
  • 13. FAITH
    Blind trust and faith are related, but not the same. Faith is founded
    upon blind trust and that in the blind trust of another, one has
    faith that they shall work in one's best interest or knows better
    than oneself. The slave race only knew Gods that were really mortals
    whom were not God at all, but a distorted human form. In order for
    the slaves to continue to perceive the mortals claiming themselves
    God to be God, one would have to have faith that this is so. It is
    for this reason that this particular thought-form was added to the
    slave race in their genetic manufacturing.

    In your current civilization, one has faith that what one sees is the
    truth of the circumstance. One has faith in the current regime in
    governance. One has faith in their boss or if they are the boss,
    faith in their employees. One has faith in their company, region of
    living, or country of origin. Sometimes ones faith in someone or
    something fails, and someone does not act in accord with one's
    expectations. Perhaps the boss fires you, or the governor is found to
    be deceiving the populace, or there is an earthquake and one's region
    of living has a catastrophe. It is in such moments that one's
    expectations are broken. It is the thought-form of faith that leads
    to the dance of expectation.

    Expectation is a set of rules devised by one for another. Indeed the
    Annunaki devised a set of rules for the slaves, and if the slaves
    broke the rules, they were punished, sometimes to the extreme of
    death or torture, or being sent to the mines from which they never
    returned. The fear of not meeting someone else's expectations is
    therefore great in the current human dance. Expectation is so great
    in the current human dance that many humans never step outside of the
    expected norm for their particular life expression. They have become
    prisoners to the expectations of others and their society of birth

    In ascension, one ceases to function out of what others expect one to
    do or behave as another wishes. One becomes their authentic self. It
    is out of a state of authenticity that the whole paradigm of
    expectation ceases. In ascension, one shall step outside of the
    expectations of not only one's birth family, but also society at
    large. This is not to say that one shall commit a crime that is
    deemed punishable in your current law, but that one shall transcend
    the need for such laws in embracing a harmless state.

    14. HOPE
    If not for the thought-form of hope, the slaves would have had a
    dismal existence. Therefore the Annunaki genetically allowed the
    slaves to have perpetual hope that life would be wonderful tomorrow,
    tomorrow was another day and everything would be fine, that all would
    sort itself out in the long haul. Indeed this caused slaves working
    in the dismal circumstance of the mines to awaken each day in hope of
    change only to go to work again under the same dismal circumstances
    again. And how many other humans in present time go to work under
    equal dismal circumstances, awakening to a new morning of hope, hope
    that it might one day all change and be the way one fantasizes it
    should be! But it never is.

    In order to change one's life, one must take action. However, taking
    action alone is not enough, for one's thought-form creates one's
    reality. Therefore one can leave the marriage to the abusive partner
    only to create another abusive partner in the future. Or one can
    leave the abusive boss only to create the same abuse in their next
    employer. In order for life to really change one must alter the
    thought-form at cause of any manifestation, and in so doing another
    reality may emerge. However, the slaves were not designed to alter
    thought-form, and therefore any real change in one's circumstance is
    not possible from within the loop of self-perpetuation. Therefore
    hope as a thought-form was substituted in the place of real potential
    change, growth or evolution.

    In the current dance, humans associate change with a swing in
    polarity. This is not change, but just the experience of the other
    side of the same thought-form. One may perceive that being the master
    is better than being the slave, and an alteration from the role of
    slave to master as an improvement or change. But it is not change at
    all, and the cycle insures another lifetime as slave following the
    one as master in counterbalance. Another example may be that one is
    abused in childhood by their parents, and this was difficult and
    painful. Then later in life, one becomes the abusive parent oneself.
    It may feel better to be in the role of the abusive parent than the
    abused child, and one may perceive this as change. However, it is
    only the reverse side of the polarity of the self-perpetuating
    thought-form of dominion.

    Real change occurs as one rises above a particular thought-form, not
    swinging from one polarity to another within the given thought-form.
    Real change is only possible through the act of ascending out of the
    current paradigm and embracing a new foundation of thought-form. As
    real change occurs, one ceases to experience the difficulties of the
    past. Why is this so? Thought-forms are holographic and draw
    experiences into one's life based upon the belief. As the belief
    shifts, the experience of life changes. One can transcend the thought-
    form dominion, then leave the abusive partner and go on to create a
    loving and supportive partner in their place.

    Much of the current metaphysical movement is based upon hope. Hope
    that a new tomorrow shall emerge and god shall do it for you, or the
    aliens shall descend and restructure civilization, or that the angels
    shall descend and take everyone to heaven where it all will be
    perfect as one fantasizes about it! My dears, no one can work one's
    way out of your thought-form other than you, and no god nor angels or
    aliens are capable of assisting in such a fashion. The belief that
    one shall have another do it for them is directly related to the
    Annunaki, whom bred the slaves to believe the Annunaki to be God and
    they as God would "take care of everything".

    The thought-form of perfection was necessary for the Annunaki to be
    perceived as God. As God, the Annunaki were perfect and the slaves
    were imperfect. This is where the concept of "original sin" came to
    be, those of slave inheritance that perceive themselves inherently
    imperfect due to their slave genetics from birth. However, the Gods
    were just mortals that knew a little more perhaps than the slaves,
    but not enough to dance in unity and love with Earth or any other
    species. Therefore they were far from perfect, and perfection is
    actually not a concept that exists in any other language within the
    Great Central Sun, just like all of the other self perpetuating
    thought-forms that we are examining in this piece.

    It is often human nature to continue to perceive God as perfect as
    they open to their inner landscape and begin to ascend. No soul is
    perfect, nor is the Great Central Sun perfect. The Great Central Sun
    is comprised of a group of souls that have created the dance of
    experiences within this creation and are learning, growing and
    evolving. In the dance of evolution, sometimes one makes a
    miscalculation that causes a problem that then must be rectified.
    Such is the nature of evolution. The miscalculation is not deemed
    wrong, but a part of the dance of evolution. Once a miscalculation is
    understood and repaired, it does not occur again because one has
    evolved beyond it in one's own understanding.

    In your current dance, one hopes that the guru or teacher is perfect.
    However, as long as the guru or teacher must be perfect, there is no
    room for evolution or growth or change. For evolution presupposes
    that one is not perfect, but rather in need of modification or
    change. Perfection much like arrogance can cause one to cease to
    evolve if one fails to transcend this self-perpetuating though-form.
    The dance of perfection also causes one to take another off of the
    pedestal that one has put them upon. In perfection, one is perceived
    superior and another inferior, and the superior one is placed in a
    lofty place and worshipped. Sometimes if enough imperfection shines
    through, such as the dirty laundry of a god fearing preacher, one
    then takes the individual off of the pedestal and ceases to worship
    them, deeming them wrong, bad, or evil. Such thought-forms may even
    allow one the right to crucify the fallen one in one manner or
    another, including death or torture.

    It is perfection that causes one to create a mask or veil to hide
    one's authentic-self underneath. Often humans have masks for one area
    of their life dance, and another mask for another area of their life
    dance. It is why one can behave entirely different at work than at
    home with the family. When one moves beyond perfection, one
    dismantles all masks and simply is one's authentic self under all
    circumstances, regardless of those one is relating to. It is in so
    doing that new relations can emerge amongst humans whom are ascending.
    Ascending leadership shall never concern themselves with appearing
    perfect. Ascending leaders shall be willing to examine their own
    darkness and transcend, for there is not other way of ascending
    otherwise. They shall also be willing to admit their own
    miscalculations and learn from them, altering their course of action
    according to the lessons learned. Our channel has demonstrated this
    in her own organization, whom in the process of altering the
    evolutionary course from one of failure to one of success, allowed
    90% of those affiliated to leave whom could not bridge into the new
    paradigm. She has learned that she is not perfect, can make
    miscalculations, and can learn and change courses if need be to
    continue to ascend, and allow the group to continue to ascend.

    For the Annunaki to retain their dominion over the slave race, they
    would have to predispose the slaves with the belief that God was
    outside of themselves, and that the Annunaki were God. This thought-
    form has created the continued belief of an external God that has
    permeated all religions in the current human dance, whether they be
    Eastern or Western in origin.

    An external God is one whom one relies upon to do it for oneself or
    save one from their own darkness and demons created by one's own
    thought-form. It is why perhaps the human species, en mass, searches
    for a savior to descend and save them from their own creation. No one
    can save the human species, the human species must choose to ascend
    out of the thought-form that has created the current circumstance,
    and then the human species shall save themselves.

    As long as any human searches for God outside of oneself, this one
    shall fail to ascend. For God is not outside, it is within, and it is
    within all life upon Earth and within all dimensions within All That
    Is. As the search for God turns inward, then the doors to the
    unconscious can fly open allowing ascending humans to access the
    nonphysical realms that surround one. In so doing, one shall find
    themselves suddenly surrounded by God in all forms. From the God that
    dances with the nature kingdoms, to the God whom dances as angels, to
    the Gods whom dance as dolphins and whales, to the Gods dancing as

    Returning to the One God is not what one thinks, that all become one
    being, preferably human in shape which then has dominion over all
    creation for all time, and judges others as having sinned or erred.
    Instead, the One is simply the many souls from many shapes and forms
    returning to the same dimension of origin to share their journey and
    experience and plan the next journey or experience that lies ahead.

