Beloved ones We are the Archangels.

We come to you with great news. As of tonight Ascension Portal Frequencies are on high for a 48 Hour period. Ascending Souls are already quickly becoming aware of their Tasks in Service of Divine Love which Triggers an Avalanche effect.

Don't constrict their Work by imagining Ascension. Either Dream Big beyond All current Paradigms towards instant Bliss which is the Graceful Wish of Divine Creator or simply layback and Enjoy the massive Flow of loving energies.

Release negative Karmic bonds by forgiving the ways others have Hurt you for you have all been Taught wrong for Generations. Everyone was a sheep in a herd that had a blind Shepherd. For your History has been twisted to present the teachings of Beloved Brother Jesus into a religion that doesn't in fact allow one to see that God lives within each and every heart. Embrace Christ Consciousness into your hearts become like Christ yourself and know God in your hearts, not by the interpretations of others. For God is the All and you are part of the All and thus you are also God. Just like the Butterfly can cause a Hurricane so can each and every tinny speck of the All bring about a Change that will reshape All. There are no limitations no rules this is a Free Will Universe. To be able to create freely you should understand that Life is a miracle not even God knows how it all came into existence. But God is wise enough to know that One should just express gratefulness of the Miracle of Life and proceed to make good use of it by experiencing it in ever newer ways. And so it does the All experiences itself in a unique way through each and every soul. All souls human, animal, plant, mineral, angelic all are worth the same to Divine Creator and namely Infinity. Everything is of infinite equal value to Divine Creator. So be like God as much as you can for there is no limit no ladder it's  just a matter of how much you open your consciousness to be Aware of the All around you and how well you can keep your focus on the positive side of each and every experience for there is always one even in the darkest moments a precious Jewel is always to be found. Be mindful of your focus. Where your focus is that is where Energy flows. All thoughts and emotions are energetic structures. The Structure of the Matrix is Crumbling under the intense Light flowing from the Galactic Center. The less you put your focus on constructs that are not based on Unconditional Divine Love the quicker they will crumble Away. Be at peace and make sure you are rested, calm and observant of your own inner Balance. Let go of anything that doesn't serve you. Remember how much you Love mother Gaia and all her souls, and remember how much you Love the ways Humanity can be extraordinary in their Acts of Love and Know that no law in the Universe forbids that Humanity cannot enter a state of peaceful co-creation Now

Embrace yourselves, embrace your hearts deepest desires and there you'll only find God. For your hearts carry the Divine Soul Spark that is your own personal way back to Divine Consciousness.

We support you all of the time and you can always call for our presence and assistance. Attune to the inner voice of your Hearts and you shall hear our songs of harmony, peace and joy.

We are the Archangels Be Blessed


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  • Oh yes indeed, there is much Truth in the Bible. But it is presented in obscure ways. This is not the way of Love.

    Love is clear and simple :) 

  • Update:

    Stay on your path dear ones. Your path of bringing the Divine Love back to the realms of Gaia in whatever ways the Heavens guide you to.

    The progress you are making is Astounding. Be Aware that the struggle is part of the Illusion. No law in the Universe forbids anything let alone Spontaneous Evolution. There are more harmonious ways of clearing Karmic blockages than struggle and stepwise evolution. Be the Masters of your own Reality don't give your Power away for the comfort of outsourcing responsibility to Governments, Institutions, Currencies, Cultural Beliefs. The infinite truth of your beings is within your hearts. Cheat the Game by employing the most basic laws of creation of the Universe. Choose to look into yourselves from the point of an infinite Soul having a temporary incarnation in a Human Form. Once you move into that Space in the core of your heart by All means the Universe must create this reality of infinite consciousness and your Memory of who you are outside of this Reality will start flowing into you. Use your newly remembered memories and skills to your Advantage in this Reality, remember your Vector. You are what you want to become and the Universe constantly works to meet up with your desire and manifest your desired reality. Once you remember you will naturally start operating in ways that are to the benefit of All Gaia's souls even the ones that from your limited 3D viewpoint seem unforgivable. There is nothing unforgivable in the Eyes of God. It's not possible to be a sinner in the eyes of God for remember God is also your Eyes as well as every other Eye that ever looks on you.

    We are your beloved Archangels

    Be Blessed

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