~Multidimensional food for thought, Ashtar Massive...


'All the meaning currently known to human beings accounts for just 4.9% of the total amount of meaning in the universe. The rest is what is called dark meaning, a powerful body of significant information that influences our lives but cannot be intellectually apprehended...'

The Dark Meaning Research Institute has published its most mind-blowing paper yet. It reveals that we live in a linguistic simulation of the universe, and it suggests ways we can escape from it...


Figure 1: A diagram showing the escape route of a Shakespearean escape artist from an Elizabethan playhouse. All the words ever written form a passage through which the player must pass.

The vast majority of people never learn the big secrets about their existence due to the huge amount of work done by the authorities to keep certain things hidden (and then to make a secret of their secrecy). Fortunately, the DMRI has spent many years trying to undo that work with its undercover research and is now in a position to begin the Big Reveal. 

One of the biggest secrets you will ever learn is this: The universe we live in is a simulation. 

This may seem like an idea that can only exist in science fiction, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. This is because we live in a science fiction novel called The Dictionary. The technology used to create a realistic simulation of the universe is called language, and it fools us into thinking we are experiencing reality when we use it. 

People have been trying to warn us about the false nature of what we call “reality” for some time now, but the deeper significance of each message is not usually perceived because we only have the eyes to read it (instead of seeing it), which means everything is processed by the linguistic system and all references to that which is beyond it are deleted because they “do not compute”. 

We normally just accept the two- dimensional meaning of a text1 and go about our simulated business rather than treating it as a Magic Eye passage through which we can glimpse a deeper meaning. 

Translating into words the message that we need to move beyond words is like asking a prison warden to describe the best escape route from their prison – whatever they say, it is guaranteed not to contain the information we need. 

If we want to gain access to that information, we first have to realize that it exists beyond questions and answers. Every question is really a semi-proposition loaded with words, and it is used as a weapon with which to threaten nature into giving an interrogator the “correct” answer. 

Language tricks us into thinking that if we can ask a question, there must be a meaningful answer to it. The desire to know the meaning of our existence is fundamental, but trying to find it using only words means we leave out everything that words cannot express. As the linguistic uncertainty principle states, the act of measurement affects that which is being measured, so the question ends up being a self-fulfilling prophecy, creating what it enquires after. Since questions are always formulated in words, the answer to every question, even the most profoundly philosophical ones about what exists beyond the surface level of perception (i.e. beyond linguistic representations), will be constructed from the same material that the surface level is built from. 

If we ask the simulation of reality if it is reality, the answer will always be yes, but that doesn’t mean it’s true from every perspective. When we consider that what is true is only true according to the definition of what is true, it is obvious that we have been made to believe that words and reality are the same thing by an absurd circular argument. 

All discussions take place in the dictionary, not in the world. Everyone “plays a part” in the book of word meanings, but only a select few play a part in writing it. 

All the world’s a stage... 

When you realise that the universe we live in is made of two-dimensional representations, it is possible to begin manipulating it. The linguistic manipulation the DMRI is concerned with is not the sort that can be found in popular books on Neuro-Linguistic Programming which promise to help people to “influence others” and “get ahead in business” (because such strategies amount to little more than serving “I”, the character you play within the Matrix); instead, it is the sort of manoeuvring that allows you to find an escape route out of the linguistic simulation altogether. Desiring something from the surface level (such as money) rather than something beyond it (the meaning of money at the very least; or, even better, something that completely transcends wealth and poverty) guarantees that you will remain trapped holographically on the surface of the page because both the problem (poverty) and the solution (wealth) are found there. The most important leap mankind can make is over either/or thinking. 

If the question/answer dichotomy is the same as the problem/solution dichotomy, the way to escape both could be to follow the question mark backwards through time, along its history and up the Tree of Meaning, to the original punctus interrogativus that Zeus threw out of heaven in anger when his authority was challenged. If we close our eyes and imagine the very first lightning flash coming down from above and planting what it enquired after in the void of black earth, we see an opportunity to steal the fire of the gods because the retinal afterimage on our mind’s eye is also a secret map of the route out of the simulation... 

When we lay this lightning strike over the brain, it gives us the path of a higher thought, a flash of “divine” inspiration through the neural network. The more complex the thought, the more it branches out at different points and connects up ideas that would not normally be deemed compatible (the most extreme example being so-called “mutually exclusive” possibilities like being simultaneously alive and dead). 

We can either turn the question back against itself (“fracking”) or accept that the only answer to any question is every possible answer at once, and then discover that both actions are one and the same thing. 