    17. PRIDE
    Pride is a thought-form given to the slaves so that they could have a
    sense of accomplishment or something to be proud of. Indeed the
    Annunaki set up an elaborate set of rituals held in temples that
    honored the slaves for certain deemed accomplishments. Your current
    human civilization is filled with this false form of accomplishment
    in present time. Your corporations hold ceremonies just like the
    Annunaki awarding their employees for their years of service or goals
    accomplished, all of which benefit the corporation and most likely in
    profit gained. Your entertainment field is filled with ceremonies and
    awards for yet other false accomplishments, "best picture", "best
    song", and so on.

    Such forms of accomplishment are false from the perspective of the
    Great Central Sun, as any accomplishment that does not include
    evolution as a part of the accomplishment is not accomplishment at
    all. Pride can then be viewed from such a standpoint as a false form
    of honor, where someone is honored for an artificial accomplishment
    that has nothing to do with evolution or real mastery.

    The slaves were gifted with certain talents that entertained the
    Annunaki. They were given enough skills to be able to sing, and
    dance, and think with a limited understanding of creation, and build
    or create the dwellings necessary to sustain them. They were also
    bred with enough knowledge to know how to farm and harvest enough
    food to sustain themselves, and how to bear and raise children.
    However, unlike the Annunaki, the slaves aged and died. Life was not
    permanent, only the Gods had seeming permanence, and hence the quest
    for the slaves to be God-like and immortal in human fantasies.
    Humans that were not immortal still could accomplish this or that and
    be rewarded for it. Sometimes the rewards including spending time
    with the Gods themselves. Sometimes it included mating with the Gods
    if one was "chosen" for such purposes. It is in this that the
    Annunaki began to interbreed, and enjoy the slaves for their own
    sexual pleasure. Often the parents and children of the Gods received
    a more privileged existence, and therefore this became a sought after
    role over many generations. Slaves began to compare themselves based
    upon the rewards received by the Annunaki, and strive to achieve the
    rewards to feel fulfilled.

    The entire dance of slave life was set up surrounding the concept of
    inequality and a non-evolutionary form of existence. Self-
    perpetuating thought-form builds into itself and its experience a
    false sense of reward that is based upon a particular polarity of
    expression in a given lifetime. If one has the polarity of success,
    let us say one becomes the doctor or lawyer in a given lifetime; one
    feels rewarded thereafter for the successful life. However, polarity
    as it is then means that the lifetime to follow will be unsuccessful
    and unrewarding in return, as this is the opposing swing of the
    thought-form of success. Self-perpetuating thought-form locks humans
    into the polarity of success and non-success, nothing of which has
    anything to do with real mastery, evolution or ascension.

    As one breaks away from the false concepts of accomplishment in the
    human dance, one shall also break away from the desire for fame,
    fortune or greed. For the entire dance of fame and fortune and
    hoarding as you know it in the human dance is the result of the
    reward system of the Annunaki of the human slave race so very long
    ago. Ascending humans shall find their sense of reward from the
    internal shifts in their own inner-landscape as they transcend and
    transmute the self-perpetuating thought-forms and rise above them. As
    they transcend the thought-form, the shifts shall be seen in a more
    joyous life expression. Such joy shall be authentic, and not

    Authentic joy never comes from accomplishment as in that of fame or
    fortune or success. Fame fortune or success causes a false joy or
    high in the moment of success, but then as the high ceases, one moves
    back into the same depression that existed before the success was
    manifest. Perhaps this is why so many seeming successful humans find
    an addiction to preoccupy themselves with such as drugs or sex, as
    this temporarily lifts the depression. However, the only permanent
    way out of the depression is to transcend the very thought-forms at
    cause of the depression. And the fact is that self-perpetuating
    thought-form is boring and depressing in the human experience.
    Many humans judge themselves unworthy for their lack of success. This
    is false, as no human is worth any more than any other, and any
    human's worth is related to the simple truth that all humans are an
    expression of God Goddess in form. As one pulls away from the false
    sense of accomplishment, one may return to a simple life that is
    enjoyed not for the success, but for the time to master the internal
    landscape. The joy of mastery cannot be compared with the joy of
    success, and those whom are transcending understand what we speak
    from an internal knowing and experience.

    As all humans leave artificial forms of success behind, there shall
    cease to be such forms of rewards within the human dance. There will
    be no more ceremonies to honor false accomplishments of this or that
    talent. Talent shall no longer be compared, and all shall honor all
    talents expressed amongst those willing to share their gifts. There
    may be gatherings, however. Such gatherings shall revolve around the
    cycles of life and evolution of Earth and shall honor all species in
    the process. This the Great Central Sun sees ahead in the human dance
    many decades into the future.

    As artificial success is left behind, there is room for a new form of
    monetary flow that is balanced. The imbalance in monetary systems all
    comes from the artificial rewards of the Annunaki of the slaves long
    ago, and has been translated in more recent time as accrual of
    wealth, property and objects. As success ceases to be viewed as
    resulting in accrual of wealth or property, but rather as an internal
    process and mastery, humans shall cease to seek out wealth or
    artificial success as the outcome of their life expression. As this
    occurs, all forms of seeming success shall alter in the decades ahead
    to reflect the internal changes of thought-form within the human
    species. This in and of itself shall allow for the end to world
    hunger and a redistribution of resources so that all may be fed,
    nurtured and sheltered.

    Obedience is a thought-form that caused the slaves to obey the
    Annunaki under all circumstances. It also created a circumstance in
    which the slaves would not unite and overthrow the Annunaki, and
    perhaps it is for this reason that they were bred with this
    particular thought-form. The thought-form of obedience also leads to
    subservience, in which one shall subordinate themselves to another,
    or sacrifice themselves for another. Indeed the slaves sacrificed
    themselves in the mining of gold that made the Annunaki wealthy. They
    also sacrificed themselves upon the many battlefields as the Annunaki
    raged war upon one another.

    Many humans in the present day dance sacrifice themselves, so strong
    is the belief in obedience. Some sacrifice themselves for their
    children, or their spouse, or their husband or wife. Some sacrifice
    themselves for their governments by joining the army or fighting the
    battles raged through their own nation's warfare.

    In day-to-day living, humans "obey the law" more or less, or break
    the law from time to time but deem it not wrong as long as they are
    not caught. Human obey the law enough to pay their taxes, pay their
    bills, pay their mortgages, pay to exist. Often it is out of obeying
    the law and paying the mortgage that humans sacrifice themselves
    working at jobs that they hate, or supporting family members or
    friends that they do not really love.

    Ascension pulls humans away from false laws. False laws are laws that
    have been constructed upon the paradigm of thought-form created by
    the Annunaki. One outcome of such laws was a false form of debt that
    led to servitude of the slaves towards the Annunaki. This has
    translated into your present day civilization into servitude towards
    those in governance and a false debt towards the nation that one
    resides within. Such debts cause those living in such nations to
    pay "taxes".

    Real debt is based upon karma. Real debt can be settled in a number
    of ways, which may or may not require monetary exchange. As all karma
    is completed upon by the ascending human, then the false debts in the
    form of credit card charges, mortgages, or taxes that have no karmic
    bond behind them shall cease likewise to paid upon. Ascending humans
    shall cease to pay in the greater understanding that one cannot
    ascend unless they rise out of the thought-form of obedience and its
    counterpart of false debt. In paying upon any false debt, one then
    returns to the cycle of self-perpetuating thought-form that one is
    trying to transcend.

    Ascending humans shall obey only real laws. Real laws are indeed the
    laws of harmlessness and honor. Real laws include real karmic debts
    that must be settled, not false debts paid to another that is not
    really owed. Real laws include the foundation of unity, from which
    all species and all life forms upon Earth are honored as fellow Gods
    in form. Such is the paradigm that humanity shall ascend into in due
    course as a result of this next phase of awakening about to occur
    upon your plane of reality.

    The above information comes from the assessment of current human
    thought-form and the current human paradigm by the Great Central Sun.
    Those of slave inheritance are predominantly white in birth ancestry.
    It is such humans that hold these 18 self perpetuating thought-forms
    in the genetic make up of the form, and as they are transcended in
    the act of biological ascension, a new thought-form that is unity
    based emerges.
    www.4truthseekers. org

    hi all
    The Creator Son on Sex and Marriage
    Through Ceanne DeRohann from Right Use of Will

    "Many of the problems now on earth (and with the family relationship)
    can be traced to sex without love, or sex with only conditional love.
    The Spiritual Sanctity of sex is not in its right place when sex is
    treated as something dirty, funny or less than sacred. Sex is not to
    be placed outside of My Loving Acceptance by being labeled something
    to be outgrown or given up when Spiritual awareness is seriously
    sought. Sex is not meant to be evil, base, lustful, animalistic or
    any of the other judgements it has received.

    "The questions some people raise about loose sex are founded in a
    feeling that something isn't right about it, but it is sex without
    Love and not sex without societal approval that brings these
    feelings. Each person must be responsible for himself about this, as
    no one yet can determine for another on earth whether Love is present
    or not. Just trying to be present to determine this effects the flow
    between the people, and this is why it is not a matter of settlement
    by any other than the people involved.

