In the name of truth I must expose this man for who he is. This man (weak) is not even on the same page as Jesus. For all those that find themselves following Ghandi you should take note that he was a flawed man ...and Jesus was PERFECT. Many of you follow his wise sayings yet know not what he nor Hinduism was truly about..

here is a look at some of this so called great man..

"This same gentleman has been accused of a great number of crimes and oddities, for which he is rarely held accountable: sleeping naked with young teenage girls to test his chastity, racism against the blacks of South Africa, a believer in the discriminative Caste system, a Hindu nationalist, referring to Adolf Hitler as a ‘friend’ and allowing his own wife to die from bronchial pneumonia."

"Gandhi was a misogynist, for instance – he believed that a woman who has been raped lost her value as a human being. He labelled women who used contraception as ‘whores’, justified the honour killing of daughters over sexual assault – to preserve a family’s honour. Rita Banjeri, author of Sex and Power asserted that "he believed menstruation was a manifestation of the distortion of a woman's soul by her sexuality".

Gandhi had some rather warped and obsessed views regarding sex. He hated his own sexual desires, and preached that sexual intercourse was bad for the health and led to bodily complaints, such as constipation. He is quoted as saying that sexual freedom would be the downfall of India’s people. As mentioned before: it is widely known that he slept naked alongside the young girls of his entourage, some as young as seventeen"

"he Guardian (which also references some of the above accusations), he recalled this disturbing story from Gandhi’s South African days:

..."“During Gandhi's time as a dissident in South Africa, he discovered a male youth had been harassing two of his female followers. Gandhi responded by personally cutting the girls' hair off, to ensure the "sinner's eye" was "sterilised". and..."Gandhi boasted of the incident in his writings, pushing the message to all Indians that women should carry responsibility for sexual attacks upon them. Such a legacy still lingers."

"To continue on his South African days, one thing that the Gandhi historical account seems to have left out is his horrendous racism regarding the blacks of South Africa. But please, don’t take my word for it. Here’s an excerpt from one of his letters (in which he referred to the native South Africans as ‘Kaffirs’, an equivalent to the slur ‘nigger’:

..."“Ours is one continued struggle against degradation sought to be inflicted upon us by the European, who desire to degrade us to the level of the raw Kaffir, whose occupation is hunting and whose sole ambition is to collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife with, and then pass his life in indolence and nakedness.” (Sept. 26 1896 (CW II p. 74))

Now I can see why Kat "dont come back"..likes this man..he was racist!!

to continue with this "great man"...

"Did Gandhi also voice his support for the Apartheid regime? In which native South Africans were degraded to a form of ‘sub-citizen’? He most certainly did, here’s an excerpt from a letter written to one Dr. Porter, the medical officer of health in Johannesburg:

..Why, of all places in Johanesburg the Indian location should be chosen for dumping down all kaffirs, of the town passes my comprehension. Of course, under my suggestion, the Town Council must withdraw the Kaffirs' from the Location. About this mixing the Kaffirs' with the Indians I must confess I feel most strongly. I think it is very unfair to the Indian population, and it is an undue tax on even the proverbial patience of my countrymen." (9 April 1904)

When a person chooses to exalt a man above the creator then that man shall be humbled. Jesus is the creator of the universe..Ghandi??..well let his deeds speak and speak clearly ..ALL OF THEM.. just like all of Jesus' deeds speak for him.

May everyone come to the recognition that Jesus is the Greatest man to ever walk the earth..He descended from Heaven where he was at the "right hand of the Father". Jesus lived his life for ALL MEN and his love belongs to all men..not just "christians".

Jesus came to show all men on this planet and in his vast creation how to become sons and daughters of God. Jesus came to reveal the loving character of God in the highest expression, SONSHIP!!

When one is a babe they may follow these minor leaders but once one becomes a full grown adult then one should shed his early teacher(s) for the one eternal teacher which is Jesus..Creator of Earth and this local universe called Nebadon.

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  • @Ikavi4...well thanks for your input. try not to put too much emphasis on the word "evil". I do not mean it like he was a demon or something. just a man with flaws. when malcolm x called white people, "blued eyed devils" im sure it offended ALOT of white persons..and many white people were affraid of him and did not like him.

