http://thegalactichub.blogspot.comFirst let me introduce myself for those who do not know me. My name is Adam and I am what is referred to as a physical alien contactee which I have had the pleasure of experiencing for the last 5 years. In this time, I have written hundreds of messages containing information I have received from those I refer to as the BBOOG: Benevolent Beings Of Our Galaxy. I recently have created a new blogging website called The Galactic Hub which is dedicated to ET Messages, Universal Theory, and much more! My team and I are also currently in the middle of many projects and information we are getting ready to reveal publically. The Galactic Hub serves as a hub of information that is aimed to benefit the planet and its inhabitants. With that said, the following is the latest ET message.Adam's ET Message For April 24th 2009:Today I had a telepathic meeting with my many ET contacts. This has been the first meeting I have had in months. Many things were discussed and I will try and cram as much as I can into this message. There are four topics I was told to discuss that I will number:1) The Galactic Federation of Light, Ashtar Command, and Titles.2) Channelers, Misinformation, and Predictions.3) Illuminati News.4) BBOOG News.1) The Galactic Federation of Light, Ashtar Command, and Titles. As of late many have thought and spoken these names in a negative context due to certain channelers predictions that have not came true (which I will get to as well in this message). In the higher dimensional vibrations that most ETs live within, there are no such things as titles. When most of these ETs decide to communicate with people on our planet, they create a title to help us better understand who and what they are. These titles change but most ETs refer to themselves nowadays as being part of the Galactic Federation of Light or Ashtar Command, though in reality these organizations don't really exist. BBOOG is a better term which is a simplistic way of saying Benevolent Beings Of Our Galaxy which I also mentioned in my welcoming message.2) Channelers, Misinformation, Predictions. As spirituality seeps into the mainstream ways of thinking, it is only natural and logical for people to want to do something such as channeling or communicating with higher dimensional beings. There are also those that wish to do such for personal financial gain, and try to scam others for this reason. With that said, you can see how some information can become contradictory. It is important to use your own discernment when it comes to reading messages from channelers or becoming involved with them in some manner. It is also very popular nowadays for "channelers" to create predictions. It is very important to know that no-one can predict the future, not even ETs. ETs understand this and would never tell a channeler to write a message containing a prediction. If that does occur then in every case it is the channeler creating that prediction through the use of their own ego and/or expectations. When it comes to receiving information from ANY source, that is something that is not set in stone and is nothing more then a possibility within an infinite amount of possibilities that could possibly happen within our reality which is why predictions don't and will never exist.The first half of the meeting was reitering things that many forget or don't understand. The second half of the meeting was all about new information on a galactic and planetary level.3) Illuminati News. Many wonder if the Illuminati is out of power yet. It is clearly evident that since the Bush Administration's birth in 2000, there has been a death blow dealt to the Illuminati's global organization, but does it still exist? That answer is an obvious yes. But the more important question is: Are we now at a point where we as a people can rid ourselves of Illuminati manipulation? My ET contacts as well as myself think the answer to that question is an astounding YES! I have been told that there are many politicians within the USA government that are trying to place government on a new path which will divide the corporations and banking control from it. President Obama is the key to this for happening and has secretely taken measures to slowly make this a reality. The global economic crisis was not a plan of the Illuminati's, but whether that is something you believe as truth or not, it will eventually collapse their organization completely anyway, as signs of that are clearly seen happening already. There is a possibility of an event transpiring relatively soon that will publically showcase that government is on a path of non-Illuminati manipulation.4) BBOOG News. BBOOG is a term I will commonly use in my messages so please start remembering what it means as I don't feel it is necessary to call them the "Galactic Federation of Light" or "Ashtar Command" because those titles don't explain them accurately. BBOOG stands for Benevolent Beings Of Our Galaxy.Many wonder when the BBOOG will come land and assist our planet. It is true that there WILL come a time where they WILL land on our planet, but that is something that is not known until it happens. A First Contact scenario, contrary to what others say about when it will happen, will not happen until sometime after the end of the Mayan Calendar which ends on October 28th 2011 when the pre-determined creational evolutionary matrix ends. Some may wonder if I misspelled that and meant 2012 but no I mean 2011 like is written. This is something that will be explained completely in a future message. The BBOOG wants everyone to know that they have always assisted our planet since the beginning of our planetary existence, though at the moment that assistance is more energetic, vibrational, and etheric rather than physical. They are slowly going to start making themselves more known via ship flybys and especially crop circles! But this slow path will take years to happen before a First Contact scenario will happen. Notice how I didn't specify on years. We don't know exactly when.I will end this message with a quote from one of my ET contacts."Everything happens the way it does so you can experience the most educational lessons for your souls growth and evolution. Nothing that has or is to happen on your planet is accidental or coincidental. It is simply designed that way."My next message will explain the whole Mayan Calendar controversy.Sincerely,Adam

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"NBC has really been working overtime protecting their Deep State masters keeping this video tape hidden for all these decades."
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