    ". . . The reason an emphasis is being put on sex in relationship to
    this is when people have sex together, they open their energy fields
    to one another and everything they have in their energy fields
    mingles together. If there is pain, it is passed back and forth. If
    there is fear, anger or doubt, this mingles. Anything that is held in
    the energy field is mingled together during sex. The people involved
    really do open to each other at all levels of their existence. If the
    ones involved claim they have only Love and do not accept any of the
    dissatisfied undercurrents they have, they are having sex in the
    presence of denial.

    ". . . The way to resolve situations between people now on earth is
    not going to be as easy as it would have been if it had been done
    initially because so many are conditioned away from straightforward
    expression of their feelings. This conditioning has created a much
    bigger charge of unexpressed emotion than existed originally. None
    the less, it can be resolved.

    "Originally, only self-denial was taking place on Earth as no one had
    as yet thought of overpowering another. The denial present was the
    denial agreed upon by the Spirits there. Overpowering came later when
    many Spirits, who did not have the same ways of learning as the Earth
    did, entered Earth. These Spirits exerted strong influence on Earth
    to desert her own path and instead follow theirs. The openings these
    Spirits found to do this through were the denials already present on
    Earth., which they then steadily increased. If, in the beginning, the
    way to clear these undercurrents and denials had been known, this
    situation would have been resolved immediately. Since it was not
    known, the experience that has been taking place has been necessary
    in order to learn. . . "

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

    As a companion piece to this channeling of Ceanne's, Guidance has had
    me once again add this part of a 2001 channeling of Mila through
    Karen Danrich to help make you aware of where these old thought forms
    come from and what they are in order to better help you clear
    yourself of them without so much guilt, blame, shame and trauma. It
    just is. Resolve it, let it go, and then keep moving forward or else
    be turned into a metaphorical pillar of salt just as Lot's wife
    supposedly was (nuclear blast).

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
    Your current civilization is the second human civilization to rise
    since the era of the Annunaki. Each prior civilization has risen and
    then destroyed themselves in a nuclear holocaust just like their
    predecessors. Earth is on the brink of experiencing this yet once
    again, except for the small numbers of humans whom are choosing to
    ascend upon the surface of the Earth. This small number of ascending
    humans combined with those of the inner Earth, which is the smallest
    group representing an entire species upon any ascending planet or
    star in the entire history of all creations within your ovum, is
    altering the course of Earth's history.

    This small group of humans, of which many reading this material are a
    part, is choosing to release the karma incurred in the reign of the
    Annunaki. In so doing a new future may unfold, and all may change.
    These small numbers of humans are anchoring a new Divine Plan for
    Earth and the human species, one that allows for an awakening of more
    of the human populace and a biological ascension of Earth to the next
    dimension over the coming 1000 years.

    We of the Great Central Sun tell you, our brothers and sisters in
    human form, that the winds of change are upon you! Nothing, nothing
    will remain the same. All shall change, and that which does not
    change shall perish in physicality. The change is the result of the
    rectification of energy flow after a long period of non-change in
    which the self-perpetuating thought-form locked everything upon Earth
    into the same endless dance of patterns. The self-perpetuating
    thought-form is now beginning to break up, and this allows for the
    Language of Light, the unity based thought-form that is emerging
    amongst ascending species, to take hold global wide upon your planet.
    What does this mean exactly, a new Divine Plan and the breakdown of
    the current thought-form that the human species relies upon? It means
    that your civilization as you know it shall begin to crumble. Many
    may not realize that your civilization is very fragile, as it is
    founded upon a small set of thought-forms that were created to hold a
    limited slave race under the dominion of the Annunaki. Such thought-
    form is so limited that it is based upon only 18 concepts, and as
    these concepts are shattered, much like the rug being pulled out from
    under you, the foundation that humanity believes shall always be
    there shall crumble.

    Many of you have prayed for an awakening of mankind and for more of
    your human brothers and sisters to ascend. Indeed this has been
    granted by the Intervention of the One Source, or the Source of All
    as a part of the Easter Blessings administered to Earth as of late.
    As such, a new era shall now emerge, and shall have different
    consequences than if fewer humans ever awakened and ascended. It is
    our wish to bring to light such changes so that the map makers of
    ascension and those paving the way for others to follow can be aware
    of the impending shifts in your collective consciousness ahead.
    What are these 18 thought-forms? We bring them to your awareness so
    that you may choose, as an ascending human, to release them and
    embrace a unity based thought-form in their place. What is the unity-
    based thought-form? It is nothing other than the Language of Light
    (see "Language of Light" upon our web site.) In so doing, your
    current foundation shall crumble, making way to a new foundation that
    shall be well in place as civilization falls apart. This is
    necessary, as many ascending ahead of time are the new leadership for
    the human race. For who is going to be there as civilization
    crumbles? Who is going to tell your brothers and sisters, "This way!
    This is what we can create now! And it can be founded upon equality,
    joy, unity and love!" Is this not your job beloved? Is this not why
    you are ascending now?

    Each of these 18 thought-forms is self-perpetuating in nature. Many
    lifetimes have been lived as examples of such thought-forms. We will
    take the first thought-form, which is "Slavery" and explain. There
    have been hundreds of lifetimes in any initiate's ancestry in which
    one's ancestor has been either the master or the slave. For every
    lifetime as master, there must be one as slave in counterbalance.
    However, there is no manner out of the dance of master/slave, as
    there is no thought-form provided to allow for the transcendence.
    Therefore, the ancestry simply repeats the experience of master and
    then slave, master and then slave, master and then slave, forever, or
    until transcendence and ascension begins. Ascension shall break the
    cycle of each of these thought-forms for all ancestors incarnate over
    time. In so doing, ascending humans can work themselves out of their
    current paradigm of slavery into a new one of freedom and unity.
    Those that are mastering unity consciousness in ascension are map
    making a new thought-form to replace those that are self-perpetuating
    in nature. The foundation of this new thought-form is known as the 10
    octaves of love within the Language of Light. The 10 octaves of love
    are founded upon 10 concepts known as forgiveness, truth, non-
    conditional love, compassion, freedom, and breath of life, divine
    union, unity, and non-conditional governance. As one transcends each
    of these 18 self-perpetuating thought-forms in the act of ascension,
    they embrace a new foundation based upon the 10 octaves of love.
    www.4truthseekers. org
  • 4. SECRECY
    In the current human dance, there is an ongoing need to keep
    something hidden, that one is not to reveal "all of their cards",
    that one must lie and not be honest with another. Where did such
    behavior come from? The Annunaki did not share their cards with
    either the seeded red race or the slaves. They kept large secrets,
    and in the lack of knowing by all, manipulated the fate of Earth in a
    direction that perhaps would not have occurred if the cards had been
    laid upon the table. Those of Annunaki inheritance therefore are
    predisposed to keeping secrets, lying, cheating, or manipulating all
    events in their own favor to retain their own power, wealth or
    position of authority.

    The slaves, on the other hand, had nothing to hide for they had no
    power. They were honest amongst one another, but learned to behave as
    the Annunaki wished or otherwise they were killed or sent to the
    mines from which no one ever returned alive. Therefore the slaves
    also learned to hide and hold secrets in order to survive. However
    the requirement to hold secrets to survive is very different from
    holding secrets to retain power, and create very different forms of
    dances in those humans related to one or both patterns.

    In unity, one comes to a place of becoming one's "authentic self".
    The authentic self hides nothing, for there is nothing to hide. If
    one truly understood that one's ancestors along with all souls in
    observation of the human dance could see everything anyway, they
    would come to understand that secrets only occur upon the physical

    Oh, for a long time, many of Earth's and human records had been
    erased in parallel patterns of secrecy or cover-ups of the prior
    spiritual elite or ascended masters of Earth, but such records are
    being recovered and recomposed through global ascension and human
    ascension. All of such secrets are coming to be known. In a similar
    manner to anticipated changes in world governance as the secrets of
    the secret government come to be understood, the spiritual
    hierarchies and ascended masters have been tossed from Earth for what
    they had perpetrated that did not honor the whole of Earth.

    In a parallel manner to this, there are many souls whom ascended from
    the Pleiades to the Great Central Sun whom have perpetrated similar
    acts of discord and manipulation as the ascended masters upon Earth
    over time. Each of these likewise has been removed from the Great
    Central Sun as of late as the truth of their actions could be seen in
    full. And so it shall now occur in the physical of the human dance,
    for the nonphysical occurs prior to the physical. Just as all secrets
    have been revealed of those beings in dominion of Earth in Earth's
    ascension, now all secrets held by all governance over the human form
    shall likewise come to light. In so doing, there shall be a parallel
    shift in governance and power as has occurred in the nonphysical
    realms related to Earth. For the nonphysical always precedes the

    As one moves towards their authentic self, one leaves shame behind.
    Shame is what causes one to hold secrets or hide this or that about
    oneself from others. Shame is a vibration that is electrical in
    nature and is transcended as one embraces harmlessness or embodies
    Bodhisattva in their personal ascension. As shame leaves, there is no
    need to hide anything, and one moves into authentic relations with
    all others.

