By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – October 7, 2012

["You will be the Master of your Energy in that you choose NOT to engage in that which you no longer wish to experience." ~ Arcturians via Suzanne Lie]

The Arcturians Speak:

Dear Ascending Ones,

Many of you visited our Starship last night because important decisions were being made, and we wanted to confer with our Ground Crew. You may have remembered the experience if you woke up in the middle of the night, or upon your awaking, but forgot it when you began your day.

Because of past traumas, and/or because it is difficult to stay grounded when you remember the myriad activities of your Multidimensional SELF, you may have difficulty clearly remembering your nightly visits to our Ship. However, many of your past traumas have been healed and you have improved your grounding abilities and expanded your consciousness.

Therefore, you are ready to begin the process of multidimensional memory in which you can live in more than one reality at a time. You have always done so in your imagination, but now you are ready to progress into the next phase in which you can simultaneously remember your galactic realities and human reality.

Many of you visit us on a regular basis, but do not remember – yet. However, those of you who have completed parts one and two of integrating your Multidimensional Operating System will begin to remember, and simultaneously live, your higher dimensional experiences. The third phase of integrating your Multidimensional Operating System will soon be released.

Now, please allow yourself to access any dream memories of last night. You may vaguely remember being in a meeting about the Landings. We do not choose to discuss the process of Disclosure, for we know that no one is ready to take on this responsibility. However, the time of waiting is coming to an end and humanity must prepare for their return to a Galactic Society, which they were before the fall of Atlantis.

Humanity’s planetary evolution was greatly set back by the low frequency of Earth after the fall of Atlantis. However, it is the NOW for those who are on the Path of Ascension to accept the assistance that we wish to give them. May of the humans in power will not surrender their power-over-others, and too many still slumber in third dimensional consciousness to realize the urgency of this moment.

Hence, many are still trapped by the rules and regulations of the third dimensional world and too downtrodden to look up into the skies to even see our Ships. Consequently, we will need to bring our Scout Ships closer to the Earth. The meeting you attended was about us considering the best manner in which to land and cause the least amount of fear and confusion.

As you are aware, we have increased our meetings with influential members of your planet. We have, also, been uncloaking ourselves everywhere, as that which is familiar is not as frightening. However, many humans are so frightened by the many challenges of third dimensional life, and so brainwashed by the mainstream news, that they cannot tolerate anything new entering their reality.

We realize that many of these people will not choose Ascension, for they are far from gaining mastery of even the third dimension. Because of the above reasons, we have decided to begin our landings in a frequency range just beyond the third dimensional resonance.

This dimensional landing is, actually, much better for us, as our Scout Ships resonate to the upper fourth and fifth dimensions. Therefore, if we land just beyond the fourth dimensional overlay of the physical plane, often known as the etheric plane, only those who have expanded their consciousness will be able to perceive us.

In this manner, those of you who are suffering doubt that you have been “crazy” or “wrong” in your belief in our Landings, will gain much-needed assurance. Conversely, those who are deeply enmeshed in the toils of the third dimensional world will not even perceive us. Landing our Scout Ships in a slightly higher frequency than your daily life has another benefit, as it initiates your expanded perceptions.

Ascension is the process of recalibrating your consciousness to perceive the reality that is resonating to a higher frequency than that of the physical world. Imagine you are an Avatar logged into a video game with consciousness, self-awareness. In fact you are, as Earth at this frequency is a holographic projection.

Since you are a projection from the representative of your Multidimensional SELF who decided to copy and paste its consciousness into the 3D Game, you can ask your SELF to assist you to log out of the Game. On the other hand, you will assist your higher dimensional SELF by attaching your awareness to higher and higher frequencies of the Game.

You will accomplish this task by expanding your attention and intention into the parts of your current reality that you love. At the same time, you will release ALL attachments to that which is fearful, distracting and/or no longer important. In other words, you will be the Master of your Energy in that you choose NOT to engage in that which you no longer wish to experience.

This letting go is much like crossing the “monkey bars” of your childhood. Monkey bars are a horizontal ladder above and attached to two vertical bars. As an adult, you can easily stand on the ground and touch the horizontal ladder, but when you were a child, the ground was far beneath you. This analogy is perfect for your current situation.

To proceed with your process of letting go of the old and attaching to the new is similar to crossing the monkey bars when one hand was attached to the ladder, while the other hand was in the air, ready to reach for the next rung of the ladder. In this manner, you are ascending by removing your attention from that which you no longer wish to experience and reaching out with your consciousness to grasp that which you know is of a higher frequency.

You know it is a higher frequency because you can feel the unconditional love. Thus, your consciousness will expand when you release your third dimensional worries and illusions. This release frees your mind to find the FEEL of unconditional love that has been calling you for years.

