Multidimensional food for thought...


~It’s time to wake up to the actuality, that it isn’t just a feeling or a metaphor, we actually do live in a “Reality Show,” a matrix whose source code has been written to favor story-intensifying plot developments and story-intensifying protagonists and antagonists. The evolution of life on this planet does not so much illustrate natural selection as manipulated story selection. This is close to what Terrence McKenna meant when he said that the universe favors novelty.

Consider the case of that cast of characters that populated this spherical island in space before central casting sent us—the dinosaurs. Before the dinosaurs, the earth was covered with tiny microbes, mainly bacteria. Bacteria are interesting microbes, highly adaptable, varied and necessary for other life. So don’t get me wrong, I like bacteria at least as much as the next guy. Respect. Got trillions of them living in my own body and I take probiotics. To paraphrase Donald Trump, nobody has more respect for bacteria than I do. But let’s face it, size does matter. Unless you are a microbiologist, the bacteria story is not something that can hold your attention past a certain point… They serve practical purposes, and that’s why after billions of seasons their story is still going, but in the background, mainly as a nearly invisible supporting cast to the main players.

The earth story doesn’t really get interesting until the dinosaurs come along. And, by the way, if my tone sounds a bit whimsical and jokey and you think I must be kidding, think again. So, no, I’m not kidding about any of this, the jokey tone is because it’s the holidays, the official start of the Trumpocalypse is three weeks from now, so I’m heavily, heavily sugar-coating the revelations. You’re welcome.

Anyway, put yourself in the perspective of future versions of us or some more advanced ET species or AIs that have superseded us and used quantum computing or whatever to create matrices. Visionaries from many cultures and eras have recognized that there is a manipulative, illusion-generating species running our show. The Gnostics, in the Nag Hammadi Library, nearly two-thousand year old documents improbably discovered in 1945 right at the end of our last apocalypse, WWII, spell it out for us, just as the Hindus and many other visionary cultures have: We live in Maya (which means “matrix”), an artificial realm of illusion. The Gnostics called the matrix-masters the Achons. Instead of saying “matrix-masters” a million times I will refer to these entities as “Archons.” Please don’t take that to infer anything too mystical. Technological materialists like Elon Musk believe the same thing—that there are intelligent entities, possibly just us in the future, who have developed quantum computing and are now running countless high-res, super-complex, avatar-filled, simulated realities like ours, what I call the Babylon Matrix.

Similarly, thanks to a bit of off-the-shelf hardware called a “fish tank,” I run a simulated biosphere I’ve created with air pumps and filters to create an artificially oxygenated aquatic environment populated by a dozen fish who live inside a glass box.


I go to some trouble and expense to keep it running, but not because I am, as my fish might foolishly assume, a loving God who deeply cares about this particular community of a dozen fish living in a predator-free simulated edenic reality I’ve created for them within nearly invisible glass walls. I act like a reliable and benign, divine-covenant-bound God to my fish, and they assume I exist as a supporting entity there to bring them flake food twice a day. At this point in their evolution they lack gnosis, and are almost certainly clueless that my agenda is entirely selfish. The fish tank is in my house, not for the fish, but solely for my entertainment. For this reason, I choose colorful, interesting-looking fish, the best characters I can cast, to be in this little glass-walled matrix in the back of my living room. 

So, let’s say you’ve set up the earth matrix for similar reasons…The entertainment value of the earth matrix for the first billion years or so is maybe a one or a two, but as soon as you evolve boring microbes into dinosaurs—gargantuan meat puppets with armor plating and giant jaws glistening with dozens of switchblades who are having epic fights to the death—your production values and entertainment factor have shot up to a five or six. If your Archon household includes boys, your matrix is like an endlessly running Saturday-morning cartoon show with all these cool-looking, giant rock em’ sock em’ carnivorous meat puppets tearing each other apart. But after a while the kids grow out of that, and the whole dinosaur story gets super repetitive… So, quick intervention, you toss a smallish, Manhattan-sized asteroid toward this little island-in-space and the kinetic energy of it is so great that it basically, as Terrence put it, “flattens anything larger than a chicken.” Talk about a dramatic series finale!