    In authentic relations, one feels however one feels in the moment.
    For those whom are ascending, one also recognizes that one is
    continually processing one's inner-landscape, and sometimes there is
    great pain as one brings to consciousness the pain that one's
    ancestors existed or died within. As the pain moves, one recovers and
    finds the joy again. The authentic self ceases to hide the pain that
    one may be in, as it is the way one feels in the moment. In ceasing
    to hide how one feels, one learns to embrace oneself as one is in the
    moment. As one embraces oneself unconditionally, one then learns to
    embrace all others unconditionally. This is the foundation of the
    Bodhisattva, the unconditional acceptance of all others in the dance
    of life.

    Human relations change as others in a group become their authentic
    self and unconditionally accept one another. Competition ceases, and
    collaboration and cooperation begins. Our channel has created an
    organization that has gradually left competition behind and is
    emerging into the unity paradigm of collaboration as a collective. It
    has not been an easy journey and her "Notes to Our Affiliates"
    section upon the web site demonstrates the struggle inherent in
    altering group relations from secrecy, manipulation and control to
    the new unity paradigm. However, the experience also gives others an
    understanding of the changes ahead in group-relations for all humans
    as those that ascend shall alter the manner in which they relate to
    one another.

    Ascension brings forth the desire to speak one's truth. It is as one
    speaks their truth that the secrecy ends. For some, standing in their
    truth may be about telling their relative or parents about an
    incident that they had hidden for their entire life. For yet others
    standing in their truth may be about sharing their truth and their
    spiritual path with their friends, work mates or boss. For yet
    others, standing in their truth may be about stepping forth as a
    teacher of ascension. For yet others, standing in their truth may be
    about revealing secrets of their place of work or those in governance
    over the masses. It is from the authentic self that the desire to
    speak one's truth flows.

    For so long, one's ancestry has not been able to voice their truth.
    For so long, and out of so much fear, one has learned to hide the
    truth and lie about what one believes. For so long, the fear of
    persecution or crucifixion has held humanity in check. The karma for
    crucifixion, which caused the experience of the one known as Christ
    in recent history, and this is only a repeat of countless other
    masters whom were likewise crucified in times past, has been released
    at last. The healing of the pattern of being crucified for standing
    in one's truth has been healed by those whom are ascending whom have
    released such karma on behalf of all of mankind so that a new era of
    non-crucifixion may emerge.

    As the fear of speaking the truth is lifted, ascending humans shall
    begin to speak their truth en mass. And it is out of such a
    phenomenon that the secrets of your governments shall come to light
    in full, and the reconstitution of your world power figures can
    begin. All of this shall come forth as more humans move into an
    authentic manner of relating to themselves and all others through the
    process of ascension.

    5. PRIVACY
    Privacy and secrecy are related, but not quite the same. However,
    both are founded upon shame. It is out of shame that humans feel the
    need for privacy of any kind, whether it be in the act of taking a
    shower or using the toilet, to covering the body with clothing, to
    building a home in the midst of 20 acres of seclusion! All such
    expressions of privacy come from out of shame and the belief that
    there is something to be ashamed of.

    Beloved, we see you when you are naked. We see you as you sit upon
    the john. We see you as you make love, or shower, or swim, or lie to
    your boss, or lie to your children, or choose to escape for any
    reason and be alone. Now, being alone or retreating from the world is
    not wrong. Indeed, even humans in the unity paradigm require such
    things to gain better focus upon their life lessons. And therefore we
    do not wish to confuse the need for privacy with time and space to
    reflect, process and integrate. Indeed, ascension is filled with
    reflection, processing and integration of a new foundation of unity,
    and therefore the time required for retreat by ascending humans shall
    be far greater perhaps than at another time of non-ascension.

    However, we are speaking about privacy that is shame based. Your
    Sirian ancestors often lived in a tropical environment half-naked!
    They required not clothing, or privacy, as you know it as there was
    not shame. Indeed, some cultures such as the Polynesians or
    Aborigines were in such a state until discovery and "education" by
    the white man. Education into shame, that is.

    As one ascends, the need for privacy for false reasons is left
    behind. In so doing, shame and modesty based upon shame recedes, and
    one learns to embrace themselves and all others in honor. The
    ascending communities of the future may not have curtains beloved,
    nor fences, nor windows and doors if they are not required for the
    purposes of retaining warmth inside of the house! There shall be no
    need for such things as all humans remaining upon Earth shall have
    ascended out of the thought-form of privacy based upon shame. In so
    doing, a very different culture, perhaps one more reminiscent of the
    Polynesians prior to the arrival of the white man, shall emerge.
    Where did the concept of privacy come from? Why the Annunaki. The
    Annunaki kept the slaves separate, and they themselves had beautiful
    villa after villa of homes and temples for their own use. Those of
    Annunaki inheritance in present time are often wealthy enough to
    replicate such a manifestation in their current life dance, and in so
    doing, keep themselves separate or private from others. As the karma
    for such a dance is released, there shall be a return to unity and
    honor, and community founded upon equality, sharing and joy. This too
    we see ahead for the next era of human civilization.

    Much like the privacy of the Annunaki, the Annunaki were also
    considered privileged and the slaves unprivileged. Indeed, the
    Annunaki held all the wealth and resources for themselves, and did
    not consider the slaves worthy of such things. The Annunaki created a
    two-class system, and indeed the class system of your current
    civilization is founded upon such thought-form to this day.

    Privilege or exclusivity is based upon competition, in which one
    perceives themselves as better than and others as less than. In the
    unity paradigm, competition is left behind and one perceives all
    others as equal, as God Goddess in human form. It is only out of the
    thought-form of exclusivity that some humans related to the Annunaki
    can hoard to such excess that others starve upon the streets, or have
    no home to live within. Such humans hold on to their wealth to retain
    their sense of exclusivity.

    The thought-form of exclusivity is held throughout the human
    expression; however, those with red inheritance shall remember the
    unity once known in their ancient ancestry. The unity was such a
    joyful state of being that allowing the concept of requiring
    exclusivity or a two-class system to die is not hard for those whom
    remember unity. The reason for this is that there is no authentic joy
    in competition or a two-class system.

    Why is there not joy when others are less than or greater than
    oneself beloved? Joy cannot exist simultaneously with competition.
    Inherent in competition is non-joy, for joy and laughter and humor
    only occurs in a state of acceptance of self and others, and this
    requires equality. It is a great truth that humans can go into joy
    and equality in one moment, and then competition and judgment of self
    or others in the next. Why is this so? This is so due to the
    personality, ego and negative ego. As such aspects of self are
    integrated and transcended in ascension, gradually the persona is
    altered into a state of ongoing fluidity of the moment. The fluidity
    of moment allows one and all others to be where they are, and in so
    doing, unconditional acceptance is born. It is in a state of
    unconditional acceptance that joy and humor become the foundation for
    one's life experience.

    As the thought-form of exclusivity is transcended en mass by
    ascending humans, the class system that you currently know shall
    cease. It shall be through grass root movements demanding equality
    for all, food for all, clothing and shelter for all that such a shift
    shall occur. And this we see ahead for our human brothers and sisters
    upon Earth.

    The thought-form of dominion creates a hierarchical system in which
    there is a ruling class, and there are those to be are ruled or
    governed. Indeed, the history of your species was one of a certain
    group known as the Annunaki that held all dominion, perceived
    themselves as God Goddess in human form, and created a slave race to
    dominate to prove it. Those related to the Annunaki will often
    perceive themselves as God Goddess and all others as subordinate, and
    from such thinking shall rise to power in their life dance holding
    dominion over others.

    Dominion and domination are one and the same. When one has dominion
    over another, one can dominate. Domination can often include killing,
    torturing, abusing, murdering, slaughtering, undermining, or
    destroying the one whom is dominated. Indeed, did not the Annunaki
    slaughter the slaves if they were disobedient? Did they not send them
    to mine gold experiencing a torturous and short life span? Did they
    not use the slaves for self-gratification and sex? This is all a part
    of the genetic memories of the human species upon Earth.

    Upon a group level, domination causes one nation to destroy another
    nation through war. Upon a planetary level, domination has also
    occurred over Earth whom has been used as a source of resources
    without regards to her purpose by humans recurrently since the
    Annunaki reign. In a parallel manner, those of Annunaki inheritance
    treat others out of domination, sometimes to the extreme of abuse,
    torture, or death through annihilation. It is also those of Annunaki
    inheritance that continue to pillage and pollute Earth to this day in
    your current civilization.

    Earth is a conscious being, not something to be dominated over. All
    humans likewise are conscious beings, and are not to be dominated
    over. It is in the embracing of the unity paradigm in ascension that
    humans shall remember to live in equality and honor with one another
    and all other life forms again. From honor, one dominates only their
    own life expression, only one's own truth and evolution as a member
    of the human species. As only ascending humans remain, as we see
    occurring in the coming quarter century, the dominion of those of
    Annunaki inheritance shall cease in the dance of your civilization.
    As this comes to be so, dominion and domination shall cease in the
    human expression altogether.

