This document, although quite long, presents a situation which I believe is fundamental to the future destiny of humanity. I have attempted to simplify and condense what I believe are the key issues that cause widespread suffering and unhappiness in this world. I have attempted to summarise a very complex and inscrutable system of financial governance that now covers

pthe whole planet. There is much much more that could be said. Yet I have tried to include the fundamental points. As this is a rough draft there may be some typos, please excuse this. Please read as much as you can, and if you find it too much please read the conclusion section at the bottom. Thank you.

Money created out of Nothing


(Note although I am using the U.S. Central bank system as an example, most Central banks across the world operate on the same principle).


Banks essentially create money out of nothing, pure thin air. Money is not backed by the nebulous value of gold or some other metal. Banks illegally create it out of nothing. What this amounts to basically is someone just entering some digits into a computer, and those digits become money that enters the monetary supply. OK here’s how it goes.

The government decides it needs some money, so it calls up the central bank(the Fed) to request some money, say 10 billion dollars. The Fed says sure we will buy 10 billion in government bonds. So some guy in a government office enters 10 billion dollars in treasury bonds on a computer and another guy at the fed enters 10 billion dollars in federal reserve notes on a computer and they electronically exchange them.

The Government then deposits (electronically) the 10 billion dollars of federal reserve notes into a bank account. Upon deposit they become legal tender. Thus introducing 10 billion dollars more into the money supply.

The Fed created the 10 billion out of nothing. The government bonds are by design an instrument of debt. In other words the government bonds are a promise to repay the money to the Fed(which it created out of thin air).

As such the basis of all money created is debt which has to be repaid by the people of the country through taxes to a bank that created the money out of nothing.


Now when the Government deposited the 10 billion dollars into the Bank account. That deposit becomes part of the bank’s reserves. Just as all deposits do. Regulations require the bank to maintain reserves equal to a prescribed percentage of it’s deposits. This is usually 10% of the deposit.

What this means is that with the 10 billion dollar deposit, 1 billion is held as the reserve requirement whereas 9 billion can be used as the basis for new loans.

Now you would think that the 9 billion for new loans would come out of the 10 billion right. No. The magical wizards at the bank create another 9 billion out of thin air. (90%) On top of the existing 10 billion, which they then use to create loans.

This is how the monetary supply is expanded.

The nine billion can be created out of nothing, simply because there is a demand for the loan and there is a 10 billion deposit, to satisfy the reserve requirements.

Assuming then someone then borrows the 9 billion from the bank and deposits it in their own bank account. The process is repeated. The 9 billion becomes part of the new banks reserves, 10 percent is isolated, and 90% is created again out of thin air for new loans. Which go to other banks and the process repeats..

The mathematical result is that about 90 billion dollars can be created out of nothing upon the original 10 billion which itself was created out of nothing but debt.

What gives the new money value?. The existing money supply. The new money steals value from it. The pool of money is being increased irrespective of the demand for goods and services.

In our financial system, money is debt and debt is money. The more money there is the more debt there is. The more debt there is the more money there is.


When the government borrows money from the Fed, or an individual borrows money from a bank it always has to be paid back with accrued interest.

All money is borrowed from the central bank and expanded by other banks through loans. Only the principle is being created in the money supply. So where is the money to cover all the interest to be found? No where it doesn’t exist.

The implications of which are the amount of money owed to the banks will always be more than the amount of money within circulation.

This is why new money is always needed, to offset the perpetual deficit built into the system caused by the need to pay the interest.

Control of labour (wage slavery)

So what is the purpose of the banks behind this debt and interest based system, that can never be repaid.

Money is created out of debt. What do people do when they are in debt(mortgages). They submit to employment to pay it off. If money can only be created out of loans, how can society be debt free? It can’t and that’s the point.

Since the interest + principle of the outstanding loans will always exceed the available money supply, this aspect constitutes nothing less than a form of economic slavery, for it is virtually impossible for the collective public to ever get out of debt.

The fear of losing assets and property coupled with the struggle to keep up with the perpetual debt and inflation in the system that keeps the wage slave in line. Powering an empire that only benefits the elite at the top of the pyramid.

As such a person in debt is more likely to accept lower wages, as he/she is in competition with others in a limited money supply system.

Thus the first of two main objectives is fulfilled by the bankers and corporations they support, the control of the labour at the cheapest possible price. Through the application of perpetual debt.

Grabbing Assets and Property

The second objective of the bankers is the acquisition(stealing) of property and assets of the public, which they can then sell off at a profit. This happens in an predictable cycle of inevitability.

Defaults and bankruptcies are built into the system. There will always be poor pockets of society that get the short end of the stick.

An analogy is a game of musical chairs. When the music stops, someone is left without a chair to sit on. This is the point to transfer assets and property to the banks through foreclosure. If you are unable to pay for your mortgage, they will take your property.