Then we get… “The Mammals.” Entertainment value is up to a solid seven. The cast of mammalian characters is way more varied and colorful and keeps evolving, and the series keeps running for millions of seasons even though recently a lot of character types called “species” have gotten canceled because they are superfluous to the main storyline. After a while… the entertainment value of non-hominid mammalian species drops to about a 3 (Today it is even lower. You can calculate this statistically by comparing the number of shows featuring all other mammals versus shows predominantly featuring Homosapien's.)

…You keep evolving the hominids until you have two intertwined major series, The Neanderthals and The Homosapien's. Eventually it becomes clear that the more vicious of these two hominid species, the Homosapien's, have more story potential so the Neanderthals get voted off the island and you allow Homosapien's to xenocide them to focus your matrix on the more story-intensifying species. At their best, Homosapien's have brought the entertainment value of your matrix to an 8… after a while they just seemed so dated, so Pleistocene. So now it’s time to send in the black monoliths and magic mushrooms and so forth and do some genetic engineering—a major wetware upgrade. You throw more processing power into their language centers, etc. so that they can start making their own stories and become self-aware avatars able to recognize the need for drama and novelty. Eventually, these upgrades result in a major new epic reality show called “History.”… his-story, a patriarchal, great man theory, male-character-based epic—the novelty is endless.



Now you’ve got a cast of artificially-intelligent, slightly self-aware avatars who themselves recognize the need for drama and novelty and the History show can mostly run itself, but you still tweak things and make interventions here and there. For example, nuclear weapons were this incredibly dramatic development of one of the most dramatic miniseries of all time called “World War Two.” You let the avatars set off a couple of really small ones as a pyrotechnic miniseries finale. But after that, as your avatars start to develop more and more powerful nukes you recognize that these are potential plot-spoiler devices… For the first time in the History show you allow seventy years to go by with a new sort of weapon not being used. You also allow multiple witnesses in both the U.S. and the Soviet Union to observe some of your interventions— UFOs appearing above nuclear missile silos and disabling launch codes. Gradually you are setting up the ultimate series finale called the Singularity, a Truman Show/Twilight Zone type denouement where your avatars are going to realize they are avatars. Meanwhile you’ve got to keep things interesting and dramatic and even improbably dramatic so that your avatars eventually start to gradually catch on and get the joke. (But right now we have a chance to get the joke sooner than the Archons want.)

All those billions of seasons of plot-enhancing development in the Babylon Matrix have led right up to the present moment, the prequel we are in right now, just before the epic new series, The Trumpocalypse takes over.

8111021899?profile=originalThe Babylon Matrix has been running itself, driven along by this intelligent species of viscious drama queens always turning out story-intensive product. The Archons get arrogant and negligent and allow any Archon to do whatever to this matrix. And then, not very long ago, a bored Archon boy, a juvenile Archon boy who is probably quite a bit like an avatar boy of the sort that lives on Adderall and ultra-sour candy and who might, on some rainy afternoon, toss an M-80 into his boring plastic ant farm to see what will happen, steps up to the matrix control panel… the boy starts this huge, high-stakes, high-novelty election in the only super-power nation state of the Babylon Matrix and it comes down to a choice between two lead characters. One is the most qualified, most politics-as-usual type, monotonous presidential candidate of all time and the other is the world’s most popular reality television star, the least qualified candidate of all time, an orange-colored, fire-breathing monster-clown-trickster named Donald Trump. Which of these sounds like the most story-intensifying character?

But there’s a slight problem, a majority of the avatars voting for the next lead character have been programmed with too much common sense and survival instinct and actually prefer to vote for the drama-killing character. Polling has never been so sophisticated and accurate, and 100% of the polls predict the drama-killing character will win. What’s an Archon boy to do?

Well, now we know what he did. He named his meant-to-win-trick-card character “Trump,” and with the worst kind of heavy-handed deus-ex-machina manipulation he gives him an electoral-college-trick-win which every poll said was impossible.

