Remember : Keep it simple. Spirituality is not complicated, it does not require equiptment or 'rules' all it requires is an open loving heart that is willing to give of itself even when all you want to do is quit, it is finding the strength to say I love you to those who would hurt you, it is knowing in your heart that each and every action is taken from the heart and not the mind (Ego) I love each and every one of you and I am so proud of you all from the amazing work with the light you are doing, keep it up we are very nearly there *hugs*
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And I love you my sibling of light :) Sending you squishy energy hugs too ;)
Big squishy energy huggles right back at ya :)
Thank you so much for this encouraging and heartfelt message. I think a lot of struggle goes on about the heart vs ego thing. Ego has a way of making its' voice the loudest but is not the wisest sometimes, and often hurts others. Much better to go within and act from the heart when dealing with people. This is a wonderful reminder because it is far easier to love someone who never hurt you than someone who has, and the true test of love is being able to love undconditionally. I think that is the most difficult lesson and the one that means the most as far as spiritual growth. Love and light to you too.
Yes, I feel humans struggle with the concept of ego eradication, unfortunately lightworkers can be some of the worst culprets for this behaviour, unconditional love is just that, without condition, you do not say I will only love you if you do this. It is ok to say to another i do not like that behaviour, but in no way stop loving that person because of it. Undeveloped people are like children, they need more love and understanding. And I really wish people would stop telling me to meditate *giggles* while it may be a method for you it may not be for me.. the word SHOULD is an indication that ego is present.