October 11, 2015


Zakaos Ewing (Some inserts noted by Kimberlee Schultz)

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This is my new healing tone . Zakaos XF. 5 Tone + V2k SD. Meter Block / Positive Cell Body Sound Healer . Have a listen while you read and heal your body and block out radiation and V2k ext .



The Face Book / Darpa C.I.A. , N.S.A. , Mi6 , H.A.A.R.P , Echelon , Tempest and all the satanic computing systems are synthetic A.I. technology.  Governmental mind control is administered during a state of fear and pain.  I mean extreme pain.  The kind of pain that make a normal person pass out.  When you pass out physiologically you fall or are pushed into what you call a safe zone away from the pain. This is called a psychological break.  This is what the C.I.A. and the occult psychopaths do intentionally to administer an alter.  A programmed non human personality that can be a accessed with triggers they make while your pushed down into what you can call your safe zone.  Never ever go to your safe zone because you leave them basically a mental slate to be programmed.  The smart meter network is based on this.  The C.I.A. can deliver this form of pain remotely in the rage of 900 HZ with a micro Lilly wave beam.  Yes they can do it while you sleep, and you would never know.  The brain is forced into a degenerative state as they program triggers and trigger words to shut down parts of the mind and the heart.  Love ,real true love breaks mind control.  The C.I.A. program there female assets to never have orgasms.  Because if you can make a women happy or feel deep love in this way it could cause problems in the programming and the asset's programming will break down. 1 0 10 10 1 0 is binural code . It is simply on and off on off.  They program black gu / goo to shut down specific parts of the brain to control the assets from going to a deadly assassin to a seemingly normal civilian.  This is called a sleeper.  Gu is very old and you can find all the information on it from the Chinese Medicine publishing on Gu . Gu is a mind control sex slave / slowly killing you with poison that was used to kill many Chinese and Japanese Martial arts masters in the past.  The C.I.A. and nazi scum made a hybrid of this Gu now called Black goo.  This is C.I.A. mind control and as far as I know I am the leading person on breaking it and breaking it down in the most in dept simple way for normal people to really understand what is really going on.


I am going to explain the exact internal operation of the the Black Programmable Goo / Gu of the satanic occult, and how the occult use it on you and who ever they target.  The Free Masonic Occult have been using black gu / goo as a biological weapon , brain mapping , human possession , mind control , remote mind control and targeting and assassination and ritualistic worship and murder .
The base operation of the programming of the Gu is routed threw the U.S. Governments alien hybrid electrical system called Cobalt.  Cobalt is the system that the Black gu / goo is run and maintained from.  Cobalt was made from stolen technology from a crashed ship on the moon.  Pink Floyd made an album about it, Transformers even poked at the truth about the moon etc . This technology was what we now know or call dark matter / black Gu / Goo.  Cobalt was made to interface with it and program it for the occult military and shadow government, or so they were all led to believe.


The C.I.A.'s most heavily used poison is GU or hybrid Goo.  This is a demonic mind manipulation and demonic possession poison heavily used by the C.I.A. and it is made from putting a venomous snake in a bottle with a scorpion and a centipede and the one living has the strongest poison.  Gu is as the verminous manifestation of evil that appears in a wide variety of toxic worms and insects are locked into a vessel ,where they naturally become one anther's prey.  GU in short is ancient Chinese symbol for extreme pathogen yin -the dark side of life , the worst nightmare of any human being.  It represent darkness, rottenness, slithering vermin,poisonous snakes, betrayal, black magic, pain and insanity.  Gu hexagram 18 is entitled Gu (the dark yin poison).  Classical comments from Chinese medicine experts have remarked that this particular hexagram describes an energetic situation where as a feeble wind cannot penetrate the dense area at the mountains base, creating a gu syndrome that does not receive air and thus becomes decayed and rotten according to the movement.  This is what they use to make the demonic gu poison. This is a old poison based in Chinese medicine.  According to Chinese medicine one of the most effective cures is digestion of raw purple garlic.  Also focusing on your breathing in your abdomen when you breath in and out.  Visualize lightning and thunder in your stomach and it penetrating the darkest places of the body because this is were the gu parasites and flukes hide and try to regenerate . Lighting and thunder are of the Yang energy of earth and the GU is of the dark / dark matter / light parasite and the negative energy of the yin.  Chinese folklore-a gu spirit could transform into various animals, typically a worm, caterpillar, snake, frog, dog or pig . Black magic practice - such as manipulating sexual partners, creating malignant diseases and causing death. This gu was typically used by the wu and now still used by the free Masonic pedophile C.I.A. satanic occultist to kill innocent people and try to make it look natural or commit rape or typically what ever they do to gain control over the victims mind body and soul .

For the Wiki Pedia link on Gu and I also have the link to my research on the Chinese medicine remedies on Black Gu at the end of this blog.