The people who write the code of the Oxford English Fictionary want your thoughts to look like vertical lightning strikes which function as dividing lines between you and a higher reality (including a higher self); but the DMRI is fighting back by encouraging people to have thoughts that resemble the original Tree of Meaning which was cut into extremely thin strips to create the pages on which the code of the simulation is written. 


Figure 2: Lightning strikes can take different forms. The first is the cartoonlike simplification used by Nazis (which functions as a dividing tool when thoughts are modelled on it); the second is a naturally occurring shape made by energy traveling through multiple pathways at once (which is what happens in the brain when dark meaning is comprehended).

Advertising, propaganda and other forms of programming aim to create lightning conductors in the brain so thoughts follow a very narrow, linear path every time they occur. The more the path is taken, the more likely it is to be used again in the future. It doesn’t matter if someone watches adverts on television and tells themselves they are above them because they can see how they are deceptive – the adverts still walk them down the path of thought which becomes more and more well-trodden and will therefore be the path of least resistance through which cognitive energy will travel when the person is out in the “real” world and away from the television. 

It is sensible to carry out a pre-emptive strike and build new emergency channels for energy to take through your cognitive medium whenever it is hit by lightning; otherwise, the manufactured routes that have been installed by programmers will become the default routes for thought in every situation where new information has to be processed quickly. If enough emergency byways are put in place in your mind, they will begin linking up and sharing information, which is how the main escape route from the simulation is formed. By travelling along these new neural paths, you will be departing from somebody else’s narrative of your life and will begin to map out your reality, the undiscovered country. 

After that, the process of blasting off from the map altogether and becoming a higher- dimensional explorer begins when a person accepts that maps are useless if they represent the territory with absolute accuracy (a map on a scale of 1:1 would just be a replica of the territory). Similarly, if words create a map of the universe, they must leave out some important information, otherwise they would just be what they represent and would cease to exist as words. A huge amount of energy to power a blast-off from the page can be generated by going one level higher intellectually and considering the universe itself as an inaccurate map of another territory. This can give a person their first sense of the meaning of meaning.


read entire essay at: The Dark Meaning Research Institute

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  • Excellent food for thought, Stick... thanks for sharing.

    The words are not what is important... it is Us, the Users of the words that are important.

    • ~Amen ;-) As we move close to the reclamation of Unity-Consciousness, words will be rightsized as mere signposts to the Glory of our Higher-Selves... while there's no denying the power of language to touch the Alchemical Gold, it is still just a tool... a reflection of Energies & Light that ultimately transcend definition. Thanks for checking out the post, Tally. ~TemetNosce247




  • Excellent, thank you for posting :-)  This reminds me of Plato's Cave, the "naming of things" which give the illusion of understanding them.  

    • ~Glad it resonated for you, dear Kelly. & yes, The Allegory Of The Cave is an incredibly powerful teaching that also holds crucial keys for dismantling the illusory constructs of duality & the five-sense-prison. ~InLight555



      ( ( ( FreedomCalling365 ) ) ) 

  • I´ve been trying to reply to this discussion for 3 days.  Every time I write a comment I get bogged down in the words and then delete it.  This is a very interesting topic and an important one....also it is an easy trap to come out of.  We just need to analyze words and concepts and see that they have no inherent existence....the same way we analyze objects to see this. It is a simple exercise in breaking down the appearing solidity of name and form....this is the Buddhist analytic meditation on Emptiness.  It certainly clears the head and shatters the illusion..

    • ~An excellent Spiritual Practice...

  • The problem is not so much with the words; the confusion arises due to the way that words, concepts and ideas appear solid to the mind and the way words take on emotional connotations.  Words appear to have an inherent existence that is separate from people and can be added to a person simply by adding the word or label.  For example labeling someone a communist or loser changes the way people view the person and perhaps how they view themselves. This is  even more interesting because most Americans don´t even know the definition of communism....they just see the word and feel fear.

    Words and thinking got us into this maze....and words and thinking can get us out of it.  The problem comes from not thinking deeply about things and reacting to the labels instead of seeing what is really there.

    Sure our lack of deeper thinking has been used against us and it will continue to be used against us until we take responsibility and control of our thinking.  In the bigger picture of the multiverse, everything is an interconnected unified whole...all working together.  This means that ,at the end of the day, even the archons and what they do is working for the light of evolution......although in the relative dualistic world they are working against us.  These archon critters provide a resistance and makes us stronger.....like the resistance when lifting weights.  They also help create a world that mirrors  mistakes in our thinking like GMOs mirror how disconnected we are from the nature, Big Pharma and fast food reflects how out of touch we are with or bodies, the military complex reflects our fear of others, the government reflects how we have given away our power, etc, etc, etc.  By overcoming these obstacles we regain our wholeness.  In the bigger picture of the universe we could see the archons as Gatekeepers to the next level of consciousness.  One thing for sure,,,,,they have given us a wealth of experiences to draw on and once we come through this we will be Magnificent, Undefeatable and Fearless. 