    For the ascending human embracing unity, one may cease to wish to own
    property, particularly land. As one learns that the land belongs to
    Earth as a conscious being, one will cease to desire to control or
    have dominion over the land through ownership. We foresee that as all
    humans transcend ownership through ascension, future leaders and
    governance in human form shall outlaw ownership of the land
    altogether. It is also out of such ascending thought-form that
    abusing, polluting or harming Earth in any manner shall likewise be

    8. USURY
    Usury and dominion are related, but not exactly the same. Usury is
    the result of dominion, for when one holds dominion over another, the
    other becomes like property and then is dispensable and can be used.
    Indeed, in the Annunaki dominion over the slaves, the slaves were
    property, and were bred to be used. It is from such karma that the
    current thought-form of usury remains in the human dance upon Earth.
    Usury is not unlike prostitution. Prostitution is a funny thing. Men
    and women desire sex and often cannot find a loving partner to
    fulfill upon their wishes. Those willing to "sell" their sexual
    services do so, fulfilling upon the desire and dream of sex. The
    current governance then outlaws such services deeming them unethical!
    And yet such humans provide a service and give something to someone!
    They give of themselves in a manner that provides something in
    return, for which they are paid in kind. This is balanced giving and
    receiving, although perhaps not founded upon love. Love would only
    desire that which is given to be given in love, and often
    prostitution occurs in lust, or a state of numbness due to the lack
    of love or desire. And this is a sad thing, but not wrong.
    How many others in your current human dance prostitute themselves in
    like manner, but are not deemed illegal for it? Many humans
    prostitute themselves by working long hours at a job that they hate
    for the money to support the family and pay the mortgage. Many humans
    prostitute themselves by subordinating to the boss and not speaking
    their truth. Many humans prostitute themselves by worshiping the
    latest actor or actress or millionaire or spiritual guru thereby
    searching for their truth outside of themselves. Prostitution is
    prostitution, whether it is legal or illegal in your current
    framework of law.

    All prostitution is based upon usury. Is it not the slaves that were
    used for sex that has created your sexual prostitutes in present
    time? Is it not the slaves that were worked to death in the mines
    that has created your work prostitutes in present time? One
    prostitutes themselves any time one fails to stand in their truth
    beloved, and in so doing, one sets themselves up to be used.
    Usury sees humans as property. Is it not because the prostitute is
    property that she can be used by either the client or pimp? Is it not
    because the employee is the property of the employer that the
    employer can use the employee? Is it not because the wife, child or
    husband is the property of the wife, child or husband that they can
    use one another? Is it not because the devotee is the property of the
    guru that the guru may use the devotee?

    Usury is the foundation of your civilization. Many may not perceive
    this to be true as so thick are the veils of fantasy. It is the
    fantasy that causes one to believe that usury is love. Usury is not
    love, for there is not freedom in the usury. Love in a usury-based
    paradigm is founded upon ownership, and ownership is not love. Love
    allows. The current paradigm does not express love as allowance, but
    rather that love is filled with conditions upon which each must
    fulfill upon or be rejected, be dispensed of, or worse yet, be
    annihilated, crucified or killed.

    As humans transcend usury, they shall be angry. They shall be angry
    at how they have prostituted themselves to another. They shall be
    angry at the manner that they have been used, and at those whom have
    used them. It may well be that as humanity transcends usury that
    there is uprising after uprising and demonstration after
    demonstration protesting all forms of usury or prostitution,
    regardless of nature. And this too we see as a part of the human

    9. DOGMA
    Dogma is based upon the concept of right and wrong. In your current
    human civilization, all law is based upon right and wrong. However,
    the laws sometimes are bent in the favor of the ruling class or those
    of great wealth. Therefore, the laws are not absolute. However, there
    are those whom would like to believe that the laws are absolute, and
    often such humans are your most fervent and dogmatic religious
    leaders. Such leaders rarely obey their own belief in absolute laws,
    and bend them in their own life dance, but preach about absolute law
    nonetheless. Occasionally, such an individual is caught with their
    pants down, or caught doing that which they preach to others is
    wrong, and then is thrown from their pedestal.

    The concept of right or wrong is based upon a limited understanding
    of truth. Truth is so complex that there is no right or wrong, only
    experience, only understanding, only evolution or ascension, from the
    perspective of soul. However in the pairing down of human genetics,
    the understanding of the complex dance of truth was lost in human
    awareness, leaving in its wake the concepts of right and wrong.
    Many currently in human form have no remembrance of their original
    lineages from the red seeded race. In the red lineages reside an
    innate understanding of unity and the complexity of truth. For those
    that do not choose to ascend and do not pull forth their original
    ancient ancestries, they shall continue in the dance of dogma in this
    incarnation. However, such individuals shall become ill the further
    that Earth ascends, and shall eventually become extinct within the
    human species altogether. For each that is going to ascend with Earth
    shall require rising above these limited 18 thought-forms that are
    self-perpetuating in nature.

    It is the beliefs in right and wrong that have caused the wars
    between your nations over time. No nation is right or wrong. No
    religion is any more right than another. Most religions are founded
    upon dogma and therefore offer no real opportunity for spiritual
    evolution whatsoever. Therefore religion and spiritual practices as
    they have occurred over the past 30,000 years of human civilization
    have been dead-end streets to the original purpose of spirituality.
    The original purpose of spirituality is to evolve through
    understanding the lessons of soul in any incarnation in the physical.
    In order to understand soul, one must have a clear connection to the
    nonphysical realms and hear, see and experience their dreamtime
    reality. The ability to experience dreamtime was genetically removed
    from the slave race, causing them to only experience the physical
    plane. It is out of a non-understanding of the nonphysical realms
    that non-evolution occurs.

    The Annunaki themselves suffered from this problem also. They sought
    immortality in the misunderstanding of the purpose that soul takes
    form. They transferred their own misunderstandings to their slave
    race, whom were manufactured from their own genetics. In many
    respects, the slave race were a reflection to the Annunaki of how
    lost that they as humans had become, as lost as the slaves. For one
    cannot enslave another without becoming enslaved oneself to the
    prison that one has created.

    It is dogma that enslaves. It is dogma that allows one to perceive
    one self as so "right" that one has the right to kill another or a
    group of others. In the end of their reign, the Annunaki perceived
    themselves as so "right" that they could destroy Earth in the battle.
    This is a telltale sign that they had fallen prey to their own
    thought-form of dogma, and all thought-forms inherent in the slaves.
    For how could one manufacture a thought-form for a slave race and
    then not partake in the very thought-form oneself as master? One
    cannot. And so the Annunaki created their own fall in their own dance
    and belief that they were God/Goddess in form, and the purpose of God
    Goddess was to "create life". Out of such a thought, they created
    life in the form of the slaves. The purpose of the human dance is not
    to create life, but to experience life and allow soul to learn its
    lessons. And this also is the true purpose of spirituality, for soul
    to learn, grow, evolve and ascend. There is no other purpose to
    existence from the perspective of the Great Central Sun.

    The thought-form of arrogance is one that is related to the belief
    that one knows it all. In believing that one knows it all, evolution
    ceases. For evolution can only begin when one perceives that they
    know very little, and then strive to know more, and then evolution
    can begin. Evolution begins with the quest, the quest to understand,
    and the quest to rise above what one has always known. Arrogance is
    an opposing force to evolution, for in its very nature, it believes
    that there is nothing to learn, and nothing to rise above.

    In the human records of your current metaphysical and spiritual
    movement that have been assessed by the Great Central Sun, there is
    little evolution occurring in any such movements. However, such
    humans often preach that there is evolution and that they are moving
    towards another dimension, and that they are evolving, growing, and
    ascending. And yet are they really? Underlying many metaphysical
    teachings is great arrogance or the belief that all is known. How can
    one ascend into the unknown if all is known? It is not possible.

    We see that many of such movements have simply created their own self-
    perpetuating thought-form that keeps those affiliated in non-
    evolution and non-awakening under the guise of bringing forth an
    awakening. A true awakening requires that one move out of arrogance
    and understand how little the human form upon Earth truly remembers.
    You remember so little that the thought that you know it all is
    absurd from the point of view of the souls in the Great Central Sun.
    One can create dogma out of any preaching. Therefore we advise those
    whom are awakening not to tune into the dogma of others, but to tune
    inward and open to their inner-landscape and begin to ascend.

    Ascension is an inner job that requires a state of non-arrogance and
    understanding that you know little, and are now going to give up what
    you know and embrace a new foundation of thought-form. Those that are
    leadership whom are ascending will continually change, continually
    bring forth new information, and continually share a new level of
    understanding of the human dance. Those that are not shall share the
    same information over and over again, as if it is all that there is,
    and as if it is the only truth. Ascending humans can learn to then
    distinguish between ascending and non-ascending information.

