Trees are a living reminder of event beyond our comprehension. There is a mystery about such events that leads us to hold up the image of some trees as worthy of reverence, as witnesses to those happenings. To be able to touch and see such a trees is a powerful experience, unable to grasp the complexity of these feelings except admiration and superiority. Trees are guardians, living essence and life force of spiritual realm with the aura of power, which is visible to those who are in total balance and harmony. The lore, which surrounds a particular tree, often reflects the power the old ones sensed and drew from their presence. And here are such a trees: The Ancient Trees:

8110280082?profile=originalPrometheus - was the oldest known Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva) tree growing near the tree line on Wheeler Peak in eastern Nevada, United States. The tree, which was at least 4862 years old and possibly more than 5000 years, was cut down in 1964 by a graduate student and United States Forest Service personnel for research purposes. Prometheus was a living member of a population of bristlecone pine trees growing near the tree line on the lateral moraine of a former glacier on Wheeler Peak, in Great Basin National Park, eastern Nevada. Wheeler Peak is the highest mountain in the Snake Range, and the highest mountain entirely within the state of Nevada. The bristlecone pine population on this mountain is divided into at least two distinct sub-populations, one of which is accessible by a popular interpretive trail. Prometheus, however, grew in an area reachable only by off-trail hiking. In either 1958 or 1961, a group of naturalists who admired the grove in which the tree grew gave names to a number of the largest or most distinctive trees, including Prometheus.

8110279701?profile=originalMethuselah -is a Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva) tree growing high in the White Mountains of Inyo County in eastern California. Its measured age of 4,842 years makes it the world's oldest known living tree. The ancient tree is named after Methuselah, a Biblical figure having the longest mentioned lifespan in the Bible of 969 years, its exact location remains a closely-held secret protected by the U.S. Forest Service. The picture is not an actual picture of Methuselah, but it likely looks very similar.

Among the White Mountain specimens, the oldest trees are found on north-facing slopes, with an average of 2,000 years, as compared to the 1,000 year average on the southern slopes. The climate and the durability of their wood can preserve them long after death, with dead trees as old as 7,000 years persisting next to live ones.

8110280096?profile=originalAlerce Tree: In 1993 scientists discovered this 150-foot tall Patagonian Cypress in the Andes Mountains of Chile. Unlike the Llangernyw Yew and the Sarv-e Abarqu, Alerce has been given an exact age of 3,637 years old using tree-ring width chronology. This makes it the second oldest tree to have its exact age calculated.

8110280467?profile=originalThe Muir Snag - (giant sequoia tree) Thought to be the oldest giant sequoia, this now dead tree is still standing but only at 140 feet (43 m) tall. It has a maximum base diameter of 35.9 feet (10.9 m) and before it died its perimeter could have been as much as 110 feet (34 m). This tree is thought to have been more than 3500 years old when it died.

8110279882?profile=originalThe Senator: This is a Bald Cypress located in Big Tree Park in Florida. It is estimated to be nearly 3,500 years old and was once used as a landmark by Seminole Indians and other local tribes. It also holds the title of biggest tree by volume east of the Mississippi.

8110280484?profile=originalJuniperus Occidentalis - (Western Juniper and Sierra Juniper) is a shrub or tree native to the western United States, growing in mountains at altitudes of 800-3,000 m (rarely down to 100 m). The Bennett Juniper in the Stanislaus National Forest of California is considered the oldest and largest example at possibly 3000 years old, with a height of 26 m and a diameter of 3.88 m.

8110280268?profile=originalGeneral Sherman This towering giant sequoia stretches 275 feet, about as tall as a 27-story high-rise building, and is 102.6 feet around. That makes it the largest (by volume) individual tree in the world. The general lives in the Sequoia National Park in California. Scientists believe this tree could be anywhere from 2,300 years old to 2,700 years old.

8110279899?profile=original(note: not sure if it's the right picture)

The Oldest Olive Tree - At the Santa Iria de Azóia,Lisbon, Portugal, , was certified last July 10 ,2011, a very ancient olive tree to be 2850 years.

8110280499?profile=originalJōmon Sugi This cryptomeria tree’s 83-foot height and 53-foot girth makes it the largest conifer in Japan. The tree grows in a misty, old-growth forest on the north face of the tallest mountain on Yakushima island in Japan. Tree rings indicate the venerable cryptomeria is at least 2,000 years old, though some estimate it could be as old as 7,000 years.

