The Cosmic Giggle


It is now overwhelmingly clear that we are facing immense challenges as a species that are completely unprecedented. These challenges are a complex, multi-layered and interwoven tapestry of many previously disparate arenas that are now converging.

The fields of science and technology, politics, sustainable living, spirituality and virtually every other mode of human life are all coming to a head, and we are being confronted with a total re-examination of the way we interact with our environment.

Meeting these challenges is going to take a massive collective effort to transform the world we live in, but before that is even a possibility, a transformation from within is necessary. 

The Cosmic Giggle is a documentary, but it is more than just a documentation. It is an alchemical tool to catalyze the internal, personal change that we all need to meet the future.



Adam Apollo, founder and Executive Director of Access Granted -

Daniel Pinchbeck, author of Breaking Open the Head and 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl

Jeet Kei Leung, speaker on transformational festival culture -

Mark England, sacred language facilitator -

Bruce Horowitz, permaculture design -

John Major Jenkins, author of Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 and The 2012 Story

Mary Lou Ridinger, Maya archaeologist -

Lujan Matus, author of The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception -

Sean David Morton, Ufologist -

...and many more!

*Kickstarter Page:


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  • Vagelis send me a link to a full movie ... here it is

  • Bravo. I love the main message of this documentary (I watched the hour long video on youtube):

    Take responsibility for yourself.

    They even made mention of GFL about 44 minutes into it. :)

    Thank you to whoever liked this and brought it up in the activity feed (I realized this was originally posted Nov 2012). I hope more people get a chance to watch this.

    • The music is very soothing too (a common characteristic of videos like this). Most of the stuff that was talked about weren't new ideas. The first half of the video was of people sharing their perspective of how they interpret the universe. The rest was that we can take responsibility for ourselves.

      There were a few things I didn't entirely agree with that I don't have time to dive into at this time, but I figure they were talking from a place of their own experiences for those things, even though they were trying to use it as a generalization for everyone as a whole (like the bit where the guy says something about kids learning to not speak freely/honestly at a certain age).

      I can't emphasis enough how supportive I am of the main theme (taking responsibility for ourselves), considering how many people are relying on channeling of dead people, spirit guides, aliens and the like.

  • looks interesting, i will take a peek! ;)

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