Face Book , Darpa , N.S.A. , N.A.S.A. , C.I.A. , D.O.C. , M.I.6. , S.A.S. etc and all masonic shadow in-tell organization like Project Montauk , Blue Beam , Brain Gate , Remote Viewer Gate (the original Star gate), Star Gate , Star Wars programs and all militarized space weapons and organizations.  All of these organizations are all based on Black Gu and occult Vector science . And all there super computers including the German Bavarian Beast computer thought to be hidden in the German Bavarian Mountains all operate in unison with programmable black goo /gu .


Super German computer systems



These were thought to be the fastest computers in the world but are not and are nowhere close to what is coming for all of these occultist and pedophiles using dark matter to rape people minds and Earth secretly and openly.



Poison by chem trail Gu / Goo / G.M.O. smart meter soft kill and remote mind control . This is all regulated by Nasa , H.A.A.R.P. ,Tempest , Echelon , C.I.A. , N.S.A , Raytheon and Darpa . 



This is Nazi N.A.S.A.'s Satan (Satellite Automatic Tracking Antennas) 




When you log on to Face book you are also logged onto Darpa / C.I.A. / N.S.A. and NASA . You are immediately being brain / body mapped and cataloged like cattle.  What the evil system does is send magnetic electronic pulses that are piggy backed off your magnetic field into you body and key pressure points.  The C.I.A. would normally have to kidnap you (THIS IS WHY THE C.I.A. , Nasa .NSA cults etc. ... ARE HUGE CHILD AND HUMAN TRAFFICKERS) Then they can administer one of these chips into the brain threw the nasal cavity or skin.  Now they do it with nano particles and chem trails and remotely programmed with Tv , cell phones , computers , web sites and new ways of chipping people with out them knowing it is being done or remembering it.



These are the true effects of chem trails on the body and unclassified Nasa documents to prove how they make Chem trails . Chem trails are taught in a U.S. military class called chem trails . This science is also used a the U.S. militarizes missile shield and was approved to poison our air and in the name of keeping us safe from an attack that never happened.  If some one fires a missile at America and the chem trail poison is in the air, a radio compressed microwave is beamed around the missile and the missile is melted from the inside from compressed microwave heating of the chem trail particles . But who is to say they do not all ready do this to normal people at a much slower and controlled rate with chem trails and radioactive smart meters that are a huge part of this evil system.  This technology is also used with Black Gu crystallization and nano technology crystallization / nano particle infections / soft kill / mind control technology. 



This is the cover of nazi Nasa's so called futuristic technologies document they claim is not in use and these technologies are futuristic and doable in 2025 .



Spoofer spray is standard for spy plains to use to avoid being detected by Radar  . It is also used in chem trailing and in the air we breath . It has Aluminum coating , plastic and nylon . 



Nano tags and Smart nano dust / particle dust is what is in Chem trails and the U.S. military knows all about it . This evil technology also kills insects and turns them into drones for nano particle Black Gu / Goo to become a spy or delivery system of a virus or Gu / Goo infection. 



Swarm nano particle smart dust ( Nano weaponry ) is used by Nasa for many things but one of the major applications is targeting and keeping track of specific ( assets ) individuals to keep track of what they are thinking etc.


(Click on picture below to learn more about Swarm) ~ Insert by Kimberlee





A sensor swarm is when they spray chem trails on a specific place or person they need immobilized or lit up for nano particle infiltration etc. These nano particles all coincide with nano Borg bots that Nasa claims is futuristic in these documents they have released.  This is how they threaten and flaunt their evil science in the public domain. 




This list of scientist publication below are the core scientists that create Morgellons (AKA nano tags) (also known as Morgellon disease by chem trails) from chem trailing  . The function of Mogellons is to invade and clever the DNA and collect energy from the DNA create a light signal for satellites etc. Morgellons creates crystals in the body that make DNA / RNA antennas in the body that make readable light impulses that is detectable via satellite and ground stations from the host infected body.  A ground station (smart meter electrical Nazi Nasa hub hive mind station) is a hive mind center in most neighborhoods that have installed smart meters in there home for continues monitoring.  Once the subject is infected , this is what they called a reading unit that is clearly a infection leading to soft killing , remote mind control and unknown sickness . Then they make what is called a read out unit . It catalogs your emotions / anger and can make a duplicate alga rhythm and then feed it to a satellite or ground station. Lets say you get mad and your cataloged , digitized (brain and body mapped and digitized and stored).  With this anger a read out unit can be aimed at people who are not angry or happy.  This anger can be used to target a group of people ( 100 ) and project this emotion via satellite or ground station antenna aimed onto the normal people and amplify it to the entire crowd or neighborhood. The hexagonal reading units reads Blue is the light processed for thinking and red is the light processed for sexuality.  This is how their evil system is made to read you and catalog and digitize the human experience.  They are trying to control our ego , our mind and our sexuality.  This is the evil synthetic telepathy Nasa nazi Face book Darpa N.S.A. C.I.A system that is on line that is now breaking down permanently.