8110280662?profile=originalTe Matua Ngahere This majestic Kauri tree is nestled in the last stretch of a primeval rainforest in Waipoua Forest, New Zealand. The tree is thought to be around 2,000 years old. With a 52.5-foot girth, Te Matua Ngahere is the fattest tree in New Zealand. The giant, whose name means “Father of the Forest” in Maori, was severely damaged in a storm in 2007.

8110280683?profile=originalKongeegen -This gnarled, ancient oak tree is set away in the Jægerspris North Forest in Denmark. Scientists estimate the “King Oak” is between 1,500 to 2,000 years old, making it a contender for the title of oldest individual tree in Northern Europe. Though it germinated in an open meadow, the trees growing around it are slowly closing in on the old oak and killing it.

8110280285?profile=originalThe Pechanga Great Oak Tree - The Great Oak is the largest natural-growing, indigenous coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia ) wi'aashal tree in the United States and is estimated to be 1,500 years old, making it one of the oldest oak trees in the world. The tree has been used by countless generations as a gathering place.

list of oldest trees

Pando tree - (Latin for "I spread", also known as The Trembling Giant) is a clonal colony of a single male Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides) located in the U.S. state of Utah, all determined to be part of a single living organism by identical genetic markers and one massive underground root system. The plant is estimated to weigh collectively 6,000,000 kg (6,600 short tons), making it the heaviest known organism. The root system of Pando is estimated to be among the oldest known living organisms in existence at 80,000 years of age.

Pando is located in the Fishlake National Forest, near Fish Lake on the Fish Lake Plateau located at the weste

Old Tjikko tree - is a 9,550 year old Norway Spruce tree, located on Fulufjället Mountain of Dalarna province in Sweden. Old Tjikko is the world's oldest living individual clonal tree, however, there are many examples of much older clonal colonies (multiple trees connected by a common root system), such as "Pando", estimated to be over 80,000 years old. The age of the tree was determined by carbon dating of the root system under the tree, not by dendrochronology, or counting tree rings. The trunk itself is estimated to be only a few hundred years old, but the tree as a whole may have survived for much longer due to a process known as layering (when a branch comes in contact with the ground, it sprouts a new root), or vegetative cloning (when the trunk dies but the root system is still alive, it may sprout a new trunk).

8110281054?profile=originalSarv-e Abarqu: The “Cypress of Abarqu” is an ancient cypress tree located in Abarkooh, Iran. Also known as the Zoroastrian Sarv, this tree took root between 4,000 and 4,500 years ago, making it the oldest living organism in Asia.

8110281071?profile=originalLlangernyw Yew: A rural, Welsh-speaking village in north Wales is the site of Llangernyw Yew, the world’s third oldest, non-clonal tree. Located in the graveyard of St. Digain’s parish church, among primitive stone crosses made during the Dark Ages, this mighty yew tree has stood here for nearly 4,000 years.

These are just a few the world's oldest trees. They stood and witness time and better part of our history.

50,000-Year-Old Cypress Forest Discovered 60 Feet Underwater Off Mobile, Alabama


“These stumps are so big, they're upwards of two meters (6 feet) in diameter - the size of trucks. They probably contain thousands of growth rings.”-

Grant Harley, Ph.D., Geography, Univ. of So. Mississippi

This is The OLDEST/ANCIENT TREES EVER so far - and it seems that there are still alive


Alabama Underwater Cypress Radiocarbon

Dated to Older Than 50,000 Years

The radiocarbon dating, which was done out of the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory - the first three times they did it, it came back radiocarbon dead, which means the wood is older than 50,000 years. We don't know how much older because the radiocarbon becomes imprecise once you hit 50,000 years, but it means the forest is much, much older than the last ice age.

Meanwhile, the University of Southern Mississippi called me as well and offered to do a very thorough side scan sonar of the area so we could kind of determine the extent of the forest on the seafloor and that sonar shows it to be at least a half mile long.


It's the neatest thing in the world! You get the stumps up on dry land and cut them with a saw and you smell that fresh cut wood smell with sap and everything. In some of the photographs from LSU, you can see the sap leaking out of the wood just as you would see with a fresh piece you had cut today.  

