Hi people!
Yesterday I watched 2 latest interviews from Camelot project, one is with member of Rothchild family and the other is with 2 persons that claim to be supersoldiers for 4th Reich. I did not have such a good laugh for a long, long time.
All three of them allegedly decided to address people out of best interests (even though these supersoldiers admitted to having no remorse for being assasins), in order to warn us about forthcoming disasters, although they were not specific as to what will happen to us. They talked to various secret programs (nothing new), and expressed concerns for their fate after the shows are published.
You may watch it if you want, but my opinion is that you will just waste your time.
The cabal is so desperate in trying to make people afraid that they sent these lunatics to tell their scary stories. Stories are full of holes:
- If the cabal is winning (as they say), then why bother in informing us. No, they just want to scare us.
-Do you seriously think they would let this Michael Prince (or James Casbolt) tell his story for past several years and not silance him so far? And he switched from British intelligence to US intelligence (army)? I don't think that even kids would believe this story.
No, no, no.....This story is clear evidence that the cabal is heavily losing its ground, that it is soooooo desperate in wanting to stop people from waking up, that they don't even do things in a profesional way. It is laughable.
PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP, AND THERE IS NO STOPPING IT! WE WILL BE FREE, SOONER OR LATER! It is so obvious, it is all around us... Look at Monsanto protests- so many people gathered in so many countries.... Look at arrests around of globe- prime ministers, presidents, bank officials... In my country recently the president of one (of 2) entity was arrested few days ago for corruption. Look at mainstram media- there are many examples, on every day bases, of documentaries or shows being aired on exposure of corruption, new medical discoveries, new technologies.....The number of people that ask themselves "why are we living the way we are living, when there is a lot better way to do so?" is getting bigger and bigger every second (not year, month or day). No, nobody can stop it now!
So, dear cabal, you better start thinking what will happen to you? Thinking about swithching sides? You better start doing that, as we are coming- and there will be no place to hide!
Has anyone here taken a road trip lately, with eye’s open to just how many people are carrying out normal lives’ as you wiz by them town after town after town hundred’s of thousands of people who are caught up, in there own lives and have nothing to do with alterative blog’s or out lets like this one?
These video’s are made and targeting one group only you and I, unless this stuff starts coming out on main stream media, which 90 percent are caught up in religion and razing a family and working all the time would not bother to watch anyway or believe it. 9/11, sandy hook, boston bombing, they follow. But this, ------- mass arrests, mass landings, all the alterative stuff, is a very small group of people very small.
We are the one’s in denial and controlled the most with half lies, and alterative jerry springer, shows and video, and interviews with david ike, alex jones, GFL, whistle blowers galore none of witch seem not to die but come up with endless story’s for our enjoyment while the rest of the world moves on razing family’s, working, giving to church and taxes and dieing of old age. While the rest of us, very few chase after the chicken little story’s and conspiracy story’s placed at our feet -- (not the rest of the world) Funny how absolutely none of this stuff ever happens (none) over 40 years of following this end of the stick, and all it ever dose is make a lot of noise, as it bounces along the white picket fence.
This is one big soap opera, that most who follow it including me, have there butts supper glued to the oh ship whats going to happen next episode at the next predicted date, Y2K, 3DD, 2012, Uncloaking, finding Nemo story that comes along, we are the one’s on the hook, being dragged all over the lake. Ever wonder why we are never reeled into the boat and taken off the hook?
Endlessly swimming in circles while the rest of the world, the billions that are not affected by any of this? Yet the hook is firmly planted deep into our mouths and brains?
And the only place you think your off the hook is behind this computer screen? Like those two old lady’s in that commercial “where is the BEEF” Wendy"s commercial
OOOPS three ladys LOL
Big fluffy love and light Bun, and no beef " EVER" ?????????????????
So sad your faith has left you.. however, all the problems are not solely about this physical world you limit your perception to. Many of us Ground Crew are here working in the inner planes towards the savior of humanity and towards the betterment of ALL THE COSMOS, all the while, posts such as these only go towards fueling the very thing we are working so hard 24/7 towards the very dissolution of.