See below video conference about Morgellons. ~ Insert by Kimberlee



One more agricultural Earthly abomination of these evil scientist that they have created is when the Morgellons infects a bug.  It eats the bug from the inside and replicates the DNA and sends a signal after death and the new fruited form is made the bugs eyes glow with this artificial light.  Then a signal is sent to the hive mind and the bug is a instant drone waiting directions from the swarm or it is the key builder of a bug swarm programmed to infect bugs for a silent secret soft kill attack or operation. The infected bug can put out a fungus that attracts other bugs to be infected.  This is called assimilation for military use for Nasa , D.O.C. .N.S.A. , Darpa , MI666 , S.A.S. Echelon , Tempest etc. to control attack and spy or infect more civilians or who ever they deem a threat to the satanic occult. Who is to say they were not planing on doing this to us as we speak or as you read this.  This is the nature of what they thought was untraceable soft killing . Think again nazi scum . . . . .

This is a picture drawn by a infected remote viewer who is really good at what he does.  This is of the creature that was trying to control him and that he believed was the controller the Morgellons /black gu /goo.  Keep in mind this looks like a parasite nano spider with a developed face and the prominent third eye.  These creatures are not visible to the human eye or micro scope.  This came from the lower intestine growing in the intestine sophomoric mushroom.  They have spider like sexual organs (meaning they leave bags or sacks to be hatched at a latter date) and are male and female.  This evil abominations do not go into a fugal state after mating.  It is more of a spider like state. This is another highly coveted trans Uguthian evil child sex magic demon they worship that no one is to see or know of the existence of.  When you get to the Top of the Masonic Cult this is what you find out and who controls it, or so they thought or were lead to believe until now.  These things have been extracted from infected people.  During the extraction from the lower intestines the victim a feeling of a tremendous energy rush from the frontal lobe is felt.  This lead us to believe these things are basically feeding off your body energy consistently to grow and feed its off spring within us as the victims energy is returned and the parasite spider killed off.  The C.I.A. , Nasa , Darpa , MI666 , S.A.S. , N.S.A. etc. all know this and covet it like dogs to a bone.  This is a lower interdenominational / trans dimensional being abusing and feeding off humans to reproduce its own species.  They assimilate enough bio photons from the frontal lobe then try to use this energy to ascend to another dimension to start trans inter dimensional communication.  This is allowed and maintained by the psychopathic satanic nazi Nasa scientist and Governments of the world and its secret space programs who protect these occultist.  This is because how can you target what is not known but now known and in the public domain. Happy hunting hybrid Sith killers !!!!!!! 

                                    Spider vampire Sith lord hybrid (Killed and hunted down)


These are the list of scientists who hold the patent for the Morgellons crystallization quantum colors and quantum liquid ( patent black hybrid Gu ). These are a list of publications that were made public shortly after they sold there evil science to the military and shadow organizations.  This is all mainly for trans humanistic research for the occult to make satanic clones and hybrids to eventually kill of Gods greatest gift and creation.  You , humans.  These are a list of trans humanistic researchers / scientist who also make what they call quantum liquid with chem trail materials.  You can find their publications and see how these sick nazi trans humanist flaunt this degenerate evil diabolical eugenics / science in the scientific community.  Photonic crystals sole purpose is to create hexagonal plasma tonic crystals to collect your DNA and turn it into a readable light source signal to be read by at antenna ( Cell / TV / Phone Antenna ) for black Gu / Goo to connect to the read out stations and satellites.  This is how you get a read write unite to control emotions of the victim.  This thing is controlled by microwaves sent into your home and cell phone and computers etc.

Here is the list of satanic psychopathic trans humanist scientist and their publications. 




This is a brave female Berkeley scientist who grew these in her and then ran tests under a microscope in her lab.  These were the results on the self replicating Morgellon nazi Nasa nano particles infection that are in chem trails etc. 



This is Nano Technology no one can police and it is in the hands of psychopaths. 



This is nano technology that live off blood but they call it plasma to cover up the parasitic vampirism technology. 



How to clear this all out assault on humanity wherever you are and for free.  Click the below link for the Energy Clearing Protocol ~ Insert by Kimberlee




This is what Darpa (nazi DNA / RNA brain grave robber psychopaths)  scientists use on mind control victims , assets / assassin for mind control tagging and soft kill targeting.  This is somewhat what it looks like from a Nazi occultist computer or cell phone etc. 


                         More at





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  • ah so-the wonderful chinese gov knows this because they use it too

  • LINK:  http://www.acalltoactions.com/#!The-CIAs-Most-Heavily-Used-Mind-Control-Poison-Is-Gu-According-To-Classical-Chinese-Medicine-It-Is-Hexagram-18-Is-Entitled-Gu/c7j3/5619bc040cf2c6c6436dfe16

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