Greetings Masters! Indeed! We greet you in joy and encircle each of you in a field of Unconditional Love.
2012 is not an end, rather it is the true Beginning. Accordingly 2012 is the expansion of dimensional access on the New Earth.
People Get Ready

The Ascension has movement, it is a train of change, and it is coming. You do not need a ticket, only faith & preparation. Energies of the Earth are shifting more quickly now. The velocity of light has increased. In response, the flash & sequencing of linear- time is moving faster now, in the quickening of the 2012 Ascension. The magnetic grid is being reduced as the Crystalline Grid becomes dominant. Gravity fields have transitioned and will continue this metastasis. The arc swing of duality is lessened, and the movement into greater dimension, crystalline frequency, is now tangible. It effects you, influences your Beingness in a powerful manner in the shift.

New Earth Demands
In kind then, does the need for humanity to shift become requisite to maintain equilibrium and balance. Equivocation will not serve. The astrological undulations become more intense as does the heightened energy of the planet itself.

The energy of the New Earth demands more effort on your part. You must proactively raise your frequency to adjust, to keep pace. You must manage expectation and rise to the occasion.

The new energy is of a different medium. Just as you move differently in water than on land, so must you adjust your energy field in the new expanded environ. A new focus is necessary in the optimal maintenance of your Auric Body, for the human EMF ( Electro-Magnetic Field) is being shifted into CEF (Crysto-Electric Field) at the level of the 5th dimension. It is an important change, and is a mandate for each of you on the path.

Ascension Symptoms

The Ascension has symptoms. How you choose to deal with them has consequences. They become either growing pains that lead to great new horizons, or the impetus of a stagnation that can lead to a downward spiral. You can't sit on the fence and ignore it, one of the two, the former or latter, will occur. The Ascension energies are global, and are encountered through Auric Induction.The Aura must be understood, and maintained in order to shift into the Crystalline. The higher frequencial energies of the New Earth require a larger CEF (Crysto-Electric Field) , and the operation manual is a bit more complex.

If you do not make a concerted effort, the greater resonance will create fissure cracks in the field and your will have energy bleed. Energy bleed creates short circuitry, and leads to greater malfunction. Including then, potential symptoms of depression, anxiety, chronic sleep disorder and apathy. These can be avoided, but the mechanics must be recognized and monitored. It is more important than ever to understand and indeed rigorously maintain the Auric Field in the ongoing shift, for it is the optimal CEF that is the gateway to the Crystalline Light Body.
2012 Requires Beacons
Yes, it takes work to adjust. But it is the better path. It will be at times seem overwhelming . But you can navigate this with discipline and heart. And we are here to assist.

The greatest path is to accept the challenge of Self Ascension by being a living 'Light House-Beacon'. Project then the example of your own light rather than protesting the darkness that still exists within the world in 3d, and choosing to dimly insulate yourself from it. Not all humans will chose the walk of Ascension at this time. In many ways it is a moot point, for the changes of the Ascension will occur whether humanity in micro or macro shift in synergetic rhythm in sync with the New Earth of 2012. Beloved, we offer in this moment the integral energy of our Light Beingness, of that crystalline essence of which we are.

We offer you in pure love the guidance of our wisdom for your discernment. Masters, we ask of you simply to be fully present in your hearts and minds. Discern what we say, for you are a God in process. Take what resonates of that we offer for it is presented to you in deepest respect and love.
Our purpose is ever to reinforce your own strength, for ultimately the vast divinity of your Being is not only well equipped to help you find fulfillment, but totally desirous of doing so. And Dear Human, in this process you will discover your higher nature of wisdom, understanding, exuberance, and peace. No one, not even an Angel, can do this for you. In impeccable Mer-Ka-Na you will achieve every self designed task before you.