Time to wake up and smell the juvenile Archonic source code sheeple! The “facts” are just a bunch of temporary data points that any Archon boy can shift at any moment for story purposes. Story-intensifying fiction trumps boring facts every time!… In general, if you want to succeed in a fiction-based matrix, be the best reality show star you can be, not a fact-based dinosaur…

So, to recap, an obviously heavy-handed and immature Archon designs an orange monster-clown-tickster avatar to be an improbable winner. In an over-the-top wink at the avatar collective he even names him “Trump” which actually means a winning trick card. Get it? … “Trump” is as over-the-top obvious a character name as “Cruella De Vil”… I don’t mind living in a story, but these names are killing me. Why does it have to be such a cartoonish allegory?… if I play my role just right… too many avatars will have their Truman Show awakening and get the joke and the Trumpocalyptic storyline will have to shift or risk a loss of novelty. This is why I said I am optimistic. We are smarter than they think we are…

I am going to show you how to hack the source code right now and if enough people do it we will break free of the Babylon Matrix together. Early on I learned a source code hack I can tell you in five words, and it’s not the power of positive thinking, or New Age bullsh#t like ‘The Secret’ or YCYOR (you-create-your-own-reality). If you don’t want to know the source code hack to lead a magical life stop reading now! 



If you make yourself into a story-intensifying character and can get yourself onto a story-intensifying timeline, matrix source code will recognize that and open doors for you, throw other story-intensifying principal characters your way and adjust any recalcitrant “facts” to allow your story to create novelty.

Another avatar, about my age, who tapped into this simple hack was Steve Jobs. Everyone talked about how Jobs created a “reality distortion field” around him. He was a narcissist and an assh#le to most of the people around him, but he was a story-intensifying character so the matrix bent around him.

Does Donald Trump keep winning because he so smart, as he so often tells us? Is it because he’s going to replace everything with “something terrific.” Is it because no one has more respect for women than he does? Is it because he was more fact-wielding than Hillary Clinton? No, he won because he was the most improbable, story-intensifying avatar who could possibly have become president… If Napoleon was a perfect 10 on the History series story-intensification character scale, Donald Trump is an 11.

In case you still don’t get it, I’ll give you an obvious example of how the story-intensifying source code works.

Donald Trump is the world’s most successful and famous reality television star. When did the modern reality television era begin? It began with the first season of Survivor which played out in the year 2000, the year we were supposed to get an apocalyptic revelation. The creators of the show were Archon inspired/controlled, and they set up this reality-show-matrix-within-the-reality-show-matrix using the exact same Archonic source code that runs the outer Babylon Matrix. Characters were voted off the island based, not on their knowledge of facts, or high ethics, but according to who intensified the story. Trump survived the sixteen-person clown car of the Republican nominating process because he was by far the most colorful of the clowns. Who of the sixteen member tribe won the first season of Survivor? The colorful, manipulative, man-you-love-to-hate, immoral assh#le Richard Hatch. Get it? The nice guy doesn’t win. It isn’t about who is the good guy or the bad guy, it’s about who is story-intensifying and who isn’t.

A danger in revealing this hack is that it is amoral, it will promote the timeline of epic assh#les as well as outlier saints. I make every effort to use this hack in ethical ways that accord with my values and I hope that you will use it to promote love-based timelines and not hate-and-power based ones, but that’s up to you…

Donald Trump is essentially using the same hack I use but unencumbered by ethics. He has created an anti-cabinet consisting of a bunch of low-budget Batman villains who are committed to destroy the very departments they will take over (horrible but story-intensifying). He actually talks about “central casting” and freely admits that he picks supporting characters, even Secretary of State, largely because they “look the part.” Trump knows that fiction trumps fact and that with an outrageously counterfactual fifty-character tweet he can stir up the whole world… However, if enough of us avatars who have story-intensifying capacity and ethics start hacking the source code we can shift everything. The Archons may have made a crazy, blood-thirsty, drama-queen species, but they also made us just a bit more self-aware than intended and they let the most foolish of their children generate the Trumpocalypse, a contrived miniseries anyone can see through… Trumpocalypse, could actually turn out to a giant evolutionary catalyst. It could be right this second for you if it enlightens you to how the matrix source code works… the Archons over played their trump hand. They became so arrogant and lazy that they allowed a foolish Archonic child to put up a storyline too absurd for anyone with opened eyes to believe… 

AsAbove... SoBelow

AsWithin... SoWithout

*Read entire essay @

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  • 8115693296?profile=original3 Things You Must Do to Avoid the Popular Trap of Lower Consciousness

    by Dylan Charles

    Such heavy times we live in, and so paradoxical, for while we have enormous material prosperity, light-speed digital connection, and fingertip access to nearly the entire history of human knowledge, we are strategically divided and frightened, force fed by a propagandized media and entertainment complex, and under the influence of a cultural sickness that values death above life.

