“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been able to detect a leap forward by humanity that has taken you past the need to limit yourselves any further. Limitations that were self-imposed by you before deciding to take on the human experience were placed upon you by yourselves. You needed limitations in order to have the human experience on planet Earth. Now that you’ve crossed this particular threshold, the limitations that you experience are only in place because of beliefs that you have picked up along your way.

In other words, in all of your years in this lifetime on planet Earth, and in all of your previous lifetimes put together, you have become aware of what humans can and cannot do for the most part. And so these belief systems exist, and you incarnate and plug right into them. But the limitations that were necessary in order to give you a particular experience of yourselves are now a thing of the past.

They are no longer active. What that means is you can do far more than just meet your soulmate, have perfect health and plenty of abundance. What this means is that you can occupy a light body, you can teleport, you can move things with your mind, you can know whatever it is you need to know by accessing records, by accessing current information. You can do and be so much more now that you’re self-imposed limitations have been lifted.

Now what this means is that you are stepping into your destiny as creator beings in the physical who have access to tremendous amounts of non-physical energy. You have access to so much more of who you really are. All you have to do now is let go of the limiting beliefs and the limiting thoughts, and hold your vibration in a place of expectation, and you will receive more of that energy. You will become limitless and yet still physical. You can have the best of all worlds.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”