Thank You For The LOVING feedback. We have floded this "energy" with Love, lets spread JOY and meditate together IN SILENCE. NAMASTE* I read every Reflection in this forum and Im glad for every word and energy you put into it. Ben-Arion

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  • Whoever wrote that email does not know God, Sananda, St. Germaine, Ashtar or any other entity spreading love, patience and forgiveness. This person needs some serious mental help and my advice is to not allow this email to bother any of us.

    Love and Light
  • Dear Ben-Arion,
    Hello! I am still here and gladly a member. This message is full of disparity and there is nothing he can do. There is a lot happening on this planet and the battle of souls is going on. "Let it go" is absolutley the right thing to do. Darkness grips those that are weak and I can only hope this person can find his/her way back to the light. The invitiation is always there.
    Love to all,
    Autumn Rose (Jean)
    • Dear Light-Warrior, This kid should be on T.V. He is sooo precious!!!! Love and Light to you, Virginia
    • when i look in the eyes of my biggest friend i remember so clearly why i`m here.
      unite and love each other with great respect.
  • Its been interesting to read this. What came up in my mind, is The Law of Attraction. If he is what he say he is, why does he not cooperate and give advice ? Positive advice.
  • Seriously EMAIL?

    Can't they send their message through channeling or telepathy?
    Oh, the sender obviously is not able.

    This site must be dealing a great effect on people, and it does them. But don't let it get into you, it is just starting. In the future, there may be more of attacks from them but please, even though others were blinded because of FEAR, you should never succumb.

    Because Threats; are never a method of light.

    They despise Freewill, for they like... obedient people.
  • Aum, well I'm satisfied with Ashtar Command website. I'm sure there are a lot of nice people involved.
  • quote from THE GUY... : i dont want to hear from you or anyone from your site. your site has caused me to have several nervous breakdowns and is making people ill.
    funny how the old members didn't rejoin.

    QUESTION: What about all of us who did NOT quit? I see this guy as having performed quite a service and I THANK HIM for it. Though he may be a she...for all I know.
    PEACE BE UNTO THEE beloved riler upper.

    Ahandah Kah Sii Aha,
    Brenda in Idaho USA Earth & Beyond
  • I simply love u all!
This reply was deleted.

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