Since I have loved since I was a child to ponder the meaning of complex words, I would ineviteably like all other human beings on this planet hear about deception and what it is that causes it.
I am sorry not to have bothered doing much dictionary research into the matter behind the actual meaning of the term.
Is it possible, that I may in fact not know actually, what the word ´deception´really means, because I have mostly assumed something about what this word means, and based some conclusion on some judgement passed on by myself in terms of what it means - from someone else´s perspective.
I am not saying that I am approaxing what I said from the belief that knowledge is experience, as I believe that knowledge is wisdom.
I am going, instead, to start this relatively simple appearing dialogue - with the simple question of what deception is.
Since deception has played such a crucial role in the evolutionary history of several races and civilizations on this planet, my hypothesis is, that in the language of each of these cultures, or languages thereof, a proper terminology which might explain to some tangible extent the meaning of this word - was in fact lacking, and that perhaps that is what to a large extent caused so much deception to happen in the entire history of those cultures - particularly the one I presently belong to - the one who sometimes refer to themselves, as Earthmen.
And I apologize, that appearently very few philosophers before me, have asked themselves so openly and simply what it is that deception is - perhaps, because they thought that they knew more than they actually did - about the mysteries of deception, and therefore what causes it to happen.
We may thus in this dialogue not be fully satisfied with the official explanation for what deception is - provided there may in fact be one.
I dedicate this dialogue to Kogikoro. Anybody is free to leave a comment and thus be part of the dialogue.
So you think that ´deception is when someone says x, and you can tell by looking at that somone, that it is not really y, and then z happens which intervenes and x is exposed for lying.
If the solution to the problem of the liar, is to flush him down the toilet - will the world be any safer a place if no lie is permitted? Couldn´t you then just as well flush yourself down the toilet?