The following was transcribed verbatim from:



The 11:11 Universal and Spiritual Laws of the Cosmos

Universal Law of Free Will

Spiritual Law of Freedom of Man

Universal Law of Change

Spiritual Law of Growth of Man

Universal Law of Movement and Balance

Spiritual Law of Strength, Health and Happiness

Universal Law of
Innocence, Truth and Family

Spiritual Law of Protection of Family

Universal Law of Symmetry

Spiritual Law of Equality

Universal Law of Life

Spiritual Law of Choice

Universal Law of Light, Sound and Vibration

Spiritual Law of Intuition

Universal Law of Judgment

Spiritual Law of Karma

Universal Law of Nature

Spiritual Law of Protection of Man

Universal Law of Love

Spiritual Law of Healing

Universal Law of Perception

Spiritual Law of Future Sight


It may be noted that these Universal and Spiritual Laws, accepted and revered by all member civilizations of the Star Nations, are not couched in the “Thou shalt/not...” language of Human civil and religious laws. Rather, these Universal and Spiritual Laws may be seen as universally-valid, self-evident principles, grounded in natural law and the fundamentals of consciousness, and in every intelligent lifeform’s connection to Source.

The symbols of these 11:11 Laws were found etched into the structure of the starcraft that crashed at Roswell in 1947.

I gave my photo of those symbols to Ihanktowan Dakota (Sioux) Chief Golden Eagle/Standing Elk. He took them into sacred lodge, asked guidance from the Tunkasilas, (Dakota word for the “Grandfathers”, spiritual guides from the stars), and learned that the symbols stood for the 11 Universal Laws and 11 Spiritual Laws that all Star Nations cultures accept as their common metaphysical/spiritual foundation.

- Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN [Dakota Sioux for the 11:11 Laws]

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  • The following was transcribed verbatim from:

    Star Nations

    Who and what are Star Nations?
    Star Nations is the name of the organization of intelligent advanced civilizations in our galaxy - the Milky Way. This is the name that these various star civilizations have given their organization.
    And Star Nations is also the name by which these civilizations are known collectively by traditional indigenous people of North America and elsewhere.
    There are myriad star civilizations that belong to Star Nations. These civilizations number well above a million.
    There are 1438 star races in contact with Earth, not to mention the many, many more civilizations which are also members of Star Nations. For a description of the Star Nations member races in most frequent contact with Earth, see:
    What are the entrance requirements to become a member of Star Nations?
    A candidate civilization must be made up of intelligent individuals who have developed to a level of spiritual and cultural advancement where their civilization collectively is in either explicit or implicit conformity with the 11 Universal Laws and the 11 Spiritual Laws of the cosmos. For a description of those Laws, see
    The purpose of Star Nations is to serve as an organization of highly intelligent and spiritually developed civilizations which:
    1) provides wise general supervision over the star systems which support life;
    2) fosters the development of intelligent life where appropriate within star systems and as directed by Source [God];
    3) assists in the development of such civilizations by sharing information and guidance to encourage these civilizations to develop to their full intellectual and spiritual potential; and thus in this role Star Nations serves as a sort of galactic Peace Corps;
    4) provides protection to civilizations which are still in the earlier stages of development, so that these will not be preyed upon by those morally-undeveloped civilizations which are not members of Star Nations and whose arrested spiritual development allows for immoral predation on the weak and vulnerable. Thus, in this role Star Nations serves as a galactic police force to keep the peace. In this role Star Nations could somewhat inexactly be compared to Earth’s United Nations Organization and the UN’s Blue Helmets peace-keeping forces.
    Earth has been under protection by Star Nations, who have placed a protective cordon around Earth so that Humans are not subject to being preyed upon by any members of civilizations of inferior moral and spiritual development.
    The Star Nations organization is a very ancient organization, having been formed many many millions of years ago.
    What is Earth’s future as regards Star Nations?
    If Humans continue to reform and transform their current corrupt, materialistic, ecocidal, power-focused global culture into a peaceful, just, sharing, mutually-supportive, appropriately-spiritual, family-like global civilization with responsible ecological stewardship, and reach consensus to abide by principles consistent with the 11 Universal Laws and 11 Spiritual Laws, then we will have reached a point where we may reasonably expect an invitation from Star Nations to become the latest member civilization of Star Nations.

    - Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
    Councillor of Earth
    President, Star Kids Project, Ltd
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