You've no doubt noticed that for about the last 60 years, the majority of health care officials and the media have been telling you saturated fats are bad for your health and lead to a host of negative consequences, like elevated cholesterol, obesity, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease.Meanwhile during this same 60 years the American levels of heart disease, obesity, elevated serum cholesterol, and Alzheimer's have skyrocketed compared to our ancestors, and even compared to modern-day primitive societies using saturated fat as a dietary staple.Did you know that multiple studies on Pacific Island populations, who get 30-60% of their total caloric intact from fully saturated coconut oil, have all shown nearly non-existent rates of cardiovascular disease? [1]Clearly, a lot of confusion and contradictory evidence exists on the subject of saturated fats, even among health care professionals. But I'm going to tell you something that public health officials and the media aren't telling you.The fact is, all saturated fats are not created equal. The operative word here is "created," because some saturated fats occur naturally, while other fats are artificially manipulated into a saturated state through the man-made process called hydrogenation.Hydrogenation manipulates vegetable and seed oils by adding hydrogen atoms while heating the oil, producing a rancid, thickened oil that really only benefits processed food shelf life and corporate profits. The medical and scientific communities are now fairly united in the opinion that hydrogenated vegetable and seed oils should be avoided.These unsaturated fats, artificially manipulated into saturated fats, are also called trans fats, and no doubt you've heard about them lately. Some cities and states have now outlawed their use. There is no controversy anymore regarding the health dangers of these artificially saturated fats.And guess what? These are the same damaged trans fats that have been touted as "healthy" and "heart-friendly" for the last 60 years by the vegetable and seed oil interests!But the truth finally came out. Trans fat was rebuked, debunked, and revealed as the true enemy to good health that it has always been, regardless of what the seed and vegetable oil shills told the American public for the last half century.Unfortunately, this rightful vilification of hydrogenated saturated fats has created a lot of confusion regarding naturally occurring saturated fats, including coconut oil. If one form of saturated fat is bad for you, the argument goes, then all saturated fat must be bad. Right? Nothing could be further from the truth!See more at:

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  • I just started taking coconut oil and here is this post ... love the little coincidences ! 

  • Good point. Coconut oil is a reported fat burner, as well as a good natural antibiotic.  Good post!

  • Nice tips Custos Astralis.
    I use coconut oil to make my own hand wash...a little bit of coconut oil and Organic Aloe Vera Liquid Soap plus water in a small plastic bottle and it's ready for use when I am out and about
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