2012 Optimal Auric Circuitry
And so we speak on the optimal circuitry of the human auric field, with specific focus on the 13-20-33 circuitry. Masters, the Human Aura is not auto-regulated. It requires methodical maintenance. And this is tantamount, because achieving and retaining the 13-20-33 Circuitry of the integral Auric Field is an absolute prerequisite of ascending into Crystalline Light-Body Vehicle. You see with the great expansion of the resonant energy via the completion of the Crystalline Grid, it is logical to understand that a crystalline light body is generated & birthed in order to carry the higher crystal energy matrix of the Ascending Earth. It is the Mer-Ka-Na, and its circuitry is an Alchemical process that must be understood in order to operate in optimal quantum clarity.
Auric Development
Now, we address briefly the time-linear aspect of development of the Human Aura. Dear Ones, as each of you have grown in consciousness through you multitudinous sojourns in duality you activated more layers of your auric field. With each new activation, more responsibility is required, greater apperception is naturally requisite for optimal Auric maintenance. The ultimate and optimal resonance is the Circuitry of 13-20-33. This is the key ratio and flow of the graduated, fully blossomed Auric Field. It is this resonance that allows for flow into Crystalline Light Body. Unless the 13-20-33 is obtained, cultivated and sustained Light Body acquisition is untenable.
Before we delve into this important assay, let us add the caveat, that Auric expansion is a journey and not a destination. In other words, what is gained MUST be kept. Many of you have achieved high levels of Auric layer activation only to lose the clear luminosity & circuitry due to lack of comprehension of the fundamental stipulations required for optimal Auric Field sustenance.
Most of you that are termed 'Old-Souls' in your vernacular originally entered the Earth-Plane in Crystalline Light Body, in the Mer-Ka-Ra of the true Ascended Master. With the Fall of the Firmament, you willingly entered into the 'University of Duality' and in time lost the connection to the great and greater aspect of your true essence. Your auras then took a downward spiral alongside your awareness as you fell into the diffused density of polarity physical bodies. This we have shared with you in earlier assays.
Now, we wish to clarify at this juncture that the advent of duality onto the Earth-Plane was not an accident. It was what we may term as a deliberate occurrence to allow for the experience and growth within duality. The Earth became a University, in its role as the Planet of Choice. Most of your religious scripts refer to this as the 'downfall' of mankind. But in actuality it was an intentional 'maya', an illusion with purpose. Duality placed filters on consciousness, and work was/is required to 'grow' back into full crystalline consciousness. But ALL of YOU chose this growth, and it carries succinct credentials.
The duality experiment carried with it certain vulnerabilities and allowed for what may be termed purposeful setbacks. This then is the journey of duality, the contractual pathway for re-emergence thru growth and overcoming obstacles.
And so in this process of re-growth, the dense became denser, the physical became more solidified, and the hemispheres of the human brain became locked in the polarity of the dodecahedronal grid.
The duality cycled human then incarnated into lifetimes that were dominated by frontal mind and the experience of lower chakra. This level of unconsciousness then allowed for only the 7 layer chakric field, with the goal of activating from the lower 3 chakras to the upper 4, in unifying the seven in full flow.
Duality was defined by polar electromagnetics, and the grid system that determined the level of density was the magnetic or gravity grid. This was indeed adjusted to differing levels throughout the progression of humanity. For a great deal of the linear time since the Golden Age of Atlantis, the gravity grid only allowed for an 8-8-16 circuitry in the Human Aura, and the gendered Mer-Ka-Bah was the Light Body that enabled growth from this level of frequency. Certain Avatars came back into duality from 5,000 to 2,000 years as you measure 'back' in linear time from this succinct reality hologram in order to begin to re-establish the pattern resonance of 13-20-33.
Yet only from the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, did the grid adjustment truly rebirth the 13-20-33 potential for the masses. This became initially enabled with the 144-Crystal Grid in 2001. It is the Crystalline Age thru the Crystalline Grid that fully empowers the return to 13-20-33 upshift into the re-emerging Crystalline, non-polarity Mer-Ka-Na Tri-System.
Circuitry : The 13-20-33
The 13-20-33 is an energetic emulsion interface combing the connectivity between anti-matter/matter/etheric- matter in a crysto-electric amalgam that creates the energy hum of OM. As such the circuitry of 13-20-33 is the not only the optimal frequencial flow required for complete omnitary auric function and upshift, it is the only frequency that can do so. It is the key, and a complex one that serves as the 'plug-in' for full power. Indeed it is then and only then capable of carrying immense energy. It untangles and combines variegated heterogeneous and homogenous energy forms in a compatible unified matrix that is capable of flowing into zero point, Crystalline Field of Mer-Ka-Na.
This circuitry implements and administers the mandatory linkage between the 33 components of the integral field. It is in fact the junctured manifold that regulates the appropriate networking resonance and lattice-weave within and without. It is defined as follows: the 13 represents the 12 layers of the Auric Field within etheric matter harmonized and synchronized into Oneness. Thus the 12 become the One forming the 12+1=13 frequency. It only occurs after sufficient sojourns in duality allow the consciousness of the entity to activate all 12 layers and tie and activate the 12 primary chakras to each layer of the aura and indeed to the 12 strand DNA.
The 20 represents activation of human auric interface layers into multidimensionality within the realms of AntiMatter. These layers were not easily accessible until the adjustment of the magnetic grid occurred.
The Fibiocci synchronization of the 13 + the 20 enables the 33 circuitry. This enables the circuitry that allows for humanity to expand fully into the Crystalline, non polarity levels of consciousness. This is truly the vehicle that takes you full circle, full circuit... back home.
The Mechanics of Maintenance
Now the correct flow of the 13-20-33 circuitry is dependent on certain maintenance responsibilities as we have described. We will discuss now, the obstacles that are most common in obtaining and sustaining optimal circuitry.
Issues Effecting Auric Integrity:
** Opposing Energy Fields
** Emotional Stress
** Conflict
** Planetary Energy Expansion
** Negative Thought-Form Attachment
** Air Travel - Physical Over-Stress
** Medications, Alcohol Excess, Toxins
** Inappropriate Attitude/Control issues/Ego Imbalance
Some of these are herewith addressed in detail.
(1)Interfering EM Fields & Microwaves Result in Bio-Polar Reversal

