Only recently we had to have a new microwave installed and the maintenance man asked my husband if I'd prefer black or white. My husband got a good laugh out of this knowing how I feel about black. Needless to say, I have a new white microwave.
The reason this concerns me is that what manifests in the world is the reflection of, or manifestation of consciousness.
Everywhere I go in this city, particularly, is the huge number of people I see wearing black, black, black, even in the summer months, and black draws the heat of the Sun, so, why wear it in the Summer months especially?
Now, I know that "society" has taught us (conditioned us?) that black denotes sophistication, formality, etc. But, do we really need to keep listening to society? Are we not mature enough Spiritually that we can make our own choices without the opinions of society to dictate to us what's "correct"?
Quite frankly, and I could be incorrect about this, but, can I not rely on the colors a person wears to tell me where they are in their Soul's growth. My question is why would anyone prefer to wear black over the Earth tones or even white (white contains all colors of the spectrum), bright lively colors. Are we not representatives of the Creator wherever we go?
My preference is white, yellow, Light, bright energizing colors.
I guess the bottom line for me is: When are we going to start "seeing" and making our own choices without someone telling us what we "should" do.
I may be stepping on some toes here, and if so, I regret it, but, my Love for Truth has brought me where I am today, it's created me to be Who I Am today, and I am determined to speak it as I know it.
Please feel free to speak your mind/Heart. You will not "hurt my feelings". I won't take it personally. I promise.
I can recall when I was a small child going to the movies with my parents to see westerns, and even then, the guys in the white hats were the "good guys" and the guys in the black hats were the "bad guys".
Baa baaa black and white joy all over =)
In others, the absence of color is a powerful vacuum-- attracting power and balance and depth to its wearer or observer.
I think the first thing I really learned as a lightworker is that there is no "black and white." Just feelings, thoughts, and how you use them. If black is a devastating force in your thoughts, no doubt it is in your life, as well.