
  • :) sweet
  • An email I received today:


    This is to introduce messages from Jeshua and Mother Mary regarding the date we know as 9:9:9, September the 9th, 2009.

    Many know this is a powerful date. James Tyberonn at has brought forth details of the activation of major crystals from Atlantis on this date and many other sources have spoken of its power.

    What follows is another perspective on this date, placing it within the context of Ascension at the end of 2012, with a focus on the individual journey, the personal journey we each need to take over the next 3 and a bit years.

    “It is a momentous moment”, words used by both Jeshua and Mother Mary. Below are some selected segments from their messages.



    This is a date of great significance, a day of great power, a date of transformation and an important step in the preparation for the events awaiting humanity at the end of 2012 and beyond. It is the date upon which a new level of consciousness is awakened on the planet. As I know you are aware, it is the date upon which some of the key crystals that were active in the time of Atlantis are being reactivated. It is the awakening of the crystalline consciousness upon the planet...

    ...these crystals are not simply reawakening to their capability that they possessed in the time of Atlantis...

    ...they are awakening to support the new consciousness which is emerging and will emerge in its fullest expression with those events beginning with that December 2012 solstice...

    ...the powers that humanity will have will be much greater – much more aligned with the powers that our Creator has given us...

    ... the energies of creation that came to the planet through the eclipse of August 6th, 2009 enabled all of humanity, once they understand how to use them, to create at will within their own reality, provided that creation is consistent with the love of the individual for themselves, for others and for their Creator and provided they are in alignment with the will of Father God for this planet. And I have to tell you, my friends, that is a very broad agenda... does not allow... ...endeavours to be pursued which are at the expense of others, or in any way seek to dominate or control others. Such approaches will simply no longer work on this planet and because of that, you will begin to see quite quickly the exposure of many of those practices, most of which have been hidden, both in this time and the past, and all of that will come forth, so humanity knows what has been done...

    ...we will also see coming forth the truths of the light, the spiritual truths, the spiritual powers that are in truth available to any who choose to understand and master them and do the preparatory work that is required. They are there for everyone, but they have been hidden, they have long been hidden. They have been carried upon the planet by particular individuals from before the fall in Atlantis right through till the present time. They have been held by what you call secret societies, many of them have been not ever written down to ensure they could not be misused...

    ...this is a momentous moment. It is truly the moment in which the energies of the new creation, if you will, are being activated, being made available to really support the preparation work that is necessary between now and the end of 2012. And much needs to be done...

    ...everybody needs to understand they need to choose whether they acknowledge their Creator or whether they do not...

    ...they need to begin to clear all of the past karmic negative energies from the many past lives you have all had on this planet... is has been a path that you have all chosen... ...everyone needs to own that truth...

    ...there are some massive changes that await you in the coming months and years...

    ...the planet needs to clear itself, to prepare itself...

    ...everyone has come into this life with a plan to bring forth all of their past life karmic patterns... all need to perfect your life...

    ...even so-called incurable diseases are reflections of these underlying patterns... will rejuvenate your physical bodies...

    ...the enormous amount of change that awaits you in the coming months and years...

    ...reality as you perceive it is about to be shattered... as you perceive it will cease to exist...

    ...stop focusing on looking for others to save you, like beings coming from other planets or some financial saviour appearing. All of that has little to do with what awaits you. This is a journey of personal mastery; personal mastery over your own reality...



    This is a momentous moment because of the kind of energy that has come, the doorway that has opened and the opportunity that comes forth....

    ....God has decided that there will be great changes with this date that you know of as 9:9:9. Great changes, because what you have known as the status quo will change....

    ...the way life has appeared to be static on your planet, with the innocent being taken advantage of and those in the power and control that we might call the dark have always had its way, so it seems. They’ve been given a moment in time that is drawing to an end...

    ... God’s focus is upon you and upon your planet, is upon your history, upon what has evolved upon your planet. It is as if God is looking at everything that has occurred and is looking at it, searching through it with what you might call a fine-toothed comb. Changes will be so vast and this is a giant marker on the road to the biggest change that you have seen on this planet; what we are calling 2012.

    I hope you feel the solemnity in my message because, my friends, this is a sacred moment. Its solemnity and grace is not given to you every day. God peers within your soul and knows who you are and hopes that all of you, all of you come home. There will be decisions to be made and God knows that all of the souls will not make the decision that he was hoping for. His arms are wide for the embrace of everyone. He desires this...

    ...this, my friends, will be one of the last opportunities that you will have to answer his call...


    I trust these notes give you a glimpse of what has been shared with us. I have brought forth Jeshua’s message and Carolyn Evers has brought forth the message from Mother Mary. May these help you to awaken and begin to prepare in earnest for the end of 2012.

    To listen to this recording, click on to download or listen to it on-line.

    Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.

    Richard Presser
    • Niiiiice thank you so much V :)
  • K lol.
  • Can someone help me? I have a quartz that I set out, but there is another pendant I have been drawn to lately that I put out. It is a gold 1in+ circle and has five round stones on it in a penta format, red stone on top, green and orange stone on either side, and white and blue on the botom, i think, I don't know it's still outside. In the center is a pink stone. It is behind a filigree oriental character, unlike the others. On the other side of the pendant is more detailed filigree, with characters over each stone, while the pink jewel is exposed.

    I have no idea what this stone is about. I know it probably has something to do iwth the five elements but the colors seem out of order. I don't know... And what about the center stone?

    The only picture i saw like it was one for a technique called the inner smile. It showed the organs as elements that you must smile from to attain health... maybe it has something to do with that?
    • I am not sure what it is but it sure sounds powerful! do you have a picture of it? I would like to see it!
    • perfect*
  • I have a pet rock.. will that work?
    • Yes! This is the crystal activation, which will break thru the grid of the matrix and set our souls free to remember. Well said.
    • perfect*
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