This is enraging not only because such foreclosures are inevitable within this system, but that the money loaned to you did not even exist in the first place.

Every time you borrow money from a bank or through credit, the money given you is not only counterfeit, it is an illegitimate form of consideration and hence voids the contract to repay. For the bank never had the money as property to begin with.

Unfortunately such legal realizations are suppressed and ignored and the game of perpetual wealth transfer and perpetual debt continues.

Thus the banks steal land, property and assets from the public for nothing. The liability absorbed by the economy, the wealth going to the few elite richest 1%. When things go wrong with the economy the banks then get bailed out by the government, which in order to do so has to create more debt, introduce and increase taxes to pay.

Profit over human well being

The roles of people in a monetary system are basically broken into three distinctions:
The Employee, The Consumer, The Employer (or Owner/Producer).

The Employee performs tasks for the Employer in exchange for a “Wage” or monetary payment,
while the employer sells a good or service to the Consumer for a “Profit”- another classification of monetary payment.

In turn, both the Employer and Employee function as Consumers, for the monetary payments
(“wages” and “profits”) they obtain are used to purchase goods and services relevant to their survival.

The act of purchasing goods and services, which is the role of the Consumer, is what allows the
Employer to make its “Profit”, while also enabling the payment of the Employee’s “Wage”.

In other words, it is the requirement of perpetual ‘Consumption’ that keeps the Employer in business and maintains the Employee’s job.

This payment-consumption cycle (or ‘cyclical consumption’) cannot stop, or the entire economic structure would collapse, for money would not come to the Employer. The Employer would not be able to afford to pay his Employee, and both the Employer and Employee would not be able to perpetuate the cycle by being a Consumer.

A monetary system’s foremost motivating principle is Profit or the acquisition of money through the exploitation of others.

All players in the game must, in order to survive, seek out a strategy to acquire income. A “wage” earner seeks out the best possible pay he can get for his services, while the Employer (owner/producer) seeks to constantly reduce costs in order to maximize profit.

The monetary, advertising and corporate systems play on peoples sense of greed, jealousy vanity, arrogance and superiority. It exaggerates and perpetuates these attitudes. It effectively divides people based on the ability to consume and purchase items. In this sense people support the very system that exploits them.

Waste of Earths finite resources

The introduction of new products and services must be constant to offset any increased
efficiency of the prior generations of production, regardless of functional utility, generating
endless waste .

Every ‘good’ produced must breakdown in a respective amount of time in order to continue financial circulation to support the players (consumer/employee/employer) in the game.

This results in the deliberate and intentional engineering of products to fail within a given time. Or the use of cheap materials and poor design, in order to guarantee failure that will result in repeat purchases.

In other words, waste is a deliberate byproduct of industry’s need to keep ‘cyclical consumption’
going. This means that the replaced/obsolete product is expelled, often to landfills, polluting the
environment. The constant multiplicity accelerates the pollution.

In such a saner world, where we actually created things to last , inherently minimizing pollution/waste due to the lack of multiplicity and maximization of efficiency, a monetary system would be impossible , for ‘consumption cyclically’ would slow tremendously, forever weakening so called “economic growth”.


Economic hit men work in different ways. One way is they will identify a country that has resources that Corporations covet, like oil and then arrange a huge loan to that country from the World bank or one of it’s sister organizations.

But the money never goes to the country, it goes to our corporations to build infrastructure projects in the country like power plants, industrial parks, ports, things that benefit a few rich people in that country, in addition to our corporations.

This really doesn’t help the majority of people in that country. However those people, the whole country is left holding a huge debt. Such a big debt that they can’t repay it, and that is part of the plan.That they can’t repay it.

So the economic hit men go back and say, you owe us a lot of money, can’t pay your debt so sell us your oil cheap to our oil companies. Allow us to build a military base in your country. Send troops in support of us to some place in the world like ‘Iraq. Or vote with us on the next UN vote. Have their electric utility company privatised, their water and sewerage system privatized. Sold to US corporations or other multinational corporations.

This is typical of how the IMF and World bank work. They put a country in debt. Such a big debt they can’t pay it. Then they offer to refinance that debt, which takes more interest. Demanding conditionality or good governance which means basically they have to sell off their resources, including social services, utility services, school and penal systems, insurance systems to foreign corporations.

Corporations backed by US government send in economic hit men with loans from the IMF and World bank to corrupt or bribe politicians of countries into creating policies that support transnational corporations and exploit their people. If they cannot corrupt them then they send in jackals to discredit or assassinate them. If that does not work they send in the military.

It is the creation of a clandestine corporate global empire. The people in America don’t realise that they are living of the benefits of a clandestine corporate empire. Today there is more slavery in the world than ever before.