    In a reality such as this, planet earth is too oft viewed as an arena of conflict rather than a sea of possibility, and in this age, the gravity of lower consciousness is mighty heavy.

    An upward shift in consciousness is the only way for the human race to survive this dilemma.

    But the shift is not something that happens once, then is complete forever. It is more akin to sailing the high seas in a one-man sloop, where constant attention must be given to the tautness of its sails, or else the vessel sets aimlessly adrift.

    Whichever direction the human race chooses to go is always the direct result of the level of consciousness in which individuals and the collective move from. If we make decisions and take action when fear, anxiety, scarcity, stress, and anger are at the helm, then we are certainly doomed. Should we, however, approach our burgeoning problems with care, creativity and respect for life, then any righteous outcome is possible. And likely.

    The catch is, though, while we can direct the power of intention to elevate the spirit and experience first hand the rewards of higher consciousness, the downward pressures of society tend to draw us into dis-remembrance, leading to unwitting abdication of our personal power, and hence spiritual depletion. In this way we are too easily swept along with the prevailing winds of popular hysteria, mindlessly indulging in lower frequency mindsets.

    Consciousness is eternally dynamic. Often a mere passing glance at the right idea is enough to rekindle the desire to see the manifestation of the higher self. For this, consider the following requisites for avoiding today’s traps of lower consciousness.

    1.) Breakaway From the Popular Narrative & Create Your Own

    So much energy is lost in the pursuit of the popular narrative of reality. They call it current events because the ever-evolving story is intended to carry you, your thoughts, and your focus away, toward some frivolous destination. The juicy stream of drama and detail that surfaces in media is formulated to commandeer your attention and direct it onto the destructive and consumptive qualities of the human experience. Attention is a most valuable commodity today, too valuable to give away, in fact.

    Abandon the mainline script, jump ship, and direct your focus onto the story you are creating about your own life. Turn off, tune out and reject that which does not serve you well, and in this way you may retain ownership of your conscious self, avoiding the pitfalls of the reptilian and hive minds.

    2.) Disengage in Confusion and Conflict for the Pursuit of Clarity

    So much of public discourse today is a mindless exercise in chaos, and argumentation has supplanted thoughtfulness and respectful conversation. Confusion is the order of the day.

    When the waters of the mind are agitated and disturbed by meritless conflict it is impossible to maintain a course toward the higher self. Clarity is a prize, and any activities, or non-activities, which serve to narrow your focus onto the truly important aspects of life, like self-development, are essential to spiritual growth and happiness. If it does not directly affect you, let others fight about it if they choose, while you practice laughter.

    3.) Cultivate Meaning & Mythology in Your Life

    What gives purpose to your daily actions? What is your ruling myth? Are you following the archetype of the hero, the caregiver, the rebel? What stirs your heart and kindles your passion? Do you even know?

    So much of the noise in our culture confuses our daily purpose, distracting us from our personal path, and unless we stay aware of and continually assimilate our experiences and attitudes, always striving to maintain a genuine reason for our actions, we we sink along with the mundane into frustration and apathy. A day lost is like a year lost, you can’t retrieve them again. Life is much more rich, and happiness comes much more naturally when accept the challenge of creating purpose for ourselves.

    Without myth and meaning in life, we a free-floating in the void, and anything flashy that comes along will automagically fill the empty space, for better or for worse.

    Final Thoughts

    Such divisive, brutal, and uncertain times demand that we take ownership of our own hearts and minds. When we do this, we naturally experience the joys of higher consciousness, and then, only then, are we able to be effective in the greater struggle to achieve balance and equity in our ailing world. To be a change-maker, you must first and foremost make positive and lasting changes in yourself.


  •                                                  Going deeper...


    Take the Red Pill Exegesis
    by Jonathan Zap

    This article is a follow up to Take the Red Pill and will discuss who or what the Archons or matrix masters might actually be and also my methods of inquiry.

    ~I grew up in a highly intellectual family with both parents trained in scientific methodology and critical thinking.  Sometime during adolescence I realized that probing into the world with such left-hemisphere weighted tools was not going to be sufficient for me.

