The Eye of God-watching from above and below-everything is known and seen/recorded-the Illuminatti are the dark side of the eye -people of Power , they belong to Lufifer's cult-people who are very adept can access the Akashic Records where every event past present or future can be located-stay with the Light and the Eye of God can lead us to true enlightenment-through Christ Light and the ancient spiritual paths and teachings-Video




(N.Morgan) The Illuminati is one of the most notorious and mysterious of all the secret societies. It is full of Satanism, paganism, and torture. They practice pedophilia, rape, and an other unearthly practice they can contrive. In the video below, it gives yet another side to this terrifying group, humanism. They want to make everyone brainless zombies, to enslave and to use.

The word Illuminati means 1. People claiming to be unusually enlightened with regard to a subject. 2. Illuminati Any of various groups claiming special religious enlightenment.  Those people are the top players on the International playground, basically belonging to the thirteen of the wealthiest families in the world, and they are the men who really rule the world from behind the scenes (yes, they are mostly men, with a few exceptions). They are the “Black Nobility“, the Decision Makers, who make up the rules for presidents and governments to follow, and they are often held from public scrutiny, as their action can’t stand being scrutinized. Their bloodlines go back thousands and thousands of years, and they are very careful with keeping those bloodlines pure from generation to generation. The only way to do so is by interbreeding.

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  • Check out the work of John Lash ... his research into the Myth of Sophia from the Gnostic teachings is quite an eye opener .. excuse the pun .. and as with every piece of incomming data, I take it with a grain of salt but this particular story is incredibly interesting... myth or not ...

    If you wish to get to the root of the illuminati and the reason the world is in the state it is currently in ,,, and all of that ....personally,  it is one perspective that I can easily resonate with ...


    • thanks luke

  • PET ROCK: you are correct about the interbreeding among the elite.  Not only does it allow (s)election of future leaders, but it keeps "money in the family."  It also leads to mental illness and hemophilia, as the Roman Caesars and the Russian Czars found out.  

    Vice President (and 32nd degree Mason) Henry Wallace introduced the depiction of the "all-seeing eye" on the Federal Reserve note of debt called the U.S. dollar (WHICH IS A VERY DISHONEST NAME, SINCE THE WORD "dollar" IS RELATED TO A WEIGHT OF SILVER).

    Here's what Michael Howard had to say about this fraud committed by Wallace, under the guise of "spiritual awakening" while a one-world government (WITH ONE BANK ISSUING DEBT-BASED CURRENCY) was going to be created within this "smoke screen" of spiritual awakening. Didn't Jim Jones and Charles Manson try similar rationale and "spiritual awakening" with their sheep?

    “Wallace's reasons for wanting to introduce the Great Seal onto the American currency were based on his belief that America was reaching a turning point in her history and that great spiritual changes were imminent. He believed that the 1930s represented a time when a great spiritual awakening was going to take place which would precede the creation of the one-world state.”

    - Michael Howard, The Occult Conspiracy, p.95


    • the Great Seal on the Dollar represents 2 nations..the Moorish nation and the newly formed United States of America.

      • That's very, very possible.  Also keep in mind the background of the person who initially proposed and introduced the great seal seen on the Federal Reserve dollar bill, as well as the background of the president (FDR) who approved it.  They were heavyweights within Freemasonry AND good friends with international banking elitists.  Much like George H.W. Bush and Henry Kissingher, whom publicly used the term "new world order" on more than one occasion.

        • stole the God/path aspect  of freemasonry-serving humanity (in Light) one serves oneself- 'He/she approves of this undertaking"

  • That's the left eye of horus, it represents the Divine Feminine. I don't think someone as bad as Illuminatti will use that as their symbol and even if they use, its just to create all false information and mislead the people about the eye of horus.

    lmao @ the \m/ symbol/gesture come on man ...who really makes these dumb articles on beforeitsnews ?

    if you wanna give a hand sign for an illiminatti symbol...Why not use the middle finger representation? ;p)

  • The pyramid symbol is neither good nor evil, but a gateway to the higher realms, they know this. They also want you to turn away from it or to think it evil, so as to create confusion. The eye of horus is the all seeing eye of god, present in each living human being. It is only evil when you choose that path. Don't be fooled

  • Actually the pyramid on the dollar and eye atop represents the longest running covenent between God and Man. its a universial principle. It also is the Seal of the Moorish Nation. the 5 point star represents ISLAM or I Self Law Am Master.


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