    11. FANTASY
    The thought-form of fantasy is one manner that the Annunaki prevented
    the slaves from awakening to an understanding of the nonphysical
    realms that surrounded them. They allotted all nonphysical
    occurrences to the realms of fantasy and told the slaves that such
    things were not real. This was to prevent the slaves from awakening
    to enough of a degree that they would rebel against the Annunaki.
    Over time there were millions of slaves, and if they wished to
    overrun the Annunaki, they easily could have. In restraining the
    slaves from awakening, they would never rebel, and indeed they did

    Fantasy realities abound that the Annunaki put in place to restrain
    their slave race from evolution. Such realities are utilized by
    humanity today in the creation of theater, movies, song, dance, books
    of all kinds, television shows, and all forms of outward bound
    entertainment. However, such entertainment along with the planes of
    reality that they are associated with are also designed to prevent
    evolution, and built into such planes is the very means to strip an
    audience of information that was not deemed appropriate for the
    slaves. (See "Transcending the Seven Forms of Seduction" for more
    information. )

    Ascending humans rise above the fantasy planes a little at a time. As
    one ascends beyond such fantasy planes, the current entertainment
    shall not be so entertaining any longer. The current forms of
    entertainment are dramas generally founded upon the 18 self-
    perpetuating thought-forms. If one is rising above such thought-form,
    one will not find such dramas interesting any longer, and watching
    such entertainment can and will have the effect of reprogramming
    oneself back into the very self-perpetuating themes that one has
    transcended. It is why our channel is so adamant about avoiding all
    media entertainment, as it causes ascending humans to slide backwards
    rather than transcend. For the mapmakers in particular, entertainment
    may not be able to be afforded less you fail at your mission of
    mapmaking a path out of the self-perpetuating thought-form for others
    to follow.

    For others, the evolution of mankind shall bring about a new form of
    media in time that shall begin to reflect the changing thought-form
    of the human species. There may be some forms of entertainment
    already that are coming forth of this nature, and this too is a
    reflection of the success of mapmaking the new thought-form by the
    mapmakers. There are many paths, and some shall forge ahead where no
    man has gone in 30,000 years, and others shall follow. There is
    neither right nor wrong in any choice of path, and those whom are the
    mapmakers have been genetically prepared for such a role, or they
    simply would fail.

    Fantasies however are one means that one's intentions for their
    manifestations in one's life dance come to be understood by your sun
    and then reflected back to manifest in the physical. Therefore, if
    one watches a movie or entertainment of some sort, and it has a
    violent theme, then engaging in the violent fantasy sends an intent
    to the sun that you would like to manifest parallel violent
    experience in your life dance. If one is going to engage with the
    current forms of entertainment, one must therefore be highly
    selective, as otherwise you may manifest something that is very
    unpleasant in your life experience.

    One may not realize that the fantasies of your ancestors have caused
    your particular life expression. For when fantasies cannot be
    fulfilled upon in one lifetime they shall roll over into the next.
    This is why some human experiences seem so victim-like, however, all
    were caused by one's ancestries thoughts and fantasies over time.
    Therefore one may wish also to edit the fantasies that they engage
    with allowing them to be joyful and constructive towards one's
    evolution, lest they manifest a disaster instead.

    As one rises above the thought-form of fantasy, one ceases to
    fantasize. One learns to live in the moment, in the in breath and out
    breath of life. Thinking about the past fades away as the memories
    are erased in the act of ascension. Thinking of the future also fades
    away as one becomes more fully grounded in present time. This is the
    gift of the Language of Light, it stands outside of time, allowing
    one to be present in the moment instead of in a fantasy.

    The fantasies never really allow one to be present in the moment. In
    the fantasy, one is either in the past or in some future dream. It
    requires a state of "presentness" to connect with another in an
    intimate encounter. It also requires a state of presentness to feel
    one's soul, for soul can only enter into the dance with the
    consciousness of the form in present time.

    When one goes into fantasy, one ceases to anchor soul. However, the
    slave race was never designed to anchor soul in the first place, they
    were designed to be soulless like an animal from the perspective of
    the Annunaki. However, animals are not soulless, nothing is soulless,
    and in retracing your steps outside of the paradigm of self-
    perpetuating thought-form, one goes from a soulless to ensouled
    state. In fantasy, one is soulless. In present time and in the act of
    grounding soul into form, one becomes ensouled.

    Soul is required to ascend, as it is soul that infuses the form with
    chi and runs the chakras and subtle bodies of any ascending field. No
    soul present, no ascension. It therefore behooves ascending humans to
    break away from their habits of fantasy and entertainment based upon
    fantasy and anchor soul in its place, and then learn to listen to the
    communications that one's soul has. It is one's communication from
    soul that shall guide one out of the self-perpetuating dilemma of the
    human dance and into the new paradigm of unity, joy and unconditional

    The Annunaki did not wish the slave race questioning them in any
    manner. Therefore the slaves were bred to blindly trust them under
    all circumstances and at all times. It is out of the thought-form of
    blind trust that awakening the human species becomes so difficult.
    For humans live their lives based upon blind trust, blind trust that
    all shall be as it has always been forever. Humans blindly trust so
    greatly that they are unable to perceive the dark intent of another
    or of those in governance over the human dance.

    A part of the issue of blind trust is also the result of not wishing
    to see the unconscious or see under the veils of illusion that
    pervade your reality. Indeed, the Annunaki also did not wish the
    slaves to perceive under the veils of reality into the inner workings
    of their manipulations and dominion over Earth. Therefore frightening
    and terrorizing entities were anchored to scare the slaves if they
    began at all to look into the unconscious realms, or look within. It
    is why so often for those whom are ascending opening to the
    unconscious and opening to the inner landscape is so frightening.

    However, once the entities anchored by the Annunaki in one's ancestry
    are moved aside, one discoveries that the inner landscape and
    nonphysical is nothing to be frightened of at all.

    Indeed, the entities that try to keep one from opening to the
    unconscious are great. Our channel Mila has encountered them time and
    time again, particularly in travel, for such regions perhaps have not
    been cleansed as readily as the region in which she lives. Such
    beings are terrified themselves, and if one responds in anger to
    their presence, they simply will run off in great fear!

    In physical plane relations, one has learned to blindly trust their
    parents, teachers, employers, friends and spouses or significant
    others. Sometimes one also blindly trusts another and they are
    surprised when such individuals betray one in one manner or another.
    It is blind trust that prevents one often from seeing through to the
    underlying motives of another.

    In ascension, one can also fall into the trap of blindly trusting
    one's non-physical guidance. If one continues to blindly trust
    guidance, one will not lift beyond the self-perpetuating thought-form
    of blind trust and shall fail to ascend. It is for this reason that
    initiates often create experiences in which their nonphysical
    guidance betrays them, so that they may lift beyond the thought-form
    of blind trust altogether.

    One can also blindly trust that they see the whole truth internal to
    self in their own inner landscape. Indeed, one only sees what they
    can see in the moment, and the veils of illusion are thick within
    your creation. Therefore astute initiates will require not blindly
    trusting everything that they see internal to self, but be willing to
    lift the veils and look again! So often one does not wish to see
    something "bad" about oneself. There is not good or bad nor right nor
    wrong, and each initiate's ancestry has participated in the entire
    human dance. Therefore one's ancestry has done it all, from murder,
    to falsifying documents, to lying, to cheating, to bringing about the
    downfall of man. It is only in honestly assessing the karma within
    one's inheritance that it can be forgiven and then the related
  • Most higher dimensional cultures have a commited time to be together to raise children and then people are basiclly free spirits. I would hate to think if I went to the other side of Creation that I wouldn't have sex until I got back. As we travel between Star Systems, we will adopt a more expansive attitude about sex and each person will behave as they feel fit. For now, many of the more spiritual types are not having sex because it is just too much to deal with besides the work.

    I will be glad when this ascension is over, the money is flowing, and I can concentrate on something besides the planet.

    Rev. Mandira
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Peter
    To: Lightworker- Psychic-ET- Hangout@yahoogro
    Sent: Monday, February 22, 2010 2:00 PM
    Subject: [Lightworker- Psychic-ET- Hangout] The Creator Son on Sex and Marriage/Ascension

    The Creator Son on Sex and Marriage
    Through Ceanne DeRohann from Right Use of Will

    "Many of the problems now on earth (and with the family relationship)
    can be traced to sex without love, or sex with only conditional love.
    The Spiritual Sanctity of sex is not in its right place when sex is
    treated as something dirty, funny or less than sacred. Sex is not to
    be placed outside of My Loving Acceptance by being labeled something
    to be outgrown or given up when Spiritual awareness is seriously
    sought. Sex is not meant to be evil, base, lustful, animalistic or
    any of the other judgements it has received.

    "The questions some people raise about loose sex are founded in a
    feeling that something isn't right about it, but it is sex without
    Love and not sex without societal approval that brings these
    feelings. Each person must be responsible for himself about this, as
    no one yet can determine for another on earth whether Love is present
    or not. Just trying to be present to determine this effects the flow
    between the people, and this is why it is not a matter of settlement
    by any other than the people involved.

    ". . . The reason an emphasis is being put on sex in relationship to
    this is when people have sex together, they open their energy fields
    to one another and everything they have in their energy fields
    mingles together. If there is pain, it is passed back and forth. If
    there is fear, anger or doubt, this mingles. Anything that is held in
    the energy field is mingled together during sex. The people involved
    really do open to each other at all levels of their existence. If the
    ones involved claim they have only Love and do not accept any of the
    dissatisfied undercurrents they have, they are having sex in the
    presence of denial.

