
The spacecrafts that are light ships are merkebah ships higher lightships above this are called the zohar ships. The seven seals in thebook of revelations talks about unsealing the spiritual scientificknowledge through the order of Metatron the Archangel of the outerlight, and the order of Enoch. To do this the order of Melchezidek mustspiritually be involved to help with this principle of knowledge. Thespiritual not just the scientific logical side to it all.

is not just a single individual
understanding it is based on different levels of multi individuals, simultaneously
undergoing certain disciplines to advance learning however to do this
man must go into the fourth dimensional time of more time to understand
the knowledge and also to know that science will forever be more advance
than you had ever had imagined before; but you will need to be scientifically
spiritual. Knowledge without spiritual understanding is blocking higher learning.

Enoch and Metatron have manifested this Revelation so as to prepare
mankind for the quantum changes affecting every level of intelligence upon
this planet. We now have the opportunity to collectively move into another
system of creation. Therefore, this teaching has been given in the form of
Keys to help coordinate sixty-four unique areas of scientific knowledge
which are to be simultaneously advanced. The Keys have been given to assist
all of the basic scientific disciplines to make a quantum leap forward
into the new consciousness of Light.
Since these teachings are applicable to the various sciences, not everyone
will comprehend all of the Keys equally, nor will the full complexity of
each Key be fully meaningful at the present time of our participation
within the Infinite Way. Therefore, not all the Keys will appeal to the same
type of scientific and consciousness evolution because they work on various
levels of understanding and are connected with the totality of knowing
"the Light" - the primary frequency of the Infinite Mind.
Each of the sixty-four areas of science are to be given prophetic insight
which will allow humanity to increase its understanding and raise its consciousness
to participate with other worlds of Light. Thus, the Keys are to
focus scientific research on the planet, with respect to the larger blueprint
of life.
However, the Keys also demonstrate that science by itself does not possess
all the answers; we now need to interrelate to the greater program of
spiritual and scientific unity which involves the other planetary intelligences
that share a common program of mutual scientific growth. In the
final analysis, the Keys show that there is no end to science, but that we
are going through a series of consciousness lives showing us how to
evolve and share with each other forever in the unfoldment of the Infinite
Mind into the Infinite Way.
There will be a tremendous acceleration of the physical sciences into the
spiritual sciences in truly transmuting the world of material form into the
Kingdom of Light. Therefore, the Keys are being given to the builders of
the consciousness frontiers of both physical science and spiritual science
who place the needs of mankind first, and their own needs second. Enoch
said that the Keys cannot be applied on an individualistic level since they
are involved with the collective advancement of the human race.
Enoch also told me that in order to work with the Keys, one must be
able to go into the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is "time"
beyond conventional time. In going beyond conventional time you stand in
awe of the larger universe. mind in the same way life must bow to the Infinite Way which continually
repatterns and regenerates creation.
In connecting with the Wisdom of the Infinite Mind, the Keys demonstrate
that scientific knowledge by itself does not contain all the answers
to the basic questions of: Where do we come from? Why are we here?
Where do we go from here? The words of the Coptic Gospel of Thomas
affirm: "Jesus said: 'If they say to you: Where do you come from? tell
them: We have come from the Light, the place where the Light came
into being through itself alone.. .If they say to you: What are you?, say:
We are His sons, and we are the elect of the living Father. If they say
to you: What is the sign of your Father?, tell them: It is a movement and
a rest.'"According to Enoch, the determinism of the earth sciences is to
be subsumed into a primary plan of continual creation which is under the
organization of the "Higher Evolution." Through this plan of organization,
Man will behold and share with 'Universal Man' - the Adam Kadmon
- in the unfoldment and inter-rebirth of the Infinite Mind, the Infinite
Way, and the Infinite Species.

For this to happen man must be one with the Father/Motheruniverse...Compassion is the key to understanding enlightenment beyondthe earths comprehension. We must allow the christed beings to comeabroad our lands and invite them here in an open minded universalpeace. I am referring to the Christed beings....the bad ones alreadyinfiltrate the worlds governments and banks and corporates and militarybases, so we know they do not operate fairly.

So i guess what i am saying open first based acknowledged contact canonly happen if people get together in unity peace and harmony and prayfor higher consciousness to come and help us evolve.

What do you wish for the new heaven and the earth. Believe and you willreceive. because to have it is to know it to know it is to believeit....

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  • AWESOME post, especially the last three sentences. Thanks Jason for this post.
  • What do you wish for the new heaven and the earth. Believe and you will receive. because to have it is to know it to know it is to believe it....

    Hee, great! :)
  • thanks anne but i do not go looking for it somehow i think of something to give to others to read and divine synchronicty happens that a author out of the blue as i enter the internet suddenly has me the answers and i immediatel post it than i read it......go figure how that works but thats how i do it...and or i pick up a book and post pages of it on here and before you know it another auther channels the same arch angel or whom ever and i add that information to the post too.....you see i may not be a channeller but i get guided by feelings i am learning how to use other senses if the senses i want does not develop i try to open up what i already am using and be happy with what i already have until such time i attune into higher abilities, i learn a lot from cris angel mind freak he is trying to tell people how to use their own abilities as he when he performs and or talks uses certain key phrases so the mind hears and not the ears.....he's been trying to make people aware of certain abilities but people want to see it than to believe it...i feel it,,,but i am still trying and thats a key point to remember, because it tells you you are not giving up unless you do you don't and continue it until it is learnt...
  • This is the first topic I noticed as I signed on and Im glad it is!
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