The black night satellite; is an ancient artificial structure circling the earth for over 13,000 years. First drew attention by giving off electrical signals, picked up and studied by Nikola Tesla in 1899 and was believed to be a messages from space. In 1926 more signals arrived and these showed a star chart, the way it would have looked thirteen thousand years earlier. Other countries also became aware of these signals and in 1954 the message was determined to be coming from earth’s orbit and that an ancient satellite, (as reported in the St. Lewis Post Dispatch, on may 14, 1954) in an unusual orbit from north pole to south pole and was extremely ancient and artificially made, this unusual orbit would allow a 360 degree view of every spot on the planet, as if we were being studied or watched from the heavens
Where is this Black Knight Satellite From? Who is controlling it ?
Is it earthly or from another Planet ? Why is it watching us ?
Anyone on ACC can solve this mystery?