We've heard a lot of about violent protests and attacks recently.  I wanted to pass along this article that touched me on a deeper level ~ about the dangers and tragedy that can come from protesting violently and the loss of life it can wield.

We have to be thoughtful about what we wish for, and how we think change in this world should happen.  We as a human race have to set an example and be better than getting violent to create change.

Change doesn't come from Violence, it comes from Enlightenment.

Being good to each other. 

Getting politically active.

Changing things in a constructive way.

Our thoughts are viral, how we see the world makes a difference in how people act towards one another.

I just wanted to share my thoughts on this.  I think that we all have a responsibility to be the good change we want to see in the world.  Resorting to violence only makes things worse.

Blog About Recent Riots in Britian



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  • I think protesting in areas like Egypt and Libya are really the only way...but the riots in London are just nonsense; mindless violence and fear mongering. The Beatles "Revolution" pretty much sums up how change should be made.
  • No u right on the most part of this, whenever there is some sort of Protesting going on in a crowd they can never behave themselves long enough to hold the protest that started out to be something worth fighting for in the first place. Yes, when u gather a crowd of Protesters, they become wild inside, and will turn on anyone who is around them, even those they care about. Huge crowds often times do become out of control in the 3D, because there r so many energies we get from those crowds, and it all merges into one. Often times, not just with Protesters, but i have heard with Mosh pits especially, people can get hurt with those as well, because so many people r like mad stomping animals trying to get front and center. My brother inlaw loves going to concerts, but he said he would never do anything that has a Mosh Pit in it, because of the angry people who try to get further ahead of the crowd. Usually when we would go to a concert we always would make sure to take the seats above, rather then the ones below lol. Okay i know that was a bit off topic, but just to show that not only with Protesting Crowds can u get hurt with, but also any kind of crowd were people r gathered in one area. Did u hear one year about the lady who was at Walmart i think it was. After Thanksgiving one year the lady at Walmart got trampled on by a angry mob, just because of the Christmas Sales lowering there prices after Thanksgiving. What animals people can be when heading out to those crowds at times. With Protesters though, they r already angry about something in the first place, and then to gather in a batch of other angry protesters u never know what your going to get from that. Sounds like your father was a smart man, leave the kids behind if u go to something like that lol. :) have a wonderful weekend :) 
  • Hi folks, Hi april, I said I don't care, meaning people are going to do what they will do, what will be will be. Does that mean i think what they will do is for the highest good of all, maybe and maybe not. You may be misunderstanding what i mean when i say i don't care.

    I mean it purely from an unconditional love perspective. I can also assure you, I know whats going on around me and out there and I know full well the reasons for it and I can tell you there is nothing to fix. Peoples minds are what need healing.

    They are still following systems that do not serve them. Simply put, if a system does not serve the highest good of one and all and by this i mean, at least the basic needs of one and all without enslaving or dominating, if it does not meet that criteria, it will always create imbalance as you see in the world or around you.

    You are projecting upon me something you feel i might feel.

    Though I know of no persons, as that is a term used by the elite manipulators of this planet to define a fictional entity. So you are correct, i know of no PERSONS in my life.

    I am a sovereign being and all I AM declaring is that I accept unconditionally what others may do, though I AM not saying it's good or bad, I AM saying we each decide for ourselves that which is the highest good of one and all.

    There is no need for you to tell me how I might feel in a given situation, that is why we're all in these seemingly separate bodies, so we can experience from another vantage and learn.

    I can tell you plainly what changes need to be made.

    Stop participating in systems, to whatever degree possible, that enslave people and create division and imbalance. Also, no matter what happens, always to the best of ones ability, radiate unconditional love to oneself and all, as that is the only way any of this will ever change and if you feel that is impractical, then i wish you much luck on your path.

    I hope this helps to make myself more clear.

    peace love light

    • Hey Violet, Okay yeah u r right with people r going to do what ppl r going to do. No one can change the minds of those who have there minds set a certain way, it is what is it with people. That part i understand fully. No one ever said that living on Planet Earth would ever be an easy thing. There will always be systems out there trying to control things the way that the system thinks it should be. The problem sometimes with the systems out there, is that there so good with throwing out labels on things. Thank u for clearing somethings up with me on this :) 
  • Hi folks, frankly, you'd never see me at any protest, though I would go to a peace gathering and such.

    Though, goons could be sent in just as easily at a peace gathering and then as usual they would use there brainwash machine, the boob tube and other medias to influence minds.

    If you ask me, much of this earth experience is one big test, to see if we will remain peaceful no matter what.

