I want to thank all members for this quick transition to the "new" ashtar command website.
I must say it has been alot of fun, even if I was surprised at first. New and fresh energy is
coming in, and ofcourse some will not agree with that, but this is totally individual,
Quality is better than quantity, thats the new energy of Ashtar Command, We were 4500+ members and now we are about 1100, so if you havent invited your friends, do that here.
The path to self realization is unique for us all and if we can see that and share that
on Ashtar Command, we have come far in our Learning.
Negativity will always be a part of this world/Dimension, it cant just be removed - and we have to realize who we are, the core of our self and understand that no One can remove "Peace" from you.
People are negative because they dont know any better, and its a great cleansing in Feelings, the energy Is Hightened, Stronger Light is being channeled into this World.
People have to release their pain and Stress. And it may result in Deep fear, negativity and
depression. So dont JUDGE them, love them.
You are Peace, we share on Ashtar Command because we Love that, not to
be the best teacher and give eachother Advices how to change. Instead giving eachother support where
we are at the moment and allowing that. Yes, it may come people to the website that not know who they are
and they seek outer evidence. And they will not FIND any EVIDENCE whatsoever, because Awakening is about
understanding that "WE CREATE REALITY" as we go. REALITY is not fixed and limited. What you know now
is the only thing you have to know. All else will be given to you, when you are ready.
I embrace all negativity with love and wish them A good Journey to Self awareness.
We are IMAGINATION, I cant say this to many times, There are no REAL answers in creation, the world
you see today will be gone in one million years, but love will continue to MOVE US. Wherever we are.
So dont get caught up in PERSONAL DRAMA, it will dissapear. You will eventually reach a point when you
just Detach yourself from Drama, you will not even notice it anymore. Instead you will just forgive.
You chosse your thoughts, no one else.
People have their way of communication, people say alot but Do little practice,
When you begin meditating you will get to know your feelings. And you will be able to communicate
with others in a better way.
Some people have a difficult time to communicate, i have seen that in the chat...
So the Chat may be closed from time to time, because the Focus will be on The Great library of
Light Ashtar Command offers. You can always email each other.
We have come to a point where we have to BE the LOVE intead of reading books and channelings, but they are great tools
to make us remember who we are. My fist Book that maked me remember was "Conversations with God". I was about 14 years old.
When I began to remember why I was here.
Yes, CALL ME A REBELL OR A WARRIOR, because i AM THAT. Im here to BE LOVE.
Not in any particular way, just being ME, simple and clear in my communication.
As you have noticed, the new WWW address is http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net
& www.ashtarcommand.net will hopefully be working soon.
Lion Of Light
Ashtar Command
You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments!
Love and light,
I fully realise what you say, but some 4 Billion Earthlings have no knowledge about computers yet, they still live
between the first and second Dimension,many without access to basic needs such as clean water, eatable food
and electricity, where I am, it is not so long ago, that Politicians dumped computers in boxes to hill-tribe people
and they did not even have the electricity to power them, nor the knowledge how to use them! after years the computers
ended up in a recycling company owned by the very people that had them dumped!! I can give many more examples!!
Planet Earth is in dire need of Intergalactic Council Intervention!!
With sincere respect
~ We are in This Together~
Find more photos like this on Ashtar Command
Please read the message from A.A.Michael, it is so beautiful and ful of Hope..
Tomorrow it begins...7 weeks long~~~
Thanks 100 for your Power and Love to All
I'm grateful for my Power in 2009
Much Love