    To paraphrase the famous quote (attributed variously to Haldane or Eddington) I knew that the cosmos was not only stranger than people thought, but stranger than anyone could think. For my vision not to keep hitting walls I knew I had to blend intuition, imagination and critical thinking. Although the terms “skeptic” and “skeptical” have been coopted by debunkers who are true believers in negative absolutisms, the skeptics were originally a school of Greek philosophers who believed that their powers of observation and thinking were enhanced by not arriving at conclusions.

    The true skeptical approach is probably the wisest approach if you want to go down rabbit holes and not got tricked. If you already think you know the answer, confirmation bias and the trickster aspect of the unconscious will help you to be a naive true believer. As Terence McKenna pointed out, those who say the most usually know the least. In Ufology, for example, the people who have the deepest insight have not come to fixed conclusions about who the visitors really are, while those who know the least can tell you the names of everyone on the Pleiadian High Council. In paranormal research, for example, if something paranormal occurs—I predict keys will fall off a table in 5 seconds and they do—it is almost impossible to say what paranormal thing occurred. Did I do it with telekinesis? Was it clairvoyant foreseeing that in the near future some other force would cause the keys to fall off? Did I use mind pressure to cause someone else with telekinetic power to cause the keys to fall off? (and we can keep populating the list) Similarly, the Trumpocalypse has weird patterning suggestive of something paranormal at work, but there are multiple explanations and we can’t fully falsify or exclusively credit any of them. But we also can’t deny the weirdness, and that the weirdness indicates another level than conventional causality…

    There are different ways one can go down rabbit holes. Jung felt that if you sought to explore the unconscious without having a strong moral stance you would likely be destroyed. Tribal shamans don’t travel into the hidden realms to have a psychedelic thrill ride. They know they are entering dangerous domains and usually do so for the purpose of healing an ailing person. They generally try to get in and out as quickly and safely as they can. One can try to plunge into a rabbit hole in a space suit bristling with sensors, trying to remain objective while your mind is getting blown. One can plunge in with a tie-dye shirt and a hundred tabs of acid in your gut and get perma-fried. One can plunge in for narcissistic or thrill seeking purposes and get possessed and inflated by the highly energetic and trickster nature of the unconscious so that you emerge as a demented prophet, charlatan or abusive guru on a self-serving messianic mission to spread your psychic contagion.

    I employ different balances of thinking and intuition during different rabbit hole excursions, and also use different blends of right and left hemisphere tools when I report back on what I have encountered… The Trumpocalypse is a zone of heightened weirdness and I’ve tried to probe into it with both my astronaut suit and my festival clothes. So, in Take the Red Pill, I was letting the muse pull me into a rabbit hole, and I used humor and other means to blur the line between rational assertion and surrealized associations.

    The paranormal, as my friend George Hansen discusses in his seminal book, The Trickster and the Paranormal, is governed by the trickster archetype, and so often the paranormal tricks or possesses people who seek to investigate it, turning seekers into rubes and charlatans. Pretensions of high objectivity seem to bait trickster forces while I find that by consciously engaging a bit of trickster methodology myself can sometimes allow me to proceed further down a particular rabbit hole…

    So, now that I’ve given a thumbnail explanation of my highly variable methods, I will put on a very informal scholarly outfit for a little bit, playa dust carefully vacuumed from the tweed jacket with elbow patches, to talk as sensibly as I can for a few paragraphs about who the archons or matrix masters might be.

    First, we should discard what I call the single correct diagnosis fallacy where we assume that there is only one objectively true  explanation of every phenomenon. We live in a novelty creating, incredibly varied and complex cosmos. Look at the fantastic variety of forms just in the micro and marcro biological realm of carbon-based life. When we remove the need for organic chemistry and consider life based on zeros and ones and various other subtler, more etherealized and plastic substrates—the thought-responsive, ideoplastic realms of the imaginal, the spirit world, the dream time, etc.—then the cryptozoology of lifeforms inhabiting such realms should be expected to be exponentially more varied and weird than carbon-based organisms. Consider how large would be the encyclopedia of all dream creatures for example. So, when we look at the hidden causes of Trumpocalypse, we are more like to find a multitude of agents and agencies than say an individual ADD archon boy behind a control panel.  

    One general possibility, close to the perspective I adopted in Take the Red Pill, is that there are hidden species above us on the food chain that are using us as harvest/experiment/entertainment. Visionaries and experiencers from many cultures and periods give testimony to there being hidden species interpenetrating the human domain and much of the testimony points toward parasitic species.