Perhaps if you began seeking within rather than getting caught up in the very propaganda that you yourself are pushing here, just perhaps you too would see all that is truly being done for ALL HUMANITY ALIKE, even those such as yourself who've lost their Faith. My blessings of unconditional love go out to you John Aritist.
You're right, we each must take responsibility for our own thoughts and emotions, but until you do this yourself, why would you promote such doubt and apathy here for the masses still holding ever so tightly to THEIR FAITH?
Ok, after 40 years from now and your still holding the empty bag of fluff your holding on to now that’s sad. i did but now for me that bag is full of dead things. I dont believe in happly ever after anymore.
I played the same game your deep in now.. But your right till you see as well. I’m finish with the half lie’s and promises that never take place, I’m just saying I’m no long in that bubble of deception. Time to make something happen or get off the pot. proof in poof show me the beef, 40 years and no proof.. ha ha the laugh is on you. No ticket no laundry. pretty simple.
Proof is within your heart, dear one. This is the faith that you have lost. Without it you can never see what is beyond your physical perception of negativity. The fact that you need "proof" is precisely why you do not receive it. I personally have experienced countless miracles, my friend. But this is not what fuels or continues to inspire me.. not in the slightest. It is my unwavering love for both, this world and ALL Humanity that drives me to continue on. This is who I am and what I do, whether you deny me or that very same Highest Aspect that wishes to shine within yourself, it is still there, never judging, always loving and ever vigilant towards the very savior of even your self.
So far as losing ones faith as you have clearly confirmed, the real question is why you continue to push such negativity upon others? Do you feel so wronged that you would prefer to discourage, detour or even derail the evolution of others? What if you stopped playing the victim here and instead took responsibility for the very manifest experience you've created for your own self?
You see, all those "half-lies" that you've been told never come from Angels of the Light, dear one. These channels continue on today from impostor Cabal/Domain influences claiming to be entities and angels that they clearly are not, but how can you weigh what is TRUTH vs what is NOT when you've turned away from the very FAITH WITHIN YOU that provides the confirmation of either purity or deception?
Yet I remain.. continuing on working ever so diligently to remove those cabal influences from the cosmos and even after countless trillions have been arrested and brought before THE ALMIGHTY ONE, many still remain. And so does remain my vigilance right along side the rest of all my dearest brothers and sisters.
You see, you THINK you are choosing NOT to be deceived by turning on the Highest Aspect of your BEING, but in TRUTH my dear brother, that has been the purpose of all the deception all along; to trick you into losing FAITH in our Lord as well as losing FAITH in your SELF.
I cannot fault you. I can only offer and reflect TRUTH back upon you. I do not judge you either. You have the FREE WILL to remain in your own accepted duality of deception, to give up on your evolution and express your misery and discontent. You will be offered a free trip to another 3D world where you can give it all another shot, okay.
You say, "Show me the beef!" but isn't it so very ironic that ALL THAT YOU SEEK IS WITHIN YOU?! That's right, brother. "The beef" is within your Heart. It has been all along, but instead of remaining on course, you've chosen to give up on ALL THAT IS. You want to see "the beef" yet you had never put in the work! Ascension does not just get handed over to you, I'm sorry to say. Not at all. It is a process of self-discovery that leads one along the path of Ascending Mastery and across the Rainbow Bridge.
You are ONLY FOOLING YOURSELF by waiting around for "proof" because WAITING IS NOT CREATING ANYTHING other than the stagnation of the status quo. You say,"It is time to make something happen." If you want to change things, you must "BE" THE CHANGE! And promoting doubt is not only a failure of self, but a reflection of the Karma you wish to develop evermore so long as you continue on in your choice to quit.
