We all knew he had it in him-bama says he will use executive order to go around debate with the peoples chosen representatives.  Dictator!


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama has told Senate Democrats he plans to use his executive authority to act in 2014 when Congress stands in his way.

Obama met with senators from his own party Wednesday at the White House. The White House says Obama and Democrats discussed proposals to raise the minimum wage and efforts to pass a comprehensive immigration overhaul. Education initiatives and jobs measures were also on the agenda.

The White House says Obama wants to work with Congress to make progress, but will also act on his own to get things done.

The meeting was the first such session of 2014 and comes two weeks before Obama is set to deliver his State of the Union address.

The senators left the White House without speaking to reporters.

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  • profile_b48.png
    terro 1 hour ago

    Dear Republicans in Congress...Act aginst this lawless President. His statement is testing the waters to see if anyone will attempt to stop him. The people are behind you. Do NOT worry that they ( Dems and Media) will call you names ,invent the worst kinds of porn etc. on your computers. NSA has delegitimized all digital data. We know they will insert or extract whatever they want to frame you. WE don't believe THEM. Someone has to make the move and the flood gates will open. While you all in D.C. keep thinking that WE are influenced by the media's massive bias, you are wrong...the media has ZERO credibility with half of America and many many more who are in the middle. Their lies are to YOUR advantage.

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    An80sreaganite 1 hour ago

    "Obama tells Dems"? The Dems support everything this regime dreams up including his lawless use of executive orders.
    Don't kid yourself who his REAL audience is: The GOP. The POTUS is basically flipping off those of us who did not vote for him, along with the U.S. Constitution as he creates his version of a banana republic.... Historically, most presidents moderate over time, this one becomes even more radical. There plenty of people in this administration who should have been kicked to the curb long ago for their flouting of the U.S. Constitution - especially Eric Holder.

  • profile_b48.png
    Commenter 1 hour ago

    Well at least Obama is still talking to his democrats yet, even if it is only a one-sides conversation that he will go over their heads to get HIS way! He stopped talking to the Republicans shortly after he told them to "sit down and shut up" as there were closing the doors and locking the Republicans out so they could work on ObamaCare...and that was years ago now. And then he talks to the nation like he is reaching across the isles to be bipartisan. Hell he can't even get along with his own party anymore...

  • profile_b48.png
    timmy 8 hours ago

    Can anyone imagine the news media in this country if bush said something like this? Impeachment would be the hot topic I assure you, yet nothing will be said. Which IMO is treason to willfully overlook a president saying he will by pass our law to implement what he sees fit. 

    Why should anyone obey the laws we have now? Our commander in chief don't abide by them, why should we? You can't pick and choose which law to obey and which 
    law to disobey, yet he does it daily it seems and is supposed to be our standard bearer for the rule of law, what a disaster this president has been.

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  • profile_b48.png
    Charles 10 hours ago

    Many people's first reaction to the article and the headline probably is "Obama cannot do that, he must know that the Constitution limits the authority of the President ....", and that is true. I think that this is a political move by Obama, for the following reasons :

    1. Advertising his intention to ignore Congress gets a lot of publicity, puts Congress on the defensive.
    2. Distracts from the Obamacare daily bad news.
    3. Makes Obama look decisive, in control
    4. Gives Obama another chance to blame "obstructionist" Republicans for the bad economy, increasing debt, unemployment, and anything else that bothers voters.

    Also, and unfortunately, the majority of US citizens do not pay much attention, do not read beyond a headline, and do not give much thought to the Constitutional issues, assume that a President has the authority to do whatever a President says he can do. From some of the comments on these blogs too many people never learned enough about the US Constitution to form their own opinions.

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    your shadow 2 hours ago

    I forgot to add this last night in my comment.

    What really scares me about Obama is he is not a team player. He is not a leader. He is a full fledged bully. He threatens. He confronts. He demonizes. He divids one group against another to play one against the other. He suggests his supporters 'get in their face!' How is any of that Presidential? It is not.

    Worse is his mind set in solving problems. And this article clearly displays his problem solving. His administration of Obama care is another. His way of dealing with the mid east, Afghanistan, Benghazi, the IRS scandal, etc. It goes on and on.

    The rules, the law, the traditions, the history, the customs doesn't matter at all to him. He wants what he wants when he wants it. Then he does whatever he wants to get what he wants while demonizing those to object, protest and obstruct.

    Take his recess apointments. He appoints a person who he knows will the GOP senators will never vote to confirm. Then he rips those GOP senators for their resistance. The minute the Senate goes into recess, Obama just puts the person in office anyway.

    It was so bad Obama had to have Senator Reid wipe out the filibuster rule on appointments to allow a simple majority for confirmation.

    That was an astounding change in an institution that revels and wallows in history, tradition and being a 'Gentlemen's Club.' Changing that rule rankled all of the Senate even Democrats. But Obama had them dragged kicking and screaming to vote for the change because Obama had to have his way. And he vilified the Republicans.

    I have seen him do this 'dog and pony' show time and again. He is still doing it. And he will do it until he is convinced not to do it when ever that is. Will the GOP finally show up and stop him? I wonder.

    Some of us wonder if the GOP is not willing enablers of what is happening. Remember, too, the GOP gets its money out of the same 'tax money bag' as the Democrats. The Checks and Balances may be gone...history.

    For me that is the truly scary part...why we should all be scared.