    I’ll just make a few quick points to put the idea of hidden species in a rational perspective-

    1. Wherever we find life we find parasites, predators and symbionts. These are classic relationships of energetic transaction.
    2. It is possible for people who regard themselves as well-informed to fail to notice an entire dimension of life.
    3. When a culture, such as that of scientific materialism, ignores a vast body of human testimony, that culture is in danger. For example, Western culture ignored or denied testimony about child abuse until recently. You should neither accept all testimony at face value, nor dismiss or superficially explain away. The job of science, and other methods of inquiry, is to investigate the unexplained, not explain the uninvestigated.

    Here is an excerpt from my introductory essay on this subject, Mind Parasites, Energy Parasites and Vampires :

    Not too long ago, not much more than three hundred years, our species was completely clueless about the microbiological realm. It was not until 1674 that a Danish shopkeeper developed the first microscope capable of resolving protozoa. Surgeons would wash their hands after surgery, but not before. Imagine if anyone had claimed that there were these incredibly tiny animals, too small to be seen, that were major players in human destiny. Imagine if they claimed that there wasn’t just one kind, but a whole cryptozoology of millions of strange species, fantastically varied, of both plant and animal. Imagine if they further claimed that our bodies were actually made up of a cooperative colony of a sixty trillion such animals! Anybody making such fantastical claims would have been condemned to a lunatic asylum or burned at the stake.

    Presently, in the West, we have a blind spot in our awareness as huge as the species-wide blind spot we had for most of our existence about the microbiological realm… we are blind to organisms that exist on the energetic plane. Dr. Samuel Sagan is a medical doctor who has researched this subject and written a book entitled, ‘ENTITIES: Parasites of the Body of Energy’… Dr. Sagan writes:

    The topic is both old and new. Old, because in all traditions and folklores of the earth, one finds references to spirits and non-physical beings which can interfere with human beings. Thus Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, is divided into eight sections, one of which is entirely devoted to the study of bhutas, or entities, their influence on health and sanity, and the ways one can get rid of them. This places bhuta-vidya, or ‘science of entities’, on the same level as surgery or gynecology. If we look at traditional Chinese medicine, we find that in acupuncture, among the 361 points of the 14 main meridians, 17 have the word Kuei (disincarnate spirit) as part of their main or secondary name.

    Call them spirits, incubi and the succubi, they have as many names as there are cultures and languages, but they have been widely recognized by everybody except us. Disincarnate organisms are far more generally recognized than the microbiological realm ever was until the invention of the microscope. And there isn’t just one type of course, but a fantastically varied cryptozoology of parasites, predators, and symbionts. Everywhere that we find life, we find endless variations on those classic energetic relationships—parasitism, predation, and symbiosis. As the alchemists put it, “As above, so below.” As it is on the mircrobiological plane, so it also is on the energetic plane… we should expect to find many highly evolved species of parasites. And what every parasite is looking for is a host with a rich deposit of energy—like the warm-blooded mammals, which attract female mosquitoes that will use them to fertilize their eggs and complete their life cycle. What is the richest deposit of organic energy that we know of? This would have to be human psychic energy/sexual chi—the energy that dominates this planet.

    So, yes I do believe it is possible that there are “Archons” of some sort or of many sorts who may be manipulating the human domain for various purposes… An overlapping possibility is that we may be living in a simulated reality created by hidden entities or forces. [TheMatrix]…

    I want to briefly discuss a matrix creating force that I am not skeptical about because I know it exists. It is not however, mutually exclusive of the other possibilities mentioned. A more potent force in generating human realities than the Archons (even if they do exist) are the archetypes. What Jung called the “collective unconscious” and the archetypes are an empirically proven reality.

    Excerpted from Crossing the Event Horizon—the Singularity Archetype & Human Metamorphosis:

    Jung and his colleagues have provided us with definitive evidence of a collective unconscious. From this collective layer of the unconscious emerge the great, primordial images Jung referred to as the “archetypes.” Archetypes are “innate universal psychic dispositions that form the substrate from which the basic themes of human life emerge.” Across cultures and periods we find endless variations of these archetypes, such as the Self, Persona, Shadow, Hero, Great Mother, Trickster, Devil, etc. The archetypes may manifest in anyone but often show up most vividly in the fertile psyches of artists, poets, mystics, writers, shamans and prophets. Through such individuals the archetypes become myths and diffuse throughout a culture. Edward Edinger, a Jungian analyst who wrote eloquently about the nature of archetypes, points out that although we can study archetypes as patterns, they are also living, dynamic agencies.

