The following channeled message via James Tyberonn was transcribed verbatim from:Earth-Keeper.com Metatron Channel :'The Cosmic Trigger - Phase llThe Crystalline Awakening'Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn"Greetings Dear Ones, I am Metatron, Lord of Light !And so we speak today of the 2nd Phase of that termed the Cosmic Trigger. Indeed its time is nigh and will occur on two dates in your linear year of 2010. The initial surge occurs on the March 20 Equinox of 2010, the latter surge on the triple date frequencial portal of the 10-10-10. We have told you that the world remakes itself now and whether or not humanity in micro or macro is supportive of expansive change or against it, it is truly a moot issue as the inertia of time-chronology speeds past more quickly today than it did yesterday on linear earth. All is quickening, time is accelerating as the Ascension draws nigh. So as time reshapes itself it will also reshape the experience of mankind, of visible and invisible forces of nature and that of the face of the Earth itself.This is indeed the second stage of the Cosmic Trigger, and its time is here. It takes place on the March 20, 2010 Equinox and encompasses two primary progressions: (1) The release of long dormant coded crystal energies in formation of the 2nd elliptical of the New Firmament (2) The transition of the previous version of the MerKaba to unified zero-point Crystalline upshift. Both are reviewed in this assay.Quantum Equinoxial GatewaysThe remaining Equinoxes that lie ahead in the countdown to the Ascension are not constrained by linear time nor by the dimensional access limitations within your current space-time paradigm. And while we have told you many areas in your planet are already in 5th dimension, during the Equinoxes of the precedent 3 years to the Ascension the threshold to greater dimensionality is opened much wider. As such we tell you that a unique portal from the 12th dimension is enabled thru the Cosmic Trigger Crystalline awakening that will manifest on March 20, 2010. Indeed it is a mandatory prerequisite rigor of the New Earth.Both humanity and indeed the physical earth require and petition this crystalline upshift reformation in order to transcend the duality dimensional paradigm that would otherwise entomb them in the cyclic duplicity of descending polarity juxtaposition.The twelfth dimensional opening of the Vernal Equinox of 2010 will be the most prolific synthesis of 12th dimensional energy to eventuate on earth since the Golden Age of Atlantis, some 35,000 years ago as measured in your present linear- time paradigm. The crystalline aperture will not be as austere an energy as the electromagnetic phase of the Trigger, yet it is a formidable and grand vicissitude, and the resulting amplification of energy is immense and far reaching.Although the Crystalline Energy is initially accessible to you in the 5th dimension, the full spectrum of the Quantum Crystalline Field only fully exist in the dimension of Twelve. Appropriately the consciousness of the crystalline aspect of the earth's own mineral kingdom is dynamically processed via the 12th dimension thru the 'Crystalline Platinum Ray'.The 12th dimension is the highest resonance of earthen dimensionality, and can be said to be the 1st dimension of the crystalline realm. It is the dimension of the highest Cosmic Ray, that of the Platinum Ray. The Platinum Ray operates in a crystalline modality and contains within it components of all 12 Cosmic Rays.As such, the Crystalline Platinum Ray of the 2010 Cosmic Trigger cascades into the Earth Plane on the March 20 Equinox in robust spiraled pulsations. These are transduced thru the 144-Grid into a more palpable frequency in order for this highly concentrated energy to be synergistically integrated into the planetary resonance. The result is an enormous upshift that embodies & transfers the Cosmic Code in tandem for the perfection that is to come. It is indeed the perfection of the twelfth dimension that ensures humanity's macro and micro transition into the Crystalline MerKaBah and MerKiVah. It will in kind trigger the long awaited release of the coded telluric crystalline energies to a great and greater frequency in forming the 2nd elliptical of the New Firmament.The referenced earthen aspect of coded crystalline energies will be awakened through the receival of the Cosmic Platinum Ray delivered thru the multidimensional octahedron portals of the triplex pyramidal matrixes of Giza in the Eastern Hemisphere of the planet and thru the Moody Tri-Pyramidal structure on the Gulf of Mexico. Exact in process to the 2009 electro-magnetic phase of the Cosmic Trigger. BBoth pyramidal complexes then in axialtonal alignment, both on the 29th latitudinal vector, both emitting the energy of PHI, become the dissemination engines of the 2010 Cosmic Trigger.Dear Ones, the Crystalline Age is