It seems that while mainstream physicists are struggling to accept whether or not it is possible to extract free energy, manufacturers are polishing their reactors for sale! It reminds me of the early 20th centuary denial by mathematicians that transcontinental radio transmittion was possible. Of course it was proven to them from the radio made by 'unqualified physicist'! How the hell the wave could move curvilinearly around the earth? The theories always comes latter!I congratulate these 'free energy' researchers. Just because bozos from meinstream says that a thing is impossible does not mean we stop trying.One such a guy attempts to draw energy from hydrogen atom by moving its electron farther than 'it is possible'. As you may know, the hydrogen's electron will be attracted to its neuclear. A question arises as to what prevents it from crashing to the neucleus all together. Regardless of whatever bizare mechanism doing that, this makes the electron quite energetic. So if the electron does crush, it will releases untold amount of energy.Notice that such crushing will turn the hydrogen atom simply to a neutron. From quantum mechanics, we do away with the high school biliard balls and we see that even in neutron, the electron will at times be out! So there is realy no clear cut boundery between hydrogen and neutron. A neutron is just a densly packed hydrogen!In the ordinary (hot) fusion, to understand where the energy comes from, consider four hydrogen atoms. Two of them gabbles their electrons to form two neutrons. Then all of them fuse to form helium. This of course is not the correct process in a fusion but the production of energy is the same. For instance in physics, you are told that the proton kicks away the antielectron to form a neutron instead of eating an electron. To see that the two are equivalent, lets say the proton in hydrogen kicks out the antielectron, then it will meet the electron in the peripheri anihillating it into energy. This is the energy I am talking of. It is realy remarkable that hydrogen exists at all. It sits in a fantastic balance akin to a sharp pencil balancing for zilions of years. If the electron moves slightly in, the world implodes to unimaginable blackhole. If it moves slightly out, it explodes in unimaginable supernova!The guys in the cold fusion wonders what happens to an electron on its way to forming a neutron. They imagine an even more compact hydrogen termed hydrino, a stuff forbided by the rules of quantum mechanics. To form hydrino, lots of energy is released. They say that this can be done by simply reacting hydrogen with some catalysts such as palladium. They say this releases a huge amount of energy, far more than fosil fuel!

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  • To what extend should we use the idea of fractals to understand the whole? I tend to see it as to usefull analogically. Yes, the solar system as a whole IN SOME WAY looks like the individual members of the solar system. For instance each planet spins around. However, the whole does not look like the parts IN OTHER WAYS. For instance the solar system as a whole looks like a huge disck wheres the planets are more or less spherical. The universe is not fractals IN ALL WAYS. Its only so in some ways.
    • yes, indeed it is a complex system....

  • Wings,
    Helium is not a mere fractal type repitition of hydrogen. Even if universe is indead fractals, phyc is yet to find out the repeating pattern. It is not hydrogen. A bigger atom such as gold does not look like a merely magnified hydrogen atom. Therefore understanding hydrogen's dynamics does not imply understanding gold's dynamics. The later is a chaotic system, the former isn't. The fractal analogy need to be used with more care.
  • Now what keeps the hydrogen's electron in 'orbit' is realy zero point energy. So the guys trying to draw this energy by forming an 'hydrino' are trying a wayround to tapping this elusive energy. Probably, they are doing it unwittingly.

    The way this zero point energy balances the atom is amazing. It yields the famous fine structure constant.

    It is also important to note that quantum mech equations can only solve SINGLE hydrogen. So with all these quantum boast, it cannot solve any other atom apart from hydrogen! Then it doesn't even solve it that well! It is save to say that we only understand a single hydrogen imerced in a sureal space!
    • Perhaps if we could really understand the smallest, then we could understand the whole universe...we need to see the pattern of creation that repeats in all sizes.


  • The whole universe is a sea of energy that keeps everything spinning...from the atoms to the planets.  If we think in harmony with the universe then we should be able to figure this out. 

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