A race of beings is never truly free and independent until they stand united in their own light. At some point you can no longer blame others for enslaving you. When you begin to create your own divisions and form rigid opinions then you become the main source of your own enslavement. As long as you see the world as black or white you will never experience the spiritual bliss that is your divine right. We are spiritual beings pretending to live a material life. When we can all see the oneness in all things again we will make the sacred connection with nature once again and know our mother. Love, simplicity, beauty, and wisdom are the only attributes you will need to see the fifth world dawn.
Stand up and claim your sacred rights to be free and independent. You have always been galactic beings and do not let any soul tell you different. The Avatars that have come are older on the soul level than any Lyran group. The current Manu lived on worlds before the first Lyran made stone tools and they will come again. Declare your freedom in your hearts and minds. Manifest that freedom in your reality and never again allow another to have power over you. As a spiritual being focus on your own enlightenment in the coming years. All spirtual beings must walk this path before attaining a higher level of consciousness. Fear nothing and do not give your power over to others in hopes they will rescue you. Be your own lamp in the night and help light the way. The new world must be built, so stop thinking it is going to be beamed down for your casual enjoyment.
Soon all the dramas will end and all we will have is the dharma and each other. Be wise my friends and seek the perpetual bliss that is yours.