See, we never truly fail unless we give up. Anything else is only a mistake. And despite popular belief as through the dogma of "sin" the TRUTH is that we do not judge one another by the mistakes we make. Not in the least. However, we are most certainly perceived by those current vibrations we choose to emulate. Forgiveness is something that must be discovered within one's own Heart. Seek within to discover that GOD SELF that YOU ARE, dear brother and you will also discover so very much more(beef) than you can imagine, including all of us there with open arms welcoming you to step out of that "Bubble of Deception" and blissfully into the loving embrace of ALL THAT IS.
There is still much to be done in the Cosmos, but the vast majority has most certainly indeed been resolved. However could one even see such things(beef/proof) when they're limiting their perception to the one single dimension that is completely removed from the very source they are searching for? All that you allow yourself to perceive is within this physical world, but there is such a grander of abundance to discover, to unlock and to experience in the ascended planes of BEING. As an Ascending Master, I am experiencing ALL THAT IS and only wish to empower as many souls as possible so that they too may also find the inspiration to reach their physical incarnate manifestation as well. As a descended son, I have done this many times over and can only reflect that TRUTH back upon you, so long as the window of ascension remains.
Bless you dear heart, in love and adoration of ALL THAT YOU ARE,
<3 Jacob
I say let us all give unconditional love to the dark one s soul s . Let us all awaken those minion s that now doubt our existence . Let us give them a power surge they will remember for all life time . A wonderful time to BE .
Wonderful Jimmy! :) Bless you brother! :)
You'd enjoy my two articles here that express this very same attitude as this really truly IS the way we will eventually defeat them, even on their own home worlds.
Loving the Fallen Dark Souls of the Cabal
Guiding the Lost Souls to the Light
I also shared my techniques on removing the "fighting" out of these interactions and how I deal with those dark/fallen ones whenever they come around. In this way, as evil as they come, they hold absolutely NO POWER OF ME! Here is the article:
Hello my Brothers and Sisters, I am Archangel Metatron. I would like to continue speaking about OWNERSHIP. When we are received with hostility by others, these ones are only reacting to the Love and Light that you are reflecting back upon them. Those emotions arise in them due to what their own fear of truly connecting and BEING as one with their HIGHEST GOD SELVES. This is what triggers that FIGHT OR FLIGHT syndrome, but as with all fear-based thinking, we've had it drilled into us that these are your only options when they are not. There really is A THIRD OPTION and that is all part of the ASCENDED MASTERY we are all here to help Humanity to achieve.
Read more about THE THIRD OPTION: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/archangel-metatron-...
Follow us: AshtarCommandCrew on Facebook
I love this post! and I love this movie! What a hoot and they seem to go well together :-)
Thanks Happy Person, and Kat <3
It's hard to believe that they can do ANYTHING except nuke us all and that won't happen, so what else is there?
Loving the attitude here! "Happy Person" Indeed! :) And yes they really truly ARE "on their heels" right now! The Annunaki recently have broken from the rest of their Draconian, Orion and Zeta Gray Alliance and have really made some pretty bold intrusions into the FREE WILL of Humanity, ALL OF WHICH is immediately caught and stopped right at the source. The Annunaki have really always had their own agenda apart from the actual DOMAIN, but rest assured that DOMAIN has been cut off and all that backing that has been available to the CABAL has since a couple months ago been completely shut down, so yeah, to say those CABAL here still on planet are "on their heels" is truly an understatement! They are however, acting out just as a rabid dog would if you backed them into a corner, so keep your guard up for now folks and remember the best weapon against them is to LOVE THEM and shine the GOD SELF aspect of your BEING and they will simply turn away and lose interest in their attempts at manipulating you.
Although this FULL DISCLOSURE post is slightly out of date, being a couple months old, it does go to show just how quickly the Paa-Tal Warriors of Light really Truly ARE sorting out those Cabal / Domain / Fallen / Dark ones. Part 2 to this FULL DISCLOSURE Ariticle is in progress. Enjoy: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/a-grand-conspiracy-an...
Great post! In love and adoration, Jacob
Love wins! :)
yes, people are waking up and as CW stated; LOVE WINS , mix that with compassion and forgiveness...................and we'll have new golden age in a flesh.........................