In your current times, the electromagnetics of the ascending earth are being amplified in potent surges, pressurized surges that can stretch & micro-fracture the flow & symmetry of your auric fields. This is a fundamental & defining necessity of the Ascension as you morph into expanded 13-20-33 Circuitry Auras in order to achieve Mer-Ka-Na within the Mer-Ka-Nic Tri System.

In your age and usage of cell phones, computers, televisions & electronic devices your offices and homes are a constant barrage ofopposing electro-magnetic energy fields. The result can be a temporary 'short circuit' effect that if unresolved can lead to auric imbalance by means of energy loss through fissure cracks. In essence this may be termed 'auric bleeding'. Some of the effects are short termed, but others can become chronic.

The detrimental effects of electromagnetic fields & microwaves, from your MW ovens, computers, mobile phones and televisions have been recognized by some of your mainstream medical professionals. These tend to be minimized & ignored by the masses, in part because the very suppliers & manufacturers of these generators of microwaves and magnetic fields sponsor and underwrite studies from staff or consulted scientists and 'experts' with the pre-contracted aim of disproving or vastly minimizing the contra effects. In the fact the detrimental effects are very real and most all of you are constantly within these contra-fields. As a case in point, most of you will read this message in front of a computer screen.

Dear Ones, there are effective methods of dealing with these contra fields, and these will be offered to you.