    ". . . The way to resolve situations between people now on earth is
    not going to be as easy as it would have been if it had been done
    initially because so many are conditioned away from straightforward
    expression of their feelings. This conditioning has created a much
    bigger charge of unexpressed emotion than existed originally. None
    the less, it can be resolved.

    "Originally, only self-denial was taking place on Earth as no one had
    as yet thought of overpowering another. The denial present was the
    denial agreed upon by the Spirits there. Overpowering came later when
    many Spirits, who did not have the same ways of learning as the Earth
    did, entered Earth. These Spirits exerted strong influence on Earth
    to desert her own path and instead follow theirs. The openings these
    Spirits found to do this through were the denials already present on
    Earth., which they then steadily increased. If, in the beginning, the
    way to clear these undercurrents and denials had been known, this
    situation would have been resolved immediately. Since it was not
    known, the experience that has been taking place has been necessary
    in order to learn. . . "

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

    As a companion piece to this channeling of Ceanne's, Guidance has had
    me once again add this part of a 2001 channeling of Mila through
    Karen Danrich to help make you aware of where these old thought forms
    come from and what they are in order to better help you clear
    yourself of them without so much guilt, blame, shame and trauma. It
    just is. Resolve it, let it go, and then keep moving forward or else
    be turned into a metaphorical pillar of salt just as Lot's wife
    supposedly was (nuclear blast).

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
    Your current civilization is the second human civilization to rise
    since the era of the Annunaki. Each prior civilization has risen and
    then destroyed themselves in a nuclear holocaust just like their
    predecessors. Earth is on the brink of experiencing this yet once
    again, except for the small numbers of humans whom are choosing to
    ascend upon the surface of the Earth. This small number of ascending
    humans combined with those of the inner Earth, which is the smallest
    group representing an entire species upon any ascending planet or
    star in the entire history of all creations within your ovum, is
    altering the course of Earth's history.

    This small group of humans, of which many reading this material are a
    part, is choosing to release the karma incurred in the reign of the
    Annunaki. In so doing a new future may unfold, and all may change.
    These small numbers of humans are anchoring a new Divine Plan for
    Earth and the human species, one that allows for an awakening of more
    of the human populace and a biological ascension of Earth to the next
    dimension over the coming 1000 years.

    We of the Great Central Sun tell you, our brothers and sisters in
    human form, that the winds of change are upon you! Nothing, nothing
    will remain the same. All shall change, and that which does not
    change shall perish in physicality. The change is the result of the
    rectification of energy flow after a long period of non-change in
    which the self-perpetuating thought-form locked everything upon Earth
    into the same endless dance of patterns. The self-perpetuating
    thought-form is now beginning to break up, and this allows for the
    Language of Light, the unity based thought-form that is emerging
    amongst ascending species, to take hold global wide upon your planet.
    What does this mean exactly, a new Divine Plan and the breakdown of
    the current thought-form that the human species relies upon? It means
    that your civilization as you know it shall begin to crumble. Many
    may not realize that your civilization is very fragile, as it is
    founded upon a small set of thought-forms that were created to hold a
    limited slave race under the dominion of the Annunaki. Such thought-
    form is so limited that it is based upon only 18 concepts, and as
    these concepts are shattered, much like the rug being pulled out from
    under you, the foundation that humanity believes shall always be
    there shall crumble.

    Many of you have prayed for an awakening of mankind and for more of
    your human brothers and sisters to ascend. Indeed this has been
    granted by the Intervention of the One Source, or the Source of All
    as a part of the Easter Blessings administered to Earth as of late.
    As such, a new era shall now emerge, and shall have different
    consequences than if fewer humans ever awakened and ascended. It is
    our wish to bring to light such changes so that the map makers of
    ascension and those paving the way for others to follow can be aware
    of the impending shifts in your collective consciousness ahead.
    What are these 18 thought-forms? We bring them to your awareness so
    that you may choose, as an ascending human, to release them and
    embrace a unity based thought-form in their place. What is the unity-
    based thought-form? It is nothing other than the Language of Light
    (see "Language of Light" upon our web site.) In so doing, your
    current foundation shall crumble, making way to a new foundation that
    shall be well in place as civilization falls apart. This is
    necessary, as many ascending ahead of time are the new leadership for
    the human race. For who is going to be there as civilization
    crumbles? Who is going to tell your brothers and sisters, "This way!
    This is what we can create now! And it can be founded upon equality,
    joy, unity and love!" Is this not your job beloved? Is this not why
    you are ascending now?

    Each of these 18 thought-forms is self-perpetuating in nature. Many
    lifetimes have been lived as examples of such thought-forms. We will
    take the first thought-form, which is "Slavery" and explain. There
    have been hundreds of lifetimes in any initiate's ancestry in which
    one's ancestor has been either the master or the slave. For every
    lifetime as master, there must be one as slave in counterbalance.
    However, there is no manner out of the dance of master/slave, as
    there is no thought-form provided to allow for the transcendence.
    Therefore, the ancestry simply repeats the experience of master and
    then slave, master and then slave, master and then slave, forever, or
    until transcendence and ascension begins. Ascension shall break the
    cycle of each of these thought-forms for all ancestors incarnate over
    time. In so doing, ascending humans can work themselves out of their
    current paradigm of slavery into a new one of freedom and unity.
    Those that are mastering unity consciousness in ascension are map
    making a new thought-form to replace those that are self-perpetuating
    in nature. The foundation of this new thought-form is known as the 10
    octaves of love within the Language of Light. The 10 octaves of love
    are founded upon 10 concepts known as forgiveness, truth, non-
    conditional love, compassion, freedom, and breath of life, divine
    union, unity, and non-conditional governance. As one transcends each
    of these 18 self-perpetuating thought-forms in the act of ascension,
    they embrace a new foundation based upon the 10 octaves of love.

    1. SLAVERY
    The thought-form of slavery effects humans in a multitude of ways. We
    invite each reading this material to look at where they in their life
    expression are currently enslaved by another. There is enslavement to
    the job, to the family, and to the mortgage. There is enslavement to
    friends that are not friendships of love, but one's of duty and
    obligation. And there is enslavement to one's current place of
    residence. All such enslavement is related to attachment between the
    etheric body and the person, place or object that one is attached to.
    Such attachment is gradually released as one lifts up in vibration
    and ascends, causing the cords to be severed, allowing one to become

    As one is freed, one may not pay the bills any more, or the taxes, or
    one may leave the marriage, leave the family, and leave the friends
    that they do not love behind, and move to a place that brings their
    heart joy. And this all is the result of pent-up change from one's
    ancestry. For your ancestry has been enslaved by the same "others"
    and "region" for 30,000 years beloved! It is why perhaps the sense of
    freedom that occurs as those whom are ascending release the bonds
    that have enslaved them for so long is so great, so joyous, so
    magnificent! Allow the joy as the freedom occurs, and know that you
    are freeing yourself for all ancestries that have been enslaved by
    another over time.

    For some, the history of slavery has been more recent, as in the
    African American story. However, understand that all humans related
    to the slave race are enslaved, whether one's life dance is a direct
    reflection of such an experience or an indirect one. How free are you
    really? The current human dance is far from free, and even those of
    great wealth are just as enslaved by their dance as the ones that
    work to support their dominion. In the dance of slavery, all are
    enslaved, all are imprisoned, and all that ascend shall free
    themselves in due course.

    This in and of itself, if great enough and by enough humans, shall
    cause the breakdown of civilization. For what if the vast majority in
    your country of origin refuses to pay the taxes beloved? Would not
    the country break down in a year for lack of funds? If enough ascend,
    there shall be a tax revolt, and this shall be a reflection of the
    collective populations freeing themselves from their enslaved state.
    Our channel shall not cause this, but rather the ascension of larger
    numbers of humans global wide! As these thought-forms apply not only
    to individual relations, but group relations and all of civilization
    at large.

    And what if large numbers of humans in their ascensions simply stop
    paying on the mortgage and credit card debts? What then? Will not
    your financial institutions collapse beloved? From our perspective,
    giving and receiving is so far out of balance in the human dance that
    a radical shift shall occur. Such is the nature of pent up change, to
    the degree it has been pent up, to that degree of extremity the
    rectification shall be. Your financial institutions are functioning
    under a false umbrella of seeming wealth. The wealth is sustained
    only as the masses continue to pay upon the credit, or continue to
    use the credit, or continue to believe in the high cost of living and
    housing and pay upon the mortgage. What if the masses suddenly refuse
    to pay? What then? It shall all collapse. And humans shall refuse to
    pay and leave such homes and debts behind the further that they
    ascend, as ascension brings about freedom from all that enslaves
    one's current life expression.

    The thought-form of manipulation effects humans in many ways. In your
    current dance, it is often deemed more appropriate to manipulate
    another into doing one's bidding than directly communicating one's
    needs. This is slave communication directly related to the slave
    race, which were prohibited from directly communicating their needs,
    wants, desires, feelings or experiences to the Annunaki. Indeed, the
    Annunaki perceived the slaves as "pets". Pets do not have import
    other than the pleasure that the pet gives, and certainly does not
    have a consciousness that is deemed of great import.

