cooperate as sovereign individuals who respect the rights and boundaries of others.

Such a shift in our world depends on all of us to know that we are Sovereign, to proclaim our Sovereignty, delete our slave-think programming, and then to work together in cooperation as Sovereign individuals with a common goal of maximal empowerment of everyone on the planet.

Proclaiming Sovereignty

The process of proclaiming Sovereignty and removing the false programming that has been embedded into our psyches from multi-dimensional levels of control takes time and consistent effort.  We need to proclaim daily "I am Sovereign, I am free.  Only *I* can govern me."  (Or any other way you want to phrase it, since you are Sovereign after all. J ) 

We also need to put in the self-clearing work required to revoke all agreements that we have made, either consciously or subconsciously to give our power away to external authorities, to experience unnecessary suffering or limitations, to bear "karmic" burdens that are NOT ours to bear, etc.  This is not a quick process, and I am going through my own version of it on a daily basis. 

The liararchy does NOT respect free will, healthy boundaries, or your right to say NO to them.  They use every possible type of manipulation, coercion and naked force to get their way.  That is how patriarchal hierarchical beings work.  (Notice the similarities in the words hierarchy and patriarchy, and the "archon" influence.)  The aggressive, domineering energy of patriarchy seeks to control every facet of every being's existence, taking and consuming everything that it possibly can. 

This is represented physically (below) by corrupt hierarchical governments, secret societies and corporations exploiting people and the environment.  It is represented metaphysically (above) by the corrupt demiurge and its legion of enslaved enslavers, of which the Turds of Karma are simply one division of the control grid. 

This is why it is so important to remind those pesky "lords" of karma and ALL of the demiurgic parasites that you are SOVEREIGN, and be willing to utilize your Sovereign power to back up that statement.  They don't speak the language of love, so that means we need to use some force in order to get our point across.

This is How I See It…

It is difficult to uncover these things, to stare the most malevolent beings in the universe in the face and tell them that I am Sovereign and I will NOT permit them to violate me.  Ironically though, in some ways it is even more difficult to share these revelations publically. 

So many people are completely sold on their false-light "ascended masters, ETs and angels" who tell them what to do, how to think and how to live that they attack me for bringing this revelatory information to the public eye.

To those people, I say quite simply:  Believe what you want to believe, but I am going to keep working on KNOWING the TRUTH, and taking appropriate ACTION to right the wrongs that have been done to humanity by the very beings that you are giving your power away to.

I choose to stand for Truth as a Sovereign Being alongside (not beneath) the Sovereign beings of the Free Universe who take action to oppose all forms of deception, parasitism and enslavement. 

I thank those of you who will stand alongside, and take action with us.

Much Love,
Cameron Day


27 comments to Tell the “Lords” of Karma That You Are Sovereign – No Longer a Lightworker Part 2

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  • and here are the lords of karma...

  • Cameron's argument falls apart in the title of the discussion...

    Tell the “Lords” of Karma That You Are Sovereign – No Longer a Lightworker

    Sovereignty is a relationship between you and your creator.

    Because sovereignty is the realization that nothing exists between you and God.

    So if you're talking to the lords of karma about your sovereignty, you may be disappointed with the response you get.

    no one takes away your sovereignty.

    You surrender it.

    as a result, no one can give it back to you.

    you must rediscover it.

    as for no longer being a light worker, that is quite frankly not an option.

    How can you not be something that you are?

    How can you unknow something that you know?

    When you start to access the higher self, the lights start to come on. And you are able to see the skeletons that are in your akashic closet.

    the reason so few people ascend is because they get to this step, where they have to embrace their skeletons to move beyond them and into ascension, and discover that their fears are greater than their faith.

    So they try to turn the lights out again.

    But you can't.

    the best, (worst?) you can do is live in denial of your light.

    and that has karmic consequences.

    this is an article written by a man who knows truth. and is in fear of it.

    the day will come when he'll return to the fold.

    the universe will see to that.

    In light, this discussion could have been summarized thus..

    I AM Sovereign.

    I AM speaking my truth.

    I AM that I AM.

    This is all the statement you need.

    The universe knows what to do with you. Because its been waiting for you to state it.

  • I had a powerfuk lesson in humility today.
    And I've learned it without being humbled.
    As I normally would be in such a situation.
    Being humbled is how I normally learn
    So I place myself I. Humbling situatikns.

    That's how I know when I've chosen different.
  • And i don't know who these lords of karma are that Cameron speaks of.

    I AM the lord of my karma.

    I recommend you be the same for you.

    • It is nice to think that way, but from what I read it seems that we chose to come here to have human experience on this planet, but did not know we would stay this long, as it was not originaly creator's (or ours) plan. The reason we stayed this long is because some dark forces (reptilias) decided to take over this planet, and they then arranged this system of continuing reincarnations, in order to feed off of our energy, and it has been that way for thousand of years. Now, the creator decided that it was enaugh, and this system must be stopped.