But do not ignore the fact that these fields will absolutely have varying levels of mal-effect on your auric field. Most of the in-situ waves and fields do not penetrate very deeply into the layers of your auric sheath, others do, yet all can fissure your energy fields. There may be some who consider this to be an issue of belief system, or this very message to be one of fear. It is neither. It is true that an Ascended Master can transmute such effects, but Dear Ones, we tell you in love that unless you are manifesting at that level, and can walk on water, take heed. The detrimental consequences of microwaves and electromagnetic waves created from alternating currents are a succinct certitude for the masses of humanity in duality, whether you believe it or not.
While these effects are not life threatening, they do indeed affect your energy circuitry, and can create what is termed 'reverse bio-polarity' and auric short circuitry. Both of which can lead to auric fissuring and result in auric bleeding.
Air Travel
Air travel is an ingrained aspect of most of your lives. At some point almost all of you will travel by airplane to another destination. And such travel depletes the aura far more than is currently understood. Indeed expansive regular air travel can shorten one's very longevity and cut short life span, especially for those in mid to later years. Pan continental and trans ocean flights by the very measure of their copious distance and requisite time in flight time are exponentially more degenerative to the human auric field. Virtually every one onboard a 9-10 hour international air flight exit the plane at their destination with varying degrees of irregular or ruptured auric function. Long distance flights traveling latitudinal in eastbound vectors are the most detrimental. Yet all such take an undeniable toll on the energy call it jetlag. Such a benign term is a gross understatement, for the condition is far more than simple fatigue from time zone change.
Now, one of the key the underlying factors that is the root of the issue is that most commercial planes fly at altitudes of 35,000 feet, in the stratosphere, and effectively outside the regulatory pulse of the Schumann Resonance. The Schumann Resonance is the planets 'heartbeat' it is an anionic charge released by the earth, that combines with the cationic charges released from the stratosphere to form an electro-magno capacitor around the planet from ground level to about 30,000 feet. This capacitor forms a background resonance that plays a key role in regulating vital organ& glandular rhythms in the human body. Airplanes flying at 35,000 to 37,500 feet, as most do, are outside this regulatory range and the metallic fuselage of the aircraft further deflects most remaining integration. The result is a distortion of the physical rhythms. Your NASA agencies and space station agencies are aware of this issue, as it has created chronic physical issues with the astronauts. They have experimented with placing magnetic generators in the stations and shuttles.
Your medical personnel that have studied jet fatigue are aware that flights can and do force the heart to work harder, and that longer range flights enlarge the heart temporarily. The pilots and flight attendants who fly daily absolutely stress their bodies and auric fields to the extent that chronic diseases result and 'aging' is acutely accelerated. There have been internal studies of the abbreviated life expectancy of airline flight workers, but these are for the most part kept from the public. They are indeed aware that hypobaric hypoxia caused by pressurization of the aircraft alters rhythmicity after long flights, independently of the number of time zones crossed, significantly reduces human hormone levels.
This issue is somewhat exacerbated by the rather cramped conditions of setting in close quarter seating for extended periods in which rest is difficult, circulation is impaired and the body ingests less oxygen, resulting in a fatigue of its own. The extremely dry air in the pressurized cabin as well as the pressurization itself is detrimental. Cycles are interrupted, and indeed most of you recognize that it is difficult to rest the body after long flights, insomnia occurs as but one side effect of the auric circuitry interruption.
Now let us be clear, flights of under 3-4 hours are not as detrimental as the 8-12 hour variety, and recovery is much faster. So other important factors are the time in the flight, the frequency of flights taken and the age and physical health of the individual human.
Yet all flights, as we have emphasized are detrimental to varying levels.
Equatorial Crossing
Long flights of latitudinal crossings invoke greater fatigue to the body physical due to time-zone change. This in addition to all of the other factors mentioned. Yet longitudinal flights that cross from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere (and vice-versa) invoke another frequencial adjustment to the auric energy. The resonate energy below the equator will in unforced & unmagnetized scenarios, naturally rotate clockwise below the equator, and anticlockwise above it. Thus when one flies from above the equator to destinations above it, and vice -versa, the individuals Auric circuitry will be mal-effected for a period of time.
Question to Metatron: Many people have jobs that require flights. What can be done to minimize the detrimental effects?
AAMetatron: The effects, again, are exacerbated according to the frequency of flights and length of flights. Other factors are the general health and age of the person flying. So in all cases, try to minimize regularity and frequency when possible. Maintain the health in all activity. When you know you will fly you can stabilize the field somewhat by wearing copper or gold on both wrists, and by employing certain gemstones as rings and pendant to help hold the field intact. After the flight, take salt mineral baths and avoid sleep aids. Hydrate the body as much as possible during and after the flights.

The Crucible of Ascension Magnetics

Another less obvious, but vitally important sources of auric diffusion are the very mechanisms of the Ascension. This may seem paradoxical at first glance, but indeed it is occurring, and you must be aware of this. The primary mechanisms we refer to are the solar winds, the increase in the spin of the planetary core and the resulting amplification of planetary frequencies. The planetary pulse is speeding up, and dear ones it is affecting you in myriad ways. In a very valid sense, what is occurring through the ascension energies is stretching your frequencial capacities. As such you are required to grow a new expanded auric field, much like a snake that annually outgrows its skin, and goes through a phase of fitting into a new one that can better encompass the larger body. Do you understand? Before the new one can become resilient, the old one is stretched and cracked, and during that transition there is a phase of metamorphosis that encompasses within it certain vulnerabilities until the new one is completed.

As your earth draws closer to the Ascension of 2012, many major changes are occurring around you that have a profound effect on your physical, emotional and mental well being. Many of you find that you become somewhat 'vulnerable', feeling overwhelmed at times, as if you can't seem to get things done, as if there are not enough hours in the day. Some of you are going though periods of depression, you feel as though you are sinking into a funk, and it seems like you are moving through molasses. Emotions go from ecstatic highs to deep lows shadowed in dark despair. Dear Ones, you are not alone, literally millions of you are experiencing this stretching and building of the 'new auric skin', and we say to you, that by understanding the process and maintaining the integrity of your auric field, the process becomes much easier.

Case in Point

The channel has often spoken of an energetic equalization that can occur when seekers initially visit powerpoints or sacred sites. When a non resident seeker goes to a mega- powerpoint such as Mount Shasta, Lake Titicaca, Sedona, Arkansas or Glastonbury, for example, many find themselves enveloped in a much stronger resonant electromagnetic field than what they are accustomed to, an energy much stronger than the resonate vibration rate of their auric field. For some, but not all, within 3-7days, depending on the auric strength & resilience of the individual seeker's field, the auric ovid will stabilize the pressure differential in a form of osmotic equalization. The auric field will do this through the formation of tiny fissure cracks and a rupture of the auric sheathing will naturally occur.
Unless the individual deals with it, an auric short circuitry eventuates, resulting in energy loss. As such emotional extremes can occur up until the time that the auric field is re-stabilized & re-grounded.
For people that move their residence from lower energies into the locale of a mega power site, this process can take from 6 months to a year. Those of you who have moved to the Mount Shasta and Sedona areas will understand this. For visitors, it will correct itself within a week or two of going back to their place of residence. The key is be aware of your auric frequencial quotient, and do not overstay your time, until your field is capable of holding the higher frequency.

