channeling.jpg?width=308Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm


I’m going to be vulnerably honest about a subject that’s pretty close to my heart: channeled messages. I’m aware that some seekers don’t resonate with them and others think that only certain forms of channeling can be valid, but personally, they’ve helped me find an incredible sense of liberation from the physical matrix that I’m eternally grateful for.


I respect that some people just won’t open up to channeled material or the wisdom and light that pour from genuine messages, and their stance is understandable. It’s understandable that some people don’t find channeled messages very credible, but they’ve helped me more than I can express and my fascination with them continues to grow.


Some channeled material out there obviously isn’t credible. Some of it can’t be taken seriously, but in my experience, there’s a wealth of genuine material that not only informs, but uplifts in an unprecedented way. If I can be perfectly honest, channeled messages are, to me, a form of gospel that I’m happy to study.


Christians might study the unfortunately distorted bible, but personally, my gospel comes from the amazingly pure channelings we’re being given. I’ve studied credible and non-credible channeled material, and I always discern what I read by the amount of light in it and the extent to which it encourages, uplifts, inspires, and empowers.


This is the aim of channeled material, beyond giving us helpful information. It’s intended to uplift our minds and hearts as it informs us about important spiritual (and sometimes contemporary) matters that have to do with our welcoming of a new earth.


I was just reading a snippet from a channeled message of Tazjima’s that talked about the fall of the cabal and the forgiveness that could enable them to find the light, and an indescribably joyous, uplifted emotion welled up in me.


I’m grateful for the swathes of channelers out there bringing through the purest information they can, because they’re providing a very necessary link to the other side that helps a lot of other seekers understand that our existence isn’t as meaningless as we’ve been led to believe.


I’m proud to embrace channeled messages, because to me, they’re a very direct link to the other side. They provide us with something that the bible certainly can’t, and some evenings, I’ll head over to the Golden Gaia database and read to my heart’s content.


The genuine channeled material out there is far more informative and uplifting than its given credit for, and in time, more seekers will discover their ability to connect with the higher realms and bring through the energy and communications of loving guides who’ll encourage them to develop and expand.


I think we all owe our guides and the channelers who continue to diligently inform us about our spiritual evolution and the higher dimensions a ‘thank you’ for their service so far, and I look forward to creating the future that’s discussed in channeled messages without looking to any entity or collective to do the work without me.


I’m excited to do the work required to build a new world, and I appreciate the higher-dimensional assistance we’re being given by way of supportive and inspirational channeled messages. Thank you, guardians of humanity, for working so hard to help us evolve. You have my sincere, love-filled appreciation.


Wes Annac – In love with life and spirit.


I’m a 20 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Aquarius Paradigm daily news site.

The Aquarius Paradigm features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.

I can also be found at Conscious Oneness, The Golden Age of Gaia,, Ashtar Command Crew, Facebook (Wes Annac and The Aquarius Paradigm), and Twitter.


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  • I dig it!  Even the fake ones have done some positive for me, personally.  Besides, sometimes we need a good laugh!  

    • Great point, Si! Even the ones that clearly aren't credible provide some entertainment.

      Much Love! :)

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