      If that is correct, then we are not lords of our karma, at least we have not been for a long time. I hope it will now change, as dark forces are being defeted.

      I recently read an article that states that the whole system of incarnation was in fact invented by these dark forces, as they arranged that our souls, upon the death of our body, be quickly taken through the tunnel, have a fast life review in which we actually face all the bad things that we did (in order to make us feel bad) and then persuaded that we need to go back, in order to improve our behaviour, to correct our mistakes. Then we gave our permission, and were soon transferred back to earth, where the whole thing started again. The article states that the whole experence (going through the tunnel, feeling of huge love, meeting with "divine" beings- for those that are believers of certain religion would meet just prophets from their own religion etc, atmosfere of love and support. that all that are just holographic images made by some device installed on Moon, operated by dark forces.

      I don't know if that is true, or not, but it is hard for me to believe that all the suffering on this planet was approved by creator (or us), and what is the point of us learning the same things over and over.

      • Happy Person,I don't think this way, I choose to live this way. and have been for some time now.

        this is not open for debate.

        I AM stating my truth.

        And it has been, and continues to works for me like magic.

        I see and feel my karma dissolving because of the actions I take. Not the actions that others may or may not take.

        I recognize the frequencies that I have reclaimed that I once feared. I recognize the time lines  have jumped.

        And I see a big bright beautiful light at the end of the tunnel.

        None of this comes from books, only personal trial and error and experience.

        When you look at life from a 3d perspective, what you notice is the dram. The pain. The suffering. 

        when you look at it from the perspective of spirit, what you are seeing iss the souls evolution through time.

        There is no plan. There is no map. There is no right and wrong way. what matters is that over time you learn to choose to do that which you fear. Because love is on the other side of fear.

        Te creator didn't approve suffering, r happy times.

        What has been approved is a system where as avatars we go out and explore the external world, learn as much as we possibly can, and then return to Gd.

        All actions are equally valued. none are judged.

        This process, the Divinity project as i like to call it, has happened many times over the billions of year of our universes existence. Pleiades, Arcturus, Sirius, to name a few.

        All have gone through this.

        Although the rules of engagement were a bit different for us as compared to our predecessors.

        which explaind why its taken longer than expected. No one knew what to expect.

        And now they are here offering as much help as they can to get us over the line.

        And once humanity achieves graduate status, ie ascends, we will pass the baton on to another planet and race of beings just like us. and watch them jump the hoops that we have had to jump. 

        until they learn on their own what t means to be compassionate.

        because compassion can't be taught. It muust be learned through experience. and any interference compromises the level of compassion that needs to be achieved to gain ascension status.

        and there is no point to learning stuff over and over again.

        if you/we are getting the same lessons repeatedly, the lessons haven't been learned.

        because we are on the same time line. Attracting the same experiences.

        once you learn the lesson, and by learning the lesson I mean choosing to act differenty too what you normaly would, the karma is cleared instantly.

        And you find yourself on a new time line.

        I assure you.

      • And to add: if we had the memories of our past life experiences, we would probably advance lot faster and less painfully, and this whole world would be much better place to live on. As adult- you don't make same mistakes you did when you were kid or teenager, because you rememmber these experiences, and do all you can to improve. I think that majority of people think this way, only small number of people never tries to improve.


        • Just want to add, There is a difference between learning from mistakes and clearing karma.

          learning from mistakes is akin to remembering to not put your hand in the fire because it burns you.

          clearing karma is akin to choosing to walk on hot coals.


          • U
            The purpose of karma is to teach us how to do this.
            And we can walk away from the coals if we so choose.
            The universe will keep dishing out the fire walks until we choose to walk them in spite of our fears.
            This year has been the year that the universe has been making the choice forthose of us who want to make the walk but find it difficult to choose to walk them. Through the humbling process. This is how karma is being cleared. We are being pushed onto the coal bed through raised planetary frequencies. The meltdowns that people have been having is the result of this.
        • we do have our memories.

          stored in the Akashic record.

          All you ave to do is raise your frequency by addressing your inner fears and you will unlock them.

          the point oof the test is to improve without assistance.

          to dig deep inside yourself and discover your best.

          you mastery

          power of the kind that the ascended human being has needs integrity, and maturity to wield.

          if you give this power t a child who doesn't understand consequence, the child will use it for their own amusement. because the child just wants to play and feel good.

          school yard bullies abuse their power. they are in the most fear and use their power to avoid their fears.

          The thought of using their power in an act of unity doesn't enter their minds because fear won't let them.

          They don't question their actions. why would they?

          They wield the power, and no one tells them that they are wrong. so they believe that what they are doing is right. And continue to do so. seemingly consequence free.

          it is actions such as this that  have created  the world that we live in.

          however what we are seeing in the world is not the true potential of the power of the human being.

          This is power wielded by fear.

          it is in the overcoming of suffering, where you are left powerless and have to overcome your situation through compassionate, humble action, where the true potential of this power is unleashed.

          Because compassion is of a higher frequency than fear.

          and to get there, you must overcome your fears....

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