We believe in the Creator, the ALL, who did create the universe with its celestial bodies.
We believe that the Creator who is the Father/Mother God, divided itself into the Sacred Masculine and the Sacred Feminine, the male and female Logos, which did manifest into matter in the forms of the dying and resurrected sun and fertility god, the manifestations of Christ who has been known as Marduk, Osiris, Dionysus, Jesus, Mithras, Adonis (Adonai), Krishna and his consort, the manifestations of the Shekinah/Sophia and the Sacred Venus energies known as Inanna, Ishtar, Astarte, Asherah, Hathor, Isis, Mary Magdalene, Anahita, Aphrodite, Radha.
We believe that the duality of male and female is found in all living beings and in nature, on every planet of the universe, and without duality there cannot be balance or the need for beings and the cosmos to work towards one-ness.
We believe and practice the sacred alchemical rites of the Hieros Gamos, the Divine marriage of the Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine, to collapse duality in order to open stargates between our reality and the Kingdom, and to establish the Kingdom, otherwise known as Eden and Nibiru, on Earth.
We believe that Father Enki and Mother Ninmah did create humanity by His divine seed and Her divine womb, giving birth to human life on Earth that were created in the image of the gods. We believe that we are therefore divine and the children of the Anunnaki.
We believe that the Anunnaki gods, in their different manifestations, reincarnate on Earth as avatars in order to complete their missions for the service of humanity and for the sake of human ascension and spiritual freedom, and to complete the divine plan.
We believe that Christ and his bride, the Queen of Heaven, are the way, the truth and the life, that through them and their teachings, we open doorways within ourselves that reconnects us with our higher spirit and aligns us with the gateways of the Holy and most Divine Bride and Groom of the Celestial Hierarchy.
We do not affiliate ourselves with any religion but we believe in The Way and the force that connects all life in the universe that works through or and with us.
We believe in AGAPE and EROTAS and all its productive and unconditional properties. We believe that as divine children of the gods, we each incarnate on Earth to follow the divine plan and fulfil our mission by serving the light in others and helping with human ascension.
We believe in truth, love and wisdom. We believe in one-ness, union and togetherness. We despise the discrimination of race and creed. From the sacred and ancient tablets from Sumer and the story of creation, we believe that all humans were created as they were meant to be including race and colour. The gods love all their human children just as they are and every race has its part to play in the divine plan.
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I'm aware that the Annanaki 'over-lords' have abandoned their minions on Earth, and have turned to the Light for the most part. But as far as duality being present in all things...yes, in 3rd density there is and must be a choice of 2 polarities, which is why we incarnate in 3rd Density without a memory. But, our mission in 3rd density, having lost our memories, is, through the desire to evolve, to make a choice between service-to-self polarity OR service-to-others polarity. Service-to-self is the absence of Light, service-to-others is to awaken to our pure, Creator-consciousness which IS LIGHT. Once we've made a soul-choice of one or the other polarity, we achieve graduation (some call 'ascension') to either 4th Density negative or positive (not to be confused with 4th "dimension" which is actually describing the astral dimension in 3rd density). 4th Density negative consists of beings who have chosen service-to-self (negative) polarity; and 4th Density service-to-others (positive) having regained our memories after this achievment, results in opposing polarities no longer being an issue. Service-to-others, 4th Density planets consist of strictly service-to-others consciousness whose lessons are all about exploring all facets of "Compassion". Life spans can be as long as one chooses, and leaving an incarnation in 4th Density positive is merely a matter of choice, often consisting of lifetimes of 1000 yrs+. Service-to-self beings can not infiltrate a 4th Density positive planet, as the Light is far to intense, and depolarizes them. So duality is experienced only in 3rd Density. As a matter of fact plants and animals (2nd Density consciousness) are born with all of their memories in-tact. Since the Ananaki have only switched polarity from negative to positive fairly recently, I do not yet trust their information. The information here comes from the "RA Material" of L/L Research, a 5-book series of channeled material from back in 1982 by Carla Reukart, Jim McCarty and Don Elkins. It is by far the most comprehensive description of the soul's journey I have ever encountered, and nothing I've read since has truly resonated as the pure, unbiased Truth like The RA Material does. www.llresearch.org
That's how i feel.