Now, we are not saying that it is not beneficial to visit power nodes, quite the contrary. Such expansion in the overview is inevitable and quite beneficial & quite necessary in order to grow the 'new skin' required to expand into greater frequency and multidimensionality.
Power nodes accelerate this process, and as such should be visited. These infinity points are virtual accelerators that aid your metamorphosis and prepare you for the heightened energies of the ascension, you see?
Rather we are saying that there are processes occurring within power nodes that are a microcosm of the macrocosm, and that they need to be understood. You see, your entire planet is beginning to quicken, to increase in frequency, and you must ready yourselves to contain that frequency. Many of you are dealing with this, somewhat in the dark. You are now or will soon experience this, and an understanding of the process will serve to make it much easier.

Auric Metamorphosis: Changing the Etheric Skin:

The reverse process is also occurring within many of the more enlightened souls. There are many of you who are already tapping into your expansive multidimensionality as the 144-Crystalline grid enables greater dimensional access. The result is that your inner EMF is pulling in great surges of energy, energy levels that are somewhat greater than the parameters of your auric capacitors. In these cases, the result is that a stretching, an overload occurs resulting in temporary fissure cracks, and energy loss. You are changing your skin.

Part of this metamorphic stretching, requires a cleansing process. The very multidimensionality of power nodes and of the Ascension itself are 'crucibles' and will force ones issues to the surface, and thus allow the entity an important opportunity to confront & release any imbedded obstacles. Better sooner than later. This is why these are popping up for so many of you. Attempts to rebury them, ignore them will simply cause the issue to grow and fester.

These issues themselves, unresolved, will generate stress, and lead to the reactive fields of polar reversal, circuitry failure and auric bleeding.

Dear Ones, truly there is a meta-science around auric integrity. This is not a new science, rather a forgotten transitioning one, but one that must be understood, relearned, by all who seek to grow, all who seek balance, wisdom & knowledge.
An intact auric field allows one to re-build the Cosmic Lattice, and achieve 13-20-33 circuitry and as such multidimensional expansion through the levels of the crystalline Mer-Ki-Va system. A fractured field loses energy and the energy loss stresses the physical circuitry. If the loss is not recognized and reconciled, it can lead to chronic polarity reversal, emotional lows, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, migraines, weight gain, anxiety and panic disorders to list but a few. These can be reconciled.

Now, we encourage all of you to actively study this subject.

What you must understand however is that there are many diverse sources of detrimental EMF impacts that can slow the 'metamorphis' create varying degrees of temporary circuitry damage to the field, and these must be dealt with. Imagine these as slow leaks to the tires on your vehicle. If ignored the tire will go flat, and the vehicle cannot move forward. So it is with your auric field.
Question to AA Metatron: How does one recognize auric bleeding?

AAMetatron: First by understanding certain conditions that can create energetic imbalances and auric energetic diffusion. Those we have listed in the above discourse... The human EMF has certain built in defenses. Just as your skin has 3 levels of sheathing, so to speak, your auric fields have twelve layers on the earth dimensions. The outer 3 levels are where most of the energetic diffusion takes place from electromagnetic waves, microwaves can affect you on much deeper levels.
Micro waved food reverses the molecular polarity of the food substance being heated. This is a recognized fact within some of your mainstream academia. When this is taken in the body, circuitry within the digestive system and bowels are effected, both on the physical and energetic bodies.

Now the precondition recognition is essential, first by knowing within what situations auric interference from opposing energy fields can occur. Sensory indications can be quite subtle. The first sensory indicators are emotional lows, a sense of being tired and out of sorts. Humans rarely connect this to EMF loss, because it occurs quite commonly due to the fact that most homes contain interfering fields, and the stress of life within families, jobs and daily life have their stressful aspects. Aspects that are indeed in part due to energy loss from the taut hectic pace, worsened by lack of exercise and healthy diet.

Question to AA Metatron: What can be done to strengthen & solidify the Human EMF?

AAMetatron: There are many things that can strengthen the field. But first, try to eliminate the root source of auric short circuitry and diffusion. Stop using microwaves for food. If it is a case of being obliged to spend hours in front of a computer, as many of you do. There are steps that can be taken to neutralize the bombardment.

