I have a dream almost every night, sometimes more than one. It's very rare for me not to. I've been combing through all the ones i've had previously to try and filter out any important info relative to what's happening now.
Around the time I had the dream that the star visitors landed, received by us, I had this other strange dream. It was set back in England, maybe in the 1800's. I was a little girl running around with my friends, maybe around the age of 10. Suddenly, I can't remember how but I was transported to what seemed to be the Earth.. but it was completely covered in water.
My friends and I were riding this long dragon, much like a chinese dragon without wings yet the ability to glide through both water and air easily. He dove down and above the water, showing me and my friends what had happened. There were massive moss covered structures and statues peeking out of the water. On some of the stone islands, there were stranded people, but they didn't appear to see us.
It was like some major catastrophe had only just happened, but the water and atmosphere was calm and peaceful. The dragon seemed to talk telepathically, only I can't remember exactly what was said :/. I think the dragon respresented a guide.
After it, we were transported back to our England home. I don't know how it happened, it's like we "blacked out" and woke up.
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