Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel, and Michael were invoked or channeled by Jews and Occultists alike. To the Jews Uriel appears in 2nd Esdras, where he teaches many things to Ezra, and says "This world is made for many, but the world to come is made for few." The plan of Agenda 21 to depopulate the Earth began with the Rosicrucian, goes back to the beginning of their order, and as in fact even older, going back to Lucifer who is prophecized to make the world into a wilderness devoid of cities. Uriel therefore expresses his allegiance to this plan.
Look for the names of Angels, YHWH, Jehovah, and Jesus in the articles http://www.sacred-texts.com/grim/bcm/index.htm
In the book of Revelation "people would not repent from worshiping demons" there are 7 angels who pour out the wrath of God. Might these be the enemies of humanity? When real Angels appear in the Bible, they take human appearance. The Bible even warns to be careful of who you speak to as they may be angels. As for the 7 Archangels, these are Spirits my father spoke to them, and I spoke to Jophiel once. They are demonic entities!
The conjuration in the video goes to great length to ensure the Spirit being summoned is in fact URIEL. There can be no mistake that Uriel and the other so called Archangels are not Aliens, ETs, Angels, but spirits who cannot take human form, and must be invoked as demons, els, genies, jinns, devils, etc are.
Although Lucifer is invoked in black magic, it is only as a chained prisoner forced to serve God in the name of Jesus. Lucifer (Spirit of the Apostle Paul perhaps) Paul described himself as a prisoner of Jesus Christ. Much like Satan, Paul was a murderer from the beginning, a father of lies (Romans 3:7) who abode not in the truth. An angel with a chain binds Satan for 1000 years.
A Witch, derived from Willow, actually means one who gives themself to a demon. This research is all from the amazing site http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/dragons/esp_sociopol_dragoncourt02.htm#part%202 which also ties the man Jesus with the Druids. Jesus, as described as the Logos or Word of God, is not the same as the man Jesus, unless he never actually existed and a was a lie to begin with (Apollonius or Simon Magus or the Simonians etc lying and calling their bloodline that of Jesus)
Michael was worshiped in place of Christ during Michaelmas. He appears in the book of Revelation 12 slaying the dragon and helping the woman, but this is part of a consistent theme of castrating the serpent in the Bible. The serpent meaning oneness, the universe, circular wisdom, the truth, was cursed in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve became a god race, creating enmity between the two races. The result was obvious. The seed of the Woman that triumphed was goddess worship, along with the Saturn Tare aspect of the Bible. Adam / Atum / Amen.
Humanity was kicked out of Paradise. Jesus was supposed to bring us back into paradise, but as representing the blood sacrifice (words in red) the son of man (children of humans) and Logos (word of God) was to be crucified (radicals are put down) and replaced by a fake state religion (Christianity) without this Roman Empire (If humanity followed Jesuses teachings) we couldn't avoided the dark ages, crusades, inquisition, etc, but alas, we are cursed until we do the NEW AGE correctly. Jesus is one of the great teachers of the new age, thats exactly how the humble Karaite prophet would've wanted it.
Furthermore, the true wisdom was lost, and those gods started calling themselves Serpents and Dragon Kings. The Above website is primarily concerned with the dragon bloodlines of the Adamic Annunaki race. It also proves how the images of the garden of Eden, the apple trees, actually depict the serpent eating the fruit himself. Therefore the Dragon or Serpent in the Bible that is punished is Adam. Satan was a murderer from the beginning, a flesh and blood human. The wizard of OZ, not some scary demon, although Satan means adversary and can be used as such.
There are 2 Jesus in the Bible. One is the Logos, the other is the man. Since YehSeS is the shem, or name of God, Logos moving forward, the king of kings in Revelation. YehSeS means ehYEH and moSES, God and Moses. A shem or Hebrew name is concerned only with meaning. God is one and his name shall be one, EhYEH means I AM that I AM, YEHSES means, I am that I am, all that is all, as implied by the 22 Major Arcana and 22 Revelation chapters. God is YEHSES the Logos, or Serpent, Ouroboros. God is ONENESS.
There were many Gospels of which 4 were chosen. There are consistent themes with other pagan and druid elements, esp Dionysus in the Gospels. The Lucifer Morning Star side of Jesus may have actually been taken Apollonius as much of the story of Paul was. Paul was actually Simon Magus the first Pope of Rome! Peter was never buried in Rome, his body was found on the mount of Olives. Romans 13 was copied form Josephus Wars.
A Lot of fraud and conglomerating was going on in the new testament. One of their objectives was to end the Old Testament Torah laws, change times (from BC to AD) it's similar to what we're seeing in America today where they are loopholing the Constitution.
Good post,also i was told once,that egyptian Seshat has 7 Sons,this is a good topic to explore.![8113775275?profile=original](https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/8113775275?profile=original)