Now exercises to strengthen the auric field are numerous. Some of these are conventional methods, others are not.

Exercise at least 30 minutes per day. (Tai Chi, Yoga or Walking)
Increase water consumption, and magnetize water
Detoxify, through saunas, colonic irrigation, massage therapy
Use salt baths & mineral baths, and thermal natural springs
Utilize the Tesla Violet Ray Therapy
Use of magnetics on the soles of the feet & wrist ( <3500 Gsse) Wear specific combinations of gems stones Wear noble metal around the neck and on both wrists Healthy diet Avoid excesses of alcohol Elimination / minimize toxins , tobacco and certain prescription drugs Take cleansers weekly such as raw garlic, ginger and cider vinegar Work with Phi cut Vogel crystals, in auric sealing Smudge, sage the field Utilizing pure sonic frequency thru crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls & tuning forks Now, in addition to this, be aware of your emotional state. If you are suffering from lethargy, chronic fatigue, insomnia, depression and anxiety, it will certainly serve you to take the steps listed above, but other actions will likely be required. Many of you have chosen certain life lessons that involve removal of obstacles by overcoming 'contractual set-ups'. These set-up life lessons are in essence opportunities, gifts if you will, to allow you to move forward. If they were easy, you would not necessarily learn. Simply changing your outlook to 'positive thinking' when you are dealing with a life lesson that leaves you in a state of lethargic depression is not enough. A 'Pollyanna' outlook will not resolve the core issue, none the less, an intact auric field will assist in overcoming these issues, and in certain cases the auric field will not be whole until these chronic issues are resolved. One provokes the other and vice versa. While some of you may be somewhat 'karma free', most of you still have learning to walk through & issues to clear. The current time is a gestalt to allow you achieve these lessons and to confront and remove remaining energy-viral obstructions. Auric maintenance underpins all. Question to Metatron: Can you advise if the 'neutralizing chips' that are available to eliminate detrimental effects from monitors and computers are functionally valid? AAMetatron: Except for the individual's degree of 'belief', they are currently of very little assistance beyond the 'placebo effect'. At the present the 'bio-chip' technology is not of a sufficient advancement to be truly effective in its own merit. The most beneficial means to deflect these fields is 5-fold, the first point being applicable in all conditions of field strengthen to negate interference:
1) The wearing of gemstones is far more helpful than the current neutralizing chips. A single refractive gem of 2 carats or more worn on one hand and a double refractive gem on the other helps deflect the fields. Examples of single refractive gems are diamond, garnet and spinel. Double refractive are aquamarine, sapphire, ruby, emerald, tourmaline, topaz or any of the quartz varieties such as amethyst, peridot & citrine. In reference to the double refractive, a carat size of 4 or greater is better. Combine this with noble metals on each wrist, gold, palladium or platinum is best. Silver, copper, brass, titanium and carbon steel will assist if the more noble metals are not affordable. Wear a chain around the neck with a stabilizing pendant, such as lapis lazuli, malachite or azurite. Through this process you have a greater ability to increase your field and deflect opposing ones you see. Clear gems are great producers of higher dimensional light waves, and amplify ones field and help hold it intact.
Do not wear beryl (emerald, morganite, alexandrite, aquamarine) and corundum (ruby & sapphire) at the same time.
2) Try to maintain a distance from the screens. For computer monitors this is difficult, for televisions, 4 to 5 meters is recommended.
3) Placement of ionic generators, such as halite salt blocks & air filters are beneficial in restoring the anion to cation ratio in rooms that contain computers, microwaves and televisions.
4) Utilize the Tesla coil violet ray, light beam applications with noble gases to balance the field, correct reverse polarity conditions and assist in sealing the field from auric bleeding
5) An effective neutralizer of the effects of a computer is the placement of an iron nickel meteorite on one periphery of the screen, with a block of malachite on the other. Each of these shud be at least one pound in weight.

Question to AAMetatron: Some metaphysicians and shamanic teachings speak of 'psychic attacks' occurring when the auric field is 'open'. Can and does this occur.

AAMetatron: It can and does indeed. However, your term of psychic attack is in truth an aspect of electromagnetics and harmonic oscillation. From a higher perspective these are part of the set up and overlay of growth in duality, as you learn to be responsible with your innate creative forces. As we have told you, your thoughts & emotions have a vibratory frequency within duality that is quite real, and quite alive. When you focus on an event or react in strong emotion to another person or situation, you create energies termed thought forms. These amass harmonically in various manners. If you project great charges of emotionally charged energy, such as anger, jealousy, or love, passion and joy, toward another, you will agree that both parties are affected, yes? If you consciously dwell on these charged vibratory thoughts, then the energy mass, normally short lived, can gain sufficient energy to become an aware thought-form. When spiritual love and compassion are projected and created, a synergy occurs that befits both parties. When fury and hateful negativity are projected a toxic reaction can occur from both sides. If the auric field of the 'targeted' person is open, the effect is worsened somewhat, and a temporary energy bleed can result.