    Often the indirect communication occurs with those in one's life
    expression of direct Annunaki lineage, for these are the ones that
    one is prohibited from expressing to. However, there are so many with
    direct lineage to the Annunaki, and often such humans hold power over
    others or are in positions of authority of one sort or another. There
    may be more than one of such individual in any ascending human's life
    dance as there are so many with connection to the Annunaki.

    The slaves had no power as the Annunaki as master held all power. It
    is therefore the nature of those of slave inheritance to give their
    power to those of the Annunaki inheritance in the life dance. Such
    humans with Annunaki inheritance take power from all those of slave
    inheritance surrounding them, and then utilize such power to inflate
    themselves into positions of power or authority. Often such acquire
    over time the position of boss, director, governor, president, or
    C.E.O. The greater the direct lineage to the Annunaki, the greater
    the power such humans have in the life expression.

    As ascending humans clear their slave karma and thought-form, they
    shall cease to give power to the authorities of Annunaki inheritance.
    In retrieving the power given to authority figures, and if this
    occurs en mass, all humans currently with power or authority shall
    lose their power over time. Each human in power whom loses their
    power shall then create their own downfall, their own removal from
    office, or removal from the position of power that they had inflated
    themselves into. Over time, all of the old form of leadership and
    governance shall collapse allowing a new form of leadership to emerge
    from those whom are ascending.

    Your current leadership is founded upon manipulation in full. Such
    leaders manipulate to attain their positions of authority, regardless
    of how they may appear in relation to public reputation. This is the
    result of the fact that the Annunaki manipulated for their power,
    stripping power from the seeded Red Race for dominion over Earth.
    Just like the Annunaki themselves, such current forms of authority
    figures run veils of illusion that allow them to appear perfect or to
    be perceived as what the masses wish to see in such a position. As
    the power is removed from such authority figures by the ascending
    masses, suddenly all of the dirty laundry under the veils of illusion
    shall be seen in the current governance! And what then? Shall not
    some countries impeach their presidents and overthrow their

    Many have heard that the time is coming that the dance of the secret
    governance shall be revealed in full. Such a dance involves most
    humans of great power world wide, and will they also not be
    implicated in such revelations? It is not our channel that shall
    reveal such information, as she is not privy to such information, but
    those whom know. Those that know will speak their truth at last, even
    if it causes them to be assassinated. Why? Ascending humans learn to
    stand in their truth and speak it. Those whom hold such secrets, if
    they ascend, shall feel called to speak their truth. And what then?
    Well, the cat will be out of the bag, and the masses shall respond
    according to the nature of the revelation.

    What if you discover that your governance is adding viruses to the
    water to make the masses ill and keep them subservient? What if you
    discover that your governance is utilizing vibration to hold the
    evolution of the masses down? What if you discover that your
    governance had information that could heal most diseases, but refuses
    to share it out due to the desire to control the populace? What if
    you knew that your governance held blueprints for technological
    development that is magnetic and in resonance with Earth, but shelved
    it for their own greed? Think this is not so? Look again. Lift the
    veils beloved, and look. This is so, and soon those whom know it to
    be so shall speak their truth and there shall be a mass correction
    towards those in governance responsible for such things. They shall
    be impeached and thrown from office and imprisoned for harming the
    masses. Is this not how all change has occurred in your history? Was
    it not the French that overthrew their monarchy and beheaded them?
    Was this not a prelude to this time period ahead?

    As ascending humans lift beyond manipulations of the governance, they
    shall cease to be controlled by the current governance and financial
    elite. They shall rebel en mass, and force corrections to the current
    regime in control that harm! The current governance harms beloved.
    They harm Earth through pollution, and they harm the masses in order
    to keep the masses subordinate and under their control. There is
    30,000 years of pent up manipulations and control of the masses in
    your civilizations' karmic records of a parallel nature. When karma
    is settled that has been pent up, the corrections equal the energy
    held in check. Much like an arrow that has been pulled back and back
    and back upon the bow, and is finally released. Does it not fly
    further than all others? In a parallel manner, the karma surrounding
    the control of human civilization has been pent up, and as it is
    corrected, it shall explode and change exponentially!

    Where shall such change come from? We foresee grass movement after
    grass movement of protesters whom will not stand for the current
    governmental control! Why? Because the masses behind such movements
    shall ascend out of the subordination that they have been held under
    for 30,000 years! They shall refuse to be manipulated into
    subordination ever again, and shall demand equality for all. This
    shall over time bring changes to every aspect of civilization and a
    correction to the inequality and manipulations that has created
    homelessness and poverty, hunger and war.

    3. CONTROL
    The current human dance is founded upon control. One is controlled by
    the governance through the financial institutions, through the media,
    through the militia, through the police, through the IRS, through the
    CIA, along with all other positions of public authority. One is
    considered a good citizen if one behaves inside of the rules that
    civilization is constructed from. Is this not slave mentality
    beloved? Indeed the Annunaki created laws for the slaves to behave
    within, thinking them of lower consciousness than themselves and
    requiring such a thing. The seeded red race didn't operate under such
    laws, as in unity they were simply not required. In unity, one only
    acts out of the greater good of the whole at all times, and in so
    doing, the very things outlawed in your current paradigm simply do
    not occur.

    If one ascends, one moves under a new law, which is spiritual in
    nature and of a far higher authority than any human law, which is the
    law of harmlessness. If one embraces the laws of harmlessness, what
    use is your current paradigm of law? Harmlessness is a state in which
    one works in unity and non-conditional love with all other humans
    along with all other species. The current paradigm of law will have
    no use, particularly after the cleansing of those whom are not
    ascending in earth's continued ascension.

    As civilization is restructured, new laws and a new form of
    governance shall emerge. It shall emerge out of the paradigm of unity
    and harmlessness, as only those humans remaining shall have ascended
    into such a paradigm. Harmlessness does not seek to control another,
    but rather allows. In a state of harmlessness, one allows all others
    their dance in the greater understanding that life is a spiritual
    journey with many lessons, and often such lessons are best learned in
    the experience of the dance. It shall be in the dance of ascension
    that the remaining humans shall remember unity, and out of unity,
    shall not harm another again. Most laws outlaw harm of one sort or
    another, and therefore shall not be required. In so being, a new form
    of unity based law shall emerge.

    There are other laws in the current paradigm that keeps the rich rich
    and the poor poor. These too shall require alteration as ascension
    brings forth balanced giving and receiving along with a state of
    abundance. In a state of abundance, only that which is needed is
    received, and all else is shared. Those that hoard to an excess such
    as the extreme rich shall perish or transcend, and in transcending,
    shall learn to share their resources to assist all others. For this
    is the unity paradigm in action, and in so doing, the poor shall
    cease to be poor and the needs of all shall be fulfilled upon.
    The laws that hold the rich rich and poor poor shall likewise cease
    as humanity evolves out of such a paradigm. In so doing, new laws
    shall be founded that shall uphold the right of each human to be fed,
    sheltered, nurtured, honored, and to contribute to the whole of
    civilization in whatever manner that they can. Moving from the
    paradigm of control to honor shall not be an easy journey, for most
    humans have only remembrance of control, for so lengthy is your
    history of civilization based upon control that humans have forgotten
    the unity based law founded upon honor. In the forgetfulness, there
    shall be struggle to find a new way of relating and a new form of law
    that works and serves the whole. It may take close to a century for
    the new unity paradigm to be reflected in all areas of life
    expression, but this we see coming beloved.

    There are some races that inherently remember unity-based law. These
    nations shall rise when the time is right and become living examples
    of a new form of community and law that honors. In paying attention
    to what works for such nations, the new law shall spread and become
    global in nature. The ascending nations shall lead humanity home to
    such a new state of relations and the new paradigm of honor. This
    shall occur as each ascending nation creates their own sovereignty
    from the world powers that be and are allowed to express their truth
    in full.
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Andromedaner Z left a comment on Comment Wall
"nice chat folks, I think AC is the only forum on the net with a Col. from the ground crew, 4 confirmed and 1 potential star seeds and tour goers to the mothership, great company ;)"
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Anna is now a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Thanks friends and now a change of topic, to one of geopolitics, as we note that President Trump seeks to obtain Greenland, to prevent China gaining a monopoly over the world's supplies of rare Earth minerals, which are plentiful in Greenland....…"
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ET Hugger left a comment on Comment Wall
"🪄 Now I need to attend to an important Earth mission 🧽🧼"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"It's all good Ivy no worries. One day it will come to you :) Ive done that myself for certain things the whole over analyzing thing so I know what that's like."
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"It's OK for Ivy to take her time, Justin....But I know she will not be disappointed..."
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ET Hugger left a comment on Comment Wall
"I don’t know yet. I think it would distract me if I would know. I tend to over analyze everything 😇

And if I would have officially known this for years, I still would have questioned and analyzed the heck out of it. ✨🤔✨"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Ivy have you figured out your Starseed origins yet? Maybe we can get some info on that :) That would be up to you of course if you wanted to know about your origins."
4 hours ago




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