    Donald Trump is a classic personification of the trickster archetype. The trickster is transgressive and violates expected boundaries and hierarchies. Tricksters are great at getting attention and are not bound by facts or logic. Archetypes possess enormous primordial energy, so someone possessed by an archetype maybe imbued with uncanny charisma and messianic zeal. They often experience enormous ego inflation. They may also be surrounded by a “reality distortion field” with heightened synchronicities…

    The archetypes and the collective unconscious are a super-potent reality generating force shaping human personalities and culture. Jung in his book, ‘Flying Saucers a Modern Myth of Things seen in the Sky’ wondered if the UFOs might not be “physical exteriorizations of the collective unconscious”… The conventional view of the Archons, or other matrix masters, does tend to be rather anthropomorphizing (egos with manipulative agendas). It is quite similar to the conspiracy view of human affairs (a view that Terrence McKenna referred to as “epistemological cartoons”). Obviously there are conspiracies, but what Terence and I are criticizing is the idea that any group of human conspirators can control the world, which Terence describes as “like trying to control a dream.” Any informed person with intact reality testing ought to able to observe that we live in a world of competing spheres of power, not one run by a single power center. The Archon variation merely locates the main conspirators off-stage and allows them to be non-human. This does not mean it is wrong, just that we need to be extra wary about projection when our explanatory model  looks anthropomorphic.

    The collective unconscious is a matrix, and its ability to manifest itself in the human domain is massively evidenced and empirically proven. While other exotic forces, entities and levels of reality are likely also in play, we should begin by recognizing the highly permeable membrane between psyche and the realm of outer phenomena. Everything economic, war, manmade environmental destruction and Trumpocalypse are products of psyche. 

    As Jung put it, “There is no hydrogen bomb’s in nature. That is all man’s doing. We are the great danger. Psyche is the great danger.”

    As a character in the movie ‘Dazed and Confused’ put it, “We’re the aliens man, we’re the savages.”

    When we gaze into the nuclear depths of the Trumpocalypse we may find that psyche is the matrix master and that the Archons exist, and are to be found in our own hidden depths. 

    *entire assay @

    • AsWithin... SoWithout

      AsAbove... SoBelow

  • ~If it's a game that's being 'played', it should be fun, no? Try objectively reading your response to Luke, let it marinate, & then explain why your hostile words were warranted? Or don't, of course the choice is yours. Just don't pretend that it wasn't you who threw down the gauntlet, Daniel. Nevertheless, before you get your panties in a bunch, again... chill a sec. Believe it, or not... I'm not trying to be condescending, or stir the pot further. I actually appreciate the valuable insights you share. & while interpersonal turbulence seems to be part of the growing process, for all of us, I simply don't see anything that triggered such a heated reaction to Luke?... Frankly, it seemed to come out of left field. Finally, consider this, if your exact words were directed at you, would you have responded as diplomatically as Luke chose to? Be honest...

  • talk about boring!!!

    • ~Happy New Year, Pet Rock... Never too late

      to cut the ties that bind you to Babylon.


      • nimrod began his reign in Babylon but thanks to IsIsl histiry will be ersased-No More Babylon or anything else except the 'holy' koran-God willing

        Nimrod was a very significant man in ancient times, the grandson of Ham and great-grandson of Noah. Nimrod started his kingdom at Babylon (Gen. 10:10). Babylon later reached its zenith under Nebuchadnezzar (sixth century BC). Pictured above are mudbrick ruins of Nebuchadnezzar’s city along with ancient wall lines and canals in modern day Iraq


        Lying in the dust and being picked off by looters, the shattered remains of the ancient city of Nimrud that was obliterated by ISIS 

        • Nimrud, in northern Iraq, was 3,000 years ago the capital of what was thought to be the world's first empire
        • ISIS was driven out in November, but left behind devastation, having destroyed much of the ancient city
        • The wreckage of the Assyrian Empire's ancient capital now lies unprotected and vulnerable to looters 

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  • No, I haven't...

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