Listening brings Awareness.
“None of us is as smart as all of us.”
“Listening is almost a lost art: some of us may have forgotten how to do it; some of us may have never quite learned.”- M.B.
Listening brings all minds together to build solutions.
“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen” Listening to somebody requires the strength of mind to fully concentrate and be attentive through out. We speak or think to ourselves as we are assured of someone who listens to, using our senses to dissect the matter and use the knowledge to gain a proper understanding of the same. Using the same technique while listening to another requires a lot of skill and is considered to be an ART that is to be mastered.
To listen well requires a lot of practice, patience, kindness and conscious effort to do so from the listener, be aware of the advantages of being attentive to the words spoken. Physical and psychological presence and a genuine interest in the subject to be spoken mush be existent. It is the positive energy of the listener that motivates the speaker to contribute more facts, thereby adding to self-development through better knowledge. The art of mastering the listening skill requires the listener to prevent his personal thoughts from entering his line of thinking while listening.
So do you think that you are great listener?
There’s a lot of difference between hearing and listening - many people come to conversations with agendas, whether that is to make themselves be heard, or to make themselves not be heard. Are you one of those who sit quietly and meekly listening to them, the fact is that you'd much prefer to slip away at the soonest given chance. The problem with constantly feeling this way is that we never actually hear the people who speak to us. We don't put our entire attention, interest or heart into listening and truly understanding them.
Did you know that the need to be understood and listened to is a basic human need?
How many times have you longed to be heard and understood only to have the receiving end to ignore every word. In other words, listen without forming responses in your mind. Make it your goal to be open-minded 100% of the time. After all, who wants to open up to a narrow-minded person? It also helps to be mindful of your "shut off" triggers. About 60 - 75% of our communication is non-verbal. In order to know whether to encourage the speaker, to open yourself more, or to be more supportive in your approach, it’s essential to know what the person's is saying.
Excerpt from:
“When people listen, creative waters flow and the true listener is much more beloved, magnetic than the talker, and he is more effective and learns more and does more good.”
For a great passionate listener, requires a great passionate speaker...
It depends on what you are listening to? It depends on what you are speaking? It depends on what you are passionate about? It depends on consciousness. It is so absolute beautiful. It is purely a matter of consciousness....
One cannot acquire the ability to listen as long as they are stuck between the clouds in the sky. Jumping from one cloud to another...not paying attention to the sky itself.
"If you take the appearance to be real you will never know the real itself"
"That alone is real which exists by itself, which reveals itself by itself and which is eternal and unchanging."
The Sky is unchanging...clouds are changing. When one forget about jumping from cloud to cloud and take a free fall jump through the empty sky instead, totally surrendering to the emptiness of it....listening becomes a becomes effortless. To be a great listener requires tremendous strength in spirit. That strength comes gradually when you first stumble upon truth and only then. Some stumble upon it early, some late, some never, even though all of us are born with it...It is there..always.....just looking at you....witnessing you....the mind is all that hinders you from reconnecting with it..and becoming IT...when you are in the IT...listening becomes will be so effortless...because then you are not is happening....Then what ever you go on to pick will be purely with the intention of revealing life....and interacting with it from the deepest level possible....
If one is able to listen to the pulse of stillness that beats in the depths of his own being first, beyond the noisy mind, he/she will be able to listen to all else.
everything needs to be reminded .... what counts to be aware of those clouds, one can only notice them when 'present at that moment' - with the chance to notice the sky - one withdraws inward - being empty of one's own thoughts. I would say that the art of listening is goes with your worth - if its balanced - chinese sages used to say: "to know your worth, you have to slip through the eye of the dragon".
If only words could speak louder than reality, it wouldn't be so hard to listen.
perhaps if we speak the words in capital letters, that may help? ... ;)) - the reality does certainly creates lots of noise ... ;))