World bank and IMF modus operandi. Put a country in debt through coercion or through corrupting the leader of the country. Then impose conditionality's or structural adjustment policies, consisting of the following.

Currency devaluation, When the value of a currency drops so does everything within it. This makes indigenous resources available to predatory countries at a fraction of their worth. Large funding cuts for social programs, including education and health care. Compromising the well being and integrity of the people, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation. Privatization of state owned enterprises. Socially important systems can be purchased and regulated by foreign corporations for profit.

In 1999 the World Bank insisted that the Bolivian government sell the public water system of it’s third largest city, to a subsidy of the US corporation Bechtel. As soon as this occurred water bills for the already impoverished residents skyrocketed, it wasn’t till after a full blown revolt by the people, that the Bechtel contract was nullified.

Then there is trade liberalization. The opening up of the economy by the removal of restrictions on foreign trade. This allows transnational corporations to bring in their own mass produced products undercutting the indigenous production and ruining local economies.

An example is Jamaica, which after accepting loans and conditionality's from the world bank lost it’s largest cash crop markets, due to competition with Western imports. Today countless farmers are out of work, for they are unable to compete with the large corporations.

Another result is the creation of numerous, unregulated, unnoticed inhumane sweat shop factories which take advantage of the imposed economic hardship. Where the exploited workers, often work 16 hour days, 7 days a week for less than a dollar an hour, under terrible conditions.

Additionally due to production deregulation, environmental destruction is perpetual as a country’s resources are exploited by indifferent corporations while outputting large amounts of deliberate pollution. Companies dump toxic waste in these countries to save money.

Also with secret deals made with the Government the corporations make massive Land Grabs, stealing indigenous land from the people of countries.


In supporting these Corporations by purchasing from them or working for them, we perpetuate massive suffering across the world, so we ourselves become responsible.


The World bank has done nothing but increase poverty and the wealth gap while corporate profits soar.

The world has been taken over by a hand full of business powers who dominate the natural resources we need to live, while controlling the money we need to obtain these resources.

The end result is world monopoly, based not on human life, but on financial and corporate power.

From 1970 to 2010 poverty on this planet doubled due to this system.


It is a matter of historical fact, that the dominant intellectual culture of any particular society reflects the interests of the dominant group in that society. In a slave owning society, the beliefs about human beings and human rights and so on will reflect the interests of the slave owners.

In a society based on the ability of certain people to profit from the lives and work of millions of others, the dominant intellectual culture will reflect the interests of the dominant group. So if you look across the board, the ideas that pervade psychology, sociology, history and political economy and political science fundamentally reflect certain elite interests and the academics that question that too much get sidelined or seen as radicals.

What this means is that the money controllers, the banks and corporations dominate and control the education system in all its aspects which produces willing slaves to the monetary system.

In addition they control the media and advertising companies, that essentially create the value system of the culture. Subtly and overtly influencing the decision making process and freewill of individuals. Dumbing down, obscuring the truth of the corrupt corporate and banking dictatorship, while distracting with mindless entertainment and stupidity.

Also they control the political system because they finance the political campaigns either through corporate or individual contributions. The Government serves the interests of Corporations and Banks, who own the politicians. A somber and devastating example of this, is when Governments send in military to overthrow countries, because those countries won’t play ball with the Corporate interests. This is always disguised and hidden from the people through the propaganda and manufactured threats. (Terrorism)

Their purpose is simple, to control the labour of all on Earth through debt slavery, to steal as much property and assets from the public as possible to benefit the richest 1% of the population.. To make as much profit as possible, which leads to a massive waste of finite resources and the destruction of the environment. To rape, steal and pillage the planet’s resources, causing massive misery and suffering for billions of people.

All conspiracy theories aside. The power over the people lies in the banking, corporate and financial institutions. Remove this power and the elite loose their teeth. Only a united people can confront this great power, to destroy it forever, and create a new system, without the need for money or barter, that distributes resources equally among humanity.

There is no communism, socialism, capitalism or fascism. All of these are dead. There is only a new future which we create out of our determination to end the tyranny that has chained every human body on this planet.

This is why what's happening in Egypt now is so symbolically important. What happens there will be a deciding factor in ridding this world of corruption


What he believes in is the freedom to exploit millions of people for greed. The freedom to act in corrupt and despicable ways that cause suffering on a global scale for the benefit of a few. The freedom to cheat, lie, steal, and kill on a massive scale that dwarfs anything Hitler, Stalin or Mao did and call it business. It's just business.

This shit has to go.

We have a choice. Either we can submit to the monetary system and die slaves to money, debt and tyranny, while perpetuating the global suffering of poverty and inequality and leave a horrible world for our children. Or we can stand up and challenge the system, demand that it fall and be replaced by a caring compassionate system that provides for all. All differences aside, coming together in love, compassion, caring and sharing, so that we will have the collective power and mandate to overthrow this corrupt, despicable system..