Now, it is important to differentiate between malicious or controlling energies and honest reactions. If someone disrespects you the appropriate, honest reaction can be one of pure anger and hurt. When these are openly and honestly expressed a cleansing gestalt occurs that can lead to better understandings and a renewed, improved communication. It is a learning process, and is appropriate. But nonetheless, a form of energetic opposition takes place.

However, when one person feels a vendetta, or a prolonged desire to control the other, the gestalt can dissolve into charged conflict, and as such a malicious energy battle of will may occur. Very often both parties feel 'right' and the frequency of hate harmonically attracts more and more like energy until the amassed energy form is so potent that it has the ability to effect a destructive 'attack' role to both. Unless one or both of them sees the wisdom of releasing the hate, it will pull them into a downward spiral, creating dis-ease and deeper negativity.

When one is in a state of malicious anger, or self-loathing, depression, that vibratory resonance on its own will deplete and open the auric field. It becomes a self dug pit that gets deeper and deeper. Lifetimes can be wasted. Yet on a higher perspective, much learning occurs. There are times when great souls choose life lessons of overcoming such energies. Some evolved souls such as Gandhi and Nelson Mandela chose set-ups to be wrongly accused and convicted of crimes, and spend years in the negative energy of your prisons to learn to find peace and strength of will under the harshest conditions of oppression.

Now, when you are in conflict, insure your auric field is maintained, and do not allow yourself to fall into malicious reaction. It is not wrong to react in honesty, but the narrow path of mastery, is to not fall into hate and malicious revenge. You see, getting caught in these traps is much easier than getting out of them. Hate attracts more hate. When groups oppose one another, the collective of like thought forms amass, blend and oppose one another in enormous conflict. Very often entire warring nations form collective energy fields and reincarnate in these groups and continue these conflicts until it is finally resolved. Your current Gulf Wars are such an example, a rollover of the Crusades. Your World War II was a continuation of the Atlantean conflicts between those of Poseida (Law of One), and Aryan, (Sons of Belial).
Double-Edge of Thought Forms

Very often the most difficult 'attacks' are due to one's own negative thought forms coming home to roost.

Perhaps the most difficult of these is around learning self-love. When one falls into depression, self rejection, or self-loathing, the attack is self-generating. The thought forms these dear souls create can become so potent, that the auric field splits into personality fragments. A figure eight pattern of negative energy is emitted, amassed and flows back through the opening of the solar plexus. The thought form of self hatred achieves a certain level of independent awareness, and will become a very real obstacle, self- imposed dungeon, until the person learns to face the root of the problem through great effort of will and wisdom.

Energy exchanges occur quite often in daily life. Some are mutually beneficial, others are not. It is important to note that energy cannot be taken from ones whose aura is intact.
Healers constantly give energy within an intact aura, and are essentially unaffected by the transfer. As such love energy is passed from higher sources and the healer's auric field is capable of willingly being the conduit without losing any of their auric field energy. But take note, if the healer is not in 13-20-33 circuitry healing cannot be truly provided. In fact the opposite can occur, a scenario in which both the healer and the one to be healed both lose energy.
Control & Energy Projections

Now, anytime you feel anger at someone, those thoughts are projected. Anytime someone tries to control you or vice -versa, an energy projection is launched. There are of course situations in which it is appropriate to follow another's direction. You do this in every aspect of your life, it occurs in offices, militaries, schools and between children and parents.
This is based upon agreement, and is properly germane when not abused. However, it is not befitting in these and other circumstances for one to allow another to abusively dominate their spirit, or maliciously attempt to break their will. Abuse of power often occurs in relationships, marriages, in work, family and social scenarios. In certain scenarios, as described, it is wrong to allow another to abusively impose their will, and is equally wrong for one to seek such control outside the appropriate structures of agreement. This can evolve into a form of, in your terms, 'psychic attack'. The controller attaches to the solar plexus center of the controlled party and literally takes their energy and interjects a destructive domination. This 'vampiring effect', in your vernacular, especially occurs among egocentric people, controllers, and manipulators, it often is attempted unconsciously from people in imbalance and depression, who need a 'lift' from being around others due to their own energy shortage. It also takes place on a larger scale in patriarchal dogmatic religions, male dominated societies, and in marriages. It is more difficult to counter in such trappings. When one is aware of being the target of malicious energy projections, auric integrity is of vital importance.
The visualization of enveloping 'white-light' is the generally accepted protective mechanism. However if the auric field is open, the light visualization it is not enough. The procedures listed to strengthen and seal the field, listed above, should be utilized. Be aware that anytime you have strong emotions of a negative nature, or dwell in depression, your fields will temporarily fissure. These attacks can only be energetically depletive if the field is open. The projected negative energy is easily repelled when the auric field is wholly intact. In such 'wholeness' the energy is reflected back to its source for the sender to deal with. There is lesson here, and Dear Ones, do not be the sender of malicious energy, inevitably it will come back and cause you great remorse. Such is the nature of the law harmonic oscillation.

