Synopsis: Hailing from a small town in Alaska, 15-year-old Garrett sets out to investigate the direct link between diet and disease, and in the process he learns about world's simplest cure for cancer.
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I always advocate a diet of no animal products and as raw as possible vegetables and fruit.
Thanks for posting Ben, I know people have been asking for natural cures for Cancer, this is great information!
Great video, thanks Ben-Arion. It is so true too. Inspiring and thought provoking, and definitely touching as well. So often the so called "cures" that mainstream medicine push on us is worse than the ailment. I know this only too well, almost being a victim to the "cure" last year. I took the reigns on my health, stopped the chemotherapy and got a healthy diet, took herbal suppliments and am now very well and disease free. Our own natural defenses by far are the best cure for ill health. Instead of masking and treating symptoms, it is far wiser to augment your own inborn defenses, instead of lowering their ability to fight infections and ailments by bombarding the body with harmful cures like chemo and radiation. Makes more sense to me.
So true! Food is so important !!!! What an incredible lesson to learn....
Absolutely loved this video, thank you for posting : )
love, light & blessings