    At this point in my life, I don't care anymore what another does, as I can only control myself and let me tell you, I've been noticing that when I do and am loving and forgiving no matter what, people around me either leave from my life or get with the program of doing likewise.

    Therefore, I have already stated to the universe, If you want me homeless and starving, so be it, though I would prefer to have all my basic needs met, so I can be as loving and compassionate as possible to others, as it is much more difficult to do so when starving and thus help in what ways I can.

    Lets face it, fear of survival is the only thing that has compelled people over time to participate in these enslavement systems. So then what happens when nobody gives a hoot anymore about surviving.

    I mean really, what are some folks bothering themselves with that worry, these societal systems literally shout to everyone in bold letters, 'we created these systems to drive you people nuts and steal your energy in every way possible' so then why worry about a system such as this, let it be and let it dissolve into the dustbin of illusions where it came from.

    I'm not protesting anything, I'll wait till this illusion fades away and I will not give it my energy focus, as that is what it intended to do from the very start. To siphon off everyone's positive, loving energy so they could turn us all into negative energy batteries, no thanks.

    peace love light

    • Usually u don't care about what a person does, because u haven't found anyone yet in your life to care about what they are doing. That is usually the case i have found with things. When someone says they don't care what another person does, even if the person is a mass murder or someone that has attacked something that means something to another person. When u have someone in your life though that u care about more then yourself, then that is when the heart opens up to Humanity part of it, and u don't want anyone around u to do something to person u care about the most in the 3D. U can be loving and forgiving to yourself, but if u don't look at all of the sides in life as to what is happening around u, u tend to close those gates for something impotant that may come into your life. I'm just saying that most things aren't always cut up nicely for u in the 3D with being just loving and forgiving to yourself. Not everything in the 3D here is in black and white, we have grey areas as well. If someone were to come up to one of your family members and stab them or wound them, then u may have a harder time to forgive that person to doing such a thing to your family member. If u have lived a little in the 3D, u know there r all sorts of possibilities in someone u care about being hurt in the 3D. This Planet Earth isn't one big illusion like most would like to think it is, it is one big Planet Earth, and we can either chose to ignore the things happening around us, close that book and say just Love and pure thoughts, or we can come out and say what do we need to do to fix things. If u were to be homeless, in the future u would be surprised at yourself for what u would do to get back on your feet again, just for one taste of food, or one nite in a nice comfy cozy bed. U can say durning this time then so be it if i become homeless, but til it happens to u, u don't know what it would take inside of u to get back to your comfy zone again in living comfortable. Remain Peaceful though here on Planet Earth. Were not Peaceful even now in slightest. Just the other day on the news the Stock Market crashed again and the rised back up. People were worried one month in not reciving there Social Security Checks if they didn't come up with Health Care Plan. Things aren't Peaceful just yet here on Planet Earth, but were here to make changes if we can in the near future, that is why most of us are Awakening in our energy system, to see what changes in the 3D here can be made, and what the causes of these things happening around us really were in the first place. Just some rambling thoughts on this 
  • Undertood Ann, but even when I was "poor" (in a monetary sense) I wouldn't think of getting violent as a solution, so I guess I can blaim them.  Killing people doesn't create wealth in ones life, I think it's safe to say that it takes a part of one's soul away.
  • Let this serve as a wake up call to the elites, it is time to step down. The human spirit is crying out for freedom and prosperity, and this time it will not be quelled.


    In the 60s we saw similar things in America. The civil rights movement, the hippi movement, the anti-war movement, all were huge movements for change, and all had figureheads that corralled the people. But this time, there are no leaders to assassinate to ruin the hopes and morale of people. This time it is absolutely grassroots, a leaderless movement for change, not just in America, but around the world! The human spirit is ready to break free.There is no stopping this momentum, soon the dam will burst and the flood waters of change will crumble this out-dated society. The time is upon us.


    You have a choice, elites, to step down now and let humanity be free, or to make it even harder for yourself when the time actually comes. And come it will! The days of your rule are over, the new age of goodness and peace, unity and love, freedom and prosperity is upon us! It's over, your days are finished! It's only a matter of time, so make things easy for yourself, step down now, and do what is right. History will judge you for the choice you make now.

    • Appreciate everyone's comments, I understand people have different perspectives, but the fact we are thinking about it makes a difference, so I am thankful!
  • ..a guy i was chating with, a couple of days ago, and who lives there... told me that most are kids, and gang members.... they break shops and steal electronics... i dont know... but if i was poor and hungry i would "attack" food stores to eat... not electronic markets to take the latest i-pad, and playstation....

    ... of course what we see,(all those people in the streets), is the result of a rotten and corrupt society in general, ... and it is not a surprise to see such behaviors...

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