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    W.A. 10 hours ago

    This is why the founding fathers who where great historians gave this country a republic. They knew from history that all democracy's devolve over time into ether A dictatorship or some form of autocracy. In just 100 years we the U.S.A. have gone from a republic to a democracy to a president that is telling the congress what he is going to do if they get in his way. That is an autocracy. The next step is ether a dictatorship or a monarchy. welcome to the new world.

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    Stormcloud 11 hours ago

    In reading this story what is it telling you. It's an election year and Obama is going to give illegals the right to vote by issuing an executive order. Obama is going to buy votes by issuing an executive order to raise the minimum wage, exempt teachers Unions from Obamacare, and expand unemployment benefits for at least 3 more years.

    Obama is desperate. He needs to gain control of both houses of congress in order to increase the power of his Police State government over the American people.

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    Ounce of Logic 9 hours ago

    This tiny little man that some call our president is no longer trying to hide his true agenda. He does not care about the law, about the constitution, about the American people, or about America herself. No living American could have envisioned America of today. No, Americans would never allow this to happen. Well we have allowed it to happen. Our nation is forever changed and unless someone stands up to this criminal and the Progressive agenda that he protects this country may not survive the next two years.

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    Erich 14 hours ago

    If I were in Congress, I'd get on TV and dare Obama to raise the minimum wage without signing anything into law (executive orders are not law.) I'd explain the Constitutional requirement of law beginning in Congress, and that Presidents do not have the power to override Congress or enact their own laws without Congress. I'd get a Supreme Court Justice to back me up on that, just to make it clear to the illiterate. If he went ahead and did it anyway, it would be impeachment time.

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  • The Obama Game is part of the illusion. They are all on the same side, the one side that controls the masses. The duality game, me against them, them against us with the puppet at the top creates confusion and is a diversion. This is just a bunch of half truths, to get angry and against something. They create fear and you are in a feeding frenzy. Listen to the video posted by Feather Winger.

    Up your positive vibration and all will fall away. Ultimately it's just a game of anger, hate and creates energy upon which they feed. They're sucking us dry. Revenge is a negative energy. You simply fuel this fire.
    • Excellent point, Kira!  Thank you.  Vibes up!

  • Uber:  And what is the significance of this picture?

  • Uber:  Please, please, please, do NOT refer to him as our black president, we KNOW what color he is, and I believe that even MENTIONING his color is RACIST.  What if we had a white president and he was referred to our white president so-and-so?  Do you see how ASSININE this is?!  Black OR White he's an ASSHOLE!    And please, do a little research on Hitler and Obama and you will see the similarities.   He is a DICTATOR. PERIOD. In re to the picture you posted and the video, yes, I know he says all the appropriate WORDS, and it doesn't meant SHIT.  It's just a PR stunt.

    • bama is uber's dear leader type-progressives say they don't but they want a dictator so they can make the rest of us obey their belief system -they didn't like hitler only because he was a nationalist but he and the nazis were  socialists, controlling the economy from the top, the corporations heavily controlled by the state,  but the rich still made a return on investment and small entrepreneurial enterprise was encouraged to create more jobs-with a bama type dictator the rich (elites! lol) still get rich but everyone else gets lumped into a proletariat more or less -they poop on our constitution mainly because of the checks and balance at the exec level and because of our personal freedoms like the right to bear arms-his type run our major media, hollywood, universities, public schools, top positions in our fed gov and military that's how they take over a goverment-they both have to be fought constantly because I believe it has to do with enrgy vampires herding us around-this is part of the hell realms 

  • Achtung Uber-I compare him with Chavez or the new Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro who was a bus driver not to long ago-banana republic dictators - the communist/socialist variety with third way economic views like the nazis-all left wing 

    this site sucks to you because people like me get to state their opinions -I know 'progressives ' like you-your way or the highway-apparently many people agree with me , center right, center left, sorry Uber your the political minority -and my folks fought on the side of the Union-500000 white men died in the name of freeing slaves when it was because of immenent succession and the fact that that washington wasn't getting enough in taxes from the cash crop picked by slaves-the Union army used slaves all during the war for logistics (everybody is full of shit)-this a-hole uses the race card to get elected and now wants to become lord of the manor and dictate his view-no debate, f-him

    • well stated Pet Rock.


      i want the truth of EARTH'S human history to be told to all of us , not the history books written by the victors to gloryfied their invadIing onto the lands and soil of other nations and take what they can get away with. (the bonus for the millary ranks was to have a  rape and pilage party as a reward for fun) and then gather as many young men and women to be their human mules, and sex, organ slaves, the rest of them is of the older people that get slaughtered for they cannot work as hard as the young and that makes them useless eaters of the food supply the victor has taken . THIS IS THE TRUTH OF HUMANITY AND IT'S PAST FOR many THOUSAND OF YEARS, THIS CANNOT BE DENIED AS BEING HISTORY OF EARTH'S HUMAN RACE TO SURVIVE ON THIS PLANET.

      the victors claiming of land as their province by force, to be their new property is not something to be proud of, only a monster laughs and spits on the loser. i don't feel ANYBODY alive would like their assets and land taken because some bully forced the action, because they want it  and f**k everybody who cannot defend themsleves is of a soul of a monster human animal that cannot control his d.n.a. instincts to invade, hoard food and supplies, lust for power,etc.  i see in the micro that the golden rule is a very hard choice for many people (me too) when we are surrounded by competion for everything in the poor locations around the world.

      blessings to all of us for WE ARE ALL ONE (just atoms in motion)


      • like you say rsolor lust for power, even delight in causing others some type of pain, we all do it if even to protect ourselves-keep working on true ascension and be rid of this particular dimension as re-incarnation destination

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    • einstein:  LOL.

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