    •                      ~That gave me chills... Beautifully said, dear Feather. Straight from the Heart!

      Thank you for  b e i n g  You. ~In Lak'ech Ala K'in 555

  • Reimagining our true origins, while decoding the shadows of Archntic control… 


    Mind Games

    by Gary Tillery

    Consider the pieces of decorated paper in your wallet that give you the power to walk into a shop you’ve never visited before and leave with whatever strikes your fancy. Consider how traffic laws are observed on a normal day in the city versus how they are observed while a riot is taking place. Consider how you behave when surrounded by thoughtful, polite people, but how petty you would become if marooned somewhere with a group of self-gratifying, devious individuals.

    Human society is founded on agreement. Paper money has power only as long as everyone agrees on its value. Laws are relevant only as long as a significant percentage of people agree to observe them. Each of us has a set of values we find valid, but if the group surrounding us is playing by a different set of rules, we’ll find it extremely difficult to resist conforming.

    What we agree on shapes society…

    Now, what if a significant number of us were to agree that — starting next Monday — we would treat everyone we encountered with respect, compassion, and love?

    John Lennon realized, then propounded, that since as humans we have the ability to change our own habits and convictions, the only barrier to our living in a better world is agreement that we are committed to it. He implied the concept in “All You Need Is Love,” “Instant Karma (We All Shine On),” and “Happy Xmas (War Is Over).” However, he crystallized his point of view in his masterpiece, “Imagine.” In simple but resonating lyrics, he sketched the framework of a harmonious world he and other dreamers had in mind, concluding with an invitation to the listener to join them.

    Then he read a book called Mind Games, by Robert Masters and Jean Houston, published in 1972. Just as the Maharishi had come along at precisely the right moment in Lennon’s life, echoing his point of view plus offering a proven method to help reach the goal he wanted to reach, Masters and Houston confirmed Lennon’s own insights about psychic exploration and provided a structured process to help others expand their consciousness.

    …In Mind Games they set forth a series of mental adventures for small groups designed to tap into four levels of the psyche: the sensory, the psychological, the mythic, and the spiritual. They placed the “games” in the tradition of mystery schools of the distant past; seekers could find personal meaning and enlightenment in decoding the symbolic language of their own dreams and trance images and, by use of creative visualization, could improve their daily lives and stretch their own boundaries of what they thought possible.

    The objective was to learn to access the unconscious mind for creative solutions to conscious problems. Not only was the unconscious mind a rich and endless resource that could be called upon whenever needed, but working within a deep trance a person could take advantage of an entirely different unreeling of time. That is, a clock in the room might register the passage of five minutes, but the perception of that elapsing time to someone who is meditating can be tremendously distorted. In five minutes of a trance state, a person might mentally rehearse an hour-long speech or go on a yearlong quest in search of the Holy Grail.

    By means of the mind games in the book, participants could free themselves from negative attitudes and inhibitions and become more creative, more confident, and more mentally adventurous. In short, they could become more fully realized human beings.

    The training ignited Lennon’s imagination. He saw it leading to a cadre of mentally liberated people infiltrated throughout a less-enlightened society — “mind guerrillas” working toward a higher purpose than their contemporaries and having a positive influence on them. To him, expanding legions of mentally liberated people would inevitably build the level of agreement necessary to bring into existence the peaceful society that was his goal.

    He wrote a song of encouragement, also titled “Mind Games.” Speaking in the language of dreams (clearly Lennonesque language and Lennonesque dreams), he equated the mind games process with pagan rites. In terms such as “druid dudes,” “ritual dance,” and “stones of your mind,” he evoked the Salisbury Plain-initiates surrounded by trilithic arches, ritualized motion, earnest chanting, and communal commitment.

    To those who were beginning to believe that the spirit of the sixties had died, he was advising: don’t give up, keep on; keep chanting the mantra of peace and love. Let’s work together as an invisible army. We’ll use the power of visualization — some call it magic — to project our image of peace in space and time. We’ll create an “absolute elsewhere” in our minds, an ideal so detailed and realistic that our intentions will make it manifest...

    *excerpted from- 'The Cynical Idealist: A Spiritual Biography of John Lennon'

  • awesome!!!

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