History of the AncientsCrystals used for healing go back many hundreds of years. Use of crystals in Chinese history can be traced back for over 5000 years.The Chinese used crystal therapy in acupuncture.5000 year old Vedas Hindu texts site the use of crystals and prescribes different crystals for different illnesses. The text also describes the healing properties and traits of different crystals. The use of crystals is also noted in Buddhists. The Medicine Buddha sits on Lapis Lazuli during medicinal meditations.The Egyptians used crystals for protection and healing. The text, Ebers Papyrus from 1500 B.C., documents medicinal use of crystals. Amulets were worn to protect health and amulet depicting the girdle of Isis was worn to reduce blood flow from a miscarriage. Crystals adorned the head dress of the pharaohs and often crystals turn up at ancient Egyptian burial sites. Cleopatra wore an amethyst ring and it was thought that amethyst would secure faithfulness of husbands.The Incas were fond of emeralds. ancient Sumerians carried Lapis Lazuli into battle as a representation of carrying god with them. The Muslim prophet, Muhammad wore a carnelian ring. According to Muslim tradition, a carnelian ring allows Allah to grant you all your desires. Native American tribes used crystals to diagnose illness and so did tribes of Australia. Taoists monks consider quartz globes to be holy objects that have awesome power while Taoists call quartz the "gem of enlightenment."The bible gives reference to crystals hundreds of times. The breastplate of Aaron was decorated with 12 stones which correlated to the Zodiac. High priests were required to wear these ornamental and protective breastplates. in the Old Testament, God gave Moses specific instructions regarding the twelve stone or crystals that were to be placed on the breastplate. In the New Testament, the city of Jerusalem was built on a a foundation of crystals. Jasper was the first foundation, then sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonyx, sardius, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, chrysoprasus was the tenth, jacinth and finally amethyst as the twelfth.St. Hildegard wrote a two medicinal texts describing the benefits and powers of crystals in 1150. She described how stones have vibrational energies and these energies can be used to help the weak and ill. St. Hildegard was a well respected physician, poet and musician of her time.Read More plus See Photos plus See Video @ http://cabmgmnt.hubpages.com/hub/The-Difference-Between-the-Ancient-Healing-Techniques-of-Crystals-and-Modern-Crystal-ChannelingLIST OF PRECIOUS STONES IN THE BIBLE ...remember to click on each crystal to learn its properties@http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_precious_stones_in_the_Bible

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  • Crystals are our guides and teachers from the eon age brought to us in the neon age and when  the student is ready the teacher will appear and just as people come and go from our lives so do crystals when they have done their job. 

  • difference between then and now is that ancients understood and appreciated crystals with their healing energy ; today we raise mountains just to sell it in the name of healing.

    .....in arkansas , you cant even open new crystal mine because of the damage industry did to its mountains and bluffs.......................

    • Crystals for some has become big business...when actually they are a gift from Mother Earth to be treated with great respect
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