Religions are often the source of great inappropriate control, control through fear. Even within, the 'New Age' in your terms, have sprung up gurus and spiritual teachers whose, fame and power leads to the downward spiral of ego, self-aggrandizement and control. The path of leadership and power inevitably forks and one may be blindly tempted to take the path of greed & power over love. It is part of lesson, and many have fallen in such traps of ego. When this occurs they become 'energy takers'. That is why you should never blindly follow any leader or channel. Rather use discernment, and attune to your own Divinity. When you become a part of any 'group consciousness', and then decide to break free, there is a natural pull from the collective to bring you back in, and as such form of 'energy attack', in your vernacular, occurs, especially in possessive collectives who work at recruitment of followers.
Question to AAMetatron: You mentioned combinations of specific gems for strengthen the auric field. Can you elaborate on this?

AAMetatron: This topic is a vast one, and a book on its own. Briefly, gemstones, relative to auric maintenance and strengthening, are in essence benevolent conscious generators of force fields, that reinforce and fortify one's own EMF. Being crystalline in matrix, they also are tuning forks that assist in 13-20-33 Auric Circuitry and indeed in Mer-Ka-Na formation and expansion.
A basic combination would be to wear a single refractive stone, such as diamond, garnet or spinel on one hand, and a double refractive on the other. The best single refractive is the diamond, but it needs optimally to be a solitary of at least 2 carats, and we realize these are price restrictive. The best substitutes are garnets, preferably the Ural Mountain green demantoid, or a red-orange spessartite. Both project the octahedron in crystalline form. The diamond projects the dodecahedron and octahedron. If one can afford it, a combination of colors among single refractive is best. These can be intuitively alternated, according to astrological forces, and ones cycles. Garnets come in virtually all colors except blue. The spinel comes in pink, red, blue and violet.

In terms of double refractive gems for rings, the most potent are emerald, ruby, sapphire, morganite and aquamarine. Project the largest fields, assuming a 3-5 carat size. Alternate colors as cycles shift. Tourmaline, topaz and quartz varieties such as opal, amethyst and citrine are all piezoelectric and also quite potent force generators.
Gem use is not folklore, indeed they are crystalline force field generators of crystalline coherent light. They can increase ones vitality and even prolong life span, particularly when used in tandem. Well to study this topic. Remember the body is bi-symmetrical, hemispheric. Combine gems with metals about both wrists and the neck. Noble metals such as gold and platinum are most potent. Silver is tertiary, but quite benevolent in its aspect. Alternate these. A pendant about the neck is also recommended. Study this topic, and live it.
The process of achieving and maintaining crystalline clarity in the energy of higher dimension is a sacred process the ancients understood in the Divine Art of Alchemy. Many of you are now making quantum leaps, but in order to maintain the integrity of the gains, it is essential to comprehend the basics and walk in impeccability.
Even the reconnection, Masters, to your own (past-life) sojourns of higher development requires focal dedication & work in this one. There are many pitfalls, and imbalance can create delusion if the process is short circuited. There are no short cuts to impeccability. It is why the true seeker on the path of Master never asks, "How much more work is required". That is because Mastery is a journey, not a destination.
You see the best teachers are students of the eternally expanding process, and the self calibration of personal review is ever a tool in their medicine kit. The basics are never laid aside, never forgotten, never outgrown.
Dear Ones, the pace of change is quickening on the path of the Ascension. Change, as you are learning, is the Nature of All Realities. In find you must now realize that the transition of the Auric Field is a requisite for holding great and greater energy and to evolve into Crystalline Light Body Mer-Ka-Na thru the Metatronic Keys. The Circuitry of 13-20-33 is a profound step on your way to greater reality and Divinity Consciousness.
I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.
And so it is.

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