The choice is yours.

Please see for more information

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  • this is one of the most amazing, enlightening articles i've read! thanks for opening our minds.
  • Did you know, the reason the American Revolution happened is because Britain had so much war debt, at least 50% of its budget was interest payment, so it started going extreme in its taxation?

    "Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe."  -Albert Einstein

  • hi i hope now this video up link works.
  • Good point about not knowing what we want (or should really value).

    This ignorance is maintained even today through education. During earlier ages (for thousands a years, as you say) the majority of people were too busy struggling to survive. They had little time to think, so a clever minority exploiting them could say what the majority should know.


    So what should we really want?

    I would suggest, seeing people's awareness here of the Zeitgeist/Venus Project vision, that we should want to fully benefit form the fruits of modern science and technology. We should take the opportunities afforded by a leisure society and embark on the long overdue project of becoming fully human.


  • The monetary system creates poverty. It is an inevitable by product of it’s functioning. Poverty exists because the money system is iron clad which everyone supports, any one who steps out of line with it, who decides to deviate from it’s rules, is shunted out of the system with no recourse.

    Because everybody else reinforces the monetary system with their behaviour, the poor are given no alternative. If they do not have the currency they cannot buy the goods and services required for their survival and well being and pay the rent to the land owners. The rules of the monetary system are you don’t give anything away for free, you do not share what you have with others, and you hoard more and more for yourself. If you have to work, everyone else should, right?

    When someone tells you to get off your lazy ass and get a job. The underlying code is join and support the system or die. The monetary system perpetuates this sort of attitude, and implies a selfish objective on the part of all participants, demanding that they do not share their resources with each other.

    Another false statement is that by getting a job you contribute to society. The code is by getting a job you contribute to the system which is designed to serve and increase the wealth of the richest 1%. You are contributing your labour to the profit of the rich, so that they control the labour of the masses at the lowest prices, and get you to do what they want. Contributing to society would be to create a society free of corruption, stratification, and division, where all resources are equally shared and labour is voluntary. Where there is compassion for others, caring, and empathy. When people come together to create mutually rewarding projects that benefit all, not just the rich.

    For the monetary system to work, 99% of people must abide by it’s unspoken rules. That is division, selfishness, no sharing, hoarding, excessive consumption, subservience to banks, and mass support for corporations. The whole purpose of which, is for the richest 1% to profit at the expense and exploitation of masses.

    The powers that reinforce the system, are the government, education, the media, and most importantly self policing. The system depends on everybody being submissive to it and isolating or ostracising those who do not abide by it’s rules. A degree is a like a slave brand, stamp of approval, for a willing mortaged debt slave, programmed to support the system and never step out of line. No degree and you don't get a taste of the crumbs that fall from the table of the pyramid game. Thus education is as much conditioning as it is learning.

    Social initiatives and charities work to seek to alleviate the suffering caused to those sidelined by the system. But these charities are a little toddler being mauled by a huge tiger. That is they have zero power to address the inequalities and injustices because the vast majority of labour and resources are owned and controlled by corporations and thus if the charities want to get anything done, they have to suck up to those corporations, buy from and make deals with them.

    The monetary system actively creates and supports poverty, in order to control the labour of all people at the lowest price possible. Without poverty Corporations would not be able to make massive profits off the desperation of people willing to work for next to nothing.
    • ....very well said... u have a clear understanding on the monetary system structure.... knowledge is the key...
  • The shit that has to go is the private monopoly in printing the money supply of a nation --- not money itself.

    This is where the Zeitgeist movement is badly mistaken. Intent on "throwing the baby out with the [dirty] bathwater".

    • Sorry to hear about your experience with your employment. I know that many people have similar stories. It is time we came together and ended this shit. Really.


      love flash

  • Yawn... does this mean I shouldn't go to school, or go to work?  Or pay the bills... or seek money... should I expect food from nowhere?  I don't have any land... and barely any legal rights as an adolescent... so I can't truly support myself.

    It sounds quixotic.  Lovely, yes, but such a change would probably require millions to die.. through starvation, no support from the system, anger, accidents, feuds... until people can unite, there won't be any change.

    And such a revolution seems so easy to control.  It would take every person on Earth becoming intelligent enough to work together and not chain themselves to a group.  Or, suddenly, no-one's afraid to die.

    In short, it would take a miracle to change this.

    • Unlabeled? said

      "...does this mean I shouldn't go to school, or go to work?".

      You are working when you are at school (if you are learning useful things) or just being a good citizen, so you should not have to go to work (unless you want to or want to have the goodies needed for a luxurious life style).

This reply was deleted.

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