certitude. It is approaching in grand and grander inertia. Duality separation has been a potent and worthy experience for mankind in the University of Linear Earth. Duality has been a prolific teacher, but the linear curriculum is coming to a close for many of you. It is time to receive your polarity diploma and begin postgraduate work in the higher realms of zero field in the Crystalline Omniverse.Formation of the New FirmamentBefore the earth was a planet of duality it was encompassed by a nonduality firmament. There were two elliptical bands that arched around the planet. One was electrical in nature, the other magnetic, the two unified to formed an oscillating crystalline shield circum-posting the earth. A tone was emitted from the pulsing of the crystalline sphere that was the frequency of OM. This we have shared with you previously in the initial two assays on the Cosmic Trigger.The nonduality Firmament dissolved when the Earth was transformed into a planet of duality, after the conflict of MOLDAR.The electromagnetics were fragmented into the earth in polar electro-magnetics. The crystalline portion in kind was received in the Mineral Kingdom of the earth and indeed in etheric particulate termed Adamantine Essence or Akash.The Crystalline Akash are etheric particles encoded with Divine Mind, Sacred Intelligence of Consciousness Units. They are the 'DNA Blueprint' within matter/antimatter that compose the Flash of all realities and interlock dimensions through the electro-crystalline leys of the Cosmic Lattice.Locations of Stored Coded Crystalline EnergyOn the 2010 Activation long dormant coded crystalline energies Activate as part of the Cosmic Trigger in 25 primary locations across the planet. These locations are:1. Minas Gerais Brazil2. Bahia, Brazil3. Arkansas4. Muzo, Colombia5. Bolivia6. Herkimer, New York7. Himalayas (Tibet/Nepal)8. Santa Fe, New Mexico9. Tsavo, Tanzania10. Torres del Paine, Chile11. Dauphine , France12. New South Wales, Australia13. Cairngorm Mtns, Scotland14. Galicia, Spain15. British Colombia, Canada16. Ural Mountains17. Mongolia18. Quartz Reef, New Zealand19. Swiss Alps20. Namibia21. Japan22. Huaxi, China23. Thunder Bay, Canada24. Western Carolinas-Blue Ridge Mtns25. Table Mtn, South AfricaMasters this will indeed occur. Those of you who were part of the benevolent Atlanteans of the 'Law of One' will understand this only too well, for indeed you have waited a long time for this to occur. It is a sacred completion for you. You along with the Sirian, Pleiadean and Arcturians of the Cosmic Council & Galactic Federation have taken great steps to insure that the Crystalline Energy will never again be allowed to fall into the hands of the 'Sons of Belial' the Nazi-esque group whose greed and ruthlessness ambitions of power led to the misuse of the Crystals resulting in the sad demise of Atlantis.You see the Master Atlantean Crystals that are awakened in the 8-8-8, 9-09-9 and remaining triple dates will not be physically accessible for another two to three centuries. A blink of the eye in Cosmic time, yet an important dimensional lock will shield them until the planet is in a state of Illumination..We tell you that what will occur in 2012 is the birth of an enlightened earth, but true peace and global illumination on your planet will be another two centuries. Yet what occurs now is indeed the impetus that allows it to occur.So to complete the explanation of the process described, we tell you that the coded crystalline energies that are to be released on 20 March, 2010 will be fine tuned by the awakened subterranean Master Crystals as they are drawn into the 144-Crytsalline Grid for further assimilation into the New Firmament. While the Electro-Magnetic Phase of the 2009 Cosmic Trigger required 21 days to complete, the Crystalline release will fully process almost instantaneously, literally within the hour of the passing Equinox fulcrum. The effects will be tangible. Such is the comparative 'lightness' of crystalline energy in relation to the previous phase of electro-magnetic release in 2009.Crystalline OrbsAmong these effects are the phenomena you refer to as Orbs. These will vastly increase in quantity and quality. Orbs are not new to the Earth dimensions, but were stepped down from crystalline in order to be tangible in duality, These most often occurred as blue or golden spheres before the establishment of the 144 Crystalline Grid. The Crystalline Orbs are light energies of higher dimension and operate in crystalline function. They are receptacles and tools of coded Akash and are evidence of the increasing presence of the Quantum Crystalline Field. They contain requisite particulate of matter/antimatter imbued with purposed intent, or blueprints.They are Divine Conscious Intelligence that hold keys to the earth and humanities re-formation. To be more precise, they are magnetic blueprints that beckon and