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  • The Trees a living beings, an energy form that, more than any another, records within itself the knowledge and history of its surrounding environment. A tree begins from seed, embodied within which is its own original energy. But then it amasses its self and its mature energy from the environment around it. The trees are the books of time, Give it honor for its beauty and strength.





    Now This meditation is done sitting or lying under a very big tree.
    Trees are wonderful means of clearing negativity from you should you ask them to.
    The larger the tree the better so find places where there are large trees you can sit under. Ground yourself and surround yourself with a bubble of white light. What is suggested is that you lie on a blanket under a tree and close your eyes and meditate in that way.
    At the same time allow the trees to clear negativity from you. They gladly do so on your behalf and at your request. (You must ask them to do this for you). You do not have to do any visualizations with this meditation merely request the trees to clear your negativity.
    When I meditate under a tree I see the trees sending down globules of light attached to stems of light from their branches- many of them swaying through my auric space and chakras and physical body, clearing and absorbing negativity which I can see as dark patches being removed.
    After your quiet time thank the trees for their part having reached a balance with this living tree creature, If you like you can enter dialogue with the tree spirit that resides in the tree. They carry ancient wisdom and wisdom of the earth which they can dialogue with you.
    This is part of the healing process of mother earth itself and a gift for you to be able to do this. You may also release consciously any negativity by merely placing your hand on the tree and requesting the tree to absorb it from you.
    This is also part of the ancient wisdom of the ancient ones of the earth who practiced this kind of meditation

  • 8114954289?profile=original

    ~The Wise Old Tree ~

    i spoke to a Wise Old Tree
    and this is what he had to say
    that even a Wise Old Tree
    does not always get his way

    he said sometimes there’s storms
    that strips all my leaves
    and sometimes we dance
    to the soft ticklish breeze

    and each and every day
    the Sun again does rise
    and i follow it’s light warmth
    across the painted skies

    sometimes i am a home
    for the homeless birds
    and within my embrace
    they chirp to me God’s words

    but i plant my roots
    firmly in the soil
    and i hold on to life
    as each day i toil

    but that’s not important
    as we cling to this life
    for one endures and lives
    through all of one’s strife

    for life breeds character
    through it’s ups and downs
    imparting smiles of wisdom
    where there once was frowns

    so don’t ever succumb
    nor ever give in
    sow seeds of new life and love
    and live again and again

    William S. Peters, Sr.


  • I feel as if I'm concentrating more on what we don't have by looking at the trees.  It's been a passing suspicion of mine that if we truly wanted to, we could create vast forests with beautiful trees by simply becoming unselfish and grandiose like the trees.  And everyone asks - what's stopping us?  My sad thought was the very fact that these lone trees are highlighted (and of course they're spectacular), while we whittle away at their offspring. What will we be left with?  I have a myriad of thoughts about how we're almost allowing ourselves into  a smaller, more industrialized "world".

    • the irony is - nothing is stopping us ... by seeing the beauty we see beauty within ... and it always good to have a vision of the bright future, as an indication that there is a Future ;)

      Thank you Dave ;)

  • so I came across this great article and it seems that This is The OLDEST/ANCIENT TREES EVER so far - and it seems that there are still alive


    Alabama Underwater Cypress Radiocarbon

    Dated to Older Than 50,000 Years

    The radiocarbon dating, which was done out of the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory - the first three times they did it, it came back radiocarbon dead, which means the wood is older than 50,000 years. We don't know how much older because the radiocarbon becomes imprecise once you hit 50,000 years, but it means the forest is much, much older than the last ice age.

    Meanwhile, the University of Southern Mississippi called me as well and offered to do a very thorough side scan sonar of the area so we could kind of determine the extent of the forest on the seafloor and that sonar shows it to be at least a half mile long.


    It's the neatest thing in the world! You get the stumps up on dry land and cut them with a saw and you smell that fresh cut wood smell with sap and everything. In some of the photographs from LSU, you can see the sap leaking out of the wood just as you would see with a fresh piece you had cut today.   

  • 8116277491?profile=original~namaskar Sylvain~

  • and so the knowledge is stored in apples ... ;) 100 years ... this is great FW ;)

  • nice images MasterofLight ;)

  • images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQKqlawovYg0RurCELnQDUY5SeLyykAQmF-wloctbqvKP0K-2t3Mwstrange_and_funny_trees_02.jpg

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