
The Deep State operating underneath the Deep State has a great deal of overlap with regard to membership and leadership. Beyond the Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral, and such establishment systems are other deceptive and semi-secret organizations, such as the, World Economic Forum, the Club of Rome, the Aspen Institute, World Affairs Council, the Brookings Institution, Le Cercle, as well as the comparatively new “World Government Summit” that recently assembled the Arch of Baal at its convocation in the United Arab Emirates. Every one of these takes on an crucial function in the Deep State’s desi

The Deep State operating underneath the Deep State also incorporates a variety of secret societies, which includes Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones among others. There are additionally major individual leaders of the Deep State functioning underneath the Deep State, which includes the Rothschild families, Rockefeller, and Soros. Other than the establishments they control, and together with their impact worked out through government capability, these characters also depend greatly on the tax-exempt fundamentals where they shield their finances from taxes while financing initiatives to boost their End Game.

And further than all those that are recognized are, without doubt, others that are not even recognized openly.

Sadly, Trump has many agents for the real Deep State serving at the greatest levels of his administration. More than a number of his Cabinet secretaries, for instance, are current or ex – affiliates of the Trilateral Commission,the CFR plus more. As already stated, some are likewise participants of Bilderberg, with numerous senior Trump officials going to this year’s Bilderberg meeting in Virginia. However, it’s also starting to be evident that the Deep State operating underneath the Deep State does not have confidence in Trump – at best – and actively despises him at worst. That is a good indicator, though it is no assurance that anything will switch.

Being “red-pilled” basically implies this – being inclined to speak the truth even when the world system is in opposition to you, being willing to “wake up” to a reality through which both sides of the uniparty-driven political spectrum would prefer you continue to blissfully doze. The only way to alter the system so as to return it to a traditional, truly reality-based one is to continue to inspire as many as achievable to take the red pill.


For God-fearing people, Christians, and Jews generally, there is definitely a spiritual element to this entire “Deep State” end goal. But Americans never have to be hopeless suckers of these shadowy forces. Americans who desire to see a return to self-government under the Constitution need to get active. There is an extraordinary option, currently, to set the Deep State’s globalist goal back by years or even decades. Revealing the Deep State will be vital. The American folks, working through Congress to prevent it, will be essential. But to grab the possibility, Americans must get informed, turned on, and prepared.

Youtube Uploader Lionel Nation reports:

New Eastern Outlook: As it pretty much always the case, the ruling Middle Eastern elites have once again failed to stop the beginning of yet another “color” revolution, or an an attempt to trigger one. This time it was Iran that found itself staring down the barrel. This development could easily have been predicted as the wave of “color revolutions” swept across Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya and Syria but never reached Tehran. AS a matter of fact, Iran is the last Middle Eastern player that standing in the way of Washington’s and Riyadh’s plans to redraw the regional map, and it seems that the latter two together with Israel are getting increasingly frustrated with the Islamic Republic of Iran. Moreover, it was Tehran that finalized the defeat of radical pro-Western militants that tried to take Syria down. Its influence as a result of those victories across the world has grown to extreme proportions that the rotten conservative monarchies of Arabia got seriously concerned about the wind of the “pseudo-democratic” changes that they launched back in 2011 would finally sweep them off too.

WATCH VIDEO @ https://youtu.be/b5xgtudlNBM

“The Invisible Illuminati Empire Exposed” A Satanic Agenda [Documen

WATCH VIDEO @ https://youtu.be/V-Iubcdsp7g


The Establishment continue to push forward in their attempt to shut down the alternative press that is rapidly growing and pushing out the faltering mainstream media. As the EU demands social media sites censor fake news and Reddit, Facebook and other sites begin blocking Fusion Laced Illusions and other alternative media it is now alarmingly evident that their truly is a war on free speech.

Copyright Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


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  • The clearance is required in every sector...including schools, colleges, churches, sikh temples, hindu mandirs, buddhist temples as nearly all of them are run by a shadow committee which is mafia type 

  • Everything Evil must be exposed and terminated so the remaining inhabitants of Mother Planet Earth live in the mode of goodness 

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