attract higher energies that complete the process and link the chains of transformational operandi. They are catalytic mechanisms of the Ascension, and occur in myriad geometrical matrixes. Some of the orbs are for the MerKiVic transformation of humans , and others are for the macro conversion of the planet.Orbs are crystalline charges of expansion. At present most humans can only see these 'orbs' through digital technology photograph images and intuitive 'third eye' perception. The Crystalline phase of the Cosmic Trigger will enable these to be seen with the naked eye for those of you who attract them thru your light quotient and MerKiVic advancement.Manifestation of the Crystalline MerKaBahOne of the most important results of the Cosmic Trigger of 2010 is the coagulation of the Crystalline MerKaBah. We tell you that the MerKaBah that has served as the Star Tetrahedron Vehicle to higher dimension for the past 12,000 year cycle is now being transposed into greater capacity. Indeed it is evolving into progressive expansive mode to the Crystalline MerKaBa and MerKiVah.The emergence of the Crystalline MerKiVah has been in waiting, and with the recently passed 9-9-9 Crystal Activation ushering in of the initial phase of the Crystalline Energy Transformation of the Earth, many of you are awakening to your sacred unity potentials. Phase ll of the Cosmic Trigger will stage another important component of the crystalline transformation.The human mind in duality was designed to assist you to gather and process information and to discern truth, but the wisdom that carries you into the higher Crystalline Realm dwells beyond the reach of the dual MerKabah. Therefore the establishment of the new Crystalline MerKaBah and MerKiVah are requisite to expand into the Crystalline Energy of the Ascension.Indeed the higher realms of the dimensions made available thru the Ascension lie in Unified Divine Consciousness, and access requires integral crystalline light, and this cannot be entered in the previous system of the gendered dual-spin polarity MerKaBah.Accordingly comes the transition into the Crystalline MerKaBah and MerKiVah. The Crystalline MerKaBah is only fully accessible on the 2nd phase of the Cosmic Trigger, occurring on the March Equinox of 2010. The Crystalline MerKaBah evolves into MerKiVah. The Crystalline MerKiVah becomes available on the 10-10-10. The MerKiVah rises beyond the 8 pointed star-tetrahedron and is formed in the 12 pointed star of the stellated dodecahedron. Indeed the MerKiVic rotational mechanics, geometry, spin-vector and frequencial ratios differ greatly in the new prototype.Two levels and succinct geometries lie above the 12-poiunt MerKiVah. All are Metatronic in the sacred geometrical context, all then are interlocking evolutionary progressions of greater dimensional access. The full process of the requisite transition into MerKaBah will be given thru the 'Metatronic Keys', and we will provide a dedicated assay in the near future to review this topic and its process in detail. This will be given prior to the Cosmic Trigger of 2010.ClosingMasters, in the countdown to the eminent Ascension there are certain dates that open extraordinary frequencial windows. In the three years antecedent to December 21, 2012 the most important of these are the Equinoxes, Solstices, Triple Dates, and full phases of Solar and Lunar Eclipse. The energy of the ubiquitous Equinoxes of 2010, 2011 and 2012 are inserted with hologramic gateways, omnipresent & timeless.In 2010, 2011 and 2012 the triple- dates and referenced astronomical events are exponentially more potent than previous years. Each are engineered to utilize the rare openings to facilitate the receival/download of extraordinary coded energies requisite for the Micro and Macro Ascension.These portals should be recognized and utilized. We compel you to visit power nodes, vortexial portal complexes and sacred sites on these frequencial portals. Gather in collective ceremony and group celebration, as such you will receive and send a wave of Transformational Crystalline Light across the Multiverse that is greater and more far reaching than you can imagine. It is collective unity, ILLUMINATED-ONENESS, that transforms your Earth and beyond. It has always been so."... And so it is.

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  • Thank you for this information.
    Bless you, Love and Light
  • hmpppfffffff.............
    is there a way to describe this chrystalline awakening in a less complicated way???

    All I understand is: frequencies are rising with the help of a chrystalline grid and with the help of trigger points at defined dates in 2010. Well I am looking forward to that :-)
    as to all that will happen. Namaste and thanks for that good information.
    Love and light to all here :-)
This reply was deleted.

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