You have ignored the CALL too often, for you thought it was not real. We tell you NOW that your third dimensional fears and worries are NOT REAL! Only the higher light of unconditional love, and all that love creates is REAL. We are asking you to shift your focus away from your worries of physical life and into the fifth dimension and beyond.

We suggest that you take baby steps so that you can totally ground yourself to each octave of Gaia’s ascending planet. If you are having doubt, follow the animals and the children. They have not been tainted by the power-over-others system of your world governments. They do not believe that they have to DO something to be “good enough” and still hold the innocence and purity of being connected to the land, as well as the ONE.

Therefore, we recommend that you release your attachment to the myriad years of indoctrination that you have received at the close of the Kali Yuga. We suggest that you return to the pure innocence of your inner Divine Child, and take the risk to LET GO of your attachment to that which drags your consciousness into fear, anger and/or sorrow. These emotions attach you to the 3D Matrix.

On the other hand, you can still pay your bills, go to work, put gas in your automobile while you will know that NONE of these actions are real. ALL of these actions are illusions of the third dimensional paradigm. Hence, you will do these actions with NO attachment or emotion.

The play is over and you are leaving the theatre. You are just taking a moment of your “time” to pick up your program, push up your seat, stand in line and leave the theatre. The theatre is not disappearing yet. In fact, many people are still staring at the empty stage, as if they are waiting for one more act to commence.

If you wish, you can tell them that the play is over. However, most of them will not hear you and may even become angry that you are telling them what they do not want to hear. They are used to this play. They don’t want this play to end. They did not understand this play and need to watch more of it in order to know why they even entered this theatre in the first place.

Therefore, you politely step past them, maybe send them some unconditional love as you leave the theatre, and step out into the light of that which awaits you. Those who are not ready for this new light will remain in a version of the “theatre” which is in resonance with their state of consciousness.

On the other hand, YOU – the ones who choose to face the unknown – will meet the adventure for which your heart has always longed. We know that you have heard many promises and been disappointed when they did not come to pass. But you have not noticed how much your world has changed.

Remember your life just ten years ago. Go back in your memory just ten years. It was October of 2002. What was the state of your world then? It was less than one year after the debacle of 9-11. How many lies were being disseminated and largely believed, in spite of vast evidence to the contrary?

How many people had died a violent death and were dying in that manner every day? What do you think the primary emotion was on that the planet at that time?

Do you think it was fear? If so, you are totally correct.

Now look at the predominant state of consciousness on Earth NOW. In spite of all that you may be seeing, we see that the primary emotion on Earth NOW is Love and Hope! In only ten years, you – our brave grounded ones – have once again brought Gaia from the threshold of total destruction. How did you do that?

In fact, we ask each and every one of you to go inside and remember how you found a way to rise above the immense fear and wars to somehow change from fear, anger and sorrow into the growing world-wide love and hope. We say to YOU personally, “YOU are a miracle!”

You could have chosen to attach your consciousness to a reality based on revenge, war, fear and domination. However, instead you have chosen to resonate to another reality. You are living a reality in which a critical component of the world population, which includes plants, animals and Gaia Herself, is preparing and/or is fully prepared for the transition into New Earth.

Do you know how short only ten years is in Cosmic Time? How long does it take a 3D planet to form? How long does it take a 3D planet to be ready to support life? How long has Earth been created? How long ago did the dinosaurs roam Her land and fly in Her sky?

Now think, how long is ten years? How much have you changed yourself in the last ten years? How much have you changed your thinking, your mastery of emotions and your state of consciousness in JUST ten years? Do you see now why we call you a Miracle?

Yes, we have helped you, but we ARE you! We, your Galactic and Celestial Family are higher frequency expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. If we are you, and we are helping you, then YOU are helping yourself. Therefore, take credit for the great Wisdom you have gathered, the immense Power you have displayed and the beautiful Love that you have shared with every member of Gaia’s planetary world.

When you go back into your past only ten years, you can see how time is beginning to collapse. To accomplish such an expansion of consciousness in such a short time is impossible for a reality founded on time. However, time and the slow spin of polarities that time has created is ending.

Time is an expression of the resonant frequency of the planet. As Earth is resonating to higher and higher frequencies, polarities are collapsing into the ONE and time is collapsing into the NOW. You, our grounded ones, are greatly facilitating this process by expanding your states of consciousness.

It is for this reason, as well as because of the great courage of the Beings, human and non-human, that have changed so vastly in such a short amount of time. This closing of polarities and termination of time is exponentially accelerating. Therefore, hold on to your hope and unconditional love, as you listen to us – your SELF!

The Arcturians

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