The countdown has begun. I know I am not the only one who has noticed the “signs” and the movement within and above the earth. More talk of Tragedy than of the beauty of Life. What happened to the importance of our Mother Earth and our Sun and our Moon. Unfortunately this is all instructed and monitored by our Society which above is controlled and monitored by the Media. Now for those of you who pay attention to minor details and read between the many lines that are presented to us on a Daily basis, you would know and slowly understand what they are trying to say. Circles equal time, time consists of repetition and repetition of time symbolizes the Cycle of life and Return of History to repeat itself in a modern fashion.  


88 years ago an Earthquake struck Tokyo, Japan killing about 144,000 people.

2011- Japan was struck with one of its worst Earthquakes since.


87 years ago the Theme was War. Harry Grindell Matthews demonstrated his "death ray" in London.

2011- US Navy Tests its First Death Ray


86 years ago was the year of Global Change. New York became the Largest City in the World (Passing London). The Tri-State Tornado rampages through Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana, killing 695 people and injuring 2,027. A 6.3 Earthquake hit Santa Barbra. Hitler publishes his manifesto Mein Kampf. The celestial cross appears over Athens, Greece. The Great Sphinx of Giza is unearthed after restoration.

2011- This remains to be a constant year of Change once again. From Roswell Files being Relased to Earthquakes continuing across the Globe. Government financial crises’, Labor and Financial issues among major US sports Associations. 10 Tornadoes confirmed thus far in the Wisconsin region of the US and obviously more events to come that could match if not surpass the events of 1925.


85 years ago was a year of Great floods from London to places such as the Rhine River in Cologne.

2011-Floods threaten North Dakota (aka the Red River Flood). The tsunami from Japans Earthquake still cripples its people. The 2011 Balochistan floods started from the last week of February and continued till the first week of March. 166,000 flood victims are still homeless in the province with 240 people still living in camps. And even in a dry season in Thailand flooding has affected 50 of Thailand's 76 provinces. Close to 400,000 acres of land have been submerged.  Around 5,000 households have been evacuated. On the other side of the globe at an unexpected time in Weather related events More than 983000 acres of Texas land have burned so far this year, a result of dangerous, rapidly-spreading wildfires.


As of 2011 the events of the past 90 years have begun to rekindle like a flame set from within the heart of Earth and history itself. And it is doing so at such a fast pace within this single year and years to come. I will not go on any further with what is happening. Trust that History also speaks of GOOD things that occur. Events that open our Horizon to a brighter future. The future is what we tend to look towards. But Today is what we must see in order to understand our Tomorrow. Carry on as you were. Listen closely to the words of our Leaders. Even if they lie, truth can be heard as a whisper beneath their tongue. Understand your History and you will be able to Learn your fate. It All Comes Full Circle



Martyn Redd --Signing Off--

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