    Same with Gandhi, some people liked him ..some did not. can you not respect and see that , I do not take him calling me a Kaffir lightly. This was supposed to b a man of peace, but he obviously had some issues with black folks

  • @ikavi4...Truth is not a God!!..God is truth and there is no truth higher than the truth of Jesus.

    I didnt say he was with sin..(which is what that saying you refer to is about) not condemning Gandhi for punishment

    Im saying his has a evil side like everyone else. Im saying if you look for the highest expression of truth then it is not found in Gandhi it is found in mix up here.

    the teachings of Gandhi will not lead a man to eternal life, his words are food for thought and the words of Jesus are life and food for the soul.

    • brightest light casts the darkest shadow.

      • "The Father rather desires that you draw out your heart to the hungry, and that you minister to the afflicted souls; then shall your light shine in obscurity, and even your darkness shall be as the noonday. Then shall the Lord guide you continually, satisfying your soul and renewing your strength."

        Urantia Book

  • @Kat..first people like to say there is no right and wrong..if that is the case then there is no negative or positive. I know some people hate confrontation they view it as negative energy. I do not..because I know how to transmute energy from good to bad..from low to high..that is my gift ..alchemy!

    I did not just say screw Gandhi for no reason..I gave people a source of why I feel that way. Nobody seems to see that.

    many black people felt that George Bush was racist or prejudice..but to other  people he did alot for the country and blah people do not like him for the way he handled Katrina so why should I agree with his political efforts when he doesnt even like me???

    same with Gandhi..why agree with anything he said when I know behind closed doors he thinks of my people as such?

    If it were Hitler I would be sensitive about speaking about him towards Jews because I know they do not like him..I would be understanding that although I may like him ..the Jews do not..and they have every reason. This is the way I feel about the Gandhi issue..

  • @Kat..yep I lashed out!..Im glad YOU shared this with everyone..

    thank God Im not a christian..I have no religion

    o you also felt the need to censor comments so ..what are you affraid of? I do not have to agree with why try to moderate?

  • And that's why folks, it's important to connect with yourself....because right brain represents the self...left brain represents objectivity, if you're too stuck in left brain, you have no real insight. In-sight, inner they say, all real knowledge is within. There's no real way for me to know this stuff, other than insight.

    People spend too much time, digging outside themselves for's time to look within a bit more, that's where real intelligence and knowledge comes from.

  • Well, that's the beauty of the right brain lol Thanks Lori :)

  • Of course Gandhi was a spiritual leader. He was a huge spiritual leader, not necessarily a teacher in the traditional sense, he didn't go around preaching like Jesus did....but he taught in the most effective way there is, by example. He used his own life as an example, and expressed his beliefs, which people took to....talking about truth, love, God, self development and self realization....his teachings were universal...not just put under a "spiritual" category, he was transcendent, encompassing all of life, which is what a good spiritual figure does.

    Just think of the Dalai Lama...or Martin Luther King... spiritual and political figures....because it's life, this is life. Everything is part of life, yes even politics lol And any good spiritual leader, is also a political leader, because it's connected, politics and spirituality are connected, it's all human relations. The big problem in the world is these two powerful forces are separated, but in reality, they're not. Like in more advanced societies, religion and politics are part of the same thing, there's no separation.

    Just like science and art aren't all that different, science is just the technical part of this work of art we call life....and creation. All great inventions of science are works of art, you build a space shuttle, that's art. You build transcontinental highways, that's art....even a toaster is art lol Life is art, science is just the details. And even Einstein said, all great scientists are also artists. And he's right...more than people realize.

    That's the thing, all of life is connected, there's no real separation, it's an illusion. Everything's part of and connected to, everything else. People separate in into different categories, and segregate it, and create different the scientific world and the world of art, the political world and the spiritual world, etc. But all great people, in some way, bridge these divides...think of Da Vinci, or Dalai Lama. So, of course Gandhi was a spiritual leader, in every sense of the word....he just took himself into the political arena as well, and effected real change, instead of just sitting on some mountaintop or something. He was an example of a more enlightened way to be....that, to me, is the definition of a spiritual leader.

  • @Lori..just because I believe in some things does not mean I am blind to others..I have chosen one over the other. if you choose to eat at burger king..does not mean you are blind to mc donalds..maybe you used to eat at mc donalds for ten years and now you have ascended to bk?

    I just didnt drop down on ashtar command..this road is over 50 years long..and many decisions have been made along the path.

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