The dead can return to life-a heavy body like ours only vibrating at a different level. You can see and talk to them if you've been in Christ Light cleaning (ascension energy) but I think most women can see them but won't admit it.
On the left is a photo of Dona Heywood, my best friend, taken in Italy in 2004. When I began to write this book in 2005, Dona was stricken with a rare form of fatal cancer, yet remained my biggest advocate to finish this book. She died in November of 2005. In 2007, a year and a half after she died, "Dona" showed up outside my house in Atlantic Beach, NY, in the same bright blue car she had in life, with her constant doggie companion, Angie, as well as Popcorn, her friend Sylvia’s dog. Shocked, freaked, and everything in between, I nonetheless ran outside, and asked "Dona" (or whoever it was!) if she wanted to come in but she just shook her head "no," and stayed outside in the cold for three more hours. She did allow me to take the photos. While "Dona" was outside, I got a call that 50-year old Sylvia that day had been diagnosed with a fatal form of cancer. She died two years later. Click on image to view larger.
About the shroud of Turin-the priest fainted when looking at the differences in the pics.
At the Monastery in Manoppello, Italy, these photos of the Veil of Veronica were taken by Linda Stasi in 2006, in rapid succession. On the left, the image is smiling without teeth, eyes looking directly at the photographer. On the right, the image has changed, and the mouth is wide open, teeth showing, eyes looking upward. When I showed my traveling companion Father Peter Jacobs the changing images on my digital camera, he fainted on the altar. Click on image to view larger.